It is as simple to get rid of these sub-human moron fanatics as it is to make a dog salivate.
Case in point: Pavlov rang a bell whenever he fed his dogs. The bell thus created a conditionsed response i.e., All Pavlov had to do was ring the bell and the dogs would salivate.
Miller and Newton - (Mut and Jeff) (pant pant) are just like Pavlov's dogs. They respond to the angry responses to their posts and come back for more power when you ring the bell by RESPONDING TO THEM.
Don't ring the bell. Don't answer any of their posts with any type of response - positive or negative.
They like the "dogfood" i.e. (the negitive responses you give them) as much as the dogfood of the positive posts, because, (The dogfood)is the POWER to piss you off (or POWER of any kind for that matter) - just like the sheep at any boarding school they are led around by the ring on their noses looking for afirmation of their POWER.
So stop reinforcing them and ignore them. Starve their inflated egos. Starve them. Don't give them any dogfood (POWER).
Ignore them untill they get so hungry for POWER that they go nuts and seek reinforcement of their weak ego's elsewhere.
Please, ignore them. This will really piss them off. You will take their POWER away, and it will drive them nuts trying to bait you to get you back. This is all these empty souls have. It is sad, but why waste your time on them?
Expect them to hang around for a long time.
Idiots fish empty ponds until someone leads them away - But stick with the non-reinforcement until they die of starvation or move elsewhere.
If you want to really piss them off, drive them nuts, give them pain IGNORE THEM no matter what they say.
It is up to you to fuck them this way. Unless you all have enough dicipline and reatraint to do this, they will go on bating you forever and feeling great about it. It is up to all of you to do this, if you can't, you can only blame yourselves that they are here diverting your attention from more important tasks.
Whenever IDIOTS respond to them - re post this at the top.