Author Topic: HLA  (Read 3318 times)

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Offline Macaroni3001

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« on: April 25, 2005, 01:14:00 PM »
To Whom it may concern,

Where should I start.
1.  To the former parents and students of HLA, do what you need to do that is best for your family and/or yourself.

2.  Two parents when you are placing your children out of home, you need to do all the research possible.

3.  During my stay at HLA, I know for a fact that students stole cigarettes from cars, asked strangers for contraband while at the airport, movies, or any other outings, and have brought back contraband from home visits.

3.  Parents most therapuetic boarding schools or hospitals do searches that range from just checking pockets to strip searches.  Again do your research.

4.   Everyone is talking about the credentials and laws that HLA must follow or have.  Did any check the Georgia state laws to see waht they say in regards to a therapuetic boarding school, hospitals, and/or Wilderness programs.

5.  I would suggest you know that the owner of HLA have a lot of clout in Georgia especially North Georgia.  So you may want to go to the battle with a Full loaded gun before going to his turf in Dahlonega or North Georgia.

6.  While I was working at HLA, I heard every student I came in contact with complain about the school.  If I was at a boarding school I would complain to my parents too.  Just know that the program works for some and not all students.  

7.  Finally, the parents who have students in out of home placements because of what ever reason needs to take a look at their parenting skills or styles.  Some of you send you children away so you would not have to worry about them.  In actuality you can be as much a blame as any school, hospital, or wilderness camp for any PTSD, alcohol, drug, or any future problems you children may have from their experience at these out of home placements.  So before pointing the finger or blaming take a look at yourself first.  I know that the majority of the students who attended HLA had money, but know money cannot buy everything.

This is what I had to say and if there is any problems or concerns.  Holla back!!!  I'm not hard to find just look me up.  

Peace out

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Deborah

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« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2005, 01:53:00 PM »
4. Everyone is talking about the credentials and laws that HLA must follow or have. Did any check the Georgia state laws to see waht they say in regards to a therapuetic boarding school, hospitals, and/or Wilderness programs.

Yes, I have, and have posted some of those regs in this forum.
HLA is not a hospital.
Regulations for Residential Care Facilities and Therapeutic Camps (Ga's terms) can be found here:

The regs state what HLA would be required to do  IF they were licensed as an RCF.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline Deborah

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« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2005, 02:15:00 PM »
290-2-5-.05 Licenses and Exemptions.
No person, partnership, association, corporation or entity shall operate a child caring
institution in the state without first obtaining a license to operate the institution by
demonstrating compliance with the necessary requirements set forth in these rules.
Institutions operated as a part of a local church ministry or religious nonprofit school or a
nonprofit religious charitable organization may request to be commissioned in lieu of
licensed. All provisions of these rules shall apply to institutions that request to be
commissioned, and for the purposes of these rules, the term license shall have the same
meaning as commission.*

(e) Exemptions. Anyone operating or desiring to provide a service believed to be exempt
from licensure shall apply to the department for exemption. The exemptions granted by
the department are exemptions from licensure, and do not affect the authority of local,
regional or state health department officials, the state fire marshal or local fire prevention
officials to inspect facilities. These rules shall not apply to the following kinds of
programs providing care to children:*

1. Child welfare agencies and other facilities and institutions wherein children and youths
are detained which are operated by any department or agency of state, county, or municipal government.*

2. Any bona fide boarding school whose PRIMARY PURPOSE of admission is EDUCATION, provided that such facility in order to claim exemption shall operate under a published academic educational curriculum which meets the requirements of the State Department of Education, shall have classroom facilities which are not used for residential living, shall not have been granted nor have assumed legal custody of children attending the facility, and SHALL NOT PROVIDE SERVICE PLANNING AND CASEWORK SERVICES as described in these rules.*
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline juniper

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« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2005, 08:12:00 PM »
Why are they allowed to advertise they are a 'Theraputic' boarding school, if they are not licensed?  Also, they advertise they have a 'special' LD teacher program which is non existent now as the teacher left in February.
There are children there for this, that are on academic probation because there is no LD
teacher.  I read some guidelines by the state
and I understood that they should have replaced
her immediately. Would that be ORS?  Also,
From reading a previous post by someone, I figured 'LOADED GUN', that owner is connected,
but there is always someone more powerful
around the corner.  To that person, thanks for the tip..they will trip up..again there is always
the 'MONEY TRAIL' - follow it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Deborah

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« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2005, 09:11:00 PM »
***Why are they allowed to advertise they are a 'Theraputic' boarding school, if they are not licensed?

The million dollar question. You would need to hound ORS for the answer. I asked repeatedly for a copy of the results of the 'negotiation' that followed the inspection. Have not received it to date. I found ORS to be less than helpful.

Now here's the rub:
HLA told ORS that they started as a private boarding school and later became a TBS. Wrong. And I provided ORS with info to refute that.
Every agency I spoke with also classified them as a PBS.

So, if ORS is classifying them as a PBS- it seems fraudulent to take money from school districts, government, and insurance for 'tuition to a PBS'. Those funds are designated for treating 'disabled' students. It would also be fraudulent of a parent to take tax deducations for expenses related to traveling to visit their 'disabled' child, if indeed s/he was in a PBS.

They are obviously a therapeutic facility. Then why are they not being required to possess the appropriate license? The regs clearly state that they are not exempt if they provide casework/service plans (therpeutic).

This appears to be the answer- Programs in the industry prefer the special niche classification 'Specialty School'. Even if ORS views them as a 'specialy school' they still don't meet the requirements for exemption. They should be accredited AND licensed.

If you or anyone else here can get a straight answer from ORS, I would appreciate if you post it. It is a mystery, again, unless ORS is assuming that the accreditation assoc's (GAC and SACS) are monitoring ALL aspects of the program. In that case, it is reasonable that they wouldn't want to duplicate efforts.

Re: the LD teacher. Under normal circumstances, yes it would be ORS to contact. But they have NO jurisdiction over HLA (only RC) because they aren't licensed. You would make complaints to the accreditation associations. When do they plan to replace her?
Why are those kids on academic probation? That doesn't seem fair. Wouldn't that disqualify them for home visits, etc.

Another thing you should know. Programs are attempting to 'Self Regulate'. Rather, make it acceptable to. Buccellato funded the creation of NATSAP- an industry association.
You can read more about that in these threads: ... rt=0#88723 ... rt=0#55103

Look what's happening in Montana as we speak, re: licensing and NATSAP: ... rt=0#89677
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline juniper

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« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2005, 10:10:00 PM »
That's weird you mentioned NapsaP.  When I called
Gac they told me to 'Stay away' form any school
that says NAPSAP.  Something is really reaking
here.  Not only is HLA secret so are the regulatory commissions.  Hmm..
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Deborah

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« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2005, 10:57:00 PM »
Welcome to the madness.
Here's a good one. I emailed some questions and a complaint to NATSAP (Nat'l Assoc of Therapeutic Schools and Programs) and never got a response. Imagine how I felt when I later discovered that Buccellato funded its creation.  :rofl:

That's weird. Did you ask for an explanation?

A revealing excercise is to research each of the programs that are members and notice how many have had problems. One- Crater Lake had 5 or 6 kids die. Owner banned from working with youth. She moved to another state and hung out her shingle. It's a 'distinquished' group of programmies.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline Antigen

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« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2005, 11:46:00 PM »
Interesting aside; NATSAP kicked Straight out of the org. I bet they still 'certify' all of the spin offs, though.

Truth does not have to be accepted on faith. Scientists do not hold hands every Sunday, singing, "Yes gravity is real! I will have faith! I will be strong! Amen.
--Dan Barker, former evangelist and author

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline juniper

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« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2005, 11:50:00 PM »

They had no explanation, just said to stay away from Natsap schools and the other one I mentioned.  So, they are clearly aware there are problems, I just am starting to feel the holes are so deep and the webs are so spun, it would take a massive sting to close them all down.  No one wants to do it, especially since 9/
power, money...No I think it is time to go further.  I needed help once, 'couldn't get co-operation, until a reporter took the story to
our Post. Then, I was hepled, quickly.
Maybe it is time to see if the media is brave
enough, if their bosses will let them run with it. I mean we have Fox, MSNBC, CNN(I doubt)
but may be interested in human rights violations..One never knows.  Then, there is talk shows..I will be out of town for a few weeks,but I will try to make some inquiries and find out the legal issues. I doubt anyone may want to dig into this dirt so deep, but one never knows...  I have some least
they'll say yes or no..maybe even "go for it".  It is a stretch, but today, what isn't.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2005, 12:28:00 PM »
The following is a letter I had written in response to a concerned parent who currently has a child at Hidden Lake Academy:
     "Hello.  The letter you viewed was one I'd written last year around this time actually.  I'd love to answer any questions you have.  I must first ask though, why was he sent to HLA?  The reason I ask is because I want you to ask yourself a very serious question,  Was the way he was before he went to HLA as dangerous as how he may feel upon his life after HLA?  I'll give you a quick background of my story in order for you to understand.  Right up to the time before I went to HLA, I had ceased caring whether I lived or died and had become a wandering junkie among the streets after dropping out of school and running away from home.  I was sent to HLA upon a court order.  I don't want to go into detail about how horrible my experience was at HLA, but I will say that there's no real individual counseling in order to find out what each child needs.  It's all done the cheapest way possible in order for them to still say that they are counseling, which is group counseling.  Group counseling on a mass structure can be successful when everyone may be suffering from the same problems such as Alcoholics Anonymous, but in this case what one child needs another may not.  You must also understand that because of this they fill everyones heads with the same rules of life by breaking down everything they've been taught and rebuilding their thinking.  This sounds as if it could be good, yes?  But it's not.  It's not actually correcting any problems.  It's covering them up with a therapeutic veneer and teaching them to suppress their problems since they're not actually working through them.  This insures that they may seem like things are better for them and that they're cured for a long enough time for them to leave HLA and then some.  As you know though, anything suppressed will eventually surface and need to be dealt with again.  So in actuallity HLA did nothing except offer a temporary fix.  For some it does work, but very few.  Most of the children end up with double the amount of problems, because you then have to worry about the same old problems accompanied by the trust issues and identity disorder that HLA has installed.  After leaving HLA I started noticing that I felt like a robot.  It took awhile to figure out who I was again.  Through all this searching I was lucky, because I started noticing subtle beauties in life that made me want to live, plus being sober I was able to look back at all the wrongs I'd done and people I'd hurt and became determined to change some of my ways.  Now I'm a very happy person for the most part, but I do suffer from some problems that I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to overcome, because my mind doesn't recognize them.  They're purely irrational thoughts that I can't control which cause me to have panic attacks.  I have social anxiety disorder and some serious trust issues from things my last psychologist said had become such a deep part of my psyche that it was part of my personality and could become a danger to try to change.  I have learned to function fine as long as I take my medication.  I am in a very successful relationship,  my parents and I are now much better friends, and I care about my life as well as others'...  Once again, I must say, that was my story.  Everybody's story's different.  For some the rebellious teenager is just a phase.  It's practically impossible to know that though since we can't see the future.  My parents have apologized a few times about getting me sent to HLA, because they see what it has done.  They say that if they could go back they would do things differently.  I don't think it's that easy though.  I needed some help and my parents just didn't know what to do.  I do not blame them for anything.  They did what they felt they had to after we'd gotten into some serious scuffles and they saw me slowly but rapidly dying.  You can see why I said that this is a very hard question to deal with.  My advice personally is not HLA and is one on one counseling with the whole family.  Make sure also that the psychologist is not a friend of anyone in the family, because you do not want them to be tempted into taking sides because of the personal relationship he/she has with a family member.  For all we know, there may be things about all of you that may need to change in order for there to be that balance that your family needs.  I know that's how it was for us, my family that is.  This means that you must be open for anything that your therapist may say to you without getting defensive.  There is no easy way out of this.  Remember that...  I to have never told my parents certain disturbing things that have gone on there, because they already beat themselves up over sending me there, so I can understand why your son is reluctant to say anything.  Plus there's also the fact that he's scared to because of what they may try to pull.  I was brainwashed into trying to commit suicide when they found out that I was trying to get my court order dropped because I felt like I'd worked through all of my problems, mostly on my own because i was willing and wanted to change things in my life.  They wanted me to slip up and try something so as not to lose my money.  It didn't exactly work as they wanted it to because we discovered what they were trying to do.  Avarice and the ability to control someone's mind don't mix...  Concerning your academics worry, there are no real academics.  In spanish, the answers were always on the bottom of the page upside down and no teaching was involved, just worksheets.  It's a gimic in order to make the parents feel as if some change is occuring.  You cannot fail a class, you get incompletes until they make you do it with work assignments or calistenics.  I remember when I made honor roll, my parents were so proud that I didn't even tell them that I was only in my first week of the school classes and hadn't actually done anything yet.  So he may get good grades, but there's no serious learning taking place.   I'd be more worried about his being able to function upon leaving than his academics though, because his credits should transfer fine.  But he may do horrible in the next school because although it states that he made an A in the previous math class, there's a good chance he didn't learn anything, so it's going to be more difficult for him to keep up since he's been out of a real school environment for so long...  I hope that all of this will encourage you to make the decision you feel is best.  I'm sorry you must go through this, but since you must, please make the best educated decision possible.  This is your son's future and possibly his life at stake.  Since you obviously care about him in order to seek my help, I'm sure you'll do what is best.  Here is a link yu may find helpful, Are you aware that there are a few class action lawsuits in the works against HLA?..  Please do not tell HLA that you have spoken with me.  They are very powerful and have the ability to come up with answers to anything, hence the psychologist part.  I'm risking alot by sharing these things with you.  Thankyou and Goodluck.  Love, Me"
I have posted this with the hopes that I could help answer some questions for those in worry.  If you are planning to or know someone who may be planning to undergo such circumstances, please forward on this letter.  Thankyou.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline LMJ630

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« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2006, 09:48:00 AM »
Hi Deborah,

Can you please let me know how you found out that Len Buccellato funded NATSAP?  I find that very disturbing.

Thanks  :smile:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2006, 11:01:00 AM »
Look, this whole thing really does go deep and wide. How far back do ya wanna go, and how deep? Remember the dawn of the TOUGHLOVE movement? I do. I was only a kid then, but my family was heavily involved w/ it.

I don't think it's possible to shut down the entire TOUGHLOVE hategroup overnight, or this year, maybe not even in this decade. Their mythology and dogma have become an entrenched part of our culture. Sad to say, but it's true. And that's what has to change. It'll take awhile. Just do what you can when you can and don't be discouraged. These troubling children of ours are not really a bit "like clones stamped out in some satanic laboratory" and they're not particularly selfish, either. Those who have been through what I've been through, for the most part, will not do the same to our children and will actively resist this scourge on our culture. I think this generation is doing the same. They're damned good kids!

You true believers ought to know something about your philisophical gurus, David and Phyllis York. They both were licensed therapists who refered to their own children as "rotten". Phyllis even wrote publicly about her own experience w/ heroin. I suppose, in this day and age, you would expect something out of the authors of TOUGHLOVE to write a tale of sorrow and redemption, right? About the dangers of drugs and how they struggled to redeam themselves, right?

But you'd be wrong. Instead, Phyllis dismissed her own drug use as "exploring higher conciousness" while her kids (and yours, by extension), she said were "just getting high for no other effect but pleasure." So Phyllis didn't need or seek treatment for her heroin habit cause she was "exploring". But your kid? Fuckem, they're satanic clones, purely selfish! Beat it out of them!

Errors, like straws, upon the surface flow;

He who would search for perls must dive below.

Prolougue (from preface to
the Panther Book)' target='_new'>John Dryden, All for Love, Prolougue

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Deborah

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« Reply #12 on: January 24, 2006, 11:47:00 AM » ... rt=0#88171 ... 5&forum=40

You can also use the Search WWF function to the left and type in natsap.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline LMJ630

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« Reply #13 on: January 24, 2006, 04:03:00 PM »
Thank you Deborah.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Troll Control

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« Reply #14 on: January 29, 2006, 10:49:00 AM »
On 2005-05-18 09:28:00, Anonymous wrote:

"The following is a letter I had written in response to a concerned parent who currently has a child at Hidden Lake Academy:

     "Hello.  The letter you viewed was one I'd written last year around this time actually.  I'd love to answer any questions you have.  I must first ask though, why was he sent to HLA?  The reason I ask is because I want you to ask yourself a very serious question,  Was the way he was before he went to HLA as dangerous as how he may feel upon his life after HLA?  I'll give you a quick background of my story in order for you to understand.  Right up to the time before I went to HLA, I had ceased caring whether I lived or died and had become a wandering junkie among the streets after dropping out of school and running away from home.  I was sent to HLA upon a court order.  I don't want to go into detail about how horrible my experience was at HLA, but I will say that there's no real individual counseling in order to find out what each child needs.  It's all done the cheapest way possible in order for them to still say that they are counseling, which is group counseling.  Group counseling on a mass structure can be successful when everyone may be suffering from the same problems such as Alcoholics Anonymous, but in this case what one child needs another may not.  You must also understand that because of this they fill everyones heads with the same rules of life by breaking down everything they've been taught and rebuilding their thinking.  This sounds as if it could be good, yes?  But it's not.  It's not actually correcting any problems.  It's covering them up with a therapeutic veneer and teaching them to suppress their problems since they're not actually working through them.  This insures that they may seem like things are better for them and that they're cured for a long enough time for them to leave HLA and then some.  As you know though, anything suppressed will eventually surface and need to be dealt with again.  So in actuallity HLA did nothing except offer a temporary fix.  For some it does work, but very few.  Most of the children end up with double the amount of problems, because you then have to worry about the same old problems accompanied by the trust issues and identity disorder that HLA has installed.  After leaving HLA I started noticing that I felt like a robot.  It took awhile to figure out who I was again.  Through all this searching I was lucky, because I started noticing subtle beauties in life that made me want to live, plus being sober I was able to look back at all the wrongs I'd done and people I'd hurt and became determined to change some of my ways.  Now I'm a very happy person for the most part, but I do suffer from some problems that I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to overcome, because my mind doesn't recognize them.  They're purely irrational thoughts that I can't control which cause me to have panic attacks.  I have social anxiety disorder and some serious trust issues from things my last psychologist said had become such a deep part of my psyche that it was part of my personality and could become a danger to try to change.  I have learned to function fine as long as I take my medication.  I am in a very successful relationship,  my parents and I are now much better friends, and I care about my life as well as others'...  Once again, I must say, that was my story.  Everybody's story's different.  For some the rebellious teenager is just a phase.  It's practically impossible to know that though since we can't see the future.  My parents have apologized a few times about getting me sent to HLA, because they see what it has done.  They say that if they could go back they would do things differently.  I don't think it's that easy though.  I needed some help and my parents just didn't know what to do.  I do not blame them for anything.  They did what they felt they had to after we'd gotten into some serious scuffles and they saw me slowly but rapidly dying.  You can see why I said that this is a very hard question to deal with.  My advice personally is not HLA and is one on one counseling with the whole family.  Make sure also that the psychologist is not a friend of anyone in the family, because you do not want them to be tempted into taking sides because of the personal relationship he/she has with a family member.  For all we know, there may be things about all of you that may need to change in order for there to be that balance that your family needs.  I know that's how it was for us, my family that is.  This means that you must be open for anything that your therapist may say to you without getting defensive.  There is no easy way out of this.  Remember that...  I to have never told my parents certain disturbing things that have gone on there, because they already beat themselves up over sending me there, so I can understand why your son is reluctant to say anything.  Plus there's also the fact that he's scared to because of what they may try to pull.  I was brainwashed into trying to commit suicide when they found out that I was trying to get my court order dropped because I felt like I'd worked through all of my problems, mostly on my own because i was willing and wanted to change things in my life.  They wanted me to slip up and try something so as not to lose my money.  It didn't exactly work as they wanted it to because we discovered what they were trying to do.  Avarice and the ability to control someone's mind don't mix...  Concerning your academics worry, there are no real academics.  In spanish, the answers were always on the bottom of the page upside down and no teaching was involved, just worksheets.  It's a gimic in order to make the parents feel as if some change is occuring.  You cannot fail a class, you get incompletes until they make you do it with work assignments or calistenics.  I remember when I made honor roll, my parents were so proud that I didn't even tell them that I was only in my first week of the school classes and hadn't actually done anything yet.  So he may get good grades, but there's no serious learning taking place.   I'd be more worried about his being able to function upon leaving than his academics though, because his credits should transfer fine.  But he may do horrible in the next school because although it states that he made an A in the previous math class, there's a good chance he didn't learn anything, so it's going to be more difficult for him to keep up since he's been out of a real school environment for so long...  I hope that all of this will encourage you to make the decision you feel is best.  I'm sorry you must go through this, but since you must, please make the best educated decision possible.  This is your son's future and possibly his life at stake.  Since you obviously care about him in order to seek my help, I'm sure you'll do what is best.  Here is a link yu may find helpful, Are you aware that there are a few class action lawsuits in the works against HLA?..  Please do not tell HLA that you have spoken with me.  They are very powerful and have the ability to come up with answers to anything, hence the psychologist part.  I'm risking alot by sharing these things with you.  Thankyou and Goodluck.  Love, Me"

I have posted this with the hopes that I could help answer some questions for those in worry.  If you are planning to or know someone who may be planning to undergo such circumstances, please forward on this letter.  Thankyou."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
The Linchpin Link

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"Looks like a nasty aspentrolius sticci whooterensis infestation you got there, Ms. Fornits.  I\'ll get right to work."

- Troll Control