Author Topic: seed survivor  (Read 4544 times)

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Offline surfdal

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« on: July 13, 2002, 06:22:00 PM »
ill be damned..a board for former indoctrinees.. im totally freeked
..was forced by court into seed at age 17....spent about 1 yr there,,started over several times befor i finally escaped(which meant leaving my family... alienating them forced to abandon my 2 younger brothers..paranoid and frightened  i witnessed many days of bizarre mind control and force automaton thought at the hands of art barker and his age 48 i can still call up the that horror in a seconds less-than-nostagalgic flash recall of those clockwork orange type experiences..the worsty of which  involved a gentle soul named jim, a young man  who was brought into the seed from jail by the order of the court at the same time i was..and whom eventually rode with me to the incessent daily jim was a very shy reserved and probably emotionally disturbed young man with some obvious problems that i guess art barker and crew thought they could effect by their sledgehammer technique.and i warned them to lay off jim was making him worse..i was withdrawing further into himself..he wasnt capable of withstanding shotgun harrassment from a large group of people..and it ended for him the day i stopped by to pick him up and we were informed that jim wouldnt be coming to the seed that dayby his mother..she said "jimmy went around the side of his house and shot himself today".. we were stunned and inquired if he would be ok which his mother replied in tears "yes he'll be ok..he died" this is kinda a requiem to my friend jim....just one of the most drastic of results i personally saw or experienced at the hands of those..." DOPE THAT STARTS WITH D ,THAT RHYTHMS WITH P..THAT STANDS FOR POOL" MUSIC MAN WANNA BE.. HUSTLERS..IT ANGERS ME TO THIS DAY THE WAY THEY USED FEAR TO MANIPULATE MY PARENTS TO GAIN FINANCIALA ND SOCIAL POWER funny part was barker couldnt even quit smoking cigerettes himself..tried for mths..and what a lil asshole he was too ..ill never forget that place..etched into  my nightmares  thanks for the chance to vent yall..peace and light..end the drug war!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline GregFL

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« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2002, 07:47:00 PM »
So nice to hear from you, and what a tragic story.

My Name is greg and I did everything from pot to....

Remember those fucking public confessionals at open meeting? Kids are still being forced to do them to this day, and Art Barker just retired several months ago. Believe it or not. For more info, read the topic directly preceeding this one.

Welcome to our nightmare, this stuff never stopped, and you have stumbled upon a group of committed (or commitable depending on how you view it) people whom took the time to figure out what those nuts were really about and what they really did to us. In the process we discovered they are still at it in renamed "rehabs" .

Where were you indoctrinated, Lauderdale? St Pete? and what is your name? Might I know you? I think I remember a Jim in St Pete about 17 that was court ordered and stopped coming, but we are talking a long time ago and some points of my memory are fading.

If you know other ex seed people, tell them about this forum and encourage them to post, and we all look forward to your participation in this forum. If you wish to privately email me, my address is [email protected]

welcome to this forum

[ This Message was edited by: GregFL on 2002-07-13 16:56 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2002, 09:13:00 PM »
On 2002-07-13 15:22:00, surfdal wrote:

Dead to nuts, buddy. Were you in Ft. Lauderdale? When? Rember any McNultys? I had 3 brothers and a sister in that gulag before I did two years at Straight, Inc.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline blue morphine

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« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2002, 11:05:00 AM »
hey ,
 i am also a seed survivor from about the same time you probably were too. christ, i shudder at the thought of the seed still going? is it? i also am from south fl and was actually at ft. laud. in the late 60`s. was also "sentenced" to the seed from court. i also "escaped" several times actually.. i was also back in the seed a few yrs later at the opa locka airport.. seems that they moved around alot .. man. i shudder at the thought of the abuses that went on there. i am 51 yrs old. i also had a brother who went there too as a little 13 yr old..
   talk to you later..
  blue morphine
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline GregFL

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« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2002, 03:38:00 PM »
Welcome Blue Morphine. I think your age makes you the resident Old person on this board. I am 43 and was in St Pete in 73-74 at the age of 14. Welcome to our forum.
BTW, the Seed closed down in November. They had stopped treating people under 18. Get this, Libby and Shelly we still there 6 months ago!. Libby was adopted by Art. The place was so weird.
Anyway, The Seed closed in St Pete and The Straight was formed by the seed parents with seed graduates and seed employees. It then became the biggest juvenile chain of drug treatment centers in the USA, perhaps the world. Offshoot programs of the straight exist to this day.
We look forward to your participation  and your insight. One question I have for you: Art claimed he had 13 years experience working in Juvenile drug rehab. He used to say the name of the place, but I can't remember. It is important for our research that we find this out. blue Morphine? anyone know the answer?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline blue morphine

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« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2002, 06:47:00 AM »
i stand corrected.. and i apologise for saying that i was on the seed in the late 60`s.. i thought it was 69 but little brother who is also a seed survivor informed me that it was 1970. things were alittle hazy  for me in that time. i was sent there on 3 different occasions.  which was court ordered. which every single time i "escaped" the last time was in 73 or 74 and that was at the tropical park race track in miami. that time i was considered a "rabbit". so i was sent at night to a special seedling house where a bunch of oldtimers were living and renting a house. i was watched very closely for 3 months. i was even made to sleep in a room where there were 3 oldtimers sleeping in front of the bedroom door and the windows were boarded up so`s i could not even think about getting away from there... finally after 3 months of nightly bull-shit and interrogation type techniques my oldtimer said" let him go to the bathroom on his own". "he`s been here long enough" " he won`t run"... well, thats all i needed was a slight little break from them constantly "watching me" shit, shower, and shave.. poooof.. i was gone out the window of the kitchen which btw was the only 1 in the house that wasnt boarded up.. i will never forget that day.. i ran about 10 blocks non-stop until i couldnt see anyone running after me and  climbed a i must of sat in that tree for 2 or 3 hrs it seemed at the time all the while watching these old timers driving around looking for me.. i eventally chose jail rather than "the seed".. yes, they tried a 4th time but i was old enough now to tell them give me
 that itself is another story...
   btw, i am getting my brother to come here and post also. he should be popping up in a day or 2..
 i just cant believe that that damn place existed for so long.. i lost close friends as im sure every 1 here did due to this bull shit thinking or brainwashing techniques.
  i was rehashing with my brother about those times yesterday and the names we remembered were of course "libby", david underwood, arthur, there were a few more but i will let my brother tell his story.. i never completed the seed like you guys did.. my brother did complete it.. i dont see how you guys did it but i guess at 12 and 13 yrs old you are so damn scared..
  until later my friend..

  blue morphine
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline GregFL

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« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2002, 10:14:00 AM »
Tell you what, If they had tried that on me when I was 18 or 19, I woulda killed someone. You older non compliant types were always my secret heroes. In St Pete, once in a while an older guy would stand up and say "Im ready to go back to jail" and inside I would cheer. It was my worst nightmare, and I could see no way out except thru the front door. So I compromised myself, joined the insanity party and then proceeded to hate myself for years.

Well, the date thing is understandable. My sister had lost a whole year, couldn't place dates or times.
The Seed Ft Lauderdale opened in 1970, so that would make you one of the first. So glad to have you around here.
Do you remember Art bragging about his past experiences in juvenile Drug rehab treatment? I do, but 29 is a lot of years and I cant remember where. it is important because we are trying to link him to the synanon or a offshoot synanon program. Some of the seed techniques are familiar.
Did you know that the Gov't was funding the early seed?  Robert Dupont, head of NIDA (nat inst of drug abuse) granted Artie & Co. a million dollars, which was a huge amount of money back then. I remember the suits running around St Pete. What were they up to? hmm...
Also, the Army did a study at Synanon in the 60s. The govt was dirty in all this, to be sure.
Anyway, ask you brother, tell him we are looking forward to his participation as well.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline MommaDebi

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« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2002, 12:48:00 PM »

On 2002-07-19 07:14:00, GregFL wrote:
  You older non compliant types were always my secret heroes. In St Pete, once in a while an older guy would stand up and say "Im ready to go back to jail" and inside I would cheer.

Me too. I was too young, had just moved from Tampa to St Pete a few months (maybe 6)before, had just turned 14 I think, and did not really know my way around or any place that would help me.

I learned the game...and hated every minute about it

A few years ago, my husband's son got into trouble with the law and they ordered him to the ARC in about some memories coming up for me! LOL!

 I had gone to him a few months prior to his trouble, told him that he needed to learn to play the game at home or else he would find himself "Baker Acted" and placed somewhere he had no desire to be. But unfortunately he thought he knew best....He's now 22 and much better at "playing the game"....I guess we all have to live and learn.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
...every five years I look back on my life and have a good laugh...\" {Indigo Girls~~ \"The Watershed\"}

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2003, 08:36:00 PM »
i gotta respond to this...strange you should have mentioned  mcnulty..heres a tale.. my name is dal hunkins..i was a studant a nova high school in davie and am from s.w ft yself and my 2 younger brothers were forced into the seed by our parents and also by the court for me.. my dad was an asst states atty and art barker wanted him on the team badly..some so called friend dropped a dime on me and my lil bros ..doug and dave..because he was interogated by the seed was customary on his voluntary entrance..(was freeked from acid he was)  i was to old to be involuntarily committed ,unlike my youngers, so i was arrested on totally ficticious charges by the ft lauderdale police  as instructed by my stepdad ,asst states atty..and the city judge..who also served on the seeds board of directors..any way the cops brought me to the seed in cuffs..after many mths of painfully practiced dramatics i managed to finally to convince them that i too was a good lil seedling an managed to con them in to letting me go home..only to get busted smoking weed and then... oooopps.. started over after hrs of degrading torture and humiliation..(fuck them by the way :smile: ) more mths of newcomer torture and such till i finally managed to convince them that i indeed was recalitrant in my ways for my secret life w/ my old friends and habits and haunts late in the night..i used to come in the seed very trashed ..the never indicated they knew..till one day a girlfriend of one of my old time buddies that was also a court ordered guinea pig..joined because she couldnt live life w/o him..and she knew of my escapades and having seen way to many people just thro other people right under the bus in that joint i decided it was time for me to go..charges had been dropped ..time to split..
 so..i packed up a change of clothes , a carton of cigs and 3$ and left home, my family, and the chamber of perpetual boredom and struck out into the world..
  man was i paranoid ..seeing finger pointing seedlings at every turn ..all waiting to turn me in to drag me back and to take my freedom from me.. i stayed around ft lauderdale for a week then hitchhiked to tallahassee where i had close friends that welcomed me and gave me shelter and a handup on starting to create a life.. and when monday morning came around..i arose at dawn and headed for the fla state employment office in search of a desperatly needed job.. being the early bird there was only person waiting in line ahead of me at the tallahasse job office ..his back was turned as i walked up..and then he turned and it was fuggin jack mcnulty..a fellow seed escapee..omfuggingod i damn near died.. i was sooo paranoid i thought it was a trap of some sort..till jack said ..gotta joint? totally freeky..
  but ya know ..ive never run into anyone that i knew from the seed that didnt want to smoke weed with me  :em: funny how that worked..oh some of the names i remember from those days were charli a cocky lil junkie sometimes staff member sometimes newcomer according to what kinda shit he got in..louie a hispanic staff member.. louie a italian staff member with some kind of heavy criminal history..sandy this blonde loud staff member another dude named jim who was funny and loud and fulla shit but would sing bringin in the sheeves loudly at those damned choral programs art barker insisted that  heuse to entertain the parents..guess they got tired of that my name is --- i did everything from pot to heroin(whatever the fuck that means)...all this took place  at the andrews ave seed..ft lauderdale.. oh god i so bad wanted to just beat livin hell outta art barker the fuckin arrogant lil weasel..i remember one time he had some dignitary there..some politician maybe edmond muskie..(by the way i recall some big political scandal involving muskie and some thing that happened at the seed or while he was visiting the seed or something ..anyone remember?)..and they asked if anyone thought that marijauna should be legalized..and i was the only one ballsy(nuts?) enough to raise my hand..and had to stand up and explain that i thought the incarceration for having cannabis was extremly harsh..and oh god did i catch holy hell when the politdog left..messed up arts lil show was he pissed lol..damn was it worth it .. well enough for now..pray for peace yall

 oh by the way  please visit for weekly drugwarnewsletter . archives there have info on seed/staight etc may be interesting and is a good sorce of info on international and national drugwar issues
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #9 on: January 13, 2003, 08:38:00 PM »
oh by the way this was in '71-'72 i believe
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline surfdal

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« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2003, 09:06:00 AM »
previous post are mine ..ooops fogot my password
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2003, 01:52:00 PM »
Hey there! Jack's my brother. If you happen to be in the Bradenton/Sarasota area, that's where he was last spotted.

Anyway, glad you could make it. Wanna smoke a jib? :wink:

Come the millennium,

month 12,

in the home of greatest power,

the village idiot will come forth to
be acclaimed the leader.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline GregFL

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« Reply #12 on: January 14, 2003, 10:22:00 PM »
Good to here from you surfdal.

About that  website. Good stuff for sure, but most if not all the info they got on the seed/straight came from right here and Wes's site.

BTW, you aren't the only one they put in on trumped up charges. They tried that on me when I was 16, my father and the chief of police, and it failed because I fought it tooth and nail.

Crazy times, they were.

If there's a worse idea going than locking people up for drug use, it's probably locking them up in close proximity to some tyranical altruist who wants to 'help' them with a problem that probably doesn't exist
-- Ginger Warbis
having had about all the help I can stand!

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »