Author Topic: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter  (Read 11075 times)

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How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
« Reply #60 on: December 31, 2004, 12:02:00 AM »
I just want to thank Moron boy and his sidekicks for inspiring me into my career.  You see, I spent almost two years looking into the asshole's darkness.  I spent so much time there I decided to become a proctologist.  I am rather concerned for a few of these folks.  Do you know what happens if you keep you head up your ass too long?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline CunningLinguist

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How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
« Reply #61 on: December 31, 2004, 11:29:00 AM »
Good morning,

Thank you for the first laugh of the day!  This in indeed descriptive of the type of incestuality of the people and the place.

I agree there is a whole lotta stroking going on.  Don't the kids call this being "out of compliance?" No wonder leadership at CEDU doesn't know what the hell is going on within their walls...they must be perpetually busy in their "circle."

Nonetheless, bad business.  A primary responsibility of management is to insulate the business from risk.
Many of CEDU's "old guard" are the risk.  And, they are covering for each other.  Problem is, untruths tend to flow like water over rocks in a stream.  Stream to river, river to ocean.  It gets out, goes on its way, and can't be stopped.  Ever seen a real river flood, Antigen?  The workers work round the clock to shore up the building water levels, expend tremendous resource and energy attempting to curb the water getting out of control.  Unless you have in inexhaustible amount of resources to stop the flow the river will win.
The logical consequence for CEDU is that the resources they should be directing to building a better school by hiring the best degreed, trained, and experience professionals to care for their paying clients (who are not just children, but their families as well), will go to defend against the crimes, human an civil rights violations flooding the place over long periods of time. CEDU, just like any other business, will get weaker over time due to inadequate resources to meet the needs of their clients.  Like any other business that stands to make money, they have competitors who will willingly, and are willingly, taking their place.  Let us all pray that those competitors have better ethics, humanity, civility, professionalism and business acumen than my friends at Cedu and their parent company Brown Schools. I pray so for the kids, their families, and ultimately our society.

So, back to my premise.  How long do you think it will be before the loyalists rats at CEDU will jump ship?  Isn't it possible that depositions might encourage a few departures?  If that isn't enough to make rats want to live in the Antartic under a different name, well invitations to court might encourage them to "rapp" outside of their "circle". If I have any understanding of human nature, a few of the loyalist will "rapp" to save their own asses from criminal charges.  Their accusers are not just the poor demented children whom CEDU is protecting from themselves and  society who must not be exposed to them, but, all the demented parents, disgruntled ex-Cedu employees, and deranged professionals treating children and families who manage to survive the CEDU system.

For all those CEDU minions reading these threads, get a clue.  Do you have any idea how many attorneys, counselors, state/federal officials, parents, and human rights folks are reading these sites?  This isn't about all the good you have done to some children and some of your employees.  This is about what you have not done, as mandated by the law, for some of your clients and employees, but also what you have done in violation of the law.  You may live and work in the pristine pastures of Boundary County, but you still live under the laws of State and Nation.  You may not want to, as the young person who just posted here, "want to take your head out of your asses" long enough see the light.  Start telling yourself the truth and you might just be able to start telling others as well.  You will have no choice in court, unless of course, you wish to lie and be proven to be liar.  By the way, if you don't the know word perjury, please look it up before we meet each other.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
« Reply #62 on: December 31, 2004, 11:36:00 AM »
:nworthy:  :nworthy:

Ya GOTTA love this guy!!!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Son Of Serbia

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How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
« Reply #63 on: December 31, 2004, 12:06:00 PM »
On 2004-12-31 08:29:00, CunningLinguist wrote:


Many of CEDU's "old guard" are the risk.  And, they are covering for each other.  Problem is, untruths tend to flow like water over rocks in a stream.  Stream to river, river to ocean.  It gets out, goes on its way, and can't be stopped.  Ever seen a real river flood, Antigen?  The workers work round the clock to shore up the building water levels, expend tremendous resource and energy attempting to curb the water getting out of control.  Unless you have in inexhaustible amount of resources to stop the flow the river will win."

I am a general contractor by trade and I have considerable experience with flood control and working on rivers, as I have personallly supervised construction of several locks (flood gates) for dams belonging to the United States Government (Dept. of Transportation).

I like your analogy between flood control and the cedu lawsuits, it's very appropriate.  And I would like to add something based on my own experience.  

When a river truly floods, you cannot stop the flow or the water levels from rising, regardless of your resources. It is a force of nature that can't be stopped.  At best one could hope to contain the water somewhat(IE: sand bagging the shorelines, etc...)and minimize flood damage, or with Supreme effort (and cost, believe me I know)it may be possible to divert some of the water flow, but that's it.  The River will continue to flow, the water will rise, the flooding will run it's course. No amount of man power can actually stop the water from flowing, only God (or mother nature if you prefer)can.

The only way to truly be safe and escape the rising water levels is to run for higher ground.  

I'm beginning to think that Cedu has no place left to run!


[ This Message was edited by: SON OF SERBIA on 2004-12-31 11:04 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
« Reply #64 on: January 01, 2005, 03:50:00 PM »
NWA is alive, well and growing. Between 65 & 70 students. It is a well respected and effective school. You should check your facts.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
« Reply #65 on: January 01, 2005, 09:51:00 PM »
I just ran into this site. I've been reading alot of what's going on. I'm a former employee/counselor. I'm glad I got out when I did. I'd like to share some experiences with those concerned.  From what I've been reading, the same things are still going on that were going on  years ago, nothing has changed, well it has.. it has gotten worse and completely out of control.Since some of us can be honest about what really goes on there.. then I will be honest to. There has been many employee/employer conflicts of interest while "on the job" ie: students getting kick out of CEDU and then living with counselors,(by the way, he did resign after alot of complaining from other staff, but don't worry, he's back !) co-ed students having sleep overs with staff, a female counselor taking out a group of boys, by herself on daytrips, a counselor lying to his wife about having to work overtime at the academy and the wife calls to talk to him and he's not there,"where was he you ask?" he was with another female counselor out having and affair...Then there was "Norm".. How many female students did he have sitting on his lap.. I stopped counting after 6.. It was reported after the 2nd but it continued to happen, creepy.... and the special trip to CA to see a certain former student.  even creeepier.....with the $300 he charged the school to put on hip hop dances in the "lower aud" (that only 6 students would attend) probably paid for his trips.. lets see $300.. couple times a month... We can all do the math.. But his wife (Starr) screened La's phone messages about the complaints about it and him and all the other immoral staff.How about charging the school to pay for a staff trip to the "Hot Springs" Company van, gas, spending $$$.
 Funny how the director, LaTeresa was informed about all of this and thought it was acceptable, but the moment any would try to go above her to report incidents, she had a cunning way of covering everything up. She got alot of help from Delinda (HR). I hope they have canceled trips with staff.. After the Belize trip you would think they had learned their lesson.. Two adult staff taking on a huge responsibility by taking "your daughter" or maybe"your son" to Belize.  Long story short, the students were left unattended for several hours through the night so the staff could go out drinking "on the job" with the "locals". La's take on it.. "the staff deserved time to unwind". Funny.. how the 2 staff members bragged about it,,with no reprocution for their actions..while the students talked about who was having sex while "staff wasn't around". But it only took him 2 days to resign, the state starting calling and asking alot of questions. Maybe the State and Child Services should call more often. Oh.. but he's back too. And the "recreational" drugs the staff engaged in.. But La says she didn't want to be "Big Brother" and reprimand anyone for what they did on their off time.  Off course not.. she was at the parties too. Oh and don't forget about those extra long lunches with Val in town and then coming back "stoned" How about the times I walked in on a certain teacher getting student drugs out of the med box in the bridge (there were no students around to take them)Aspirin is usually mark "aspirin" the bottle she had in her hand was not. Because there were numerous times when student drugs and money came up missing out of the bridge. I've been around alot of people "high" before and that's the only way I ever saw her. No wonder the school has problems.  they had staff telling female students not to use daily hygene products "because they cause cancer", talk about the funk  by the end of the afternoon in a rap session.. How about the belemic female staff member who I would see binging behind closed doors and in her car behind "R Place" and then always taking "gas station diet pills (energy crap)" while having meetings in the bridge.hmmm.. if it's the same morman that everyone is talking about that I think it is.. Is he still afraid to go to the boys dorm after last light.. funny how it took female staff to get the boys under control for lights out. And did he tell you, while in raps about his past porno addiction, he made it clear to an all girls rap. NICE!! But those certain staff were also "doing their own work" in raps.and that was "okay". THIS WAS JUST TO MENTION A FEW IMMORAL THINGS THAT I SAW. Sad thing is that there is so many others that saw the same things and much worse and are still silent. "How can you live with yourselves?" So to all of you that are tring to get back some of your dignity with the "lawsuit" go "balls to the walls"! From what I have seen, heard, and experienced,CEDU needs to be SHUT DOWN!! Troubled youth need a safer place to go and it's not CEDU/Brown Schools.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
« Reply #66 on: January 03, 2005, 05:29:00 PM »
this is a reply to the former staff/counselor who recently posted re: accusations of emotional and sexual abuse at BCA

Are you for real?  Who in the heck are you?  why don't you share with us your name?  If your allegations are true, how could you... how could you work there and remain silent.  Isn't there a more appropriate venue for you to make these accusations where something can be done about them?  Instead of rambling on and on scaring parents and kids to death?  

 What you say scares me to the core.  Is there any truth to what you say? Are you trying to help?  Or are you just a disgruntled employee that was fired?  What is your point and how is what you said beneficial to those reading it?

Why for example if you are seeing staff coming to school "stoned" did you not confront the individual or report it to Paul Johnson?  Or his boss?  Seems like you happily took home your paycheck.  You are as guilty as the ones you accuse.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
« Reply #67 on: January 03, 2005, 08:14:00 PM »
I didn't accuse anyone of emotional and sexual abuse. I thought I was just expressing my experience there as an employee. Myself and others that had worked there tried to take appropriate actions in reporting what we saw. But working and living in such a small community... you must watch your back, not make too many waves..Because there will be and is reprocutions for speaking out against people in small towns who rely on Boarding Schools for their main source of employment for people in the community.The ties I did have while living and working were cut. I was "Black Balled". The friends I did make with some co-workers wanted nothing to do with me, because they  wanted to keep their jobs and didn't want any trouble. I was betrayed by co-workers who I thought were friends. People can't deny that this happens I've seen it and lived it. So the best thing I could do at the time was leave the school and Idaho, hoping that some day that CEDU's practices that I didn't believe in,, nor did others would soon catch up to them. It seems that it's starting to.
The paycheck didn't  matter to me, if it did I would of went into different line of work.. I believe what I have stated in the previous isn't as nearly jaw dropping as what I had read prior to posting what I did. But non the less it is still disturbing and have no intensions on scaring any parents or kids. Only just to share my experience, hoping that other past employees will do the same.  As being anonymous... It's an option and I feel that I have the freedom to take that option..right now.Without any guilt. Thanks for your response, I hope it answered some of your questions.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
« Reply #68 on: January 03, 2005, 08:40:00 PM »
Reply to last 2 posts:I've spent some time reading alot of what past students and employees have experienced while at CEDU and CEDU's practices that everyone is against seems like it has been going on for nearly 20 years. It's clear to see what a huge entity CEDU is and all the lives they have affected. I can see where some want to remain anonymous. You can almost compare it to the "Mob" by protecting their own and getting rid of "snitches" who don't aggree or speak out against "the family". I guess out west it would be considered "cult like". People are scared!! Putting their lives and family's lives on the chopping block if they speak out. These type of synister crimes have been going on for years all over the country. The problem is.. is that people are tired of fighting the fight in this country, trying to  make a difference and an honest living and still getting "kicked in the face."
This happens in all professions throughout the country.It is a very very sad place to be.  Start writing to your Governors, State Rep. Congressman, etc.  They need to know what's going on in North Idaho, they need to help make a difference, change laws, adopt new laws, help make it safe to go to work and school no matter where you are.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
« Reply #69 on: January 03, 2005, 08:52:00 PM »
to former BCA staff:

so do you think the kids are in jeopardy?  If what you describe as your "experiences" there are true, they are indeed abusive, either by neglect, as in the Belize incident, or by intent.

Who did you report these incidents to?  What was the response and what actions were taken? A staff member that is stoned at work?  How could that be tolerated?  What convinced you to leave and did you tell them why you were leaving?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
« Reply #70 on: January 03, 2005, 09:06:00 PM »
These kids are in jeopardy of neglect. Most of them were neglected at home, wether it be physical, sexual or emotional. It starts at home and continues at CEDU. Reports were made to team leaders, FSC's, program managers, CEO's. They made it hard for me to work there. Turning some accusations back on me to the point in which I felt harrassed. It's such a tight group there. You'd really have to put your life on the line to make reports and hope they reach the "right people". Employees coming to work stoned was overlooked by program managers, they were involved in most of it outside of work. Very tight bonds between some staff. It didn't matter to them why I left, they were just glad that another "whistle blower" was out of the picture.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
« Reply #71 on: January 03, 2005, 11:18:00 PM »
I appreciate your honesty.  I do think, however, that you are incorrect that most of these kids were neglected or abused at home. How would you know this?  Were you a therapist or team/program staff?  Do you really think that parents would spend six thousand dollars a month if they didn't care about their children?  You could say it may be out of guilt, but that cannot be the norm for the reasons kids are sent there.

If these things really occurred, you should make the state of Idaho aware instead of hoping your reports reach "the right people".
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
« Reply #72 on: January 04, 2005, 04:44:00 PM »
This is for Antigen---somebody just told me about your paranoid post a couple days before New Years---a thing about me (an ANon) being "Chuck" and warning me you'd tell my "sysadmin" I was on line at this site

First off I'm not Chuck---who I see on this thread is your current boogy man---among the paranoids like you

Second are you trying to threaten me you old ass hole--there's no policy here about what we do online--on our own time--long as it's legal---so save your strong-arm tactics for somebody who cares

Boy--that's rich coming from you---you're one of these whiney posters who's always saying somebody threatened them (then when I check the posts there's no threat at all--just a different opinion)--here you are trying to threaten other people---really tells me what I'd already figured out about the misfits who failed at these kinds of schools--hypocritical passive aggressive losers who no body could help-

It's not the schools, I see now---it's what losers you anti cedu clones are--- it's going to take--I don't know---maybe God or some higher power to help loserS like you
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
« Reply #73 on: January 04, 2005, 09:03:00 PM »





« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
« Reply #74 on: January 04, 2005, 10:47:00 PM »
answer mr/ms bigshot,  when are you going to report the abuse to the state of Idaho?  Or are you just a "whistle blower" in Bonners and a bigshot on this website?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »