Author Topic: Darth Vader vs. Predator  (Read 3178 times)

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Offline Mister Pink

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Darth Vader vs. Predator
« on: March 28, 2005, 03:18:00 PM »
Okay now, let the voting begin!
This one is pretty straight forward, but you'll need to explain your vote. Star Wars fan-fiction is not admissable because thats just stupid.

Darth Vader versus the Predator....
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
quot;Its a shame the way she makes me scrub the floor\" - Bob Dylan

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Darth Vader vs. Predator
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2005, 11:44:00 PM »
Were you afraid no one was gona read your post? Is that why it is up here twice? Why don't you go back to playing with your darth vador and predator action heros and let us know who won later ok?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Darth Vader vs. Predator
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2005, 11:10:00 AM »
haaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahhahahahahaha,that was funny bro
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Mister Pink

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Darth Vader vs. Predator
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2005, 03:58:00 PM »
I don't really know why it double posted, I only clicked POST once. Anyway, now that we've discussed that, we should get back to the important issue of who would win this battle royale.  :wave:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
quot;Its a shame the way she makes me scrub the floor\" - Bob Dylan

Offline Mister Pink

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Darth Vader vs. Predator
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2005, 04:15:00 PM »
The white armoured Imperial Stormtrooper slowly stumbled backwards as he saw what remained of his squad. As he looked at the blood slowly dribbling out of the helmet of his Commander, he fell back as he watched the air in front of him distort. A blue flash erupted, and something appeared. A shadow. A large shadow. The trooper normally had nerves of steel but had now been reduced to a trembling mess, whimpering in the corner of the alley. As the shadow slowly and calmly strode towards him, the Stormtrooper drew his blaster rifle. He aimed it at the shadow and pulled the trigger. Nothing. It was completely discharged, drained. The trooper could only scream as the shadow picked him up by his neck, pushed him down and, with a mighty show of force, plunged its claws straight through his armour and ripped out his spinal cord, throwing his limp body to the ground. As the dark skies of Coruscant erupted in thunder and lightning, the shadow held the trooper?s spine up towards the heavens and triumphantly roared, as the blue flash of the lightning highlighted its steel mask. Suddenly, the shadow pressed a button on his wrist, and disappeared into thin air.

Darth Vader slowly walked onto the balcony of his chambers and looked out onto the cityscape of Imperial City. His long black flowing cloak billowed in the strong winds of the storm as the lightning continued to flash, lighting up the dark, gothic architecture of the building. As Vader stared, he felt a tremor in the Force. Something had happened. Immediately, Admiral Piett walked into his chambers. Vader quickly turned to him.

?Yes, Admiral?? asked Vader.
?I apologise for disturbing you, my lord.? said Piett. ?We have found the garrison we sent out.?
?Prepare my shuttle.?
?Yes, my lord.?

The huge Lambda-class shuttle shot over the mechanised surface of Imperial City. Recently, this sight had become almost regular since the slaughtering began, with Vader taking nightly trips to see what was left of the squads he would send out to find the killer. The shuttle skimmed over the top of the gigantic buildings and descended into the abyss towards where the killings had been taking place. The shuttle landed on the nearest platform, and Vader immediately strolled out, flanked by a squad of Stormtroopers. They advanced towards the position, and drew back when they found the trooper, lying on the floor, his spine missing. Vader brushed past the shocked troopers and walked down the alley, only to come to the rest of the garrison. They had all been strung up feet first against a wall, some with armour, others without. The Stormtroopers who had kept their armour seemed the luckiest, compared to the others. The three troopers whose armour had been ripped off had been skinned, leaving their flesh, muscles and organs exposed. Vader stared at the work. If it were his, he may have been proud of it. But since it was not, he was very angry. He called to his troops.

?Cut them down!? he shouted, angrily.
?Yes sir.? came the replies as they shuffled hesitantly towards the bodies.
?You,? Vader said, pointing to two of the Stormtroopers, ?Both of you will stand guard here tonight.?

His giant cloak fluttered as he strolled back towards his shuttle, but he stopped, just short of the ramp. He could feel something, or someone. He shook his head and walked onto the shuttle. As it took off, something watched the ship. A pair of glowing green eyes flashed as the shuttle veered off towards the Imperial Palace. The eyes continued staring, then dropped, focusing on the two troopers left to stand guard. The eyes flashed again, then disappeared, followed by a slight distortion of the air. Shortly afterwards, screams followed. As the Predator claimed more victims, it roared triumphantly, almost as loud as the thunder which shook the skies. It then crouched down, surveying its surroundings. It had seen Vader, and instantly knew he would be a worthy opponent. It began to think of adding that black helmet to its trophy collection as it removed the helmet from one of the barely alive Stormtroopers. As frightened human eyes watched, the Predator once again lived up to its name. It flicked its wrist, and activated the twin set of blades that sprang from its gauntlet. With mighty power, it speared the blades into the trooper?s eyes. Ripping upwards, the head gave way with ease, and the Predator slowly put the trooper?s head into a bag around his chest, throwing his lifeless, decapitated body to the floor. Turning around, it slowly advanced towards the other Stormtrooper, crimson blood dripping from its razor sharp blades, ready to add another trophy to its collection.

Darth Vader roared as he learned the news of his troopers. He was infuriated. In less than a week, fourteen Stormtroopers had been slaughtered. He demanded to know what was killing his men.

?We.. we have no idea what it is, my lord.? said Piett, fearing for his life.
?Then find out!? bellowed Vader belligerently.
?Yes, my lord.? Piett said as he quickly walked towards the door.
?Wait.? said Vader. ?Do not send any more troops. I have a better idea.?
?My lord??
?Bring me Boba Fett. At once.?
?Yes, my lord.?

Boba Fett. Bounty hunter. Feared. Respected. Known throughout the galaxy as the most reliable, formidable and accomplished bounty hunter there ever was. Darth Vader had called for him. He had already done jobs for Vader. His most notable accomplishment was locating the Millennium Falcon, which enabled Han Solo to be captured, who was then given to Fett by Vader, for Fett to collect the bounty from Jabba the Hutt. Fett had taken up residence on Tatooine, in Jabba?s Palace, doing various jobs for the gangster. But now, he had been called away. He glanced around as he walked through the halls of the Imperial Palace, staring at the stark walls of the place, until he came to the chambers of Darth Vader. As he walked inside, the room was dark. Suddenly, the lights blared on, and the tall, dark of shape of Vader advanced towards Fett.

?Come with me.? said Vader as he walked out onto his balcony, followed reluctantly by Fett.
?I was enjoying myself working for Jabba until you pulled me away, lord Vader. What is this about??
?If you had half as much of the intelligence and contacts you claim to have, you would know what I have called you in for.?
?Ah, I see. The famous ?Imperial City murders.? I thought your Stormtroopers were supposed to be the best in the galaxy.? Vader turned to Fett.
?I did not bring you here to insult me, bounty hunter. There is something out there killing my men.?
?And you want me to kill it.?
?I would rather you catch it. I would like to deal with it personally. You will get a hefty sum if you kill it. Bring it in alive, and I will double it.?
?That reward will be small compensation if I am killed. What is this thing??
?That is for you to find out. No one has seen it.?
?When do I begin??

The small speeder bike screamed through the streets of Imperial City as Boba Fett scanned for his destination. He banked left, and veered down a thin alley, which led to an even thinner alley. He turned again, and found himself at the end of his journey. He slowed the speeder to a halt and turned off the engine. Looking around, he saw what kind of damage this thing could do. A dozen Stormtrooper helmets lined the alley, each suspended on a gruesome pole crafted from bone. Human bone. Fett stepped off the bike and immediately drew his blaster rifle. The electronic display in his helmet showed him all kinds of data, but none of it was much used to him. As he walked further down the alley, he scanned from left to right, watching for any movement. However, something was watching him. The sight of the Predator was primitive, but effective. It saw in infrared, which allowed it the advantage of telling whether or not something was living, and if it was worth killing. For all the body armour of Fett, some to hide his persona, some for protection, the Predator could still see him. It could see the heat emanating from his body, and it could see his beating heart. As the bounty hunter advanced further, towards the lair of the Predator, he suddenly stopped. He looked around, as if he had seen something. Nothing, he thought. As he continued, the Predator leapt at his back. Still under its defensive cloak, Fett saw nothing as he was thrown to the ground. He sat up, and immediately scrambled to his feet. Still he saw nothing. Out of the blue, he was hit again. A superior force was ruthlessly throwing about Boba Fett, one of the most dangerous men in the galaxy, perhaps the universe. He felt something he had never felt before, not even before Vader. Fear. Perhaps of boredom at the ease of taking him out, or perhaps to scare Fett even more, the Predator decided to reveal itself. As Fett saw the sight of the massive creature, from its thick, strong legs, to its sharp claws and its deadly twin blades, to its threatening mask surrounded by thick black dreadlocks, he backed away. He wondered whether to run to his speeder bike, and escape. But ?run? or ?escape? were not words in his vocabulary. It would be against his nature. He immediately fired at the Predator, only to see its superior agility allowing it to dodge his fire. Fett knew he was up against an adversary that he might not be able to beat. Suddenly, without warning, the Predator let off his own weapon. Blue bolts erupted from the small cannon mounted on its shoulder, and hit Fett in the chest. As the bounty hunter smashed against the hard floor, he saw the Predator, slowly and menacingly moving towards him. He noticed his reflection in the twin blades of the Predator, and realised for the first time in his life, that he was going to die. As the Predator neared him, it crouched down towards him, and stared at him, mask-to-mask, hunter-to-hunter. It did not see him press a button on his wrist gauntlet.

?My lord, we have received a distress call. From Boba Fett.?
?Prepare my shuttle.?

Fett waited slowly for the Predator to finish him. As it raised its hand, the blades glinting in the moonlight, he closed his eyes. It brought the hand down on top of Fett?s helmet and slowly slipped it off. It looked at the weathered mask, and slipped it into its trophy bag. Turning to Fett, it stared at the unmasked man. Thousands of people had wondered what Fett had looked like under there, but none had ever dared to attempt a look. Until now. Suddenly, the Predator stood up and backed away. It began pulling tubes from its helmet, allowing air to whoosh out as the pressure was released. It spread its hands over it and slowly removed the helmet. The large tusks, which covered its mouth, moved as it stared Fett in the eye. He got up to his feet and stared back. There was something in its eyes, as if it suddenly respected him. As is it knew he was also a hunter. As he backed away, it allowed him to escape. A term, which was now well known to Fett. He had escaped with his life, and he was glad. He had more than one helmet. But, contrary to what many people thought, he only had one life. That was his last thought as he ran out of the alley. But out of the smoke and the darkness that the bounty hunter ran into, emerged a new contender to challenge the Predator. Darth Vader.

