Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Lighthouse of northwest florida (fka VCA )/ Rebekah / Roloff )

Hi to everyone

<< < (2/10) > >>

Hi Desirae, Happy New Year! I did have a great New Year thank you for asking.  Good to hear from you.

Jail!!!! You must have the wrong person.  Obviously, my name is Rebecca that is R-E-B-E-C-C-A...Oh, unless this is Michael Palmer, the one who changed my name to fulfill his sick bible fantasies.  In that case, you may not be in jail now or ever, but that's OK, because one day you will need to answer for all of the horrible things that you have done to abuse children.

:lol: what a tangled web we weave

You are one sick man Mike.

I can hardly wait for the day when you have to answer to god.

be afraid, be very afraid.

Matthew 18:6

:lol: People are People, God is God, Miracles are Miracles


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