i still have nitemares and daymares no less about the ring..........1st time i was in it i was 13 years old against sally b, she said that i hit her when she was trying to put makeup on me for a costume, as i remember it, i tried to brush her hand away from my face, but oh well, i remember that i would fight back and when i was pushed or knocked outside the ring, people would push me back in and i heard people say quit fighting cause if you quit fighting it will end but if you fight it will keep going......
Another time i was in the ring wendy w broke my nose in the elan 3 dining room, it was a 3 or four house gm, i can't remember which, i cant remember if i went more rounds with somebody else or not but i know when the blood started coming out my nose she stopped fighting and started crying........
Another time, i was put in the ring with andrea r, she went on a visit with me with either my mom or my dad, im thinkin my dad tho, she came back and told them that i acted like a spoiled brat another 3 house gm, i dont remember specifics, but my dad and me talked about it like last year and he told me that as far as he remembered she was the one acting like the spoiled brat........
Another time i was in elan four, im not sure why i got put in the ring this time but i think it was because i was making people chase me around the compound outside (i was a corner person then) and i pissed some people off, so anyway i know i went like at least five rounds, robin w, karen q, dawn m,maryjane h,and judy h i think,sandy n, i know i went rounds with a couple of them at least twice and when no more girls wanted to fight they threatened to put mark r in with me, i talked to him a couple years ago and he told me that he still remembers that and that he was like no way am i going in with a girl....i remember jeff g kept asking me why i was so mad and it was almost like he was getting a kick out of it.....
people say that the ring was for bullies and for people who physically hurt others there, i know i was in the ring more times than i can remember, but these instances here specifically, unless im wrong i dont think i was bullying anyone or hurting anyone physically......and i always thought it was particularly cruel how some people just curled up and they still got the crap beat out of them, or told that they were a piece of shit, no wonder so many people have comitted suicide, gotten into drugs or just plain wanted to stop living.......but what the hell its all in the name of treatment