Author Topic: The Seed-------Did Art Barker succeed?  (Read 42286 times)

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Re: The Seed-------Did Art Barker succeed?
« Reply #135 on: March 28, 2009, 07:49:31 PM »
Hell no he is a pervert and child predetor he sexually abused me and emotionally abused me. he is scum............ a pervert and should be strung up to dry  He is the epitomy of an asshole at its worst.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: The Seed-------Did Art Barker succeed?
« Reply #136 on: May 15, 2009, 11:40:18 PM »
i was at the seed in 1970 when it was on andrews. it was a difficult time for me.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: The Seed-------Did Art Barker succeed?
« Reply #137 on: June 12, 2009, 11:11:28 PM »
he only succeeded in lining his pockets with dirty money.

what a jerk.

if he loved those kids so much - why was he NEVER there?

i spent a year in that hell hole, concentration camp - north korea style.

and he showed up one time for 2 minutes.

yeah - he succeeded in damaging and destroying countless kids.

any of you with good memories ought to get your head examined.

clearly, you had no friends. or social life prior to being introduced to that fraudulent facade.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline susan

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Re: The Seed-------Did Art Barker succeed?
« Reply #138 on: June 14, 2009, 06:18:34 PM »
Place was the worst thing anyone could go through, unless you were a stupid staff member.  .
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: The Seed-------Did Art Barker succeed?
« Reply #139 on: June 14, 2009, 11:44:35 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: The Seed-------Did Art Barker succeed?
« Reply #140 on: June 15, 2009, 12:04:08 PM »
The seed was horrible, you staff members as you called yourselves should be taken to court along with who ever is still around, libby, ect. I was kidnapped held against  my will, and  guess what I still never did drugs to this day, so screw you idiots for glorifying a place that used unwanted kids as a drop off place, and force them to lie and say they ever did drugs so you could benefit and live off of donations and funds, you all are nothing but criminals who took away my childhood, at 13, i should have stayed in school and been a normal freaking kid, instead i had to run away from you fools, and was frightened of my own family for years to come. Only people you helped was your greedy selves, i may not have known back then why you all had that place, but i sure know from what i saw in that place and from my experience at a mere 13, i am 49 now, thats why you all had it, you got funds and and lived well, in return  the children like myself, got shitty food, and koolaid, screw you  criminals from taking from all of us children back then,  i remember looking right into libbys eyes and telling her i swear i never did drugs, she just laughed, i never to this day have ever done drugs, all you did was go around and hurt so many souls, you scared, slapped, kicked, chopped off my hair, spit in my face, and i could go on, never knew others were out there still thinking about this sick place they called the seed, if the seed was a good place it would still be around, you all suck, and i hope i meet up with all of you that are left,i would like to  look at  libby again and tell her i never did drugs. Criminals is all you all are if i find a way to bring this to court i so hope you are ready to hear my story of the seed. Next time do a back ground on parents, because some kids were really straight and  good honest kids like myself.I saw drugs for the first time in my life in that place, mostly listened to some of you staff members talking about taking that shit yourselves, your not fooling anyone about what you all really stood for, i was there, i was one of your victims that got away, lucky me, but shame on you for destroying so many young souls in that place, shame on you for destroying my family, i come from a family of six, maybe you would like to hear also their story. I sure hope you all fear what my brothers and sisters have feared from their experience too.It sure is not humane to lock up a child, for no reason at all, and  force them to say they did drugs, and then keep them captive and taken out of school, and a much healthier happier environment which was my home,not some dirty filthy blimp hanger, where you had a mixer of regular kids not on drugs, and court ordered parole type , all mixed together, like hitler would do, and thanks for allowing young minors to smoke those cancer sticks, what were you all thinking that it would not come back to haunt you????
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: The Seed-------Did Art Barker succeed?
« Reply #141 on: June 16, 2009, 10:31:57 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: The Seed-------Did Art Barker succeed?
« Reply #142 on: August 22, 2009, 12:03:48 AM »
You  certainly sound like you are happy and well adjusted now.

I went through the Pinellas program ... I would compare it to a boot camp that made me stronger.

I did learn the meaning of personal responsibility.

Art was an interesting person ... If you look at the number of people that were affected, it would be hard to say that he was a failure...but it all depends on how you define success.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Cyndeelouwho

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Re: The Seed-------Did Art Barker succeed?
« Reply #143 on: August 22, 2009, 11:18:38 AM »
To the last poster:

It seems we were in a completely different program. Or maybe it was circumstance. I was a teenager and not a drug user . It was common that if a family member was in the program, all the family should be. I was another body. I was lied to , being told i was going to visit my sister. I never came home. My clothing was gone through and stolen and i was sent to live with strangers. I know to this day, my parents had no idea where I was or where my siblings were. Seems like that should have been illegal. The staff who controlled the place were substance abusers that were court ordered there in lieu of prison. My mother was told I would die, go to jail or be insane if I didn't go there. All lies. My immediate family produced 6 bodies, ages 9-16. I was a good student, worked and was saving money for college. That ended the day I was admitted. I missed nearly a year of school before my father pulled me out. He was out of town working when we were admitted. I graduated from an adult program to catch up and left home at seventeen. The way things were done there still have an impact on me emotionally and mentally. It was cruel, harmful and a nasty place. The fact that cigerettes were OK to give a minor to this day still baffles me. Wasn't that against the law ?

Art Barker wasn't interesting. He was a hack who lied to the State of Florida, lied about his past (he was a common thief and uneducated) and was a failed comic/actor. His ego got in the way of helping others. Sadly, he believed his own lies. Which was probably how it was so easy to sell all those people he dupped.He amassed a fortune with the government sponsered seed money and is now dying in his palatious condo overlooking the intracoastal waterway with views of the water. I remember his presence at the seed, it was a lot like videos I have seen of people like Jim Jones or Rev. Moon.

Our experience seems quite different.

Just sayin
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline susan

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Re: The Seed-------Did Art Barker succeed?
« Reply #144 on: August 22, 2009, 01:48:47 PM »
Fart Barker is about as interesting as my dog's poop, fact is he reminds me a lot of my dog's poop. Wait my dog's poop is better then he is. He is an ugly lying drunk comedian. I will always hate him. If you think that piece of crap is interesting, you should try reading up on true heroes, like my Dad who did take his  kids out of there as soon as he came home. He is lucky my Dad did not know about his back ground, he would have ripped that idiot a second bum. Thank you Cyndeelouwho for sharing, Love you lot's. :peace:  :rose:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: The Seed-------Did Art Barker succeed?
« Reply #145 on: August 23, 2009, 10:35:25 PM »
I too was kidnapped & held against my will, but the experience definitely made me stronger rather than permanently traumatized.

I moved out on my own at 16... finished high school... completed an AA degree at a community college... then a BA from a state school three years later.

Worked for five years as a firefighter ... was licensed as a paramedic for ten years ... became a professional skydiver...

Became disabled as a result of a line of duty accident and went back to graduate school to earn an MS degree...

By the time I made it to therapy at 40... Being kidnapped and placed in The Seed at 15 was the least of my traumas ... I had hundreds of images of dead & dying people burned into my brain... Watched close friends die violently... My therapist compared my level of trauma to people that had served several tours of duty in a combat zone.

I highly recommend therapy, if you are still angry about your teenage experience... There are some really effective imagery therapies like TIR, EMDR & other desensitization protocols that will allow you to be happy again.

You have a choice... You can continue to be a victim or you can choose to move on & be happy. Effective help is available...if you seek it out.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: The Seed-------Did Art Barker succeed?
« Reply #146 on: August 24, 2009, 12:43:30 AM »
EMDR- the windshield wiper treatment (“The hysterics treating the hysterics”)

Really glad you found the help you needed and that all of the bad stuff got “wiped” away for you.
BTW, hyposensitization is effective in treating issues like phobias, not trauma.

Good luck on that suppression and compartmentalization withstanding in the long term
n' thx 4 sharing.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: The Seed-------Did Art Barker succeed?
« Reply #147 on: August 24, 2009, 08:26:53 AM »
I succeeded in life not a program succeeding me. Being brainwashed is not succeeding. How ever if one dug deep enough to find happiness, then they are  not happy, as being happy comes natural. Hopefully you are not confused to what happiness really is, because it is inside you not what you make self to be. I do hope all have the happiness they so deserve. As for back to whether Fart Barker succeeded, I would say a big NO. It shows daily how he did not succeed, but how he ruined lives. That to me is far from succeeding, unless his success consists of abuse, a big huge NO in my eyes. Nothing will ever change that, and I personally do not ever want that in my life to change. I would never put success in front of that freak.By the way, I was clean when dragged in there, I ended up witnessing all types of drugs and the crap they talked about during those rap shows were disgusting for any child to have to listen to. Vulgar and evil is all it was. Still praying for the day that idiot leaves this planet. People like that ruin the world. Fear is not what this world needs. Love however is, so NO he was not successful. Except for being a failed human being. Happiness is in you, it never leaves, being happy is easy, smile and be thankful for everything in life.I am way happy I did not get stuck in there for longer then some I have been reading about, and I am HAPPY that at almost 14, I was given the power to run from that dreadful place, and make it on own. I did succeed , a 13 year old ran, and became more powerful then that fool could ever want to be. Can read up yourselves how he did not succeed in articles on the Internet, I have to say I would not know of this fools back ground myself if I did not read it myself. Really makes me laugh when people say he succeeded, when all he did was abuse, steal, cheat, lie, his way through anything. Anyone at all thinking this  soul succeeded is so brainwashed, and brainwashed is not being you, so you could not be Happy if you are brainwashed.   :peace:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Cyndeelouwho

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Re: The Seed-------Did Art Barker succeed?
« Reply #148 on: August 24, 2009, 11:50:22 AM »
Many program abductees go on to have successful lifes after that abuse situation. It is a built in survivor mechanism and that is how I view past program victims, as survivors. I think a lot of folks who were abused by progams like the seed went into careers that were considered dangerous or where they put their own lifes in jeopardy to aid others. I worked in search and rescue and fire fighting for the National Park Service and did rock climbing recreationally. I think any therapist would agree that this could be related to the past trauma as well. We were torn down and made to feel like our life was worth nothing. Only to be rebuilt in the fantastical, manical world of the seedling. These techniques are not uncommon for other Synanon based "rehab" programs. Barker stole his experimental concepts from other programs and disquised it as a drug rehab.  Problem I have is by calling it a drug rehab, you would think that some experience might be involved. You would also think that drug use should be a qualifier for the abductees. You don't give power to those who are there through court orders or to a guy with zero experience in anything having to do with rehabilitation. Barker had no qualified background to be doing what he claimed he could. He was a fraud and a master manipulater. He conned his way through life and  allowed his ego to come first. Lots of creepy people are like that, Manson, Jim Jones, Ted Bundy.

Just sayin
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline susan

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Re: The Seed-------Did Art Barker succeed?
« Reply #149 on: August 24, 2009, 12:52:38 PM »
Quote from: "Cyndeelouwho"
Many program abductees go on to have successful lifes after that abuse situation. It is a built in survivor mechanism and that is how I view past program victims, as survivors. I think a lot of folks who were abused by progams like the seed went into careers that were considered dangerous or where they put their own lifes in jeopardy to aid others. I worked in search and rescue and fire fighting for the National Park Service and did rock climbing recreationally. I think any therapist would agree that this could be related to the past trauma as well. We were torn down and made to feel like our life was worth nothing. Only to be rebuilt in the fantastical, manical world of the seedling. These techniques are not uncommon for other Synanon based "rehab" programs. Barker stole his experimental concepts from other programs and disquised it as a drug rehab.  Problem I have is by calling it a drug rehab, you would think that some experience might be involved. You would also think that drug use should be a qualifier for the abductees. You don't give power to those who are there through court orders or to a guy with zero experience in anything having to do with rehabilitation. Barker had no qualified background to be doing what he claimed he could. He was a fraud and a master manipulater. He conned his way through life and  allowed his ego to come first. Lots of creepy people are like that, Manson, Jim Jones, Ted Bundy.

Just sayin
                                 Agrees, just saying too, kinda scary some of the stuff I have been reading about other places that took off from the seed, scary to know so many lives are out there scared and being abused. Like it does not stop, they made so much money profiting that every time they close one place down another pops right up. ( you really have to be a sick soul to want to make money in this manner)When no one at all is allowed to profit off of souls, then maybe there will be a place that actually helps rather then forces, and forcing someone like myself will just make someone run, that is what I did, and thankful I did. (oh and I went through the motion there for almost a year) I can not see how anyone at  these places thinks it helps anyone, if one they are forced to be there, ( I am not talking court ordered) I am talking taken in tricked lied to rolled up in a carpet what ever way they so think they can get away with. Thing is  if you do this to someone, trust me they will eventually find a way away from such B.S. I had to take on a job at almost 14 to survive when I should have been in school. That is what they do to souls in those places, they take away from them is all. And please someone tell me how the fudge any drug  rehab helps someone that is not even on drugs, but is forced to lie and say they did drugs? Success is when one knows self.Success is when you have the instincts to run from brainwashed addicts that want to profit off of you. I have to say, if it was not for this forum, I would never have read the truth about those idiots that only profited off of young souls who should have been in school not some blimp hanger. Thanks sis for writing , you always did make sense to me. What ever one goes through in life just remember it is your life not someone else. Be good to yourself that is the one soul that you should honor.  :peace:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »