Author Topic: New List of Reportedly Abusive Programs In Utah  (Read 24852 times)

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Offline Deborah

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New List of Reportedly Abusive Programs In Utah
« Reply #15 on: October 05, 2004, 08:16:00 PM »
This is too funny.

The resident talking head suggests:
Unfortunately, if you had a troubled childhood, a top-secret clearance might not be the appropriate career path for you. If top-secret clearance cannot be given because of your past, find something else that will satisfy your desire to serve our country or in the private sector.
***And then asks what he and his home life were like pre-program.

To which the young man replies:
Allright fair enough.
My home life before second nature. I was shut off.
I was rarely social. I didn't attend school. I had no respet for those in positions of authority over me and I was either infront of a computer screen playing ultima online doing some pointless odd job for side cash (obviously not enough to support myself) or sleeping. I think you get the point.
however I have never been arrested, I have not commited any crimes nor have I touched drugs besides alcohol which I really wasn't into at the time.

My parents were worried they thought I was going nowhere and they were right I have a strong aptitude for computers and they were nothing short of shocked when I was doing nothing towards achieving any type of certification or formal education or showed any interest in doing anything . so two escorts decided that I was going to go to utah.

My gripes with the programs

Second Nature:
Our water was missing on time. we lucked out on a stream if not who knows what would have happened. They have limited abilities to get out in the woods or even know within a reasonable limit where the groups are. They were issued one satellite phone per group which could have sufficed but I would never care to test that theory.

My therapist who will go unnamed asked me what I would want in exchange for doing the work in going up a phase. It was phrased a little differently but I asked for a bag of pretzels. I worked towards fire phase he never handed over the pretzels. Not that it's a major thing but I broke all the trust I had in him.

Logan River: I really can't put my finger on it but they all wanted me to have a "normal life" a day job family the whole nine yards. They told me that I was blocking emotions and prescribed me seroquel 100mg which all it did was dulled my senses and got me to sleep early. (I did make it up to phase 6.5/7 and the priveliege room)

I then agreed to go to The college living experince (CLE) a program based in ft lauderdale florida which helps adults (18+) deal with going to college and becoming part of life. It has a limited theraputic ability contracts a Therapist and has no idea how to deal with anything besides school work or social events. My EC heard it was good but her information was out of date.

CLE did not really have me involved in picking my classes. Not that I'm playing the blame game it's my honest opinion. the social part of the program annoyed me and the other aspects where easy for me I "relapsed" into my old pattern and stopped going to school. they didn't know for a while nor was there anything they could really do about it when they found it. it was about a year of dullness. Until I decided to joined the armed forces. When I expressed this idea to my therapist and parents. I was met with nothing but NO.... you're wasting your talent and allot of passive manipulation. offers for other ideas. essays on why college would be better than the armed forces. personal recounts of bad experiences my Dad had as a Marine.

I just stopped listening to them. not in some overt way but internally I had had enough andF**K em if they can't deal with it.

Now my Top Secret Clearance is only in jeopardy because I was in an rtc.
Not because of drug habits
Arrest records, school records, anything I have personally chosen.
And I say chosen because it was not my choice to go to an rtc. everything I did was mine and I take full accountability or whatever buzzword you want to say this month.

I attribute my behaviors as a child to the lack of feeling fulfilled. I never found joy or personal pride in anything I did. with very few excpetions While I may not have known what I wanted or even how to express that I disliked everything I done. It was beyond anyone outside me to see that or even if they had to accept that I disliked things I was talented in. They made assumptions on my behavior without ever even thinking of alternate reasons, and why should it. But if you can't figure out why I'm doing what I'm doing how could you possibly help me. What I learnt from my theraputic experiences is how to detect bs and figure out when someone is trying to manipulate me

Also I did not join the Air Force to serve my country I make no altrusitic or unselfish claims to why I did this. I joined because I felt I could do it and very few others would/wanted too.
Just like them you assume something I simply did not state of course it is not an unusual assumption but we are not dealing with usual situations.

If you want to ask any direct questions I'm again going to say nothing will offend me and I will answer freely to the best of my ability
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline 3YearWWASPsurvivor

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New List of Reportedly Abusive Programs In Utah
« Reply #16 on: October 06, 2004, 09:12:00 PM »
I was at Brightway, Spring Creek Lodge, and Paradise Cove and suffered probably the worst abuses yet, over the course of three consecutive years. I want to sue the pants off teen help and lichfield, but I don't know how to go about it? Any suggestions besides the ACLU? Email me at:                                                             [email protected]  or reply on this board.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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New List of Reportedly Abusive Programs In Utah
« Reply #17 on: October 07, 2004, 02:19:00 AM »

Have you considered getting in touch with organizations that specialize in stopping abusive treatment centers?

Here are two of them:
International Survivors Action Committee(
Survivors and Friends for the Ethical Treatment of Youth (

Good luck!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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New List of Reportedly Abusive Programs In Utah
« Reply #18 on: December 18, 2004, 01:40:00 AM »
Sure, then many of them would just end up IN prison.  It would be nice if one accusation was backed up with ANY evidence.  I happen to know about one situation where the person named as defendant was unaffiliated at the time the court case was sited.

Does the ACLU claim that every alternative program is bad?  Should all minors have decision making powers?  Think it through: if you let these kids spiral out of control while delaying all consequences, big problems will be the outcome.  Most parents can see this.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline spots

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New List of Reportedly Abusive Programs In Utah
« Reply #19 on: December 18, 2004, 01:21:00 PM »
Parents often don't think about the stigma these kids have to carry with them.  

When my kid came to us after nearly a year at Casa/WWASPS, she struggled with making friends.  A couple of tiny-brained mothers forbade their daughters consorting with her, as she had been "sent off to a school" and obviously was a real risk for their precious children to befriend.

As to the education, I remember fondly the WWASPie jerk who posted last year about the wonderful education available from WWASPS, and the thousands of graduates (think there are even a thousand graduates since the Program began?) who go to places like "Harvard and YAIL".  Duh.....
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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New List of Reportedly Abusive Programs In Utah
« Reply #20 on: December 18, 2004, 08:19:00 PM »

When my kid came to us after nearly a year at Casa/WWASPS, she struggled with making friends.  A couple of tiny-brained mothers forbade their daughters consorting with her, as she had been "sent off to a school" and obviously was a real risk for their precious children to befriend.


Did you kid complete the program?  If not, then I wouldn't want my kid 'consorting' with him/her either.  There's too much of a difference in the integrity of a grad than someone who didn't complete.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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New List of Reportedly Abusive Programs In Utah
« Reply #21 on: December 18, 2004, 08:52:00 PM »
On 2004-12-18 17:19:00, Anonymous wrote
Did you kid complete the program?  If not, then I wouldn't want my kid 'consorting' with him/her either.  There's too much of a difference in the integrity of a grad than someone who didn't complete. "

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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New List of Reportedly Abusive Programs In Utah
« Reply #22 on: December 18, 2004, 10:54:00 PM »
On 2004-04-28 14:29:00, cherish wisdom wrote:

" Abusive Programs in Utah - taken from:

Special Note:  If you were abused in a Utah-based behavior modification program you have up to four years to file a lawsuit against them.  The ACLU of UT lawyer referral page is at  However, successful lawsuits have been filed by injured persons suing in their state of residence, meaning Texas in most of the winning cases.  Since most of these programs do interstate and international commerce the case need not be filed in Utah.  Find a local lawyer and tell them what happened to you or go to and find your current state of residence.  Contact the local ACLU for your state and get help from them.  These programs violate federal and national human rights and constitutional laws.  You have the right to seek redress.  Do it for yourself and for those who are still being abused in these programs.  It?s your right and your responsibility!

Academy at Cedar Mountain located in Cedar City, UT is suspected of being an abusive behavior modification program.  They use the same language as WWASPS/Resource Realizations and use a similar phase/level system to those used in WWASPS programs and at Provo Canyon School.  Listed among previous diseases on the application form are: piercings, tattoos, and birthmarks.  It is amazing to us that listed among diseases would be birthmarks, tattoos, or piercings.  None of those three are medical or psychological diseases.  They are identifying physical characteristics.  Due to their odd definitions of disease and their use of the ?level/phase system? of behavior modification, we find that Academy at Cedar Mountain is suspect and advise you not to send your child to this program.  If you were abused at Academy at Cedar Mountain, please contact us and we will post your online testimonial here as a warning to others.

Cinnamon Hills Youth Crisis Center is located in St. George, UT, the city which WWASPS and other teen torturers call home.  Cinnamon Hills Youth Crisis Center is suspected of being an abusive behavior modification program.  They claim to use the ?eyeball supervision? approach to therapy in which your child is scrutinized and monitored 24/7 for any movement, sound, or sigh that they can arbitrarily label as rebellious or not in line with the program at which point they can tackle your teen, drug them, and put them in an isolation chamber until they arbitrarily decide that the child has suffered enough and is ready to rejoin the group.  They monitor all communications between parent and child and are in complete control of when parents and children are allowed to communicate with one another.  This program is so suspect we almost feel safe to declare that it is definitely abusive.  However, in order to do that we need firsthand testimony.  So, if you were abused at Cinnamon Hills Youth Crisis Center, contact us and we will upgrade them from suspected to confirmed status and add your online testimonial here as a warning to others.  

Discovery Academy is located in Provo, UT and is a confirmedly abusive behavior modification program.  DO NOT send your child to Discovery Academy.  If your child is CURRENTLY AT DISCOVERY ACADEMY, BRING THEM HOME NOW!!!  According to survivor reports:  Erik Bowen writes: ?I attended Discovery Academy from the summer of 1997 through January of 1998. It was among the most psychologically damaging experiences of my life.  Please don?t send your children to Discovery Academy.  DA is a very punitive place. For example, if a student does not make his bed to the satisfaction of the DA staff, the student may be made to stand up to five ?demerits,? one demerit being defined as standing for 25 minutes facing a wall. Demerits are liberally doled out for any offence, from slight infractions of the rules such as cursing or complaining, to large violations, such as attempting to escape from DA. An attempted escape typically prompted between 100 and 500 demerits, or more. That is between 2 and 9 days, approximately, standing facing a wall. Five minute breaks were allowed between each 25 minute standing session, as well as breaks for sleeping and eating.  When most students arrive at DA, they are upset and they show it. As they become familiar with the way Discovery Academy works, they learn to conceal their anger and any other emotions that are indicative of problems. When the DA staff sees this, they take it as the student?s problems being solved. ?If the symptom disappears, the cause must have disappeared,? is the logic that Discovery Academy operates by. However, in reality the student?s problems remain, and are made worse by the habitual concealing of them that DA?s punitive/?therapeutic? system rewards. I picked up on this rather quickly, and was able to rise rapidly through the level system and complete a good deal of coursework in a fairly short time. In light of this, and my newfound ability to conceal my emotions, I was able to convince my parent to remove me from DA after about six months. During the time thereafter that I lived at home, I worked as hard as possible to conceal my true feelings from my parent. Those true feelings, if expressed, had the potential to land me back at DA, something which I was not about to let happen.  So, parents, the moral of this story is: If you want your children to never tell you the truth again as long as you are their legal guardians, to disown you in the future, as well as to add to their unhappiness, send them to Discovery Academy. I am not exaggerating or dramatizing the consequences. Before you send your child anywhere, I strongly recommend that you read the book Smart Love by Pieper & Pieper. If you have any questions that you'd like to ask me about this, please feel free to email at: ... -4985r.htm.  As of January 9th, 2004, California Representative George Miller demanded, and was denied by John Ashcroft, an investigation into WWASPS.  According to Representative Miller of California, ?There is a laundry list of abuse of children at WWASPS schools: deprivation of food, deprivation of contact with their peers, physical abuse, mental abuse, sexual abuse, and parents are paying big money for services not rendered," Miller added in a Nov. 6 news release.?

Here is one parent?s review after rescuing their son from Cross Creek as could be found at as of February 13, 2004:

?I recently picked my son up from this program after they wanted to send him to one of their affiliate programs out of the country. The tactics they use are dangerous, my son attempted suicide while there and no one even bother to let his parents know. The official diagnosis from this school was that my kid was a "spoiled brat". He is actually Bipolar and we were seeking a therapeutic school that would help him deal with his problems in a positive manner. I was shocked to learn that the parent reference list is made up of parents who will say anything to get a month of free tuition. Follow the money trail, they also give misleading information about your child's progress so that they will stay longer...more tuition $ for them I guess. My son is now in an amazing school, has not had a single incident of bad behavior, I speak to him weekly and things are looking thanks to Cross Creek. If you have or are considering this school LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP!!! If your child is already there insist on speaking to your child. I have already reported them to Utah child services. Oh by the way my husband and I are health care professionals...we hope anyone reading this will learn from our mistake.?

Diamond Ranch Academy is located in Hurricane, UT and is suspected of being an abusive behavior modification program.  They use a level system of reward and punishment and hold mock-trials and provide mock-imprisonment for children with ?attitude, behavioral, or personality disorders.?  They use irrational tactics such as fear and abuse of power to convince children to act ?appropriately? in any given social or family situation.  It is a very dangerous game these people are playing.  The drugs that are prescribed for ADHD cause violent psychotic behavior in 6% of the children taking them.  Before submitting your child to torture, perhaps a healthy family environment, proper diet, and family therapy are in order.  Diamond Ranch claims to treat Oppositional Defiance Disorder.  ODD is a ?quack? term and is currently being given the same respect that ?hysteria? received once rational minds investigated the problem.  ODD is currently being challenged by members of the American Medical Association and American Psychiatric Association as being a false diagnosis for any teen.  If you were abused or had your rights violated at Diamond Ranch Academy, please contact us and we will share your story here as a warning to others.

High Peaks Wilderness  Program is a confirmedly abusive behavior modification program that has been closed by authorities in the past.  If they have re-opened for any reason, then, it is up to us to warn you not to use them.  According to official accounts, ?High Peaks has been temporarily restrained from operating its outdoor youth program by the State of Utah and has lost it's license.?  Utah takes actions against abusive behavior modification programs rarely.  So, High Peaks must have gotten a lot of exposure and quick for Utah to take action.  Don?t send your child to this program.  If you were abused in High Peaks Wilderness Program, please contact us and we will add your online testimonial to this website as a warning to others.

High Top Ranch is owned and operated by the same people as Sorensen?s Ranch School, a highly suspect facility that employs at least one known felon who was convicted of sexual assault of a minor.  Unless you think it is good to place your child in the care of known sex offenders, you should definitely just say no to High Top and any Sorensen/Sorenson outfit.  If you were abused while in the care of High Top Ranch, please contact us and we will post your experience here as a warning to others.  You have up to four years to file lawsuits of this nature in the state of Utah.  Let us know if we can help you in any way!

Integrity House located in Cedar City, UT is suspected of being an abusive behavior modification facility.  There are many red flags raised when reading their description of their program.  They use a phase system as well as physical restraints.  They limit communications between parents and children and isolate the children from family and friends.  These are all huge red flags.  Do not send your child to Integrity House.  If you were abused at Integrity House, please contact us and we will add your online testimonial to this website as a warning to others.

Liahona Academy-in Southern Utah is suspected of being an abusive behavior modification facility.  We have reason to believe it is an associate of WWASPS and is a program within the Cross Creek program.  After filling out the online assessment, available by clicking on the Liahona underlined title above, and choosing what most people understand are normal teenage behaviors caused by hormonal fluctuations that occur during puberty/adolescence we received a ?Severe Danger? rating and were advised to call immediately to hear the sales pitch.  Choose whatever on the list you think add up to normal teen behaviors and see what rating you get.  I bet you?ll be shocked.  Based on their inability and bizarre manner of assessment, no interview with the child is warranted nor any real evaluations before they advise a residential facility be the next step, we believe Liahona is suspect and best to be avoided.  If you were abused at Liahona Academy or had your rights violated in anyway, please contact us and we will add your online testimonial to this website as a warning to others.


Majestic Ranch located in Utah is another World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools program.  Representative George Miller of California demanded in investigation into all World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools after receiving hundreds of complaints from his constituents about the torture and abuse suffered by them and/or their children.  There is an online article detailing the allegations of abuse at ... -4985r.htm.  As of January 9th, 2004, California Representative George Miller demanded, and was denied by John Ashcroft, an investigation into WWASPS.  According to Representative Miller of California, ?There is a laundry list of abuse of children at WWASPS schools: deprivation of food, deprivation of contact with their peers, physical abuse, mental abuse, sexual abuse, and parents are paying big money for services not rendered," Miller added in a Nov. 6 news release.?

New Haven Residential Treatment Center is located in Provo, UT and is highly suspected of being an abusive behavior modification program.  They use a level system (the rules of the program can be viewed by clicking on the underlined title as of 3/19/04) which is custom in abusive behavior modification programs.  They also claim that Oppositional Defiance Disorder is something they treat at their facility.  Oppositional Defiance Disorder is currently being removed from the American Medical Association and American Psychiatric Association terminology resources because qualified, respected doctors in the fields of medicine and psychiatry have decided it is a fallacious ?disease? founded on the same nonsense as hysteria (once defined as a woman?s disease caused by hormonal imbalance and no longer accepted or respected).  Another red flag for this program is the description of the orientation/level 1/Safety level of their program.  They claim on level one that the student is not trusted at all and that she is watched 24 hours a day, even while going to the bathroom and showering.  Many of these young women have been raped or abused and watching them in vulnerable positions such as sleeping, bathing, and going to the bathroom can spark post-traumatic stress in them.  Such treatment is counter-productive to true therapy and this program from the onset violates the rights of the students involved.  We highly recommend you do not send your child to this institution.  If you have been abused or had your rights violated by New Haven, please contact us and we will post your story here as a warning to others.  

North Peaks (High Peaks Program)  is located in Roosevelt, UT and is a confirmedly abusive behavior modification program.  They are operating under a different name, but they are the same as High Peaks mentioned above.  Please click on the title of this section to read more on the High Peaks programs.

Provo Canyon School located in Orem and Provo, Utah is an abusive behavior modification program.  They have lost lawsuits filed against them for child abuse and cruel and inhumane treatment of children.  One of these lawsuits is Milonas and Rice vs. Provo Canyon School.  This facility has been operational for 29 years and Robert H. Crist has been involved in running the program prior to, during, and following the successful lawsuits against him and Provo Canyon School.  There is a laundry list of websites dedicated to and exposing the abuses at Provo Canyon School.  Please visit and sign the petition to close Provo Canyon School at  Please also consider educating yourself on the abuses at Provo Canyon School by visiting, and

Red Rock Canyon School in St. George, UT is an abusive behavior modification program.  ?A $6 million wrongful-death lawsuit, (was) filed in U.S. District Court by parents of the teenage girl, Katherine Lank, who fell into a deep crevice while hiking. It was filed against the Red Rock Canyon School, St. George, Utah, on May 28, 2002. The suit, accuses the school of negligence and breach of contract, asks for $5 million in compensatory damages, and $1 million in punitive damages and attorney fees. The Lanks have also demanded a jury trial.?  Further information about this is in the article by Michael Vigh of the Salt Lake Tribune.  If you were abused by Red Rock Canyon School, contact us and we will post your online testimonial here as a warning to others.

Second Nature Wilderness Program in Duchesne, UT is suspected of being an abusive behavior modification program.  They consider Oppositional Defiance Disorder an actual disorder when in reality it is not.  During puberty teenagers? hormones fluctuate creating moodiness and struggles.  This is normal.  Labeling normal teen behavior a disorder is damaging to teens and their families.  Beyond this, we find certain passages in the program contract disturbing.  You can read the full contract by clicking on the title link (as of 3/19/04).  One thing they ask is a detailed description of all of the child?s fears.  What possible purpose could they have for this?  We suspect they ask this information so they can use your child?s fears against them in order to terrify them to the point of submitting to any order in order to avoid further terror.  The signature line for parents is the most telling it reads: ?I release Second Nature Therapeutic Programs LLC, Second Nature Wilderness Programs, LLC, all employees, and contractors from any and all liability resulting from our son?s or daughter?s participation and assume all risks in connection there with, including known and unknown risks. ?  Basically, you have signed over your rights to sue if your child is battered and abused by anyone while in the care of Second Nature.  This is a dangerous request and one no parent should agree to.  If you have been abused by Second Nature, please contact us and we will post your story here as a warning to others.  

Skyline Journey Program is a confirmedly abusive behavior modification program.  Ian August, 14, of Austin, Texas, died in the field on Saturday, July 13, 2002 while participating in the Skyline Journey Wilderness Program in Nephi, Utah.  If you were abused by the Skyline Journey Program, please contact us and we will post your online testimonial here as a warning to others.

Sorensen?s Ranch School in UT is highly suspect.  We wish we could confirmedly state they are abusive.  The UT government has revoked their license, but, Sorensen?s won in the appeal process.  The reason their license was suspended was because Shaun Sorensen, son of the owner of the ranch, is a convicted sex offender and child predator.  He is currently working at Sorensen?s Ranch as a maintenance man.  If you were abused or had your rights violated at Sorensen?s Ranch, please contact us and we will post your online testimonial here as a warning to others.

Turning Point in Granita Park, UT is highly suspect.  In the description of their program as found by clicking on the title of this passage as of 3/19/04 they describe using the child?s ?strengths? to ?crush? and ?cripple? unproductive thought patterns.  These are very violent terms and suggest that they use destructive and abusive behavior modification in their program.  If you were abused or had your rights violated at Turning Point, please contact us and we will post your online testimonial here as a warning to others.  



Time is running out. The Indians' botanical knowledge is disappearing even faster than the plants themselves.

--Richard Schultes, Harvard University educator, authority on medicinal plants

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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New List of Reportedly Abusive Programs In Utah
« Reply #23 on: December 19, 2004, 03:46:00 PM »
The real issue about parents being able to sign away their children's rights, including the right of the child to not be abused, including giving permission to house the child in what is essentially a dungeon, without regard to privacy or human rights is that children are viewed as their parents' property.

The government's involvment is a little strange. These sorts of abuses would not be allowed in any juvinile detention center. Yet, a judge can order a child into one of these "private" treatment facilities and have the child systematically abused over a course of time.

Certainly abuses occur with great frequency in government facilities. However, at least it is not the facility's policy to engage in such abuses, and to have their "program" designed with documented abusive and brainwashing techniques. The private facilities are exempt from this due to the parents' signing away rights, but courts are not exempt from ordering the children into such facilities, or fining or imprisoning parents who refuse to allow their children to be abused.

It's a matter of false imprisonment.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline cherish wisdom

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New List of Reportedly Abusive Programs In Utah
« Reply #24 on: December 26, 2004, 09:54:00 PM »
It is a matter of false imprissonment - though many of these programs profess to also help those children who have mental illness and learning disorders like ADD.  All children in facilities that limit contact with the outside world are vulnerable to abuse of all types. There is also a lot of political corruption associated with these programs.  Now Dr. Phil is sending children to these dens of abuse and horror.  Unwary parents are buying into this as a way to "help" their kids. We must not forget that most teenagers are unrulely and rebellious - it is human nature. Dealing with any teen is no picnic.  There are many less drastic alternatives - like taking them out of school and into independent study to get them away from a bad peer group and influence. Also making the home more secure.

The hypothalamus is one of the most important parts of the brain, involved in many kinds of motivation, among other functions.  The hypothalamus controls the "Four F's": 1. fighting;  2. fleeing;  3.feeding; and  4. mating.
-- Psychology professor in neuropsychology intro course

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
If you lack wisdom ask of God and it shall be given to you.\"

Offline Thomas

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New List of Reportedly Abusive Programs In Utah
« Reply #25 on: November 16, 2005, 04:48:00 AM »
I went to High Peaks on my way to Escuela Caribe in the Dominican Republic, it was more of a holding place til my folks found somewhere else to send me.  
I don;t got a lot of time now, but basically it was starvation, freezinf, constant lying by the incompetant staff, and of course the occasional physical abuse.  I got my lipring twisted, slammed around, remember lying awake listening to Jean Paul screaming as that redneck fucker Colton dragged him through the snow, his hands tied and weaing only long jons.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
rriba la lucha de clase

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New List of Reportedly Abusive Programs In Utah
« Reply #26 on: November 17, 2005, 12:31:00 AM »
On 2004-04-29 03:32:00, Kiwi wrote:


On 2004-04-28 15:56:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I'm wondering about your refering to the ACLU; the reason being, due to a situation of my own, I had contacted them, and was told they only represent people who are having a problem with a goverment entity of some sort.

Have you found this to not be the case?

Are you aware of the ACLU representing a student in a case of abuse by a program?"

I have often wondered why ACLU was not more involved in this issue.  Looking at their web site they seem to be championing the rights of women, racial and religious minorities, gays, the disabled, prisoners, immigrants, the poor, students and even computer users but not children."

The ACLU has come to the defence of children many times. In my latest newsletter there are three; a boy who was expelled from school for a rap recording made at home, a girl whose song was banned from a school talent show, and some teens who wanted to publish the results of a sex information survey they took at their high school.

I don't know why the would not get involved with the issues here.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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New List of Reportedly Abusive Programs In Utah
« Reply #27 on: December 01, 2005, 11:54:00 AM »
I attended Diamond Ranch Academy and graduated in June. It saved my life. HAve you ever been in the position where you dont know if your daughter or son is going to be alive tomorrow? Do you know what it's like to wake up to a call from the police at 2 in the morning? That's what my parents experienced. I think this site is an excuse to convince yourselves that your kids are better off at home. Diamond Ranch is an amazing program. They deeply cared about your well being. I will continue to support them through all my life. If I had not been escorted to it, I guarantee I would be dead or in another state. Don't judge a program without any proof.  Carissa
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline CCM girl 1989

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New List of Reportedly Abusive Programs In Utah
« Reply #28 on: December 01, 2005, 12:12:00 PM »
On 2005-12-01 08:54:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I attended Diamond Ranch Academy and graduated in June. It saved my life. HAve you ever been in the position where you dont know if your daughter or son is going to be alive tomorrow? Do you know what it's like to wake up to a call from the police at 2 in the morning? That's what my parents experienced. I think this site is an excuse to convince yourselves that your kids are better off at home. Diamond Ranch is an amazing program. They deeply cared about your well being. I will continue to support them through all my life. If I had not been escorted to it, I guarantee I would be dead or in another state. Don't judge a program without any proof.  Carissa"

Maybe you can prove me wrong, but I think you're not a former student, but someone who is working for WWASP. BTW, getting a call from the police at 2 in the morning? Well, it depends on what it's for?!! I know plenty of kids in my family, or friends that have children that have had minor run-ins with the law thus leading to a phone call from police. Just so you know they went on to lead very normal lives. Hey, now if your on a street corner hooking in the middle of the night, trying to make enough money to support your drug habit, then yes maybe an intervention was appropriate!!! But, from your style of writing.....and from what you said.........I'm calling bullshit!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
f you were never in a program, or a parent of a child in a program, then you have no business posting here.

Offline trnsz

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New List of Reportedly Abusive Programs In Utah
« Reply #29 on: December 01, 2005, 02:40:00 PM »
Diamond Ranch is an amazing program. They deeply cared about your well being. I will continue to support them through all my life. If I had not been escorted to it, I guarantee I would be dead or in another state. Don't judge a program without any proof.  Carissa"

A WWASPS program?  Doubtful, having experienced it!

Let's hear what you think about it in 3 to 5 years.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »