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Offline wesfager

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Re: Assoc of Child Psychiatric Nursing
« on: June 01, 2001, 09:06:22 PM »
Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing

The following Declaration was passed by the Board and membership of the Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing at their September 1998 annual meeting *****

A position regarding the detention of minor children in psychiatric treatment facilities, drug and alcohol treatment facilities, residential treatment facilities, and "behavior modification boarding schools."

§ All children have the right to be treated with dignity and free from mistreatment, abuse, neglect, and exploitation.

§ ACAPN opposes the abduction and involuntary transport of children to facilities for confinement unless such measures have been clinically justified in specific, operational terms by a licensed mental health professional with the legal authority to do so. In the event that such tactics are necessary for the immediate protection of the child and/or society, the child must have access to an appeal process commensurate with the same right of habeas corpus available to every citizen of the United States of America.

§ Children have the right to appropriate treatment in the least restrictive available setting in the event that treatment is necessary.

This setting must be one that provides the highest likelihood for improvement and that is not more restrictive of their physical liberty than is needed for their own protection or for the protection of society.

§ Prior to the child's admission a copy of their rights (written in clear and understandable language) should be given to them and explained to them verbally by a licensed staff member. A duplicate copy should be given to the child's family members(s) or guardian(s). If owing to the child's condition at the time of admission, the child has not understood his/her rights, a licensed staff member will provide an explanation to the child within 24 hours and periodically until some degree of understanding is reached. The necessity for repeating the rights communication process will be documented, signed, and dated. In the event that the child is very young, the rights should be explained to them in a way commensurate with their level of understanding.

Professional registered nurses, as directed by the A.N.A. code of ethics, are obliged to assure that the rights of children and families are in no way violated.

§ Prior to admission the child and his/her family or guardian(s) has the right to be informed of all institutional rules and regulations and consequence/reward structure concerning their conduct and course of treatment. These should be clearly stated in writing and a copy should be provided to all parties for reference purposes.

§ Treatment (including behavior modification procedures, therapies, educational activities) provided by any facility, including psychiatric hospitals, drug and alcohol treatment centers, residential treatment facilities, and "behavior modification boarding schools") must be professionally and clinically justifiable. This means that procedures to which children are subjected must be defensible as being within the realm of professional psychiatric standards of practice and affirmed by empirical research data as being appropriate.

§ ACAPN affirms the right of children to talk and write to persons outside the detainment facility at any time during their detainment without having such communication censored or monitored unless such monitoring is clinically justifiable (and justified) for the safety of  the child or others. This right includes the right to contact an attorney.

§ ACAPN opposes any prohibition on barriers to communication imposed by any facility including rigid and restrictive visiting policies, policies that restrict parents from visiting their children, limited access to telephones, and barriers to mail service.

§ ACAPN opposes any and all punitive measures. Children should not be physically restrained (restriction of body parts by device or by placement in an isolated, locked room) unless every avenue of prevention of harm to themselves or others has been exhausted. The successive steps employed in the prevention of aggressive behavior must be clearly stated in specific operational terms. In the event that such restraint becomes necessary it should be done humanely and in accordance to standard aggressive behavior management (ABM) protocol by persons who have been trained and who have received instruction in ABM prior to their exposure to clinical situations. Children's face and head must never be obstructed at anytime. The restraint must be applied while the child is in a supine position. Any medication administered to the child must be ordered by (physician or advanced practice nurse) and administered by a licensed professional. Children should never be left alone while in restraints or while secluded. The duration of physical restraint of any kind should extend only until the child is sufficiently in control of him/herself to no longer pose a threat to themselves or to others.

Restraints must be "broken" every 2 hours at a minimum, the child should be offered fluids, toileting, and vital signs should be taken. Restraint orders must be re-written every 24 hours after the child is evaluated by a licensed professional with legal authority to do so. All restraint procedures must be justified in writing and in specific, individual, operational (as opposed to general) terms.

§ Children have the right to be cared for in a developmentally appropriate way by competent certified professionals who have had both the salient education and experience commensurate with working with a pediatric population. They have the right to therapies that are rendered by persons who have the appropriate education and training in those therapies. Treatment and therapies must be temporally and developmentally geared in such a way that they are meaningful to children.

§ Children have the right to have access to an advocacy group (such as Advocacy Inc.) as well as access to support groups such as the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill. Advocacy groups and their telephone numbers should displayed in a prominent place where all patients can see them. When advocates are called, they must have free access to patients/clients.

§ Children have the right to review the information in their medical record with supervision. The right extends to the child's family or guardian.

§ Children have the right to have their records kept private and to be told about the conditions under which information about them will be disclosed without their permission.

§ Children and their families have the right to a treatment plan that is individually developed for their situations as well as the treatment plan for care after they leave the facility. This treatment plan should be developed in collaboration with children and families and should be monitored for appropriateness and for patient progress with their participation on a specified, regular basis by a team of therapists.

§ Children and families have the right to be told about the care, procedures, and treatment that they are given in terms that they will understand.

§ Children and families have the right to be informed about the staff members who are their caregivers. This means information such as professional discipline, job title, and responsibilities. In addition, they have the right to know about any proposed change in the appointment of professional staff members who are responsible for their care.

§ Custodial parents may request that their voluntarily admitted child(ren) be released from any hospital or institution within 72 hours without any delay on the part of the facility. ACAPN opposes the use of any coercive tactics designed to compel parents to reverse their decisions to withdraw their child(ren) from treatment.

§ Custodial parents may request that their involuntarily admitted child(ren) be released from any hospital or institution within 72 hours without any delay on the part of the facility. ACAPN opposes the use of any coercive tactics designed to compel parents to reverse their decisions to withdraw their child(ren) from treatment. Children and families have the right to a copy of the institutional billing that is done directly to the third party payer. This billing must clearly specify in specific lay terms what service was rendered, when it was rendered, and what was charged for the service.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
es Fager

\"If David Miscaviage can go to his deposition as Admiral Farragut, then Keith Henson can go as Bozo the Clown.\"  Wes Fager

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Re: Assoc of Child Psychiatric Nursing
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2001, 02:31:59 PM »
If these recomendations could be integrated in each state's mental health laws, and were followed, I think we would have a lot less problems with abusive programs. The problem today is that without any way of knowing otherwise it is easy to say with some certainty that the majority of these privately funded programs are either physically abusive, neglectful, mentally abusive, or they simply don't follow guidlines for safe psychiatric treatment.

I am a borderline libertarian on many issues, so I not going to say that I think that any regulations will solve the problem completely, in fact it is the laws that have created the problem in the first place, by institutionalizing childhood through the age of majority system and declaring open season on anyone who is not yet 18.

Since the law caused this problem in the first place, perhaps better laws can fix the gaping holes through which kids are mentally and physically brutalized for profit.

Although I generally oppose government regulation, I support these ideas because I feel that the rights of children and teens to demand dignity and decent treatment far outweigh the right to run a business free of government interference.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Antigen

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Re: Assoc of Child Psychiatric Nursing
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2001, 09:02:24 PM »
"Although I generally oppose government regulation, I support these ideas because I feel that the rights of children and teens to demand dignity and decent treatment far outweigh the right to run a business free of government interference. "

There's a catch 22 here, though. A conflict of interests that makes these laws completely meaningless and even exploitable to the opposite of the intended result.

Every 'right' outlined in this document is nullified by the following disclaimer; "except at the whim of a government certified person". Ask any doctor who deals with chronic pain or surgery how much discretion they have in treating their patients when it comes to Sched I & II drugs.

We've already got a big problem with sadistic people relying on an appeal to authority to whitewash their crimes. How many kids on prescribed psyche drugs these days? I still remember my good friends from Kindergarten. All but about 3 of us who used to goof around together were on Ritalin or some other drug by the time we made it to 4th grade. It was just frightening. Drew, who was quick with a one liner or prank fart one day, was litterally gape mouthed and drooling and didn't respond when you called his name the next.

Do you see any of these sadistic pill pushers doing time for their crimes at any point in future? I don't.

Think about what you know about Redcliff and how they spun it and Utah's new and improved regulations on that A&E show. When I pressed 1love4life for long-term outcome studies, she sicked stacyboy on me. When I pressed him for the data, he told me that the first ever study is under development at the (state/federal funded) University of Utah. Now, you and I know there have been PLENTY of studies on behavior mod. And we know that none of those studys have anything good to say about it. I'm guessing this one will, provided you don't look too closely and the logical conclusions or the methods of research.

-If there's a worse idea going than locking kids up for victimless crimes, it's probably locking them in close proximity to some tyrannical altruist bent on helping them even if it kills them.
Saving our Children from Drug Treatment Abuse
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline FaceKhan

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Re: Assoc of Child Psychiatric Nursing
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2001, 09:55:40 PM »
Well the study is likely to be somewhat tainted as many government funded studies are. However it is key that you look at the data and not just the conclusions drawn from it. For instance there are many examples of crime studies that show great decreases in crime, but when they are announced the official conclusions that are presented with the data often are tainted with only the politically convenient information.

I don't think for one minute that the regulations will work by themselves, afterall there are plenty of procedures in place for adult mental patients and prison inmates, but abuse is worse than ever in the prisons and I am not too sure about the psychiatric hospital situation.

Shutting the industry down is a great goal, but since that is unlikely to happen in one quick legislative strike, it is reasonable for us to continue to push measures that restrict the industry and once they are sufficiently surrounded by regulations, they can be squeezed into oblivion, just like the tobbacco companies. (funny how I can agree with the tactics when the target suits my tastes better. )

I think another law that needs to be placed, is repealing the statute of limitations on suing and/or prosecuting for abuse at these places. It seems like most people who go through it do not really come to terms with what happened until long afterwards.

Regardless of the regulations, hearing that Alex sent a seemingly uncensored letter home, let me sleep easier last night. First good night in 3 weeks.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Antigen

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Re: Not funny at all
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2001, 06:53:21 PM »
"Shutting the industry down is a great goal, but since that is unlikely to happen in one quick legislative strike, it is reasonable for us to continue to push measures that restrict the industry and once they are sufficiently surrounded by regulations, they can be squeezed into oblivion, just like the tobbacco companies. (funny how I can agree with the tactics when the target suits my tastes better. )"

I think that's a seriously flawed strategy. The intention behind it is basically the same as the intention behid everyting from prohibition to feeding the hungry. But the reality is that every time we create new regulation, we empower the regualory agency (government or other) to take charge of that area of activity. Everyone assumes that someone qualified is looking after things and so we don't look out for ourselves. When you rake that kind of social and ecconomic power together into a pile, it's like throwing chum to the waters.

Every time a cop assasinate another unarmed suspect, they get off on the same excuse; "The officer acted according to all applicable policies and procedures." Now how did this happen?

What we need is for people to wake up and realize just how close to a slave culture we've wandered and seriously consider persuing some personal soverignty.

"Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppression of both mind and body will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day."
-- Thomas Jefferson

"Every day, make someone think."
-- Crazy Mac

-If there's a worse idea going than locking kids up for victimless crimes, it's probably locking them in close proximity to some tyrannical altruist bent on helping them even if it kills them.
Saving our Children from Drug Treatment Abuse
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline FaceKhan

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Re: Not funny at all
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2001, 09:28:37 PM »
In regards to personal soverignty, it is perfectly reasonable for people inside these institutions and in the process of being kidnapped to fight back with whatever force they feel is necesary to escape.

I agree that regulation is not enough, that is why the most important point that we could push in the legislatures is that minors need the same rights to a hearing before involuntary treatment/committment and that anyone who violates those rights must be prosecuted.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline tommyfromhyde

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Assoc of Child Psychiatric Nursing
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2001, 01:09:27 PM »
Re: Not funny at all

    Prosecuted by whom, pray? Perhaps by the same judges and D.A.'s who are often committing people to these programs and who are often true belivers themselves?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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Assoc of Child Psychiatric Nursing
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2001, 02:24:51 PM »
double post, read the next one

-If there's a worse idea going than locking kids up for victimless crimes, it's probably locking them in close proximity to some tyrannical altruist bent on helping them even if it kills them.
Saving our Children from Drug Treatment Abuse

Edited by: Antigenic   at: 6/24/01 11:26:40 am
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Antigen

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Re: Not funny at all
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2001, 02:24:55 PM »
Right, Tommy. The judiciary does not provide justice, only process. There's due process before a child can be taken from their natural parents or accustomed family. See and click on the picture of the cute little blond girl.

They're still using shock therapy in some psyche wards. As long as some wanker licensed by the state declares it necessary, it's alright to strap someone down and wire their brain up with high voltage. If these people had to explain what they were doing without the cover story "it was deemed necessary by a licensed professional", what would they do?

You go and complain to law enforcement or a DA about any of these places, they'll tell you that they're licensed and so whatever is going on in there is perfectly legal. You go to the regulatory agency that issues that license, they'll check to see that ze papers are in order and send you on your way. Not only is the regulation impotent (and requiring due process for minors would be one), it also provides cover for those who know how to work it.

-If there's a worse idea going than locking kids up for victimless crimes, it's probably locking them in close proximity to some tyrannical altruist bent on helping them even if it kills them.
Saving our Children from Drug Treatment Abuse
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

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What do you propose since regulation won't work?
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2001, 04:46:24 PM »
If as you say, the laws are already in place, and I have been discovering quite a few lately that would make what these places do already illegal, what do you propose we do to make sure they are enforced, and if enforcement won't work because those in law enforcement and the courts are incompetent, on the other side, or just don't care, then what do you suggest we do then.

Do we start breaking down fences and gates, break the kids out, hand them a copy of "How to Disapear and Never Be Found" and expect things to be better? If the laws are in place, then our task is but to nag and nag and nag until they are enforced to our satisfaction, if the laws are lacking then we need to push for better ones, it seems pointless to me to just declare that these places exist above the law and there is nothing we can do.

"One can understand why Kessler said something 'Satanic' takes place in
school. The situation is Orwellian in its reversal of the truth:  Memorizing
is Understanding; Confining the mind is Liberating the mind; Boredom is
Fascination. Flowery words are used by educators without restraint. Words
like 'insight', 'enlightenment', and 'flourishing of the mind' are used to
describe a reality which contradicts them completely"-Bruce Goldberg "Why
Schools Fail"
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
All of the darkness of the world cannot put out the light of one small candle.\"

Offline Antigen

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Whatever you're inclined to
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2001, 01:42:07 AM »
I propose we do all of the above.

Regulation like the above, is just a statement of intention (hopefully) by the people who pay the taxes and cast the votes. It's up to us to invoke those laws as a starting point for settling disputes that can't be settled privately and peacefully.

Yes, nag, nag and nag some more. If the cops don't want to persue criminal complaints, take it to the DA. One day, I think we'll see some serious criminal indictments out of this. Then maybe these self appointed gurus will think twice before setting up shop.

Yes, if you find a way to get your friend out, please do get him far, far from there. The custody and runnaway stuff will all be accademic in a very short while. From Tucker, take 50 west to Rt 18 to Rt 2. That's a friendly back way into Pittsburg, which is a college town. Very easy to blend there.

Get the word out. Get people talking. Another reason why I haunt the forums. The sales pitch doesn't stand up to much scrutiny. I happen to have a lot of fun debating the finer points. I guess I'm making up for all that time when I couldn't do that without getting my butt kicked.

Do the same thing with the media; write to A&E and critique their work. Keep an eye out for journalists who are covering this issue from any and all perspectives and write to them. Tell them you have information on the issue. Forward a copy of the article, with or without your response, to [email protected]. Hone your positions and arguments through debate and dialog with other people who share your interest. Then ALL a' ya'll go an write a letter to the editor.

Don't leave out the policy makers. If there's legislation on the air, write your legislator and let him know, very briefely, what you think of it.  

That all might seem like a scattered strategy and not a plan at all. And it is. But it's working. When someone goes searching the net on terms associated with these places, they come up with our material into the mix. And the more people are talking about it, the more variety of information and viewpoints. Already, a lady in MD came looking for info on a particular outfit because she was conserned about her pastor who had a son in the program and who'd been doing a lot of recruiting. We were able to give her enough compelling info on the background of this organization for her to effectively undo his recruiting and alert his church and congregation to the trouble he's in.

Bottom line is that these places exist and are thriving because our society will tollerate it. That has to change. No one can make it change just to their liking. But if more people will get into the mix, things will gradualy come back into line with the will of the people.

-If there's a worse idea going than locking kids up for victimless crimes, it's probably locking them in close proximity to some tyrannical altruist bent on helping them even if it kills them.
Saving our Children from Drug Treatment Abuse
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline FaceKhan

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Re: Whatever you're inclined to
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2001, 02:10:48 AM »
Ok. Believe me when I say that if Alex, called me or contacted me to get him out I would do it, but he is an extremely strong individual and since his letter home to his parents was according to my info, mostly an explanation of why he should not have been sent there since his mother is the one who has most of the problems in the family, and he says he is doing ok, I am inclined to believe that the letter is genuine, and so it has put my mind at ease at least to his safety and general wellbeing. He will be 18 very soon anyways so it is not like he could be on his way to a lockdown afterwards for 3 years or something terrible like that.  That brings me to the reallly sad parts of this industry, the kids who spent 13-18 in those hell holes in Samoa and Jamaica on starvation diets, electric shock torture, and all the other things they can't get away with here. Even though the laws and their enforcement are severely lacking, I have little doubt that the kids sent to lockups on foreign soil are in far deeper a hole. Still being brainwashed and tortured in one country is probably about the same as being brainwashed in tortured in another country. I really hope this group grows so that we can someday, hopefully soon, have the resources and numbers to shut these places down permanently.

"One can understand why Kessler said something 'Satanic' takes place in
school. The situation is Orwellian in its reversal of the truth:  Memorizing
is Understanding; Confining the mind is Liberating the mind; Boredom is
Fascination. Flowery words are used by educators without restraint. Words
like 'insight', 'enlightenment', and 'flourishing of the mind' are used to
describe a reality which contradicts them completely"-Bruce Goldberg "Why
Schools Fail"
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
All of the darkness of the world cannot put out the light of one small candle.\"