Author Topic: Al-Qaqaa, Hi Explosives, and Iraqi WMDs Want to know what h  (Read 3183 times)

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Offline Polarbear

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Al-Qaqaa, Hi Explosives, and Iraqi WMDs Want to know what h
« on: October 27, 2004, 11:10:00 PM »
This is breaking news!  Been wondering what the story on Al-Qaqaa is?  The explosives located there, used in nuclear weapons manufacture and in other high explosive applications, were not stolen by terrorists as erroneously reported by the NT Times.  The Russians did it!  Check it out!  This could be why WMDs have been so hard to find.

Russia tied to Iraq's missing arms

By Bill Gertz

Russian special forces troops moved many of Saddam Hussein's weapons and related goods out of Iraq and into Syria in the weeks before the March 2003 U.S. military operation, The Washington Times has learned.
    John A. Shaw, the deputy undersecretary of defense for international technology security, said in an interview that he believes the Russian troops, working with Iraqi intelligence, "almost certainly" removed the high-explosive material that went missing from the Al-Qaqaa facility, south of Baghdad.
    "The Russians brought in, just before the war got started, a whole series of military units," Mr. Shaw said. "Their main job was to shred all evidence of any of the contractual arrangements they had with the Iraqis. The others were transportation units."
    Mr. Shaw, who was in charge of cataloguing the tons of conventional arms provided to Iraq by foreign suppliers, said he recently obtained reliable information on the arms-dispersal program from two European intelligence services that have detailed knowledge of the Russian-Iraqi weapons collaboration.
    Most of Saddam's most powerful arms were systematically separated from other arms like mortars, bombs and rockets, and sent to Syria and Lebanon, and possibly to Iran, he said.
    The Russian involvement in helping disperse Saddam's weapons, including some 380 tons of RDX and HMX is still being investigated, Mr. Shaw said.
    The RDX and HMX, which are used to manufacture high-explosive and nuclear weapons, are probably of Russian origin, he said.
    Pentagon spokesman Larry DiRita could not be reached for comment.
    The disappearance of the material was reported in a letter Oct. 10 from the Iraqi government to the International Atomic Energy Agency.
    Disclosure of the missing explosives Monday in a New York Times story was used by the Democratic presidential campaign of Sen. John Kerry, who accused the Bush administration of failing to secure the material.
    Al-Qaqaa, a known Iraqi weapons site, was monitored closely, Mr. Shaw said.
    "That was such a pivotal location, Number 1, that the mere fact of [special explosives] disappearing was impossible," Mr. Shaw said. "And Number 2, if the stuff disappeared, it had to have gone before we got there."
    The Pentagon disclosed yesterday that the Al-Qaqaa facility was defended by Fedayeen Saddam, Special Republican Guard and other Iraqi military units during the conflict. U.S. forces defeated the defenders around April 3 and found the gates to the facility open, the Pentagon said in a statement yesterday.
    A military unit in charge of searching for weapons, the Army's 75th Exploitation Task Force, then inspected Al-Qaqaa on May 8, May 11 and May 27, 2003, and found no high explosives that had been monitored in the past by the IAEA.
    The Pentagon said there was no evidence of large-scale movement of explosives from the facility after April 6.
    "The movement of 377 tons of heavy ordnance would have required dozens of heavy trucks and equipment moving along the same roadways as U.S. combat divisions occupied continually for weeks prior to and subsequent to the 3rd Infantry Division's arrival at the facility," the statement said.
    The statement also said that the material may have been removed from the site by Saddam's regime.
    According to the Pentagon, U.N. arms inspectors sealed the explosives at Al-Qaqaa in January 2003 and revisited the site in March and noted that the seals were not broken.
    It is not known if the inspectors saw the explosives in March. The U.N. team left the country before the U.S.-led invasion began March 20, 2003.
    A second defense official said documents on the Russian support to Iraq reveal that Saddam's government paid the Kremlin for the special forces to provide security for Iraq's Russian arms and to conduct counterintelligence activities designed to prevent U.S. and Western intelligence services from learning about the arms pipeline through Syria.
    The Russian arms-removal program was initiated after Yevgeny Primakov, the former Russian intelligence chief, could not convince Saddam to give in to U.S. and Western demands, this official said.
    A small portion of Iraq's 650,000 tons to 1 million tons of conventional arms that were found after the war were looted after the U.S.-led invasion, Mr. Shaw said. Russia was Iraq's largest foreign supplier of weaponry, he said.
    However, the most important and useful arms and explosives appear to have been separated and moved out as part of carefully designed program. "The organized effort was done in advance of the conflict," Mr. Shaw said.
    The Russian forces were tasked with moving special arms out of the country.
    Mr. Shaw said foreign intelligence officials believe the Russians worked with Saddam's Mukhabarat intelligence service to separate out special weapons, including high explosives and other arms and related technology, from standard conventional arms spread out in some 200 arms depots.
    The Russian weapons were then sent out of the country to Syria, and possibly Lebanon in Russian trucks, Mr. Shaw said.
    Mr. Shaw said he believes that the withdrawal of Russian-made weapons and explosives from Iraq was part of plan by Saddam to set up a "redoubt" in Syria that could be used as a base for launching pro-Saddam insurgency operations in Iraq.
    The Russian units were dispatched beginning in January 2003 and by March had destroyed hundreds of pages of documents on Russian arms supplies to Iraq while dispersing arms to Syria, the second official said.
    Besides their own weapons, the Russians were supplying Saddam with arms made in Ukraine, Belarus, Bulgaria and other Eastern European nations, he said.
    "Whatever was not buried was put on lorries and sent to the Syrian border," the defense official said.
    Documents reviewed by the official included itineraries of military units involved in the truck shipments to Syria. The materials outlined in the documents included missile components, MiG jet parts, tank parts and chemicals used to make chemical weapons, the official said.
    The director of the Iraqi government front company known as the Al Bashair Trading Co. fled to Syria, where he is in charge of monitoring arms holdings and funding Iraqi insurgent activities, the official said.
    Also, an Arabic-language report obtained by U.S. intelligence disclosed the extent of Russian armaments. The 26-page report was written by Abdul Tawab Mullah al Huwaysh, Saddam's minister of military industrialization, who was captured by U.S. forces May 2, 2003.
    The Russian "spetsnaz" or special-operations forces were under the GRU military intelligence service and organized large commercial truck convoys for the weapons removal, the official said.
    Regarding the explosives, the new Iraqi government reported that 194.7 metric tons of HMX, or high-melting-point explosive, and 141.2 metric tons of RDX, or rapid-detonation explosive, and 5.8 metric tons of PETN, or pentaerythritol tetranitrate, were missing.
    The material is used in nuclear weapons and also in making military "plastic" high explosive.
    Defense officials said the Russians can provide information on what happened to the Iraqi weapons and explosives that were transported out of the country. Officials believe the Russians also can explain what happened to Iraq's weapons of mass destruction programs.

[ This Message was edited by: Polarbear on 2004-10-27 20:11 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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Al-Qaqaa, Hi Explosives, and Iraqi WMDs Want to know what h
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2004, 11:14:00 AM »
Well, I suppose of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon says so, then it must be so.


How'd they pull it off, polarbear? How'd they manage to sneak convoys full of stuff over miles of open desert w/o being spotted either by airborn or satelite surveilance? Are you suggesting that the US and international intelligence community is so banefully incompetent as to miss the whole show? And, if they're that clueless, then how do you invest any faith at all in those of their claims that you'd like to believe?

In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution."

--Thomas Jefferson 1798

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline thepatriot

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Al-Qaqaa, Hi Explosives, and Iraqi WMDs Want to know what h
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2004, 11:26:00 AM »
On 2004-10-28 08:14:00, Antigen wrote:

"Well, I suppose of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon says so, then it must be so.


How'd they pull it off, polarbear? How'd they manage to sneak convoys full of stuff over miles of open desert w/o being spotted either by airborn or satelite surveilance? Are you suggesting that the US and international intelligence community is so banefully incompetent as to miss the whole show? And, if they're that clueless, then how do you invest any faith at all in those of their claims that you'd like to believe?

In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution."

--Thomas Jefferson 1798


Ginger if you remember Colin Powells briefing to the UN, there was movement of convoys and equipment in the months and weeks prior to deployment. But was it WMD's ? who knows, and if they were would anybody change their mind og buy it anyway? I doubt it. Lets face it even if the WMD thing is yet to be proven would it change your mind on the Iraq war?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
arasota Straight Escapee

Offline Deborah

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Al-Qaqaa, Hi Explosives, and Iraqi WMDs Want to know what h
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2004, 12:10:00 PM »
While Dick Cheney was its CEO, Halliburton sold more technology to Saddam Hussein than any other U.S. corporation. Starting in 1998, at least two Halliburton subsidiaries sold Iraq $23.8 million worth of oil industry parts and equipment. These deals were arranged by Halliburton and routed through subsidiaries to avoid political exposure. More than any other U.S. company, Cheney's Halliburton helped Iraq restore its ability to earn the money to develop weapons of mass destruction.
[ What a brilliant plan!!!  Sell the equipment to Saddam to get the oil fields running, Saddam paying for the labor. Then the US moves in to displace him. Double profits !!  You have to give Cheney credit for his incredible business tactics and ability to make the public believe that this war is not about acquiring the oil before another nation does.]

How does Cheney explain this lapse of judgment? He doesn't. Instead he lies about it. Here's an excerpt from ABC's "This Week" with Sam Donaldson from August, 2000:  

Donaldson: I'm told, and correct me if I'm wrong, that Halliburton, through subsidiaries, was actually trying to do business in Iraq?

Cheney: No. No. I had a firm policy that I wouldn't do anything in Iraq - even arrangements that were supposedly legal.

I guess ABC doesn't have much of a budget for research, because Sam Donaldson failed to cite any sources or documents to challenge Cheney. (Who was it who "told" Sam about the deal? A cab driver? The janitor? Didn't ABC have documents or other sources? The deals, after all, were public and had to be cleared by an international sanctions committee.)

Can't you still hear the press crying "Liar Liar" at Al Gore every time he got some irrelevant detail wrong? Here Cheney tells a blatant lie about a matter of national security--and gets away with it. So much for the Liberal Media!
Incredibly, Cheney recently had the gall to support a ridiculous GOP ad accusing Tom Daschle of supporting Saddam Hussein.

If Iraq is really such a threat, then why did Cheney supply it with crucial technology?  We can't rely on the media to tell this story
Where, oh where to begin!    Well, let's begin with Adm. William J. Crowe Jr. It seems that back when George H. W. Bush was setting up Osama Bin Laden as a freedom fighter (A "freedom fighter" is the same thing as a terrorist, only aimed at someone you don't like) , the good Admiral and his buddies on the Joint Chiefs were selling American made weapons-grade Anthrax to Saddam Hussein in the hopes that he would use it on Iran (and then we wonder why the Iranian people don't much like  Americans). Who knows who else got these American-made weapons of mass destruction either from Admiral Crowe or Saddam.
   But that was then and this is now. Admiral Crowe is retired. Admiral Crowe is quite wealthy, far beyond what one might expect on even an Admiral's salary. In fact, Admiral Crowe sits on the Board of Directors and owns 13% of BioPort Corporation.
   What is the BioPort Corporation, I hear you ask? Well, it's the only corporation in the United States with a license to make Anthrax Vaccine. Except that BioPOrt doesn't actually make the vaccine, BioPOrt simply bought the lab that does make the vaccine, Michigan Biologic Products Institute, from the State of Michigan in 1998, oddly enough at the same time John J. Maresca, Vice President of International Relations, UNOCAL Corporation, was telling Congress that access to the oil reserves under the Caspian Sea required a new government in Afghanistan.
   Along with the actual Anthrax Vaccine, BioPort acquired Michigan Biologic Products Institute's sole and exclusive customer for the vaccine, the U.S. Department of defense. And here is the kicker. Since acquiring Michigan Biologic Products Institute, BioPort has not delivered a drop of the stuff! Only 4% of the vaccine contracted for has been delivered. FDA audits have uncovered suspicious record keeping and contamination problems, causing the FDA to ban delivery of the product. Despite this ban, the U.S. Government has continued to front BioPort millions of dollars [OUR money to support THEIR corp] to keep the operation going. And, given the "State of Emergency", it is likely that FDA concerns for the product will soon be set aside and the vaccine delivered, not to the citizens whose taxes paid for it all, but to the military and to the government.
   So, good old Admiral Crowe and his fellow investors in BioPort are set to make a bundle off of the Anthrax scare. Especially when market demand pushes the price of the product high up above the contracted for $3.50 an ounce. And who are those fellow investors? Well, another part of BioPort is owned by the Carlyse Group. That's George H. W. Bush's current occupation. Yet another portion is owned by (you had better sit down), the Bin Laden family!
   That's right. Just as the Bin Laden family made a fortune with the contract to rebuild the Khobar Towers supposedly blown up by Osama, the Bin Ladens will again make a fortune from their part ownership of the only company able to make an Anthrax Vaccine in the United States, because Osama might have some of that Anthrax that the United States sold to Saddam.
   In fact, the shortage created by the FDA bans will make all the players instant billionaires as market forces drive the price of the vaccine up to thousands of dollars per ounce. (The same amount of Anthrax treatment Cipro that sells for $20 in India now costs $690 in the US).
   A very cozy arrangement. The Bushes and Bin Ladens (and the occasional complicit Admiral) are all making money off of the fear and death of Americans and Afghanis.   It's called "profiteering".
Monterey Institute of International Studies
Agriculture and Water Resource Department:
On 3/21/86, the US Department of Commerce issued a license to the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) to export aspergillus fungal cultures, used in the production of aflatoxin, to Iraq. ATCC officials said the cultures were not delivered.[1]
Atomic Energy Commission:  Between 1985-89, ATCC made 17 shipments of "attenuated strains of various toxins and bacteria" to Iraq?s Atomic Energy Commission.[2]
Basra University:  According to a 1991 US military intelligence memo, Japanese scientists had been assisting scientists from Basra University since 1984 in researching mycotoxins produced by soil fungi, including aflatoxin. The Japanese-Iraqi team used three species of aspergillus mold to produce aflatoxin.[3]  In 1985, the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) sent a shipment of West Nile Fever virus to an Iraqi researcher.[4]
College of Medicine (Baghdad): On 11/30/84, the US Department of Commerce issued a license to ATCC to export aspergillus fungal cultures to Iraq for delivery to the College of Medicine in Baghdad. ATCC officials said the cultures were not delivered.[5]
State Establishment for Pesticide Production (SEPP):  Iraq?s State Establishment for Pesticide Production (SEPP) ordered incubators and culture media from Germany?s Water Engineering Trading (W.E.T.).[6]
Salman Pak:  In 1985, the CDC sent three shipments of West Nile Fever virus to Iraq for use in medical research.[7]
University of Baghdad:  Between 1985-1989, the ATCC supplied Iraq with several pathogens, including Clostridium botulinum, and various strains of anthrax.[8]
Unspecified Locations:
Between 1985-89, US firms exported Bacillus anthracis (anthrax), Clostridium botulinum, Histoplasma capsulatam, Brucella melitensis, Clostridium perfringens (gas gangrene), Clostridium tetani (tentanus), Escherichia coli, and "dozens of other pathogenic biological agents," to Iraq.[9]
Between 1985-89, the US firm ATCC sent Iraq up to 70 shipments including 21 strains of anthrax, 15 Class III pathogens, E. coli, Salmonella cholerasuis, Clostridium botulinum, Brucella meliteusis, and Clostidium perfringens. [This may include shipments already listed to the Agriculture and Water Resource Department, Atomic Energy Commission, and College of Medicine].[10]
Between 1984-89, the CDC sent Iraq more than 80 agents, including botulinum toxoid, Yersinia pestis, dengue virus, and West Nile antigen and antibody. [This may include shipments already listed to Basra University, and Salman Pak.][11]
In 1988, Iraq unsuccessfully attempted to obtain biological agents from the UK military research center at Porton Down.[12]
In 2/87, Germany?s Sigma Chemie supplied seven ounces of trichothecene mycotoxin, including T-2 toxin and HT-2 toxin, to the German firm Plato Kuehn, which indicated that the material would be exported to Iraq.[13]
In 1987, Josef Kuhn of Germany delivered 100 milligrams of trichothecene mycotoxin T-2 to Iraq.[14]
According to US Senator John McCain, Iraq obtained tularemia virus from the United States. The US Department of State said it had found no evidence to support Senator McCain?s allegation.[15]
Iraq obtained "deadly pathogens" from the Pasteur Institute in Paris.[16]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline thepatriot

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Al-Qaqaa, Hi Explosives, and Iraqi WMDs Want to know what h
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2004, 12:22:00 PM »
" Then the US moves in to displace him. Double profits !! You have to give Cheney credit for his incredible business tactics and ability to make the public believe that this war is not about acquiring the oil before another nation does.] "

Yeah this war was about OIL...BULLSHIT DEB if it was we woulnd't be paying 2.00 a gallon plus at the pump, mean while in the middle east it only cost 10.00 to fill a SUV. If we took their OIL our market would be flooded with cheap gas and heating oil, give it rest already. Haliburton Haliburton argument please Geesh
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
arasota Straight Escapee

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Al-Qaqaa, Hi Explosives, and Iraqi WMDs Want to know what h
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2004, 01:01:00 PM »
American Emergency
Excerpts from a talk by Daniel Sheehan on September 13, 2001

The World Trade Center is actually in the financial district, the heart of the Northern Industrial Alliance, which is in the process of being put together now by several Bush administrations. The first two Bush administrations as we know, were under the color of the Reagan administration, but everyone realizes that it was George Bush, Sr., that was really the power behind both of those Reagan administrations. Ronald Reagan was directed to cutting ribbons, and making speeches, but in fact it was George Bush, Sr., the former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, who chaired the 54-12 Committee that runs the covert operations and national security operations of the United States. It was George Bush who headed up the south Florida drug interdiction task force that was so closely coordinated with supporting the Contra forces in Central America, and it was George Bush, Sr. who chaired the basic commission was put together to reorganize the savings and loans associations in the United States during those first two administrations, and when George Bush came to office as the President of the United States, that was effectively his third term in office.

   Now we realize, I think most of us gather here together today, that what we're witnessing now is in fact the fourth administration of George Bush, Sr.  In order to try to understand what the context is for these events that bring us here today, we need to understand that what has happened here is that the financial center of the Northern Industrial Alliance has been attacked, and largely destroyed within a matter of two hour, and the center of the military power of the Northern Industrial Alliance has been struck within that hour, and some hundreds of military personnel killed. There are some indications that at least one of the other airplanes was on its way to the White House to attempt to strike there at the home of the Bush Administration.
   This term that I'm using here, "the Northern Industrial Alliance," comes from a set of papers that were obtained that were prepared in the first Bush administration. In the first Bush administration there was a major set of reevaluations undertaken as to the entire policies of the American government and American military. The particular documents I am referring to have been referred to as a major study which was the projection of U.S. military power into the 21st century and beyond. In these documents, it was proposed that the entire military structure of the United States be reconfigured to move away from the intercontinental ballistic missile fighting capability and the strategic bomber capacity of the United States. To move our energy into theatre level tactical fighting capabilities, the ability to actually maintain two theatre level military operations at the same time and a significant amount of increased funding into a new type of warfare that was called unconventional warfare or low intensity conflict.
  This has actually been designed by a man by the name of Theodore G. Shackley, who was the ADDO, the Associate Deputy Director for Operations of the CIA, when George Bush, Sr. was the Director of the CIA in 1976. This third option is designed to engage in covert warfare and the purpose of the entire reconfiguration of our military stature to move into this theatre level and low intensity conflict covert warfare modality. It was specifically identified in these documents. Saying that the purpose for doing this would be to enable the United States to retain privileged access to the essential raw materials and natural resources that were essential for the Northern Industrial Alliance. When we first saw this, Michael Claire, head of the Peace Studies Department at Hampshire College in New England, who provided a copy of these internal documents to us, I remember when reading, I said "When did we sign on to be citizens of this Northern Industrial Alliance, and who is this Northern Industrial Alliance?"
   I have talked with some of you about this before, but it is even more obvious now, that the national Democratic Party is going to select John Kerry to be the presidential nominee in 2004. It is extraordinarily important that you know this in watching the events that are going to be unfolding in the next several days. John Kerry chaired the Senate Select Committee on Terrorism that was in fact impaneled during the Iran-Contra crisis, and it was he who was investigating the entire off the shelf network in their connection to terrorist organizations in Latin America in support of the Contras. He is viewed by the Democratic Party as one of the experts on terrorism, and so that he is going to be now even more catapulted into this position, but the fact of the matter was that because he agreed to stand down on his investigation on the connection between the Contras in the massive drug smuggling that was going on to finance their purchase of the military equipment, he was promised the Vice-Presidential nomination under Al Gore, and Al Gore did not give it to him.
The leadership of the democratic party were so embarrassed at this fact that he now has the green light from the democratic party. Those decisions were all in place before Tuesday morning, but you are going to see over the next several days John Kerry over and over and over again, be put forward by the Democratic Party as its spokesperson, and he has the discretionary power within the Democratic Party right now to make lots of very important decisions.  We stand at the very balance here, not only of trying to determine which way the democratic party is to be going in the 2004  elections for the presidency, but we stand at the very balance in deciding in which direction our country is going to be going right now. That there is an absolute juggernaut under way as you all know.

Afghanistan, the Taliban and the Bush Oil Team
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline Antny

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Al-Qaqaa, Hi Explosives, and Iraqi WMDs Want to know what h
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2004, 01:25:00 PM »
Does this also explain why Putin is endorsing Bush??  He gets free explosives???
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
etter a lifetime of dreams fulfilled than dreams of fulfilment.

Offline Antny

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Al-Qaqaa, Hi Explosives, and Iraqi WMDs Want to know what h
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2004, 10:24:00 AM »
On 2004-10-28 09:22:00, thepatriot
Yeah this war was about OIL...BULLSHIT DEB if it was we woulnd't be paying 2.00 a gallon plus at the pump, mean while in the middle east it only cost 10.00 to fill a SUV. If we took their OIL our market would be flooded with cheap gas and heating oil, give it rest already. Haliburton Haliburton argument please Geesh"

Let's not forget that for years, those damn liberals have been fighting for the auto industry to quit making gas-guzzling SUV's and improve gas mileage and emmissions standards.  That would probably help the gas prices...better gas mileage = less demand = lower prices, right.  But I though it was Chinba's fault?  They have too many cars now?

So who really gets rich off our exorbitant oil prices?  Saudi, Iran, the middle east?  Ir is it Enron...oh wait, not them.  Maybe Chevron and Diamond Shamrock???  You tell me, Patriot, where does that $2.00 per gallon go.  Whose pockets does it end up in?  See, the people in power now would like for the rest of America to stay poor and uninformed.  Remember that.  It's important.  You watch TV much...think I'm telling the truth?  How much of that programming is designed to raise your awareness and intelligence?  NOT MUCH.  Yet it's the number one Pasttime in AMerica.   Why?  We got major problems to deal with.  The coorporate-military-media-political corruption has taken control ov everything - including most American's minds!!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
etter a lifetime of dreams fulfilled than dreams of fulfilment.

Offline Polarbear

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Al-Qaqaa, Hi Explosives, and Iraqi WMDs Want to know what h
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2004, 12:10:00 PM »
It appears the Russians utilized civilian convoys, according to some reports.  I was wondering how military convoy could move unobserved.  At the same time, no one is going to tell you what we have in the intel field.  And our opponents know when our satellites are overhead.  That information is easy to acquire.  We generally don't have 100% coverage anywhere.  If the Russians moved the stuff with civvie vehicles you wouldn't be able to tell what was in them.  And if the Russians moved in with all the vahicles it would require AND the heavy lift capacity it would require we would know about it FAST.  Enjoy-Polarbear
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline thepatriot

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Al-Qaqaa, Hi Explosives, and Iraqi WMDs Want to know what h
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2004, 12:21:00 PM »
On 2004-10-29 07:24:00, Antny wrote:


On 2004-10-28 09:22:00, thepatriot
Yeah this war was about OIL...BULLSHIT DEB if it was we woulnd't be paying 2.00 a gallon plus at the pump, mean while in the middle east it only cost 10.00 to fill a SUV. If we took their OIL our market would be flooded with cheap gas and heating oil, give it rest already. Haliburton Haliburton argument please Geesh"

Let's not forget that for years, those damn liberals have been fighting for the auto industry to quit making gas-guzzling SUV's and improve gas mileage and emmissions standards.  That would probably help the gas prices...better gas mileage = less demand = lower prices, right.  But I though it was Chinba's fault?  They have too many cars now?

So who really gets rich off our exorbitant oil prices?  Saudi, Iran, the middle east?  Ir is it Enron...oh wait, not them.  Maybe Chevron and Diamond Shamrock???  You tell me, Patriot, where does that $2.00 per gallon go.  Whose pockets does it end up in?  See, the people in power now would like for the rest of America to stay poor and uninformed.  Remember that.  It's important.  You watch TV much...think I'm telling the truth?  How much of that programming is designed to raise your awareness and intelligence?  NOT MUCH.  Yet it's the number one Pasttime in AMerica.   Why?  We got major problems to deal with.  The coorporate-military-media-political corruption has taken control ov everything - including most American's minds!!!"

About the only thing you got right was,those dam liberals and their hatred for SUV's
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
arasota Straight Escapee

Offline Deborah

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Al-Qaqaa, Hi Explosives, and Iraqi WMDs Want to know what h
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2004, 01:47:00 PM »
May 2003- ExxonMobil, the world's biggest privately owned oil group and a target of street protesters, celebrated May Day by reporting the largest quarterly corporate profits in history at $7.04bn (£4.4bn).

July 2004- The company said Thursday it earned net income of $5.8 billion, or 88 cents a share, in the second quarter, up from $4.2 billion, or 62 cents a share, in the year-earlier period. That was in line with forecasts of analysts surveyed by earnings tracker First Call. ... xxonmobil/

Mar 2004- Exxon Mobil Corp. may begin operations in Libya again following a 17-year absence, the company's chief executive said Wednesday at an analysts' meeting in New York.
Last month, the United States and Libya reached a deal lifting some of the restrictions, after Libya decided to abandon its weapons of mass destruction program, according to the report. ... ily25.html

Oct 2004- Net income in the third quarter jumped to $5.68 billion, or 88 cents a share, compared with $3.65 billion, or 55 cents a share, in the third quarter a year earlier. ... /index.htm ... ategoryID=
Mineral Rights Owners Sue Exxon Over Production Lease Payments
A class action lawsuit has been filed on behalf of royalty based mineral rights owners with an interest in certain oil and gas production units in Kansas. The suit alleges that Exxon Mobil Oil Corporation, and certain affiliate and subsidiary companies, have injured the rights of the plaintiffs by deliberately underpaying them on their mineral leases. The suit seeks back payments and other damages for the plaintiffs.
The complaint alleges that payments on the mineral leases are subject to a formula clearly set forth in the terms of the lease. Notwithstanding this formula, plaintiffs allege that Exxon Mobil improperly deducted its production costs from the royalty it was required to pay to the plaintiff leaseholders, theirby reducing their payments in violation of the lease.

Plaintiffs seek recovery of the improperly withheld payments as well as liquidated damages, attorneys fees and costs.

[ This Message was edited by: Deborah on 2004-10-29 11:08 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

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Al-Qaqaa, Hi Explosives, and Iraqi WMDs Want to know what h
« Reply #11 on: October 29, 2004, 02:09:00 PM »
On 2004-10-29 10:47:00, Deborah wrote:


May 2003- ExxonMobil, the world's biggest privately owned oil group and a target of street protesters, celebrated May Day by reporting the largest quarterly corporate profits in history at $7.04bn (£4.4bn).

July 2004- The company said Thursday it earned net income of $5.8 billion, or 88 cents a share, in the second quarter, up from $4.2 billion, or 62 cents a share, in the year-earlier period. That was in line with forecasts of analysts surveyed by earnings tracker First Call. ... xxonmobil/

Mar 2004- Exxon Mobil Corp. may begin operations in Libya again following a 17-year absence, the company's chief executive said Wednesday at an analysts' meeting in New York.

Last month, the United States and Libya reached a deal lifting some of the restrictions, after Libya decided to abandon its weapons of mass destruction program, according to the report. ... ily25.html

Oct 2004- Net income in the third quarter jumped to $5.68 billion, or 88 cents a share, compared with $3.65 billion, or 55 cents a share, in the third quarter a year earlier. ... /index.htm


Corporations making money, mmmmm Gee, this is a bad thing? They make money, the Saudis make money and pretty much every other OPEC nation. You anti profit people need to get over it. Who are you to say whay is too much profit? If we drilled in our own country and it can be done safely we wouldn't be paying alot for gas right now. But wait what did we do with all that Iraqi oil we supposedly went to war for?  mmmmmmm
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Deborah

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Al-Qaqaa, Hi Explosives, and Iraqi WMDs Want to know what h
« Reply #12 on: October 29, 2004, 02:59:00 PM »
My dear, there is a distinct difference between making a reasonable profit and gouging and/or war profiteering.

Not only did Exxon turn huge profits, but they screwed the lease holders too.

If you're happy to be gouged until the day they suck the last remaining drop of oil out of Earth, so be it. Or, do you hold Exxon stock?

This is pure unbridled greed.

Are you earning four times what you earned last year? Why? Or receiving tax breaks and subsidies from the gov't? Do you have a tax-payer funded safety net?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

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Al-Qaqaa, Hi Explosives, and Iraqi WMDs Want to know what h
« Reply #13 on: October 29, 2004, 03:13:00 PM »
On 2004-10-29 11:59:00, Deborah wrote:


My dear, there is a distinct difference between making a reasonable profit and gouging and/or war profiteering.

Not only did Exxon turn huge profits, but they screwed the lease holders too.

If you're happy to be gouged until the day they suck the last remaining drop of oil out of Earth, so be it. Or, do you hold Exxon stock?

This is pure unbridled greed.

Are you earning four times what you earned last year? Why? Or receiving tax breaks and subsidies from the gov't? Do you have a tax-payer funded safety net?


Spoken like a true bed wetting liberal :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antny

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Al-Qaqaa, Hi Explosives, and Iraqi WMDs Want to know what h
« Reply #14 on: November 05, 2004, 04:34:00 PM »
Wow, I love the deep thought thepatriot puts into his rebuttals.  Truly in the mold of our infallable President.  Only, I bet our Pres really does have the info, he just doesn't give a shit about the people or the Earth, remember...he truly believes that the prophesied Apocalypse, or Revelation, or End of Days or whatever is coming.

Yes, all of these issues of corruption are serious issues; however, the more pressing issue at the moment is that the American military, in conjunction with England (who is pretty divided herself) ans Israel are truly on course to CREATE WWIII.  Maybe it is the end of days, like the crazy Irish guy that we keep seeing pop up in public places would have us believe (remember the Olympic marathon scene?)  

If this is the case, then all of those who are non-believers better find a way to stop the religious zealots from destroying the world, or resign ourselves to our fate.  Democracy has yeilded a militant Christian fanatic on a crusade as the Commander in Chief of the most powerful military on the Planet, with enough nuclear firepower to blow this whole planet up like three houndred times over.

It's a bit pointless to squable over coorporate profit margins in light of this insight.  What now?  Sit back and watch the show?  It's not my fault, I'm from Texas, and I've never given the guy a vote, not for Gov, or Pres.  Now what?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
etter a lifetime of dreams fulfilled than dreams of fulfilment.