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« on: June 11, 2004, 01:43:00 PM »
The Idiot's Guide to Chinagate

By Richard Poe

May 26, 2003

CHINA WILL LIKELY replace the USA as world leader, said Bill Clinton in a recent Washington Post interview. It is just a matter of time. Clinton should know. He has personally done more to build China?s military strength than any man on earth.

Most Americans have heard of the so-called "Chinagate " scandal. Few understand its deadly import, however. Web sites such as "Chinagate for Dummies" and its companion "More Chinagate for Dummies" offer some assistance. Unfortunately, with a combined total of nearly 8,000 words, these two sites ? like so many others of the genre ? offer more detail than most of us "dummies" can absorb.

For that reason, in the 600 words left in this column, I will try to craft my own "Idiot?s Guide to Chinagate," dedicated to all those busy folks like you and me whose attention span tends to peter out after about 750 words. Here goes.

When Bill Clinton took office in 1993, China presented little threat to the United States. Chinese missiles "couldn?t hit the side of a barn," notes Timothy W. Maier of Insight magazine. Few could reach North America and those that made it would likely miss their targets.

Thanks to Bill Clinton, China can now hit any city in the USA, using state-of-the-art, solid-fueled missiles with dead-accurate, computerized guidance systems and multiple warheads.

China probably has suitcase nukes as well. These enable China to strike by proxy ? equipping nuclear-armed terrorists to do their dirty work, while the Chinese play innocent. Some intelligence sources claim that China maintains secret stockpiles of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons on U.S. soil, for just such contingencies.

In 1997, Clinton allowed China to take over the Panama Canal. The Chinese company Hutchison Whampoa leased the ports of Cristobal and Balboa, on the east and west openings of the canal respectively, thus controlling access both ways. A public outcry stopped Clinton in 1998 from leasing California?s Long Beach Naval Yard to the Chinese firm COSCO. Even so, China can now strike U.S. targets easily from their bases in Panama, Vancouver and the Bahamas.

How did China catch up so fast? Easy. We sold them all the technology they needed ? or handed it over for free. Neither neglect nor carelessness are to blame. Bill Clinton did it on purpose.

As a globalist, Clinton promotes "multipolarity"? the doctrine that no country (such as the USA) should be allowed to gain decisive advantage over others.

To this end, Clinton appointed anti-nuclear activist Hazel O?Leary to head the Department of Energy. O?Leary set to work "leveling the playing field," as she put it, by giving away our nuclear secrets. She declassified 11 million pages of data on U.S. nuclear weapons and loosened up security at weapons labs.

Federal investigators later concluded that China made off with the "crown jewels" of our nuclear weapons research under Clinton?s open-door policy ? probably including design specifications for suitcase nukes.

Meanwhile, Clinton and his corporate cronies raked in millions.

In his book The China Threat, Washington Times correspondent Bill Gertz describes how the system worked. Defense contractors eager to sell technology to China poured millions of dollars into Clinton?s campaign. In return, Clinton called off the dogs. Janet Reno and other counterintelligence officials stood down while Lockheed Martin, Hughes Electronics, Loral Space & Communications and other U.S. companies helped China modernize its nuclear strike force.

"We like your president. We want to see him reelected," former Chinese intelligence chief General Ji Shengde told Chinagate bagman Johnny Chung.

Indeed, Chinese intelligence organized a massive covert operation aimed at tilting the 1996 election Clinton?s way.

Clinton?s top campaign contributors for 1992 were Chinese agents; his top donors in 1996 were U.S. defense contractors selling missile technology to China.

Clinton recieved funding directly from known or suspected Chinese intelligence agents, among them James and Mochtar Riady who own the Indonesian Lippo Group; John Huang; Charlie Trie; Ted Sioeng; Maria Hsia; Wang Jun and others.

Commerce Secretary Ron Brown served as Clinton?s front man in many Chinagate deals. When investigators began probing Brown?s Lippo Group and Chinagate connections, Brown died suddenly in a suspicious April 1996 plane crash.

Needless to say, China does not share Clinton?s enthusiasm for globalism or multipolarity. The Chinese look out for Number One.

"War [with the United States] is inevitable; we cannot avoid it," said Chinese Defense Minister General Chi Haotian in 2000. "The issue is that the Chinese armed forces must control the initiative in this war."

Bill Clinton has given them a good start.

Man and you thought Iran-Contra was a Shady deal?[ This Message was edited by: thepatriot on 2004-06-11 10:47 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
arasota Straight Escapee

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« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2004, 05:58:00 PM »
On 2004-06-11 10:43:00, thepatriot wrote:

Man and you thought Iran-Contra was a Shady deal?

Six of these, half dozen of the other. Vote Libertarian.

Marihuana influences Negroes to look at white people in the eye, step on white men's shadows and look at a white woman twice.

--Hearst newspapers nationwide, 1934

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

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« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2004, 06:09:00 PM »
Ginger Writes:

Six of these, half dozen of the other. Vote Libertarian.


I second that emotion ...

 ::bigsmilebounce::  ::drummer::
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Deborah

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« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2004, 10:48:00 AM »
Perhaps Clinton was throwing a wrench into the covert plans of the Northern Industrial Alliance, aka the G8.

American Emergency - Executive summary
Daniel Sheehan is an attorney and professional investigator of some 30 years, who has investigated some of the most important issues of our generation, from the Karen Silkwood killing to the Iran-Contra affair, to exposing covert illegal activities in Latin America and other places. [He helped witht he publication of the Pentagon Papers also]
Two days after the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks on September 11, 2001, a luncheon was called and Mr. Sheehan was invited to speak. With less than 24 hours notice, about 40 people showed up to hear him. He spoke to us about his perspective that this attack had to do with the "Northern Industrial Alliance," a term which comes from a set of papers that were prepared in the first Bush administration. It¹s purpose was to enable the United States to  retain privileged access to the raw materials
and natural resources that were essential for the eight major nations which make up this alliance, now being referred to as the G8. These
nations are primarily behind a lot of the major meetings of the World Trade Organization, The International Monetary Fund, and The World Bank.
Mr. Sheehan believes that there is an attempt underway to establish economic and military world domination on behalf of these eight northern capitalist nations.
Specifically that this is to be organized so as to basically push away any ultimate control or power on the part of Asia under the leadership of
China, and of the Islamic world. The inevitable result of this is going to be to drive China and Asia into an alliance with the Islamic world,
thus setting up a world clash between these two alliances.
Now we know China is beginning to develop nuclear weapons to arm itself. And we know the Islamic world is attempting to develop nuclear weapons as well, in direct alliance and communication with China.
This might explain the massive terrorist assault that just happened. This might also explain why it is so essential that we have this multibillion
dollar missile shield program and no restrictions on our covert activities. And with the predictable reaction on the part of
administration officials, Mr. Sheehan feels this could be just the precursor to a series of potential terrorist attacks.

The question I keep asking myself is, what if Mr. Sheehan is right? In the following pages, Mr. Sheehan explains what has led him to these
perspectives, as well as some suggestions for citizen participation in this national emergency.  Executive Summary by Bruce Baumrucker - [email protected]

American Emergency

Excerpts from a talk by Daniel Sheehan on September 13, 2001 (2 days after the attack)
We're standing here within basically 48 hours of the initial incident that occurred at 8:40 a.m., eastern time, two days ago, when the American
Airlines Flight 11 from Boston to Los Angeles was diverted and directed into the north tower of the World Trade Center. Within 18 minutes of that incident, at 9:08 a.m. eastern time, United Airlines Flight 175 also from Boston to Los Angeles, was directed into the south tower. Both towers collapsed within two hours.
There are now 4,763 people listed as officially missing from those two towers, a short while later, at 9:43 a.m., a third airline which left
Dulles airport towards Los Angeles was directed into the Pentagon. Struck the Pentagon and has killed some significant number of people in the
Pentagon. Shortly after that a fourth airliner crashed on its way toward Washington in Pennsylvania. Some 266 passengers were killed in those four flights, in addition to the people killed at the World Trade Center and at the Pentagon.
Now the importance of the two locations is extremely important for us to keep in mind here. The World Trade Center is actually in the financial district, the heart of the Northern Industrial Alliance, which is in the process of being put together now by several Bush administrations. The first two Bush administrations as we know, were under the color of the Reagan administration, but everyone realizes that it was George Bush, Sr., that was really the power behind both of those Reagan
administrations. Ronald Reagan was directed to cutting ribbons, and making speeches, but in fact it was George Bush, Sr., the former director
of the Central Intelligence Agency, who chaired the 54-12 Committee that runs the covert operations and national security operations of the United States. It was George Bush who headed up the south Florida drug interdiction task force that was so closely coordinated with supporting the Contra forces in Central America, and it was George Bush, Sr. who chaired the basic commission was put together to reorganize the savings and loans associations in the United States during those first two administrations, and when George Bush came to office as the President of the United States, that was effectively his third term in office. Now we
realize, I think most of us gather here together today, that what we're witnessing now is in fact the fourth administration of George Bush, Sr.
In order to try to understand what the context is for these events that bring us here today, we need to understand that what has happened here is
that the financial center of the Northern Industrial Alliance has been attacked, and largely destroyed within a matter of two hour, and the center of the military power of the Northern Industrial Alliance has been struck within that hour, and some hundreds of military personnel killed.
There are some indications that at least one of the other airplanes was on its way to the White House to attempt to strike there at the home of
the Bush Administration.
This term that I'm using here, "the Northern Industrial Alliance," comes from a set of papers that were obtained that were prepared in the first Bush administration. In the first Bush administration there was a major set of reevaluations undertaken as to the entire policies of the American government and American military. The particular documents I am referring
to have been referred to as a major study which was the projection of U.S. military power into the 21st century and beyond. In these documents,
it was proposed that the entire military structure of the United States be reconfigured to move away from the intercontinental ballistic missile fighting capability and the strategic bomber capacity of the United States. To move our energy into theatre level tactical fighting
capabilities, the ability to actually maintain two theatre level military operations at the same time and a significant amount of increased funding into a new type of warfare that was called unconventional warfare or low intensity conflict.
This has actually been designed by a man by the name of Theodore G. Shackley, who was the ADDO, the Associate Deputy Director for Operations
of the CIA, when George Bush, Sr. was the Director of the CIA in 1976.
This third option is designed to engage in covert warfare and the purpose of the entire reconfiguration of our military stature to move into this theatre level and low intensity conflict covert warfare modality. It was
specifically identified in these documents. Saying that the purpose for doing this would be to enable the United States to retain privileged
access to the essential raw materials and natural resources that were essential for the Northern Industrial Alliance. When we first saw this, Michael Claire, head of the Peace Studies Department at Hampshire College in New England, who provided a copy of these internal documents to us, I remember when reading, I said "When did we sign on to be citizens of this Northern Industrial Alliance, and who is this Northern Industrial Alliance?"
It really is eight major nations, which are now being referred to as the G8, the ones who are primarily behind a lot of the major meetings of the World Trade Organization, The International Monetary Fund, The World Bank, a lot of those major meetings that are being targeted by the
younger generation, the millennialist generation, trying to draw world attention to what these meetings are, and what is going on in these meetings. But the Northern Industrial Alliance is in fact, a new confederation of states. Not coincidentally, all of whom are Caucasian capitalist nations, and there is an attempt underway being engineered by the Bush Administrations, to establish a major super state in the world, a conglomerate of these eight Caucasian capitalist countries.
We've got the United States, Canada, England, France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, and Russia. It used to be known as the G7. Now they've brought
Russian in, now that it has basically flung off its ethnic provinces, so that just the Caucasian Mother Russia is there. Japan was part of the
trilateral commission originally. What you're really seeing now is that Russia is going to be brought into it and Japan is going to be kind of
shuffled out of it, because Japan is part of the whole Asian hegemony.
You can see that Samuel Huntington actually says that in his Clash of Civilization writings. He says there's no use in trying to hold Japan in
this because they are intrinsically part of the Asian empire, and so let's just let them go.
If one were going to be identifying a Northern Industrial Alliance, one would wonder for example, why in fact China would not be in this, because they are in the north and becoming a major industrial power, but they are not going to be included. This is a specific plan that is underway being engineered by the Bush Administration, to bring all of these nations
together to establish a unified military command, a unified economic center, an economic command. They are attempting to establish a system of exchange of economic power and resources, but ultimately their objectives have been identified by this man by the name of Samuel P. Huntington, who is the Olin Institute Director at Harvard University. The Olin Institute for International Studies. He is also the President of the American Association of Political Science. He also in fact a major spokesperson for the Council on Foreign Relations of the Trilateral Commission of
David Rockefeller. He has written a major white paper, which is now available, which is entitled "The Clash of Civilizations and The Remaking of the World Order." This is a virtual blueprint laying out in detail what the plan is of the Trilateral Commission, of the Council on Foreign Relations, and of the Bush  Administrations.
This is an action plan to establish world domination, economically and militarily on behalf of these eight northern Caucasian capitalist nations in the world. They believe that the new organizing principle that ought
to govern the entire remaking of the world order is to have these eight nations establish cooperative hegemony over all the resources of the planet. In Samuel Huntington's book that was published in 1996, he states very specifically that this is to be organized so as to basically push away any ultimate control or power on the part of Asia, under the hegemony of China, and of the Islamic world. You can see this type of
dialectical energy being generated by the Bush administrations, identifying themselves, these eight nations in contradistinction to Asia
and the Islamic world.
The inevitable result of this dialectical energy being put out in the world is going to be to drive China and Asia into an alliance with the
Islamic world, and we see this manifesting itself most starkly in the communications going on between China and Pakistan. The undertaking on
the part of China to provide nuclear technology to Pakistan, and Pakistan now developing its own nuclear weapons. Now the Bush administration is
talking about how it is so essential that we have this multibillion dollar program to pour money into a missile shield to protect ourselves
against such people as Pakistan, having its renegade missiles, and possibly others, such as North Korea under the Asian hegemony of China,
and of course, China itself.
This program that is under way on the part of the Bush administrations, might generate a completely helpless response on the part of members of the Islamic world, or it might in fact generate a just a simple helpless reaction on the part of Asia. Now Asia is not responding in a simply helpless way. We know it's beginning to arm itself. China is developing nuclear weapons. Now we know that the Islamic world is attempting to develop nuclear weapons as well, in direct alliance and communication with China.