A glint entered the Predator?s eyes as it saw him. It had been waiting for this challenge. And it was ready for a fight to the death. It leapt at Vader out of the shadows, knocking him down, a feat only Luke Skywalker and Ben Kenobi had managed before. He quickly got to his feet, and stared at the Predator. He calmly detached his lightsaber from his belt, and ignited it, its red blade glowing in the dark environment of the alley. The Predator realized the qualities of its opponent, and saw Vader as being dangerous. Very dangerous. But not dangerous enough. It leapt at him again, and he hit out with his saber, slicing into the skin of the creature. It howled in pain at him, and then backed off. Pressing a button on its wrist, a hum emanated from the Predator. It ran at Vader again, only where he had once found flesh before, he found his route blocked by the Predator?s protective field, protecting a small part of its body from its wrist. Vader knew the field did not protect its whole body, as when he would go for the Predator?s left, it would block with its right. The battle seemed to continue for an eternity. Every few attempts, Vader would injure the creature. But not enough. The spirit of the hunter reigned supreme in the heart of the Predator, and it would take more than a few cuts for it to give up. At this point, Vader was infuriated, and became filled with even more anger when the Predator leapt at him again. This time, it got in with the first blow, knocking his lightsaber from his hand. For the split second Vader was unarmed, the Predator knew it had an advantage, and thrust its twin blades deep into Vader?s torso, slashing metal and flesh, but not close enough to his heart to deliver a fatal blow. Vader immediately brought his saber back into his hand, and proceeded to viciously attack the creature with a flurry of blows, which the Predator effortlessly blocked. Vader could sense its confidence, and knew it would be its weakness. He charged at it, and at the moment of impact, slipped his lightsaber from his left to his right hand. The Predator blocked Vader?s flying fist, but left its left side open for an attack.

OKAY children, now make up your own ending, pick a side, smoke some hash if you have to, but vote, because like Pdidday said - vote or die.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
quot;Its a shame the way she makes me scrub the floor\" - Bob Dylan

Offline SyN

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Darth Vader vs. Predator
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2005, 11:51:00 PM »
snore, that was long and boring.  Of course Vader dumb ass, he has the force for fucks sake. :wink:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
A word to the wise is infuriating.\"

Offline Mister Pink

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Darth Vader vs. Predator
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2005, 12:07:00 AM »
sorry it didn't get your juices flowing. (can't find an author to give credit to)
I take it thats one vote for Vader...  :idea:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
quot;Its a shame the way she makes me scrub the floor\" - Bob Dylan

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Darth Vader vs. Predator
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2005, 03:35:00 PM »
predator will win because he has a lazer cannon and can kill vader from far awat
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Mister Pink

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Darth Vader vs. Predator
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2005, 01:29:00 AM »
Vader would block that without blinking an eye.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
quot;Its a shame the way she makes me scrub the floor\" - Bob Dylan

Offline Anonymous

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Darth Vader vs. Predator
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2005, 09:08:00 AM »
I'd have to vote for jeff ! he has diarreha ha can throw at them !
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Mister Pink

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Darth Vader vs. Predator
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2005, 01:47:00 PM »
You might choose to start another poll about that one. I don't think fecal matter carries that much weight outside of elan. Sure as hell not against a Dark Lord of the Sith, or an Ancient Warrior Race. think before you speak.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
quot;Its a shame the way she makes me scrub the floor\" - Bob Dylan

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Darth Vader vs. Predator
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2005, 12:48:00 PM »
check it out ya'll, check it, check it out -

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away?

Tatooine.  The dune sea rippled like it was a vast golden ocean, tormented by some siege deep within.   The two stood there like statures; the taller one older, his dark hair graying in the steady decay of his age.  The young man standing next to him was somewhat more built, his head completely bald.  A deep scar ran down his left cheek, and there was a red tattoo of an ancient Jedi rune on his left eyebrow.  Xava Ghijanna looked to his apprentice; Qua-Mi Adink, and sensing some siege deep within him, he spoke.  
"What is it," he asked gingerly, brushing his long hair from his eyes.  Qua-Mi breathed heavily, letting out a prolonged sigh.
"I sense something," he said to Xava.  "Some great storm is gathering elsewhere, and is headed this way;  and my fear is that it will consist of more than sand and wind."
Xava Ghijanna laughed, as he did so often in the face of danger.  They both knew that the sand storms had been more frequent as of late, and more potent, as if driven by some hidden malice.  Maybe a pressure system, coming from the Junland Wastes, which was one of Tatooine's only still-existing mountain ranges.  "Ever is your council dark of late, my friend," he spoke to the other Jedi.  "But after the darkness clears, light springs forth, and shines clear as our twin suns."
A cloud passed overhead, cutting off the light from them, even as he spoke, and with a roll of his head, Qua-Mi Adink laughed as well.  "You speak too soon my friend."

 *                                                               *                                                             *
 Over the lip of some great hill of sand in the Dune Sea, a Jawa sandcrawler rolled silently, ever pressing on to some unknown destination.  Its massive wheels clanked from within its treads; and inside a countless number of Jawa bustled inside, studying their newly inducted piece of machinery that sat on a table on the highest level of the sandcrawler.  They conversed in their own language, poking and prodding at various points on the machine.
"Utini!" one of them shouted.  "Come here!  Ditlin, what is this thing?"
The eldest of the Jawa tribe had entered.  "This is strange to me," he told them.  "I have never seen the likes of this machine in all my travels, and I am one who has been from each edge of this great Sand Ocean to the other many times over," Ditlin spoke.  "This is indeed very strange to me."
The machine sat on the table, on a stand of three legs.  They protruded from three sides of the conal/ cylindrical structure at three points, and provided a firm foothold for such a truly strange device.  It was heavy, almost more than a hundred pounds, they had decided, and took four of the strongest tribe members to lift it onto the table.
"Do not take it apart," he instructed.  "And do not press any of its buttons, until we are clearer of its function."
"How are we to do that, Ditlin," Ortinli asked, "if we are instructed not to take it apart?"
"I will see to this," he said firmly.  "And it is not your position to question my ever-standing authority."
Ortinli left the room in disgrace, while the others filed out silently after him, confident in their leader's ability to deal with this situation.  Ditlin began to examine the machine, and found quickly that it was covered in strange markings, unknown to him.  The Jawas were great dealers when it came to parts; countless devices from points and places all over the galaxy had passed through their hands, broken, then fixed and sold.  Their mechanical genius was unsurpassed.
 Only a few moments passed when the sandcrawler's  giant engine had seized, and the monument of a vehicle rolled to a slow, grinding stop.  Jawa poured into the room.  "Our refuge has stopped moving," some shouted.  Others yelled that they were "sitting dewbacks" in the open.  They were very close to the Junland Wastes.  Out of the ten or so bay windows they could be seen looming ahead, dark figures against a pale sky, orange and pink with the setting of the planet's twin suns.  Ditlin looked out the windows, close to the feet of their sandcrawler, and could see three small specks sitting upright in the sand.  
"Arm yourselves," he told them with the sort of calm that they all had expected.  "Something is not right."  And so they did; choosing the most effective gun wielders in the tribe, and arming them, not only with their electric pulse rifles, but blades as well.  Jawas were not warriors, but in their culture the use of blades was essential in the deep desert, where food was scarce and great monsters were numerous.  Their rifles emitted an ionic pulse, which disabled any magnetic or electric field it was projected at.  
The Jawas came out of the sandcrawler at its feet, and saw the three forms Ditlin had seen from far above.  They shared the same structure as the machine in the sandcrawler.  It was cylindrical at the top, and tapered down to a cone structure at the bottom.  It was more than half submerged in the sand, but doors were open on their sides.  No life form could be seen.
And then it happened.
A great blast shook the feet of the sandcrawler, and distorted shapes came into view; the eyes of the Jawa are very keen, and can see things that most cannot, be it by the light of day with the suns, or moonlight under mist and shadow.  Massive pieces of metal twanged as they were ripped from the main structure of the sandcrawler, landing in the sand with loud thumps and sending great showers of sand up into the air.  The immediate threat was too close, and they could not risk shooting their ion blasters.  For if they were shot at a life form, all their organs would cease to function; cardiac arrest in the heart, and hemorrhage and seizures in the brain.  They took to their blades.
Ortinli was among the Jawas sent out, along with nearly twenty of their folk, as strong and stouthearted as could be mustered.  Ditlin was one of them, as well as his son, the strongest of the tribe.  His name was Anling, which in his tongue meant "fire hand."  His blade was singing, but hitting nothing.  He jumped from shape to shape, swinging and dodging massive blades, mounted at wrists.  
Ditlin had turned his attention from the battle, to his ship.  One of the invaders was scaling the sheer side of the sandcrawler.  Deep ruts were driven in to its side at regular increments.  The alien was using its blades to climb, his altitude increasing exponentially.  
But he knew what to do, nonetheless.  Ditlin leveled his blaster at the creature, which at the least was nearly eighty feet into the air; not an easy shot by any means.  But he took it anyway, and as the creature pulled his massive arm back to break the window and climb in, Ditlin pressed the trigger actuator.  His cloak deactivated, and the body fell lifeless.  Slowly it went, as if carried by some great wind resistance to the ground, but quickly it fell too, as if the body weighed hundreds of pounds.
When the dead  animal met the sand, the battle stopped. Only three or so Jawa remained, and had resorted to their ion blasters, but the aliens' technology surpassed theirs by hundreds and thousands of years.  The leader stalked towards Ditlink, and flashed his giant blade from its sheath mounted on its wrist.  It glistened in the deepening dusk.  
In one swift movement, they ended the battle.  One, with his shoulder cannon, reduced the Jawa warriors that remained into piles of smoking ooze and blood.  The tattered rags that once served as their cloaks scattered to the wind.  Ditlink raised his rifle, and attempted to squeeze a shot at the leader of the remaining two, but the intruders' blade was gorged deep in his belly, held upright into the air with the creature's one massive arm.
And Anling watched silently from the shadows, near the sandcrawler's great engine.  It was still running, and emanating a great heat down Anling's back.  He was sweating, and breathing heavily.  One of the creatures looked in his direction, and stared a moment, as if he had seen him.  Anling stood perfectly still, holding his breath.  The heat now was unbearable to him.  But the leader shook his head, and motioned the other one onward.  
The two creatures ascended to the heights of the sandcrawler, to retrieve their machine.  It was ancient, wrought by their ancestors in the depths of time.  Once their homeworld was inhabitable, and the now great warrior race lived in holes in the ground, until they harnessed the planet's energy source, and turned it around.  The machine was, in effect, a weather generator, programmed to emit high or low-pressure systems that would blanket the better part of a planet, and cover it in newfound peace?
Or cover it in mayhem.
*                                                          *                                                         *
"We should get inside," Qua-Mi yelled above the rising wind.  The air stream kicked up sand everywhere, and little could be seen in the gray-gold torrent of dust.  The cloaks of the Jedi blew in the wind.  
"We need to get these dewbacks inside first, my young apprentice," he yelled back.  "These poor animals will die in such a fierce storm.  We have no choice."   So the two of them pulled and pushed the dewbacks towards the small bastion chosen as the New Republic's way station in the outer rim.  Dewbacks could move at great speed, if motivated, but their will was against them and fairly resolute.
When all was said and done, the storm raged outside, the wind howling through even the thick clay walls of the base.  They had made their way to the command center slowly, speaking to each other on the way.  
Xava spoke first; the master to the apprentice. "You spoke before of a hidden malice in the mountains.  You felt this, my young padawan?"
"Not directly, Master," he answered.
Xava was unsure of what he meant.  "Meaning what, Qua-Mi?"
"Well," his apprentice began.  "I know what I feel; that I am unsure of the future, and almost afraid of it.  It approaches as the footsteps of my death."  Xava grimaced at the statement, but did not speak.  "And I know my directions.  The mountains are east of us, and that is where I look with the uncertainty.  But one thing I do not know, Master, is what the future will bring, where lies my greatest fear and uncertainty."
"You speak with wisdom, young one," his Jedi Master, wizened beyond many years than his own, said to him, reassuringly.  "But you must concentrate on the present, which is here and now in full; the future will present itself fully in time, friend."
"Yet," his apprentice said to him with a wry smile.  "The future is ever on my mind as of late.  It looms like a deathly shadow over the moment.  I cannot concentrate."
"This is not good," he said.  "You're losing focus, which is something that you have been as sure of as your skill with a lightsaber your whole life.  Though with years you are a modestly clad, you have always been a good apprentice.  I have faith in you, my young padawan."
Then a small beep came from Xava's belt, and from it he produced a small comlink.  "Sir, we need you in the command center at once.  The storm's doing something that we have never seen before in a storm.  We need you right away."
The two of them sprang away like lightning from the lip of the sky to the breast of the ground, and reached the command center in a few minutes.  Outside the window flames rolled around in cyclonic formations, spinning and throwing sparks in every direction, the result of sand pieces combusting in the intense heat.
"Are our shields up?" Qua-Mi asked immediately upon seeing the fierce storm at bay.  It was on the threshold of their mighty base.  It shook with tense vibrations, the pressure nearly buckling every side of the building.  
"Yes, sir!" the tech sounded.  "Shields at maximum."
"Where did this storm start?" Xava asked the nearest tech, who without delay spun his chair to the weather status station.  
"Somewhere in the mountain range? in the Junland wastes sir."
The two Jedi looked at each other with mystified glances.  
"But wait," the tech said.  "It appears to be coming from one point, and is branching out as a sphere.  This is no normal storm front.  It's generated, sir, by the looks of it."
Xava and Qua-Mi shared the same perplexed look again.  "Is there a way we can counter it," he asked, "if even for just a few minutes?"
"Well," the tech said as he punched a few buttons on his station.   "I believe that if we put our shield harmonics to match the pressure system's barometric front, I can hold it off for a few minutes, but it can only be in one spot, and the rest of our base will be at risk."  
"We only need thirty seconds," Xava said as he turned and walked out, his padawan close on his heels.  "We're taking off."   The command center all gave them looks of amazement.  "Commander?"
The base commander walked to them.  "Yes, sir?"
"Ready our fighters.  We depart at once."
*                                                               *                                                         *
The docking bay technicians were fast, and had their fighters ready in moments, and when the Jedi walked through the door to the vast docking bay, the huge doors slid open, revealing the storm in its fullest.  "You think you can handle this?" Xava laughed to Qua-Mi, as he so often did in the face of danger.
"Probably not as bad as the blizzard we hot-dogged our way through on Ando Prime in our T-47's," he said.  "We should manage just fine."
Xava laughed again.  "Nothing less than what I expected. Let's roll."  Then they hopped in the fighters, and started them up, their repulsor engines coming online with a subtle whine, which could only be heard by standing right next to the fighter.  The storm raged on outside the door, sand and dust and fire being thrown into the docking bay onto the floor without end.  "Okay," Xava said into the comm.  "This is Gold One, requesting shield adjustment and takeoff.  Ready when you are."
"We copy, Gold One," came the reply, dull and mechanical through his earpiece.  "We are adjusting shield harmonics now."  Then the storm was pushed back, as if a giant hand came from the docking bay and forced it back, so that the fighters could take off.  
The sublight drives kicked on and all of the cold gray docking bay was throbbing with the sound, and like a bolt from the blaster, the two fighters sprang away.  They shot up, and up, barreling around whips of fire curling down from the sky in long thin trails.  Their ascent did not quail until they were high above even the reach of the storm system, where the atmosphere was thick, and hot enough to boil water, if even water was there in the arid planet's blanket.  
"I'm getting a very strong energy reading, in the south slopes of the mountains, in the Junland Wastes, Master," Qua-Mi reported.  
"I read it as well," said Xava Ghijanna into the comm.  "But there's also a calm in the center, like the eye to a great hurricane.  Make for that."
"And risk going down in the storm?  Lets blast it into oblivion!" Qua-Mi attempted to reason.
"Negative," Xava told him.  "By destroying it we risk an explosion, which is the result of most terra-form generators.  We have to deactivate it by hand."
It took the Jedi an hour at sublight speed to reach the storm center.  At its starting point its wrath was incomparable to any the galaxy had ever seen.  As their ships began to descend from the atmosphere they could see that nearly all the Mountains were wreathed in a great flame.  
There was a ring around a certain point, though, where clear as could be seen a clearing was defined by a high ring of fire, where at each point in its circumference, vast gusts of wind issued forth, feeding the storm by forces unseen.  The ring was almost two kilometers in diameter, and within it much could be seen.  A large portion of the mountain was laid bare, unaffected completely by the super storm so close at bay.  Near the mountains was a sandcrawler, the pieces of its outer hull strewn across the desert.  At the mountain's feet, jutting stones broke the sand, thrust upward like the fingers of some stone giant lying dormant underneath a mantle of brown rock.
"Master, there appears to be a Jawa sandcrawler, abandoned.  I'm going in closer to take a look," Qua-Mi told him.
"Go ahead," Xava said to him.  "I'm going to make a pass on the mountains.  Be careful, Qua-Mi"
"Understood, Master."  Adink made a number of passes on the sandcrawler, and immediately noticed many bodies? or at least what was left of them? lying on the ground.  "Master, there are dead bodies face down thrown across the sand.  I fear some brutal slaying was made here."   It was dark dusk, and the first of the stars begun to glint in the deep blanket of space, countless pricks of fire against an unfathomable measure of time.
"There's nothing going on here, Qua-Mi. Everything seems to be normal? besides the fifty foot wall of fire."  He laughed again?
So often as he did in the face of danger.
His X-wing circled a few times around certain areas in the mountain, and then was on its way to meeting his apprentice's fighter, when the blast of some hidden enemy propelled its way to Xava's snubfighter with deadly accuracy.  Many wisps of smoke trailed from the engine of the X-wing, as it began to spiral downward.
"Master!" Qua-Mi Adink yelled into the comm, turning to see what would befall his master: some sudden doom upon the rocks below, or a miraculous escape at the edge of foreboding disaster.  But a voice echoed in his head.  "But you must concentrate on the present, which is here and now in full; the future will present itself fully in time, friend."  And Qua-Mi put his faith in the mastery of the Force that Xava contained in him, and put his concentration on the moment.  
His Artoo unit had already targeted precisely where the blast came from, and small crosshairs went from yellow to red as the computer put it through the system.  He held the trigger down, but moved the stick sharp to the left, avoiding an oncoming blast; this time from another angle.  He pressed a few shots out of the cannons before the computer switched target, but was forced to do another barrel roll to steer clear of another blast.  It was all he could do to miss them by only thin margins, and thus in his reasoning he reckoned that their technology far surpassed that of the New Republic's.  It would be a hard press for them to come out as leaders in this instance.  For even as mighty as the Jedi were in their own rights, the warrior race they were about to be pitted against was immaculate in their training and execution of abilities.  They were a warrior race; and though it was not the first that the Jedi were destined to throw down, they were not wholly accustomed to such exactitude and deadly accuracy.  
Suddenly a tumult of precise hits was hailing from below, and all the sky was alight asunder.  The X-wing's shields buckled after only two hits, and the fighter was laid completely exposed.  The third ripped deep into its belly, but the reflexes of the Jedi were no match for the precision of the marauders' weaponry.  Qua-Mi, in the blink of an eye, had popped the canopy and ejected his seat.  His body was propelled upward at an unbelievable velocity, and it was not until he was far above the mountains that his seat had begun to fall downwards.  The retro-rockets fired constantly, slowing his fall, and leveling as so he would not tip the seat on the dangerous fall downward.  
When the repulsor sled was activated, and his descent was nearly at its end, he began to survey his surroundings.  There was no sign of his Jedi Master, Xava Ghijanna, to be seen anywhere.
Little did he know that his master hastened to where his apprentice's fighter went down.  He did see his canopy pop, and the Jedi slip silently out to an outcropping of rock in the mountainside.  Not even the ejector seat was blown; and not even his enemies were aware of his presence yet.  
Qua-Mi took off the belt harness around his body, and let it fall to the ground with a metallic clank.  Slowly the young Jedi stood up, and became aware of his environment.  He was in a deep gorge, a sort of valley ripped open between two titanic rocks.  The dell lay low, and shallow, but the mountains on either side of it rose until they towered over the Jedi like he was a diminutive speck against a russet collage of rock and dirt.  
In the center of the hollow there was a small device.  It amazed Qua-Mi that something so small could power a storm front like the one at bay.  Its power source must be very potent indeed, if that was indeed the cause of the tempest set rampant across the dune sea.  It was hot in the mountains; a strong current of blazing air swept through the clearing with a roar.  
Off of his belt came his lightsaber, in a flash.  Powerful energy clusters blasted from place to place.  His targets were moving, and he could not see them.  Evidently these hunters were using some sort of cloak technology to remain hidden.  
He thought it cowardly of these monsters to kill and not be face to face, to not be able to see eye to eye with its prey.  A tiny flame of anger sprang from his heart, but the soothing pulse of the Force through his body extinguished it ere it could bloom in full.  Concentration coursed through his veins, and shot after shot was deftly repelled by Qua-Mi's strong lightsaber blade.  It glowed blue under the shadow of the rock about him.  Night lay on Tatooine's breast then, but was ablaze with the light of the ring of fire.  All the mountains were shadowed in a blue haze of soft moonlight, contrasted against the harsh firelight.  The glow flickered and danced on the ground about his feet, and on the sheer rock faces at his sides, all around him.  He ran to where he targeted the blasts to be coming from, deflecting the discharges as they came.  Some flew in random directions into the sky, or impacted noisily on the rocks around him, but some if the shots were angled right enough to be redirected straight back at their source.
As the young Jedi made his desperate charge, the creatures sensed in him, flowing through his youthful, strong blood, a power far beyond their grasp or hope.  In a small sense, they might have feared the boy.  It was the first that had ever happened; the hunter became the hunted.  
In the mountain pass above, Xava Ghijanna went forth with a great Force- enhanced speed.  He leapt from rock to rock, often not heeding dangerous precipices or large outcroppings of rock; which at the top of the range was nearly razor sharp.  He saw his apprentice, who was making a brave assault on an invisible force.  The barrage of blasts from these things was being thrown aside, seemingly without effort.  It was as if the young man's feet had grown wings, for the distance between them was closing fast.  
And when the distance had closed completely, the blasts stopped, and his apprentice, for some long moment in his mind, stopped short, and the alien was veiled in full to the sharp eyes of the Jedi Master.
They had re-strategized the approach of the situation with amazing speed, and there, just as the Jedi ran to meet them head on, the leader disengaged his cloaking system.  He towered over the padawan like a troll.  
Qua-Mi Adink quailed at the size of his foe, and deemed himself an unworthy competitor in such a sport as his.  For that truly what it was to the alien.  Sport, and that was it.  His body was powerfully built, the muscles underneath his armor were well defined, and in many places over-large.  There were small units on his wrists, from which large claws slid, remaining hidden until he chose; on his shoulder was a large automated cannon, sitting leveled with his mask.  
The mask.  Small eye coverlets could be seen in the dark, impenetrable against the glow of the fire.  There were no breathing holes, only hoses attached to some veiled life support unit, and out of the rear thick dread locks hung to the middle of his back.   The creature was over seven and a half feet tall, making the five- nine Jedi Apprentice a mere child when pitted against him.  In his left hand he carried a whip of many long tongues, which were curled in a circle in his hand.
But Adink wasted little time in his assault.  His blue lightsaber blade flashed around in a wide circle, and coming back around made a broad sided sweep at the alien.  His right arm moved to block, evidently unknowing the power of the blade.  Qua-Mi a dink let a smile slip to his face, and in that gave away a small hint of the unknown supremacy of his weapon.  The creature's shields were readjusted, and a glowing plate of energy blazed to life from the wrist unit on his right arm, and in a flash, the whip that he had held tight in his hand was released, and its many lines of metal were alight with a glowing fire; steam issued forth as it swung through the air.
The lightsaber clashed with the shield, and the warrior batted it to the side with a great force, situating the Jedi's weapon on the outside of the creatures offense, leaving him vulnerable to any attack on his left.  
But the whip did not lash at his side, or even his feet; quick as lightning it was wrapped around the padawan's blade.  And then, it was ripped from his hands, leaving the young Jedi completely defenseless.
Xava knew, and sensed through the Force where his young apprentice could not, what was about to befall him.  Onward ever he pressed, the distance between him and his new-sworn enemies was closing rapidly as well.  These creatures were about to murder a Jedi.  Qua-Mi Adink was very strong in the Force, and had a bright future ahead of him; thus his master had a very large amount of faith in him.  If he could just get to him, before he faded, to tell him so.  He still had nearly a hundred yards to go.  
And he was so close?
But not fast enough.  From behind Qua-Mi Adink there was revealed another one of these hunters.  He was not as tall as his master, but just as menacing.  In his hand a long staff was bourn, and at its tip was a barb of four points, jutting out at angles of forty-five degrees.  And, as the Jedi's lightsaber went sailing through the air, the staff was swung behind him in a few circles above even the creature's tall head, and then plunged deep into the brave padawan's chest.  The four barbs on its end opened, spread apart into different blades and ripped his torso open.  While he had done so, the leader removed the tubes to his mask.
Holding the Jedi by the throat, he removed his veil thus proving him wrong, though not totally, and looked him eye to eye.  They were small eyes, but had depth in them.  Like dark wells they were, and in them was a rage to some depth in his soul.  His nose was bridged, long, but skinny.  It was ridged, its plane not exceeding past that of his high forehead, which was bare to its crest, where long braided dreadlocks hung, with metal beads or some kind of clasps at their roots.  
His mouth consisted of a main jaw structure, but four mandibles held tight flaps of skin about his closed mouth.  When they opened, the flaps stretched wide and all the inside of his gruesome mouth could be seen.  First a low pulsating clicking sound came from the pit of his throat, and then a fierce roar.   It echoed in the mountains from mountaintops into deep gorges.  The Jedi was aware of the Predator then, and in his triumphant scream revealed his greatest weakness.
His anger.  These creatures, when in battle, embraced their rage, and harnessed it.  Not necessarily creatures of dark influence, but their hate made them powerful.   Flashes of his Jedi training came before his eyes.  
For the Jedi:
There is no emotion; there is peace.
There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
There is no passion; there is serenity.
There is no death; there is only the Force.
And then he was upon them, as the coming of the very firestorm they had created and set against him.  He crept in the mountains above, and at the right point dropped nearly atop their heads.  His lightsaber blade flashed to life, and calling his fallen padawan's blade to his own hand, he lit in mid-air.  He held it menacingly at the two warriors, the outlanders who had come to make the Jedi Knights, the defenders of peace and justice in the galaxy, their prey.
"I don't think so," he told them, sweat dripping from his brow in thick drops.  His face glistened with it.  In one smooth motion, flipping the lightsabers in the air, and letting his brown cloak fall to the ground, he jumped upward and caught both of the glowing blades.  Flipping up and over the two of them, which was more than ten feet in the air, he let both the blades fall downward in an arch, carefully slicing away only their weapons.  The useless cannons fell to the ground with clangs.  
With fluid motion the Jedi was on his feet, running, and the Predators, enraged with this ill turn of events, roared.  The leader was still without his mask, his mandibles spread open in a gesture of hate.
There is no emotion; there is peace.
From under their armor the creatures produced throwing blades, both bearing two in each of their huge hands.  Throwing them, the four objects spread open into dangerous, many-bladed projectiles that spun with incredible speed.  They flew towards the Jedi, his back turned against them, both blue and purple glowing blades swaying with his swift gait. They were inches from his back, but in a trice the man turned around and sliced them all to pieces; parts of the blades went flying in every direction, one even gouging itself into one of his enemy's thigh.  It howled in pain.
From his standstill, he flashed his lightsabers around in the air, and stalked towards his foes without fear; and without emotion, or passion, or ignorance.  In their places respectively lay courage, peace, serenity, and knowledge.
The man embraced the Jedi Code with his mortal flesh, and becoming symbiotic with the will of the Force, was rendered as a conduit through which Living Force poured through like a current reckless and wild.  When he came upon them, the valor that he showed in battle between them would never be matched in the galaxy.  His two blades worked harmoniously, swinging back and forth, this way and that.  Sharp clashes of light contrasted on the faces of the three fighters, their shadows flickering on the ground, ever moving, and never the same.
The aliens proved more than efficient in hand-to-hand combat.  The leader's whip was ringing through the air, thin trails of smoke curling about it. Xava swung at him, but ever did his subordinate press him, thrusting and swinging his now outspread staff in deadly and would-be accurate hits.
But the Force was ever on Xava Ghijanna's side, explaining him the constant will of its dominion over the living.   Even then, over his head, the molten red and white, many-lashed whip wheeled about his head in wide circles, its harsh sound hissing in the hot air.  The wind picked up and whipped around the dell, spinning small rocks into the air and kicking up old pockets of sand in the mountain.
The whip cracked downwards, towards one of Xava's blades, and the molten red flashed against the purple, throwing light to all sides of the hollow; it wrapped itself around Xava's lightsaber.  A loud hissing sound echoed in his ears.
The leader barred his teeth, letting out a loud growl, harsh clicking noises coming from his throat, and jerked his arm back, attempting to take his weapon, as he just did his late apprentice.  Xava Ghijanna laughed, as he so often did in the face of danger.
He used the momentum given, and ripped back the whip with his lightsaber blade, flinging the attached whip, with the Predator still holding it, backwards and over his head.  The creature hit the ground with a loud wail.  The whip was still wrapped around Xava's lightsaber blade; it sputtered and groaned, its hiss breaking to let out louder, more defined popping sounds.  It held fast to the incandescent beam for a few moments, then dissolved under its heat and fell useless to the ground.  It shut off, and its glowing red blades dulled to metallic bright silver, twinkling under the light of the moon.  It appeared to be razor sharp.
Both of the lightsaber blades blazed with sudden fury, Xava's arms moving with lightning speed.  So quick did they flash that they nearly appeared as just one blur; any distinct shapes being dulled into one.  The Predator forgot his staff upon the ground with a clank and brought both of his massive arms up to his guard, their shields on his wrist unit kindling with some rebirth of energy.  For a few moments, he backed the Jedi away, gaining the offensive.  Xava tread back on his heels lightly and deflected a great many blows from him, both from the energy shields and the creature's blades.  They popped out above his hands and extended to a length double that of his forearm.
The leader of the two ran to where his mask lay on the ground, and reconnected its many tubes.  He stopped to catch a breath, as if tired.  Perhaps it was an element in his health failing, or as a result of his prolonged exposure to the arid Tatooine atmosphere.  Whichever it was, the Jedi noticed it, and redoubled his assault.  The second Predator kicked his staff that lay on the ground into his outspread hand.
A mirage of swings and misses flashed around the three.  The leader whipped the blades on his wrists in wide circles, jabbing and poking at the Jedi, while the out-thrust staff of his subordinate flashed towards him.  Xava let the Force flow through his veins, and dodged every shot, down to the last throw.  His two lightsaber blades wheeled around, blocking numerous shots while simultaneously on the offensive.  The conflict seemed to be nearing an end; all three of them backed off suddenly and stared at one another with fierce gazes.  
A dead silence fell upon them all.  The two predators stepped back, and drew themselves to their full height, seeming menacing to the now undersized- looking Jedi. While he was indeed in the bloom of his health, these creatures were far greater in stature than any normal life form; save maybe wookies.  But then again, that's a different story altogether.
Xava closed his eyes, and bowed his head.  A drop of sweat fell from his forehead to the glowing blade of his lightsaber.  It dissolved with a hiss.  With the sounds going over him, he gathered his surroundings.  His blades hummed underneath the hot, howling wind, their resonance bending with the gusts.  He heard heavy footsteps, and knew his foes to be charging him recklessly, in their blind hate.  He could feel it.
From behind them all, a high-pitched wail rose above the clamor of the battle, over that of the roaring gusts of wind streaming through the gully.  They turned to see what it was, and in their amazement they all saw a small figure, not even four feet tall, hooded in a cloak of deep brown.  Tiny eyes burned as bright and yellow as the twin suns of the planet from inside its dark shroud, and at the sight a smile blossomed on Xava's face.
With deft precision, Angling, son of Ditlin of the Jawa, raised his ion rifle toward the storm machine and leveled at its center.  His tiny finger hit the trigger, and a powerful blast of energy was let loose, disabling the field that the machine had created; all electrical circuits were rendered inoperative when the ionized energy overpowered the existing power source.  The ground shook with menacing vibrations from every direction, and huge chunks of rock slid from the heights over them.  Xava felt a strong wind pull on him, and looked behind him.  There in a small corner of the hollow was a small opening to a cave.  Its depth he could not guess, but the man intended to.  He swept the Jawa up in mid stride while he ran to the cave, and at its threshold nearly lost his balance.  The stream of air coming through the slit was unbearable, and took a Force-enhanced burst of speed to get through.
The Predators were right on his heels, but the Jedi's mastery over the Force sped him through quicker than their muscled bodies could.  It took their legs and arms to force themselves through it.
When all were inside the mountain, the Jedi already on his way into its depths, the machine's energy field collapsed.  Through the wall of fire, great waves resounded, and when it buckled and gave way, the firestorm sped its way back to the source.  Walls of fire fell downward with momentum greater than that of gravity, like a waterfall.  The entire dell was thick with bright flame as bolts of red lightning lanced from the sky, striking the sand with sparks of bright fusion.  The machine exploded into fiery pieces, and a great tsunami of potent flame blasted its way in a sphere out into the Dune Sea.  The only entrance on that side of the entire mountain range was blocked off.  Huge amounts of rock lay piled in front of the crevice.  
Darkness.  Darkness so thick that there is no was to see through it.  But the Predators' technology gave them sight in places where others could not see.
And the Jedi's lightsaber, when lit in the dark could illuminate a room many feet in every direction.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Darth Vader vs. Predator
« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2005, 08:37:00 PM »
Predators suck juicy monky balls. Vader blinks and they explode couse they are a bunch of dick-licking fags. Anyone who likes them is a foggit to. Fuck off! :roll:  :roll: The basic sentament of most of the wank fanboys who worship Star wars and think that the force is an actual religon.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Darth Vader vs. Predator
« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2005, 01:30:00 PM »
What is a foggit?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Darth Vader vs. Predator
« Reply #14 on: May 08, 2005, 03:10:00 PM »
a cross betweem a faggot and a hobbit.a flaming bilbo
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »