Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Aspen Education Group

Gonzales; Torture Overseas Compared to, Cedars Academy/Aspen

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First off I never once said it was her fault. But she gave Neal and myself permission to use her testing kit. I don't know where people are getting the insulin from but she didn't use insulin. All it was was her testing kit. There is nothing at all wrong with thayt. The girl was 12 years old and stupid. She just was too lazy to change her stuff. So yes it was parcially her fault when you know someone is using your testing kit you change the needles. Its as simple as that. And Neal told her to change it but the facult never made use she did it and as I said before she was too lazy and stupid to do it. She was very slow.

She always handed the testinto Neal so its not like it was being done behind her back and I was in the room with her when I tested my sugar. And I am the only one who got it.


--- Quote from: "ExCedarsstudent" ---First off I never once said it was her fault.
--- End quote ---
In your previous post you had said, "It was the girls own fault for never changing her needles."

--- Quote from: "ExCedarsstudent" ---But she gave Neal and myself permission to use her testing kit. I don't know where people are getting the insulin from but she didn't use insulin. All it was was her testing kit. There is nothing at all wrong with thayt. The girl was 12 years old and stupid. She just was too lazy to change her stuff. So yes it was parcially her fault when you know someone is using your testing kit you change the needles. Its as simple as that. And Neal told her to change it but the facult never made use she did it and as I said before she was too lazy and stupid to do it. She was very slow.
--- End quote ---
Look, I don't know whether you really get this, but in a professionally run facility, which adheres to commonly accepted standards and practices and a robust set of medical ethics, there is NO SHARING of personal medical supplies amongst the attendees. NONE. It's simply not done. I'm hard pressed to imagine that it is even legal to allow such a practice!

It doesn't really matter whether the girl "gave Neal and myself permission to use her testing kit." She's not in a position to write facility policy! She's just a kid, a student there, like yourself. She could have even begged y'all to use her kit, it wouldn't have mattered. The facility should never have allowed it.

Yet here is Neil Schwartz, in charge of this program and responsible for the well-being of its attendees, not only sanctioning this sharing, but availing HIMSELF to the personal use of this girl's testing kit!

And... in doing so, infecting at least one, probably two, and possibly more, students with Hepatitis C, a lifelong infectious disease.

Despite the fact that you now have Hep C — "Yes I have it for the rest of my life but it is in fact in remission and I went through Chemotherapy for over a year with shots and medication everyday to get it in the stage it is in", you still make excuses for Neil and defend Cedars Academy — "yes there were times I hated it but it made me who I am today... I learned a lot about my self from being there I learned to voice my opinions. I learned to actually stand up for myself..."

If you really knew how to "actually stand up for yourself," you would be suing the bejeezus out of Neil Schwartz, Cedars Academy if still possible, and Aspen Ed.

I am the only other person besides maybe the girl who had diabetes who got it.. And I am not going to sit here and argue with you. Hospital use the same glucometer there is nothing at all wrong with it.. Its not medication at all you do not need a prescription to get one. And this was 10 or more years ago there is no point in suing... I was just trying to have the rumors stopped and people were getting accused of having it who don't. there aren't possible more than me and the girl I am done discussing this. I was just setting the facts straight You have no idea what I have been through.. Yes you are suppose to change the needles every week and she would tell the faculty that she did but she didn't.. Yes its her fault Neal had no clue he had hep c while he was using her shit or else he never would have used it. Hospitals re use glucose meters at hospitals, doctors offices so explain that.. And don't ever fucking say I don't know how to stand up for myself Do you have how hard it would be to fucking prove that Neal in fact gave me hep c in the courts.. They will say I could have gotten it from anywhere I am done with this conversation. He didn't infect multiple students.


--- Quote from: "ExCedarsstudent" ---I am the only other person besides maybe the girl who had diabetes who got it.. And I am not going to sit here and argue with you. Hospital use the same glucometer there is nothing at all wrong with it.. Its not medication at all you do not need a prescription to get one. And this was 10 or more years ago there is no point in suing... I was just trying to have the rumors stopped and people were getting accused of having it who don't. there aren't possible more than me and the girl I am done discussing this. I was just setting the facts straight You have no idea what I have been through.. Yes you are suppose to change the needles every week and she would tell the faculty that she did but she didn't.. Yes its her fault Neal had no clue he had hep c while he was using her shit or else he never would have used it. Hospitals re use glucose meters at hospitals, doctors offices so explain that.. And don't ever fucking say I don't know how to stand up for myself Do you have how hard it would be to fucking prove that Neal in fact gave me hep c in the courts.. They will say I could have gotten it from anywhere I am done with this conversation. He didn't infect multiple students.
--- End quote ---
Seriously, I am very sorry that you now this disease as a direct result of your having attended Cedars Academy and its quite unprofessional and flagrantly egregious flaunting of any semblance of professional standards and ethics. I can but imagine the myriad lifestyle adjustments you must now make to optimize your physical health in light of your condition. This will, no doubt, become more critical as you get older. I am so sorry this happened to you.

Yes, hospitals may use the same glucose meters for multiple people, but they also change the needles. Why? Needles penetrate the epidermis and access bodily fluids, e.g., blood, and can consequently risk cross transmission of anything that circulates in a person's vascular system which includes not only Hep C, but a whole host of other organisms, viruses, etc., some of which are even worse with regards to their potential long term effects and medical consequences. A hospital is in a position to not only know this, but be liable for the consequences should such a unfortunate event occur.

Cedars Academy was in a somewhat similar position with regard to its position of authority and responsibility to the students attending it, and should never have sanctioned let alone even allowed communal use of an individual's glucose meter by others. It is, ultimately, NOT the 12-year-old student's fault; I don't know why you keep harping on that. She was not in any position to write or interpret facility policy. This was Neil Schwartz's responsibility.

As to proving Neil Schwartz being the source of your Hep C, you should be aware of the fact that viruses often have strains, which differ from one another in select regions of their genome. There are, in fact, six major genotypes of Hep C, not to mention the multiple minor genotypes. If you got your Hep C from Neil Schwartz, chances are that a PCR screen would indicate identical or extremely similar genomes (allowing for some genetic drift or mutation over time) for your respective viral infections. Perhaps this might not be as hard to prove as you may think.


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