That by December, 1973,scantily three years into "the program", the Seed was claiming over 5000 kids had already been "treated".
That initially Art was only getting $250 per kids and wasn't even demanding anything at all if you poor mouthed, but instead was mining local and federal governments and private donations.
That Art kept seperate books on "private money" and refused to show anyone. That 450 Kids were enrolled in The St Pete Seed within 3 months. That when the Miami Seed closed, 1400 Kids were in the program!
that Art's house was donated by a group of Seed parents.
That the St Pete Seed wasn't really donated by Morgan Yachts, but instead purchased by a local businessman and given to the Seed rent free for one year, then purchased by the Seed for over $200,000.
That the director of the St Pete Seed was indeed the infamous Susie Connors.
That I know even more Seed trivia today than I did yesterday!