Author Topic: DFAF ATTEMPTS TO STIFLE THE FREE PRESS  (Read 3070 times)

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Offline GregFL

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« on: July 17, 2002, 03:25:00 PM »
Rodney balko, the freelance writer that wrote the fox news piece on straight, just got this:

Wednesday, July 17, 2002  
So here's the scoop. Reason Magazine agreed to let me write an article on Straight and Mel and Betty Sembler on spec (meaning they reserve the right not to publish or pay me). So I started writing. And what was to be a 3,500 word piece turned into 5,000. Once I'd finished, I sent it to Reason's editors for a preliminary look-through. They then suggested I send a copy to the Semblers and the Drug Free America Foundation (Straight's modern-day offspring) for comment. I did, and here's the message:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Radley Balko"
To: ;
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 8:16 AM
Subject: Upcoming Article on Straight, Inc.

> Dear Mrs. Sembler and Ms. Fay,
> My name is Radley Balko and I've just completed a 4,800 word article on
> Straight, Inc., it's history, it's progeny and the continuing influence of
> Mr. and Mrs. Sembler and DFAF over U.S. domestic drug policy. The piece
> will run in an upcoming issue of Reason Magazine.
> As a courtesy, I've attached a copy of the unedited article for your
> comments. Your response, should you send one, will be included in the
> magazine. I've been unable to locate an email address for Ambassador
> Sembler, so I'll trust that Mrs. Sembler's comments will speak for him, or
> that she'll forward the attachment on to him for his response.
> Cordially,
> Radley Balko
This morning, I got a reply from Calvina Fay, the director of the Drug Free America Foundation. I plan to publish it here soon, but it specifically says that it's not intended for publication, so I want to get some legal advice on whether or not I have to honor that before I post it for you all to read.

The letter basically threatens me and Reason with a lawsuit should the story go to press. It also says that the Fox column was libelous, though, once again, it fails to lay out any specific instances where I've libeled anyone. It also mentions the possibility of naming my current employer party to the suit -- which is little more than sheer intimidation. The piece was done on a freelance basis, and is in no way affiliated with, endorsed by, or done under the auspices of my employer. DFAF knows that. But they obviously figure that the more people around me they rattle, the quicker I'll buckle. Not gonna' happen. It's high time somebody held these bozos accountable.

Still, I am looking for some pro bono help. If Reason runs the piece and I get sued separately, I'm confident I'd win. But I'm not confident I'd have the finances to fight it to the end. So if any of you know of a libel or First Amendment lawyer or legal organization who might be willing to help me out, I'd be much obliged.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline MommaDebi

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« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2002, 04:21:00 PM »

This morning, I got a reply from Calvina Fay, the director of the Drug Free America Foundation.

The letter basically threatens me and Reason with a lawsuit should the story go to press. It also says that the Fox column was libelous, though, once again, it fails to lay out any specific instances where I've libeled anyone.....which is little more than sheer intimidation. ... DFAF knows that. But they obviously figure that the more people around me they rattle, the quicker I'll buckle. Not gonna' happen. It's high time somebody held these bozos accountable.

Please don't buckle under. These evil people are so used to using their strongarm tactics
on the people in the programs that they have forgotten that in the real world poeple want information. The more things are held back the more power they continue to have.

Ever since I found this site of rational thought  on what happened to us, I have attempted to talk to my husband and my son (who just turned 18)about what happened to me in the Seed. I don't really know why I never spoke before, I think it is because it is so hard to explain to those who were not there.

I think my husband's reaction: "there were no trained therapists there?!! My God what an ass your father was!!"

 My husband and I have been really sober for 15 and 21 years respectively now. He was in a real rehab and I did it with NA and AA's assistance. He was quite shocked to hear that when I was barely 14 I was thrown in this place...he had known I was in a place called the Seed, but I had never really told him my experiences within the group before.

This came up last week when I was trying to tell him about the Calvina letter to the editor that I was so angry and disgusted about.

 Thank God my son just graduated HS and is off to New College (where he has heard that "all prof's smoke pot!! I am sure they don't...but at least there is a liberal bent to the teachings!LOL!!)

Please don't let them win again.

debi white an exseedling

(i think it was '72-'74)

"...every five years I look back on my life and have a good laugh..." (Watershed by Indigo Girls)

[ This Message was edited by: MommaDebi on 2002-07-18 13:38 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
...every five years I look back on my life and have a good laugh...\" {Indigo Girls~~ \"The Watershed\"}