You should sub to the Liberty Committee list. Ron Paul rocks! And, like all good things, he comes from the Pittsburgh area :wink:
Ya' know, I got a tickler on this some months ago. Never did get around to looking into it enough to really advocate one way or the other. Many of these types of action alerts turn out to be horribly misleading once you dig into the details.
But can you imagine looking at this issue from the pov of an elected Congresscritter? It would be like a damned hit hanging over their heads! If you can accept as possible (not proven true or even likely, just possible) that, at some point in the future, someone might come along evil enough and w/ strong enough incentive to knock off 100+ congresscritters. Control of the legislative body of the most powerful nation on the planet at the moment is some pretty heady shit!
I think any Congressman who voted in favor of this measure should be put on suicide watch immediately!
Life is like a bird, at any given moment it is droping a load. It is only a matter of time before one eventually find you.' target='_new'>SysAdmin