Now the question that we are faced with here, is in fact that there is another energy underway out of the Islamic world to attempt to respond to
this juggernaut. It appears quite clearly that there is. I think what we have seen over the last 48 hours is really quite predictable. It has been ultimately predictable that there was going to be some massive terrorist assault; almost certainly directed against New York City as the financial capital of the Northern Industrial Alliance. It is just remarkable that
it hasn't happened prior to this time, and it is also remarkable that it was not nuclear in its nature or biological. This much more traditional though unorthodox attack, is just the precursor to a series of potential attacks, and the reaction on the part of the Reagan-Bush administrations officials has been completely
predictable. James Baker, the former Secretary of State of the Reagan-Bush administration had called for the revision of a number of
guidelines that have the restrained the CIA from being able to carry out political assassinations. That was one of his first responses when he was interviewed by ABC television. He said that we need to amend these
guidelines that have been imposed upon the agency, that it basically handcuffed us in the face of this terrorism. The former Assistant
Secretary of State for the Reagan-Bush administration, Lawrence Eagleberger, has said that it is essential that we respond immediately
and with maximum violence. He said that it absolutely important for them to see that our reaction is going to be irrational in its scale and in its savagery, and that it should be directed clearly not only against Bin Laden, but also against those who support him, and by that, he said, I mean not simply have participated in the planning or execution of this particular act, but expressing support for his general principles and ideas. Now this is basically an attempt on the part of Lawrence Eagleberger to declare war on the entire fundamentalist Islamic world.
Orrin Hatch, the immediate past Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee that is in charge of the statutory law making process with the
federal government said that we ought to  basically "immediately bomb these bastards" was his actual quote. But in addition to that we ought to amend the laws of our country to enable us to set aside the recent guidelines that have constrained the CIA that have prohibited them from engaging from both political assassinations and have prohibited them as he put it "engaging terrorists."
Now the implication of this statement was that we have been somehow restrained from engaging the terrorists to try to stop them. The
regulations that he is talking about were prohibiting the CIA from employing terrorists, which is actually what they were doing. Right wing terrorists that were killing, kidnapping, and assassinating people all through Latin America and the Middle East. Those were the guidelines that in fact Orrin Hatch was talking about. Bob Gates the former CIA Director,
under the Reagan-Bush administration said very much the same thing. What we need to do is immediately move to lift the guidelines that have
restrained the CIA that are hampering us from dealing effectively with these types of terrorists.
Just yesterday, within 24 hours, we have seen the NATO nations now invoke for the first time Article V, which was enacted back in 1955, basically asserting they view this attack on the United States as being an attack on all of the members of NATO, so they can now join together to begin to support them. We see them moving immediately to invoke this terrible incident to support their agenda to loosen the constraints that have been placed upon them, and we see even this morning, with Neil Conan on NPR was interviewing members of the administration. What they are calling for now is to understand that since so many of our valuable trading
corporations were destroyed in the twin tower destruction, where up to 40% U.S. federal bonds were handled by these particular corporations,
citing the corporations by name, saying that we now need to stand united on behalf of tax reductions for the wealthy people of the United States who could have been damaged by the destruction of their trading partners, and also for the reduction of the capital gains tax, and that we ought to be allowed now to have no more talk about this lock box on the Social Security fund. That we ought to be able to go into the Social Security funds to generate this 20 billion dollars that is going to be necessary
now for the building of this.
What we have seen is an absolutely robotic move on the part of the right wing elements in the republican party to actually insist upon invoking
the deaths of all of these Americans in support of their specific agenda that they have been articulating over the past decades during the various Bush administrations.
What we have seen last night is Senator John Kerry was brought onto Larry King Live which has become, through CNN, the forum for voicing of the
desired view on virtually every issue. John Kerry came on Tuesday night, he is starting to say things like "this is a declaration of war, that we must make, no mistake about it. We have three different ways that we might respond, one is multilateral, the other is bilateral, and the third is unilateral. We need to prepare to move unilaterally to defend the honor of our nation, and our way of life against attacks." Who came on
with him was Diane Feinstein, again,  asserting "this is a declaration of war. We must respond with force and resolve."  I have talked with some of you about this before, but it is even more obvious now, that the national Democratic Party is going to select John
Kerry to be the presidential nominee in 2004. It is extraordinarily important that you know this in watching the events that are going to be
unfolding in the next several days. John Kerry chaired the Senate Select Committee on Terrorism that was in fact impaneled during the Iran-Contra
crisis, and it was he who was investigating the entire off the shelf network in their connection to terrorist organizations in Latin America
in support of the Contras. He is viewed by the Democratic Party as one of the experts on terrorism, and so that he is going to be now even more catapulted into this position, but the fact of the matter was that because he agreed to stand down on his investigation on the connection
between the Contras in the massive drug smuggling that was going on to finance their purchase of the military equipment, he was promised the Vice-Presidential nomination under Al Gore, and Al Gore did not give it to him.
The leadership of the democratic party were so embarrassed at this fact that he now has the green light from the democratic party. Those
decisions were all in place before Tuesday morning, but you are going to see over the next several days John Kerry over and over and over again, be put forward by the Democratic Party as its spokesperson, and he has the discretionary power within the Democratic Party right now to make lots of very important decisions.
We stand at the very balance here, not only of trying to determine which way the democratic party is to be going in the 2004 elections for the presidency, but we stand at the very balance in deciding in which direction our country is going to be going right now. That there is an
absolute juggernaut under way as you all know. Even national public radio with Neil Conan was just interviewing General Perry Smith on the way over here, and all he was talking about was the tactical questions of how we are going to strike at the Taliban and whether or not we are going to be including Pakistan in this, and haven't we given fair notice to Pakistan now that they have an opportunity to show their support to the U.S. by allowing us to use their air space for military operations. That request has been sent to Pakistan this morning by the Bush administration, asking them for authority to overfly Pakistan in their military activities
coming up. So even Neil Conan and people with NPR are not even questioning whether or not this should be done. They are all moving into
discussing tactics.
This is an extraordinarily dangerous set of signs that we are being given right now. It is extremely important for us to be aware that we are going to have to make some hard tactical decisions here in these next few days. We need to be more structural, more institutional in our thinking, we need to think how, as a generation, we're going to formulate our position on this, what kind of leadership we're going to provide for the millennial generation on this.
What I am recommending is as follows: That the first thing that we need to avoid doing is to start reacting to this and talking to people as
though we believe that this was some kind of Reichstag fire operation. [I'm still not convinced] What that is, is that the Nazi government in rising to power in Germany between the World Wars actually set fire to the Reichstag and then reacted to it by saying, look we're under assault by exterior enemies and we need to all unite and come behind the Fuehrer. I think it would be a very, very serious mistake to become part of something like this.
I'm saying that it would be a very, very serious mistake for us to be naive about who it is that is likely that did this, and to understand why
this was done. Just because the right wing are the beneficiaries of this and are moving very rapidly to try to make sure that they are the
beneficiaries of this by advocating all the policies that I have listed to you. The decreasing of the capital gains tax, the opening the lock box of social security, the eliminating of the guidelines of the CIA. They are all going to move to try to take advantage of this if they can. But, that does not mean that they were the ones behind instigating this set of attacks. If we go out onto that limb, it is going to be sawed off behind us very quickly. Because I do believe that there is a high likelihood that this type of coordinated attack with over 50 people probably involved in organizing it, did come from some fundamentalist Islamic forces in the Middle East. Its important for us to understand and to discuss what the nature of their motive was and what it implies.
In this context however, I think secondly we have to be extraordinarily careful not give off any signs of heroizing Bin Laden. We have to be
extraordinarily careful not to go giving off any signals whatsoever to give any justification for that type of conduct.
We need to understand that we are not simply on the brink of having them engage in another bombing like they did in the Persian Gulf wars or even like they did under the Clinton administration where they just basically carpet bombed some small country that's just going to sit there and watch this thing happen. We need to understand what is starting to happen. We
need to understand that if in fact they¹re starting to make their move against the Islamic world and scapegoating Afghanistan and Pakistan, that these people are in direct communications with China, and China is going to see this as an attempt to destroy one of the two major world groupings that are set up as the potential dialectical adversaries of the Northern
Industrial Alliance. They are going to see this as a preemptive strike against their coalition that they are attempting to form to protect their
interests in the world, and we need to  understand the implications of this, and the fact that everyone in the republican  administration is going to go rushing blindly into that policy.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2004, 11:20:00 AM »
Another perspective on why it would not be an overstatement to call Clinton a traitor ....


Clinton Gave China Chips for Nuclear War
Charles R. Smith
Wednesday, Oct. 1, 2003

Newly declassified documents show that President Bill Clinton personally approved the transfer to China of advanced space technology that can be used for nuclear combat.

The documents show that in 1996 Clinton approved the export of radiation hardened chip sets to China. The specialized chips are necessary for fighting a nuclear war.

"Waivers may be granted upon a national interest determination," states a Commerce Department document titled "U.S. Sanctions on China."

"The President has approved a series of satellite related waivers in recent months, most recently in November, 1996 for export of radiation hardened chip sets for a Chinese meteorological satellite," noted the Commerce Department documents.

These special computer chips are designed to function while being bombarded by intense radiation. Radiation hardened chips are considered critical for atomic warfare and are required by advanced nuclear tipped missiles.

Judicial Watch obtained the documents through the Freedom of Information Act, a Washington-based political watchdog group.

Several documents were withheld from release by the U.S. Commerce Department for commercial and personal privacy exemptions, but none of the documents were withheld for national security reasons. Judicial Watch is expected to appeal the withholdings.

Decade of Betrayal

U.S. intelligence sources stated that the newly released documents illustrate the extent to which the Clinton White House placed trade ? and trade with China specifically ? above national security.

"In all likelihood we will be glowing in the dark before we discover the true extent of the Clinton decade of betrayal," stated Rick Fisher, Asian Security Fellow at the Center for Security Policy.

"If it was indeed intended for a new PRC weather satellite, then it is possible that it was used for their new polar orbit weather satellites. This is significant because the Chinese themselves acknowledge that their polar orbit weather satellites directly contribute to their long-range missile targeting capability. This becomes even more important for their new smaller but more accurate warheads, used on their new DF-31, DF-31A, DF-5 Mod2 and JL-2 missiles. If they encounter significant weather, warhead accuracy degrades, reducing their utility," stated Fisher.

"Inasmuch as similar U.S. military weather satellites perform the same missions, the Clinton Administration had to have known they were assisting a PLA strategic military capability," concluded Fisher.

In addition, the Chinese military is clearly interested in acquiring advanced radiation hardened computer chips for its strategic nuclear arsenal.

U.S. Chips for PRC Nukes

Currently, China has only liquid fueled, long-range missiles, and the majority of them are based inside underground silos. These long-range rockets are reported to be "bore-sighted" ? meaning the underground silos are aimed directly at target cities inside the United States.

The Chinese army is now attempting to shift its strategic nuclear arsenal to a solid-fuel "launch on command" capability. These new missiles are rail- and road-mobile and require sophisticated electronic guidance systems to accurately strike their intended targets.

As part of this upgrade, the Chinese army is also modifying its nuclear warhead designs to arm new survivable missiles such as the DF-31 and JL-2. Chinese engineers are planning to equip these new missiles with MIRV technology, allowing each missile to carry multiple nuclear warheads.

Again, the U.S. radiation hardened computer chip technology is a logical addition to the reconfiguration and upgrade of Chinese nuclear weapons.

Stolen U.S. Chips

Another critical element of the Clinton-supplied waiver is the fact that it took place during an investigation of Chinese espionage into missing U.S. radiation hardened satellite chips.

In February 1996, a Chinese Long March rocket carrying a Loral Intelsat satellite failed and crashed on lift-off. The Loral Intelsat payload was badly damaged. The Chinese intended to launch the Loral satellite into deep space as they had been paid to do by Loral CEO Bernard Schwartz.

However, fate took a twisted path, and so did the Chinese rocket. The Long March rocket failed on launch and crashed into a nearby Chinese village, killing over 200 innocent civilians. The failure of the Long March allowed the U.S. to recover the sealed satellite guidance box, which revealed the control board of radiation-hardened chips was missing.

The missing board from the Loral Intelsat satellite is no mystery. It quickly became obvious that Chinese engineers removed the special electronics and kept the board for examination. The stolen Loral electronics consist of radiation hardened, encrypted telemetry chips, stored in a secure flight control box similar to those found on airliners. The NSA changed all U.S. satellite codes as a result of the stolen Loral chips, costing American taxpayers millions of dollars.

1996 Illegal Campaign Donations

Another factor involved in the November 1996 waiver issued by then-President Clinton is the fact that illegal money entered the U.S. elections from the Chinese army. The money was donated to the DNC from a variety of sources including convicted Chinagate figures John Huang, Charlie "Yah-Lin" Trie and Johnny Chung.

The 1996 Clinton-Gore campaign readily accepted much of the money from the Chinese army sources without question, and in some cases took these donations in cash. The allegations of Chinese espionage and illegal campaign donations were never investigated properly.

The successful effort by China to obtain U.S. microchip technology included espionage, sabotage and perhaps bribery. The red intelligence windfall freed the Chinese army to more accurately target American cities with atomic weapons using advanced U.S technology.

The legacy that President Clinton left for the 21st century is a modern Chinese army equipped for global nuclear war.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »