Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Thayer Learning Center

My Son At Thayer

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Cptnemo, wouldn't it have been simpler to have just had him medically castrated?

That's snide, of course. But I'm trying to make a point. I know a lot of people who went through harsh confrontational tc programs and came out completely changed. There's a whole lot of discussion about that very thing around these forums.

Why is it OK in your mind to mutilate your kid's mind but (I'm sure) you wouldn't dream of snatching off his nads to acquire the same effect?

My parents said all the same things about Straight that you now say about Thayer right up until I ran away just prior to graduation. That was during a hugely public local criminal investigation too.

And my mother still says all the same things, or at least she did last time I talked to her (which has been years)

I am not looking to collect money or punish anyone for their involvement with straight. I'm looking to change this mutherfucking world.
Anonymity Anonymous
Some days, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps.

Apparently this parent does not care how his son was changed.  Brainwashing, torure, physical and mental abuse.  Ya know, just as long as he does what the parent wants.  What a joke.  Don't waste our time.

if you want your "dream son" then just stick your husbands god damn 4 inch penis in your hairy pussy without a condom, have a baby, and step your god damn parenting up  :roll:

Then why does it say this beside your name?

Welcome Stranger

Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 2

If you posted in 2004, but you didnt join until 3 days ago.  I think not!

I forgot my password and joined again.  Check 09/04. Cptnemo.


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