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to Anon with Law Degree
« Reply #30 on: November 21, 2004, 03:53:00 PM »
george h w bush was agency director before vice president. he was never, is not now and won't ever be nonagency. the documented business dealings with the semblers, bobby fucking du pont and others clearly show the connections. you may be right about art being played but i think he was paid also. this is just the local stuff as you say. the behavior mod model being foisted on people everywhere is massive.
 antigen ,thanks for your thoughts and research.
 i hope everyone here continues to heal and prosper.  goodbye for now.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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« Reply #31 on: November 21, 2004, 07:40:00 PM »
Interesting shit, anon. Thanks.

Bigot: One fanatically devoted to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and intolerant of those who differ.' target='_new'>Webster's

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

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« Reply #32 on: December 01, 2004, 11:21:00 PM »
hi.  look and see how this horrible shit goes all the way up and back to pure, luciferic evil. barker,semmbler, dupont,bush sr., harriman, MENGELE.

can i say reptoid now or is that over the top?

our seed exp. was this same type of trauma-based conditionong. ... un04.shtml

we escaped that tentacle, or are still escaping it. thank god.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #33 on: January 06, 2005, 10:22:00 PM »
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Helpful Hints for Mind Control Victims

By Don Croft ... ov04.shtml
November 8, 2004

Robert--I've heard from thousands of people over the years who want help getting relief from psi torture at the hands of the CIA and/or British MI6. In fact, I honestly believe that most of the males whom I'm involved with and a lot of the females came out of one or another of the CIA's Monarch programs, including MK ULtra, which was apparently the one I was 'drafted' into as a small child.

The common feature of a prolific gifter, in fact, is someone, like me, who has spent much of his life having been shunted into dead end, horrific love relationships, no viable career and otherwise socially isolated due to a whole lot of self destructive programming laid on after washing out of one or another deep mind control program because of character issues. A handler is usually assigned to ensure that any opportunities for liberating the suferer will be snatched away or sabotaged, if possible.

They can't use kids who have strong characters, but they apparently never give up trying until after puberty, when one's personality is pretty much set. After an asset is deemed unsalvagable, they generally load the poor chump up with self destructive post-hypnotic programming and turn him/her loose. They found out pretty early on, apparently, that it's not feasible to just murder us all.

There are many, many thousands of us in the West and Asia who are Monarch washouts, I believe, and we represent a tiny percentage of the ones who are active assets. We're the ones whom people ask,'You're so smart, nice and talented, so why is your life such a mess?' . It may be that most of the people in the MC forum are in this predicament, but I don't know. The few of the still-active Monarch assets we've encountered and been unable to help are in constant pain and are perhaps programmed to actually identify with it, perhaps. These are sent into viable forums in order to destabilize them, I believe, as loose cannons. This makes moderating take up way too much time, so people generally choose not to moderate.

I set up a private forum for this reason, in fact. I don't need to moderate because the posters there are almost never obtuse. If you post this on the MC board you'll shortly see who savagely attacks me and there are your active assets, most likely. There are thousands of programmed and/or paid sociopaths messing up internet forums right now, mostly in the English language ones, by the way. Our affiliated French, German and Spanish forums (the German and French ones are public) don't have this problem nearly as bad as we did until we finally set up the private board last summer. Yahoo hosted the first forum, by the way, and kicked me off the day after I posted simple instructions for transmuting the energy from the then-new death towers. Yahoo is owned by the CIA, of course.

Since mind control assets don't draw a paycheck and are expendable, why would the CIA or MI6 be concerned for their welfare or safety? We've encountered homeless drug addicts who are active MK assets, on call for murder and sabotage. MKids are also presidents, corporate execs., generals, privates, academics, clergy, etc. This is a comprehensive program. I"m told by a former insider that the entire Delta Force are MKids and a couple of 'washout' (former commandos in British SAS) have been prolific gifters..

Some MKids around our very nice small town used to converge and stalk my wife any time she went for a walk after sunset (she carried a weapon, of course) in this middle class neighborhood. Since she's telepathic, she was able to do some interesting programming. What got her attention is that when she looked into their minds while they were stalking her, all she heard was white noise interspersed with specific orders from the CIA handlers, like, 'If she moves into the shadows over there, cut her up.' The CIA doesn't like us much. Since we gifted her walking route, they've left her alone but these teens look like they could be working in McDonalds or on the high school debate team--they're not goths.

As someone who makes his livlihood in the healing trade I can tell you that anyone who's in pain is essentially a sociopath. If I have a toothache anyone would be wise to steer clear of me, for instance.

Honestly, I've only encountered a few people who just won't let go of their pain. Anyone else who's beleaguered with any of the various psionic tortures meted out by the CIA and MI6 can overcome the pain and also overcome their tormentors these days, I believe. Since this unorganized effort got going in that pursuit, we've noticed a marked change in the nature of the attacks. Before, the filthy fed agencies (except the FBI range of agencies, who are simply street thugs) had boasted a huge army of trained, mature psychic predators and surveillors.

Since we all blast the snot out of everyone who sends a tone into an ear, sends grisly visual imagery, gives us the sense that someone's looking over our shoulder, gets eye contact with us from a fedmobile (only their psychics will do this), or otherwise invades our awareness, we don't encounter many of these predators any more. Lately, in fact, the ones the CIA, MI6, Mossad and NSA are throwing at us are apparently just drugged, aggressive psychic teens. It reminds me of the way Hitler armed kids and threw them in the front lines as the Allies advanced on Berlin.

Since most of the people in the MC forum may feel that the world order is more predatory than parasitic, it may be useful for them to consider that this is not true. The world order is parasitic. I started out in the parasite extermination biz [body parasites] 8 1/2 years ago and I learned, then, how easilly parasites can be disabled and destroyed. I haven't seen that the macroparasites are any more threatening. This rotten world order is no more than a paper tiger; the man behind the curtain. If that weren't so, I'd have been killed before now.

The ones I know who have done the most thorough job go about this in the spirit of service, though. It may be that you and your associates noticed an increase in pain and disorientation when the new death towers were erected three years ago. I think this is becuase the towers were created for controlling the population. They sure didn't improve cellphone reception.

Here's our recommended protocol for getting rid of psionic torture and punishing the torturers:

Get the cheap model [$89] from and use it on each other to find the many implants that each of you no doubt have, then tape a neodymium magnet over each one for a half hour or so. The magnets we use for this in our travels are 1/2" diameter and 1/4" thick.

An Implant Killer from gives some added benefit, especially if you're disabling an older implant with a poison capsule. Any zapper on the market will disable the poison, don't worry, if you'll wear it constantly when you experience discomfort from disabling an implant's released poison. This isn't the norm, by the way.

Millions of people have implants now--essentially anyone in the world who is a threat or even a potential threat to this occult/corporate world order gets implanted regularly. When I went to Uganda, three of my African fellow 'road warriors' had them; one had eight. We busted most of the death towers in that country last year.

Bust all the death towers within two or three miles--the neighborhood towers are obviously only effective at short range. Implants are mainly transponders, which is certainly in line with the 'Syntel' notion. I hadn't heard of that, by the way, thanks. I frankly haven't studied much about mind control, though a good friend of mine had been an MK Ultra mind controller (most Monarch Program assets, thanks to dissociative programming, 'work'in an altered state and none of this is conciously remembered) for the CIA before he was shot thru the throat and killed by a sniper in 99. As I mentioned, I just don't come across many people who can't easily overcome thier psi assailants.

The recommendations below describe how to easily disable the new death towers and turn them into life force generators. Thousands of people around the world are doing this. These new towers are seen literally everywhere, even in Tibet. Dr Batiibwe and I, at considerable risk, drove through a war torn area of Uganda and disabled six of these in Gulu, an isolated, crippled refugee town in the north. How many cellphones do you reckon a population which can't afford bicycles have?

One of my wife's Harmonic Protectors will deflect any directed energy weapon attack, even microwave. She was assaulted not long ago during a walk, in fact, from an airborn weapon. She felt a little queer and noticed that the grass around her had suddenly died, then 'saw' the attackers and smacked them good. A friend of ours wasn't as fortunate a couple months before: He was standing in his backyard when he was similarly assaulted, but he wasn't wearing one of those pendants and he was overwhelmed at the moment, soon got cancer and nearly died. He did fire off an etheric blast at his attackers, though, before they were done and this guy's been able to literally shoot down aircraft, apparently, by directing energy at the engines. Most of us don't have that talent and aside from my wife and him, I've never heard of anyone being attacked this way.

We visited him and saw the characteristic patch of dead, yellow grass right in the middle of the lush green lawn that seems to characterize these attacks, which are rare, by the way. When Carol took me to see the place she was attacked (it was still summer) I saw the same characteristic, sharp-edged patch of yellow in the middle of the green grass. He's the one who has and within a month he'd cured his cancer with a zapper and was on the mend, otherwise. We visited him after that and he had obviously not fully recovered yet. He disabled many thousands of new death towers in and around Los Angeles, by the way, and is the fellow who's mainly responsible for the disappearance of most of the smog and chemtrails there and the abundant rainfall and uncharacteristic greenery on the mountainsides.. I think Riverside [county, California] is the last stronghold of crappy energy in the region. Nobody's taken that on yet.

After one has disabled the transponders and the death towers one can focus all attention, then, on pursuing the assailants. We each learn the ropes by using energy tools first, then after awhile most of us just don't need tools. The Succor Punch (SP) is always handy for disabling surveillance devices in our immediate environment, though. I guarantee that each of you have a half dozen or so bugs in your car, a few dozen in the house and cameras aimed at your property, which might explain why these jerkwads are in your face every time you go buy a loaf of bread.

The SP will stop them listening to your conversations and watching your private time. Most of us take one along during our gifting runs so that the jerkwads wont' know exactly where we are without using their eyeballs. If they can see you, then, you can see them. Don't let people see where you put the gifts. The instructions cover that.

I'm not going to get into the details of blasting the miscreants who are torturing you becuase until you've done the above homework you'll be too distracted to be effective. Otherwise, you're free to read whatever's said about that in the reports on, which is the cutting edge site for what we're discussing. A lot of the folks who post there used to be in your boat and you can correspond with them if they've put their contact info out.

I developed the Powerwand after being gassed to sleep, severely poisoned, and marked two years ago, the same night that five others across the US were similarly treated by CIA wetworkers. That was sort of the last straw for me and ever since I started attacking the various filthy fed agencies' assailants and would-be assailants with the PW the murder attempts have been a lot less overt. The zapper neutralized the poison, but just barely, apparently :wink: and the rattlesnake venom I got from a bite in August was much easier to neutralize with zapping.

The Harmonic Protector, which my wife developed for herself because she's energy sensitive (the towers all make her sick when we travel), apparently works by reinforcing the etheric field around the body by transmuting any harmful energy that comes in contact with the etheric field. It's similar to the way fifty cents worth of resin, metal shavings and a funky crystal chunk can turn a million dollar death transmitter into life force generator but the HP uses specific metals, gemstones and a coil form to make it do something similar to the body's own energy field. Carrying a Towerbuster around would help an awful lot, of course, but it's bulkier and less user friendly. We treat our field pieces kind of like beasts of burden--it's just more appropriate for them to be out working in the environment. is a brand new site that will feature etheric weaponry and offer gemstones and minerals for enhancing personal orgonite devices. is a new site that will feature devices that can bring harmony back to one's personal environment.

I'd gotten some references to Ernie Vega in personal correspondence but had never felt the urge to check him out until I got your note that references him, Robert; that's why I asked you for his website. I'm interested in anythign out there that's genuinely new. Tech can be a double edge sword, generally, but none of the items we offer or promote can do any harm.

The bottom line, for us, is that when one's motivation for healing from this pain and suffering is to better serve our fellows the personal healing will be profound. If one only wants to heal to end his/her personal suffering the healing will be more superficial and conditional. We prefer to get involved with and help the former, of course.


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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline GregFL

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to Anon with Law Degree
« Reply #34 on: January 06, 2005, 10:37:00 PM »
Implants, eh?

Oh brother...... :roll:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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to Anon with Law Degree
« Reply #35 on: January 06, 2005, 11:59:00 PM »
Weekly World News?

Since you [US "drug tsar" McCaffrey] control a federal budget that has just been increased from $17.8 billion last year to $19.2 billion this year, is asking people like you if we should continue with our nation's current drug policy like a person asking a barber if one needs a haircut? --
                                                              Orange Country, California
                                                                  Los Angeles Times
                                                                    29 March 2000
--Judge James P. Gray

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline cleveland

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to Anon with Law Degree
« Reply #36 on: January 07, 2005, 09:13:00 AM »
OK - pretty good (fiction) writing, or pure paranoia...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
ally Gator

Offline GregFL

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to Anon with Law Degree
« Reply #37 on: January 07, 2005, 10:20:00 AM »
I vote # 2.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Stripe

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to Anon with Law Degree
« Reply #38 on: January 07, 2005, 05:49:00 PM »
I agree this might seem far fetched in its totality, but do you guys agree or disagree with the proposition contained in the last paragraph?

"The bottom line, for us, is that when one's motivation for healing from this pain and suffering is to better serve our fellows, the personal healing will be profound. If one only wants to heal to end his/her personal suffering, the healing will be more superficial and conditional."

Think about that for just a second.

Now think about this:  What was the motivation behind in Seed programming?  To better serve fellow man or to promote an agenda we had no ability to comprehend.  

I'm thinking the latter, since the reports I read here about others show that most folks, with the exception of a few regulars, actually did not do so well once they were program graduates.  

Once a  pawn, always a pawn?  Call them paranoid ideas or information suitable for reporting by Weekly World News and make fun if you like. We all approach trying to heal ourselves from different angles - why else would we be here doing this?  Besides, if clearing energy paths works and makes a diffence, we all benefit.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
The person who stands up and says, ``This is stupid,\'\' either is asked to `behave\' or, worse, is greeted with a cheerful ``Yes, we know! Isn\'t it terrific ?\'\' -- Frank Zappa

Offline Anonymous

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to Anon with Law Degree
« Reply #39 on: January 08, 2005, 12:31:00 AM »
On 2005-01-07 14:49:00, Stripe wrote:

We all approach trying to heal ourselves from different angles - why else would we be here doing this?  Besides, if clearing energy paths works and makes a diffence, we all benefit.  


Ya think??  I agree!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline cleveland

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to Anon with Law Degree
« Reply #40 on: January 08, 2005, 08:21:00 AM »
I don't want to substitute one form af magical thinking for another - the Seed capitalized on my gullibility, to just "do not think," to accept irrationality.

I'm not a purist on this - I think astrology is interesting, I am intriqued by religion, and I do think the government, military and corporations are full of manipulation.

But for me the bottom line will be rationality, and maybe I'll temper that with accepting that I can't know or understand everything...

But wild assertions? Just because it's emotionally appealing sometimes to say, "Hmm hmm, you know that's right," - no thanks, I think it's dangerous to give in to that.

Maybe if I'd asked the Seed to 'prove it,' and I'd listened to the sceptical voice inside, I wouldn't have believed all of the half-truths the Seed passed on to me....
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
ally Gator

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to Anon with Law Degree
« Reply #41 on: January 08, 2005, 10:54:00 AM »
What half truths do you speak of?  Please elaborate.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline cleveland

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to Anon with Law Degree
« Reply #42 on: January 09, 2005, 08:45:00 AM »
That I 'couldn't make it on my own out there'

That if I ever had a drink, that I 'might as well give up then because I'd already be so far gone'

That people are either Seedlings, or 'dry druggies'

That 'honesty is the first and most important rule;' however, questioning Art, staff or the Seed is 'totally fucked up.'

That my Higher Power can be whatever, it doesn't matter - 'it could be that stool over there' but 'for me it's the Group.' (for me, it's a life-long search.)

That all girls are 'gamey'

That 'getting into your head' or analyzing thiings, is bad - 'ours is but to do or die, not to reason why'

And for me, personally, that reading books, having an intellegent discussion, or thinking, is 'showing off,' or that making artwork is 'for girls'

Those were things I was told (in quotes) or taught and I have found them to be wrong.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
ally Gator

Offline GregFL

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to Anon with Law Degree
« Reply #43 on: January 09, 2005, 03:36:00 PM »
And there are more...many more.

How about this one  "I could never leave the seed..the songs would play over and over in my head and I think I would end up insane."

Or even this one  "when I was on the streets".

Fuck, most of us were suburban kids from upper middle class to wealth families.  On the streets? Hardly. It was part of the big lie to make your past extra bad in order to justify the crazy cultic aspects of the seed.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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to Anon with Law Degree
« Reply #44 on: January 09, 2005, 05:29:00 PM »
"That my Higher Power can be whatever, it doesn't matter - 'it could be that stool over there' but 'for me it's the Group.'"

did anyone ever say anything else?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »