Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Thayer Learning Center

My Son At Thayer

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:scared:   Foolish parent wrote:

Our son left TLC in the Fall of last year. He enrolled in a university and was awarded an academic scholarship. How is he now:

1) He is completely changed, no drugs, no alcohol no stupidity.

2) We see him regularly and he is a completely different person.>>>

You do realize that most "stupid" teens mature and do the following WITHOUT a boot camp.
I should know.  My son is getting ready to turn 17 and has already quit most of the stupid antics he was pulling.  I did the stupid thing just like you Mr. Foolish Parent.  I placed my son at a boot camp.  Only difference?  I rescued my son after only 3.5 days after all the horror stories I read about the place my son was at.  You, Mr. Foolish Parent, read all the horror stories and did nothing but leave your poor son there.  Shame on you Foolish Parent.

As in much of life, the question is one of context and degree.  My son's "stupid antics" were as follows:  1) using drugs; 2) selling drugs; 3) carrying a gun (a MAC 10 which we took from him and deposited in the local lake; 4) he was completely out of control and had blown off all attempts at traditional counseling.

He left for Thayer at 6:00 am on morning.  The police came for him at 2:00 pm that afternoon. I explained that he was out of state and that I would not tell them where.  The left empty handed and not happy to have missed him.

My son's opinion (not mine, his) is that he would be dead by now if not for Thayer.

Again, my context is most likely very different than yours.  So my question is, what would you have done?



--- Quote ---My son's opinion (not mine, his) is that he would be dead by now if not for Thayer.

--- End quote ---

Looks like they did a good job on him. Shame on you for allowing your son to be turned into a programmed zombie.

does that make your son a fortune teller now?  Many, many kids "grow" out of the destructive stages of teenhood.  It is not an easy time for anyone.  But brainwashing them is not the way to go.  That is EXACTLY what these schools do, they brainwash you and teach you to have no feelings whatsoever.  Talk to us again when your son is married, with children and has a successful life.  Chances are, he has very little emotion inside him right now because he was brainwashed into the idea that to feel any kind of emotion is wrong.


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