Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Lighthouse of northwest florida (fka VCA )/ Rebekah / Roloff )

Hi to everyone

<< < (10/10)

I would like everyone to know there is a new VCA/GBS survivor group, the goal of this group is to take action towards exposing and closing Victory Christian Academy. If you think you would be interested in joining our efforts please apply at

Dear Gabby:
Hey who's Mike?? I was in the home 4 years on and off one of those years I remember the plamers
Heard alot to. Do they come on here?? Is he in jail??

rebeccaramirez: in Michael Palmer, Patty Palmer's husband...the one who raped me when I was a student at the school. He came to my house looking for me after I left the school, and offered my father money to marry me and take me with him to Mexico to start a new school (which he ended up starting later - Genesis by the Sea).

Anymore questions, email me at
[email protected]


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