Author Topic: This is who you want for your President?  (Read 2081 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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This is who you want for your President?
« Reply #15 on: September 18, 2004, 01:22:00 PM »
What syn is doing over here sucks.Where is this other board?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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This is who you want for your President?
« Reply #16 on: September 18, 2004, 06:05:00 PM »
John Kerry's Votes For Higher Taxes

Kerry Voted 98 Times For Tax Increases Totaling More Than $2.3 Trillion.

Kerry Voted At Least 126 Times Against Tax Cuts Totaling More Than $5.3 Trillion.

John Kerry's Spending Plans Do Not Add Up

Out Of Kerry?s 133 Campaign Promises, Kerry Has Not Said How He Will Pay For At Least 91 Them.

Out Of Kerry?s 133 Campaign Promises, At Least 21 Are Paid For By Repealing President Bush?s Tax Cuts.

Rolling Back The Bush Tax Cuts Will Not Pay For Kerry?s $2 Trillion In New Spending.

John Kerry Is No Friend Of Middle Class

In 1995, Kerry Voted For A Resolution That Said Middle Class Tax Cuts Were Not Wise. The sense of the Senate amendment, killed on a motion by Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT), said, "reducing the deficit should be one of the nation's highest priorities, and that a middle-class tax cut would undermine and be inconsistent with the goal of achieving a balanced budget." (H.J. Res. 1, CQ Vote #67: Motion Agreed To 66-32: R 49-3; D 17-29, 2/14/95, Kerry Voted Nay)

Kerry Voted Against The 2001 And 2003 Tax Cuts.

Kerry Has Voted For Higher Taxes On Social Security Benefits At Least Eight Times.

Kerry Even Wanted Kerry To Increase Taxes On The Social Security Benefits Of Seniors Making As Little As $34,000 Per Year. ("The Debate: Sorting Out Fact From Fiction," The Boston Globe, 4/10/96)
Kerry Voted Against Amendment To FY 2004 Budget Resolution That Would Extend $1,000 Child Tax Credit Until 2013.

Kerry Sponsored And Voted For Motion To Kill Marriage Penalty Relief For Couples Earning Less Than $50,000 Per Year. "Kerry, D-Mass., motion to table (kill) the Gramm, R-Texas, amendment ? The Gramm amendment would allow couples with combined incomes under $50,000 a year to claim an additional $3,300 income tax deduction, thus eliminating the so-called marriage penalty for those in that income bracket." Sen. Gramm's marriage penalty relief would have saved taxpayers $46 billion over 10 years. The amendment also would allowed self-employed individuals to deduct health insurance costs on their income taxes. (S. 1415, CQ Vote #154: Rejected 48-50: R 5-49; D 43-1, 6/10/98, Kerry Voted Yea)

Kerry Voted Against Eliminating Clinton-Instituted 4.3-Cent Tax On Transportation Fuels.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline SyN

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This is who you want for your President?
« Reply #17 on: September 19, 2004, 08:34:00 AM »
when anon's talk to themselves and agree with themselves and their own posts its pretty lame.  Please anon use all your anon power to make me not a moderator any more.  Since you dont like it here so much then post elswhere.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
A word to the wise is infuriating.\"

Offline Anonymous

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This is who you want for your President?
« Reply #18 on: September 19, 2004, 09:11:00 AM »
You need to answer my question SYN.

Anonymous users at this site come with a bag avatar and do not display who they are and where they are located, nor provide an address or phone number to verify who they are.

The Screen name SYN, comes with a cartoon character avatar and also does not display a real name, address, phone number, ect.

So why are you a hipocrit? I have revealed more info about me then you have at this site SYN. I have posted in one of my post's where I am from and that is more then you can say.

Why don't I simply create a SN for me @ this site. Why the hell should I? This site allows it and it is too bothersome to keep logging in everytime I visit it.

It appears Syn's job @ this site is a moderator, I guess that makes him an official here. Gee Syn if people posting here anoymously really bother you that much then why not change the policy? Oh thats right, you can't, because you are just a puppet here.

If you are attemping to have a pissing contest with me I do believe I am way ahead of you both in politic's and the game of life.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline SyN

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This is who you want for your President?
« Reply #19 on: September 19, 2004, 10:01:00 AM »
"So why are you a hipocrit? I have revealed more info about me then you have at this site SYN. I have posted in one of my post's where I am from and that is more then you can say. "

If you dont know my name as its posted here all the time. Most allready know it thats your problem.  I have posted what I do and what town i am in ect.... Its all in this forum scatered and somewhere.But why should I look when you want to know.  

Why do you think your some kind of internet bully.  Keep trashing on people and trying to intimidate and everything you post wont last. Dont like it stop being a prick or leave.  Ask anti to start a forum just for anon cyber bullies. Trying to belttle me or anyone else to make your sick mind feel better wont be allowed dont like it dont post here.  Thats the bottom line.  Sorry i didnt respond last nite but i had better shit to do then be online.  I think you spend to much time online.

Now, onto politics.  

Should we delve into the opponents political past.  Thats good enough though Bush Is a newbie compared to Kerry.  Not only did he serve in nam but he has served in Goverment. Democratic nominee for Congress, 1972; Lieutenant Governor, 1982-85 (elected 1982); US Senator, 1985-present (elected in 1984, re-elected in 1990, 1996 & 2002). Chair, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, 1987-89.

Bush Governor of Texas, 1995-December 2000 (Elected 1994, re-elected 1998). President of the United States, 2001-present (Elected 2000 - 47.9% - 271 Electoral Votes).

wow impressive
but lets talk abouthow Bush is supporting our troops.

"To support the troops, President Bush's 2004 Budget and the Republican-led Congress has:

* Cut $14.6 billion from veteran's benefits over the next ten years.
* Cut $1.5 billion from military housing. U.S. House Representative David Obey attempted to recover $1 billion of this loss by trimming the portion of Bush's tax cut to Americans earning over $1 million per year by 5%. He failed.
* Cut $200 million from public schools on military bases.
* Denies the much-touted child tax credit to nearly 200,000 low-income military personnel.
* Canceled a modest proposal to increase the benefit to families of soldiers who die on active duty from $6,000 to $12,000.
* Rolled back recent modest increases in monthly imminent-danger pay for soldiers (from $225 to $150) and the family-separation allowance (from $250 to $100) for troops in hostile combat zones.
* Refused to consider military tax relief, which would be a great help to military homeowners and parents deployed to combat zones.
* Passed pay raises for some higher ranks, and capped raises for lower ranks.

Regarding some of these patriotic measures taken by the Bush Administration and Republicans, U.S. Army newspaper Army Times wrote: "Taken piecemeal, all these corner-cutting moves might be viewed as mere flesh wounds. But even flesh wounds are fatal if you suffer enough of them."  

hows that for a voteing record.

"Bush?s first budget proposed cutting grants to children?s hospitals like the one he visited by 15% ($34 million). His 2004 budget additionally proposes to cut 30% ($86 million) out of grants to children?s hospitals."
isnt that sweet.

Since you only copied and pasted articles i'll do the same.  Though our debate is obviously moot since you wont look at facts.

?We're dealing with first-time responders to make sure they've got what's needed to be able to respond. ? ? Bush, 3/27/2002

"Bush had been saying that he was proposing $3.5 billion in ?new? money for first responders. However, his budget tried to cut more than $1 billion out of existing grants to local police/fire departments to fund this. Then, in August of 2002, Bush rejected $150 million for grants to state and local first responders. Bush?s decision prompted the President of the Firefighters Union to say, ?President Bush, don't lionize our fallen brothers in one breath, and then stab us in the back by eliminating funding for our members to fight terrorism and stay safe.? The President of the Virginia firefighters association said, ?The president has merely been using firefighters and their families for one big photo opportunity.?

again kudos for choosing this man.

According to the Associated Press, Bush proposed ?to slash funding 20 percent for the Even Start  program, which offers tutoring to preschoolers and literacy and job training for their parents? ? the very program he was touting

this will keep our land secure
"in New Mexico [2/4/02].
The President?s 2003 and 2004 budget provides zero for port security grants. The GOP Congress has provided only $250 million for port security grants (35% less than authorized). Additionally, in August, the President vetoed all $39 million for the Container Security Initiative which he specifically touted."

"Bush?s 2003 Budget proposed a 9% ($476 million) cut to job training programs and a 2% ($8 million) cut to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Similarly, his 2004 budget proposes a $60 million cut to adult job training programs and a total elimination of the Youth Opportunities Grants, which provide job training to younger workers. "
if that doesnt ruin us hows about.
"Less than 6 months after this pronouncement, Bush proposed a budget that would put the government more than $300 billion into deficit. As National Journal noted on 2/12/02, Bush?s own 2004 budget tables show that without Bush?s tax and budgetary proposals, the deficit deficit would decline after 2006, but with Bush?s proposals the deficit would grow indefinitely."

What kind of president doesnt bring up Afghanastan and only Iraq?  Then has more police surround the RNC then their are troops in afghanastan looking For Osama Bin Laden.  What Kind of President takes the pressure of the man who funded the 9/11 attacks.  Then Focuses on Iraq.  

such an impressive voteing record and he's only been at it since 1994, and breaking all records of screwing our home land.

Again anon. I have no problem with anon posters.  Just the ones who hide behind the bag and act tough tell people to shut up, and threaten people. I dont agree with the anons who slander for lack of anything better to do.  And I will delete the posts that do these things.  Dont like it try asking Ginger for your own place call it the slander forum where you can spew hate all day. Not here not any more.

You also dont come close to beating me in a political debate. But your man is hard to back up.
Mike Lewandowski
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
A word to the wise is infuriating.\"

Offline Anonymous

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This is who you want for your President?
« Reply #20 on: September 19, 2004, 11:31:00 AM »
You havent even't came 1/4 way of the dirt I pulled up on Kerry. Mr. Flip Flop Kerry has so much dirt under his rug you need a profesional crew to clean it.

You are just a little kid that has yet to experince WHAT I HAVE done in life.Talk to me in about 10 years after you have grown up.

As far as me bulliying and threatening people, where might this be posted?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »