Author Topic: Michael Moore  (Read 2561 times)

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Michael Moore
« on: April 22, 2004, 10:18:00 AM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Michael Moore
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2004, 07:24:00 PM »
Well, whatta ya know... Moore had footage of Iraqi abuse months before the story broke on 60 minutes, but says he was "afraid" to release it because he didn't want to be accused of promoting his movie.  Now that the movie is "in the can" so to speak, Moore has seized the opportunity to admit he made a very bad (read immoral) mistake.
Big of you, Mike, and thanks for the heads up. I'll be sure and boycott your exploitative movie. ...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Michael Moore
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2004, 08:58:00 PM »
HAH!  Since when has Michael Moore ever been afraid of criticism?  The more likely scenario is Moore knew what he had and made a conscious decision to hold on to it until the "right" moment (meaning when exposing the abuse could do the most damage to the Bush campaign) came along.  Had he blown the whistle earlier, the worst of the abuse would not have happened and Kerry would not be able to benefit politically.

That's my opinion ... anybody else have one?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Deborah

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Michael Moore
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2004, 09:09:00 PM »
Watch a clip of Fahrenheit 911 here
Great link there to webshow "Republican Survivor" at  Sign in, watch the brief episode and vote off DeLay or Coulter. Entertaining!

Wednesday, June 10th, 2004

A Pentagon report last year said that "the president" was not accountable to laws banning the use of torture.

John Ashcroft testifies about prison torture, and immediately comes under fire for refusing to release memos on the torture.

107 criminal misconduct cases have been filed against US soldiers for possible detainee abuse in Iraq and Afghanistan. A consistent pattern of forced nudity has emerged from the Abu Ghraib prison scandal.

Did the White House advocate a doctrine of legal torture?

Six European soldiers were killed in an ammunition explosion.

And two car bombs kill 14 Iraqis and 1 American GI.

The UN Security Council endorses a plan to transfer Iraqi sovereignty.

After denying that such a flight ever occurred, the TIA now confirms that two days after September 11th, three Saudis were picked up in Florida and flown out of the country.

A final 9/11 report places blame on the FBI and CIA.

Almost fifty percent of Saudi Arabians say they have a favorable view of Osama Bin Laden and his beliefs.

More cities continue to reject the Patriot Act.

A new 9/11 website is created to get answers for unexplained facts.
[ This Message was edited by: Deborah on 2004-06-13 18:16 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Deborah

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Michael Moore
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2004, 09:32:00 PM » ... 689121.stm

Disney censors Moore
Disney bought Miramax 10 years ago but retained the rights to block films it deemed against its interests, such as adult-rated films.

Moore suggests Disney was "afraid of losing millions of tax breaks in penance for angering [state governor] Jeb Bush in Florida, where Disney have a lot of their investment".

"I have never seen a grosser example of what's wrong when just a few corporations own the media."

Don't miss the link to interview with BBC.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline Deborah

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Michael Moore
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2004, 09:48:00 PM »
Wednesday, February 25, 2004
Dear Mary Cheney


Dear Mary Cheney,

"President" George W. Bush has come out of the closet--he's no longer ashamed to say he has a problem with homosexuality. And he wants to prove his point by inserting this message into the United States Constitution. Such honesty is refreshing--even if the extreme intolerance it expresses is nothing new.

About 80 years ago, women could not vote--and heck, governing is a man's job, ain't it?

And, oh, about 40 years ago, black people had to sit in the backs of buses, and had to use their own water fountains and bathrooms and restaurants and they often were lynched and no one cared and... well, again, there was a perfectly good reason for all that: white people are better than black people!

Now, gays and lesbians want to get married--and Bush, following in the steps of countless brave Presidents, has responded with his bigoted message. And your father, Dick, is keeping quiet.

Sure, sure... we've all heard that it isn't some "hateful" message against gays and lesbians, it is just a measure to protect the sacred institution of marriage--which, of course, is about a man and a woman vowing their undying love to each other.

And marriage certainly is a sacred institution--even if half of all marriages end in divorce (or, is that the gays' fault?).

Mary--you have been a vocal gay activist before, and now is the time for you to again speak up on behalf of your community--the millions of gays and lesbians in America--and if not for them, then for yourself. And if you won't do it for yourself, perhaps you can speak up on behalf of the woman you have shared your life with for years--the one who gave you that ring on your finger.

The concerned folks at
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline Anonymous

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Michael Moore
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2004, 09:55:00 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Michael Moore
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2004, 11:00:00 PM »
Jeez, you Michael Moore fanatics really should get a grip.  Running Bush out of office vis a vis Moore's agenda is exactly what Osama Bin Laden and Company wants because they know Kerry will do everything in his power -- to sell the United States out, just like our 42nd president, Bill Clinton did.  

Personally, I will be voting Bush, not because I want to, but because there is NO OTHER OPTION.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Michael Moore
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2004, 11:14:00 PM »
In the interests of EQUAL TIME ... not everybody worships Michael Moore as the Anti-Christ (oops, I mean BUSH).

Posted by Lee on 06/13 at 05:02 PM

This is a very interesting interview with Michael Moore from back in the days of The Big One.  I?ll archive the entire interview at the end of this post, but there is one part of it that I want to comment on.

Distinguish between capitalism and greed. Is it safe to assume that on some level, you think capitalism is okay?

No, not really. I think our economic system is unfair and unjust and it?s not democratic and it has to change. When I say that last line in the film, ?One evil empire down, one to go,? our system is the one that?s got to go. Now, don?t ask me what to replace it with because I don?t know. I wish somebody would invent a system that takes the best things of capitalism and socialism and puts them together. The things from capitalism that encourage individuality and creativity and ingenuity, and those things from socialism that say no one shall be left behind. Why can?t we have that? Why do they have to be at odds?

Because they are at odds, Mikey.  You might as well ask why some physicist can?t figure out a way to make two positive magnets attract each other.  At any rate, I?m more interested in his statement that he doesn?t even think that capitalism is okay on some level.  

As of this writing, if you go to you are presented with a black screen promoting F911, as well as a link to a site called, which is designed to help Moore?s fans easily find theaters showing F911, as well as purchase tickets online.  If you continue on to the regular page you?ll see all kinds of links to various things for sale.  With just a few clicks you can purchase BFC on DVD, or the latest editions of Stupid White Men and Dude, Where?s My Country? In times past he?s had advertisements for desk calendars and all other manner of Michael Moore related products.  He also has links to other books and products that are ideologically in line with his own views.  If you click on this link you are taken to a page listing every product Moore has ever created, as well as links to where you can buy every single one of them.

Odd, isn?t it, that a man who hates capitalism so much sure manages to use it to make himself filthy rich?  

One other point about Moore?s wealth:  when the interviewer asks him why he?s staying at a ?posh? hotel like the Four Season, Mikey replies

Nothing but the best for the man who wants to bring them all down. Don?t you love the irony of that? But on the other hand, I think, should I try and create this [working-class] facade?and have you come out to the Travelodge?He lives like a millionaire, and ?creates? a ?working-class facade.? So much for your working-class hero.


More on Mikey ....

A question for Moore fans

Posted by JimK on 06/13 at 06:07 PM

Dp you think it?s right and fair to allow Moore to use Fahrenheit 911 as a campaign tool for John Kerry?

This is what Moore had to say in the L.A. Times: (entire article will appear behind the ?More? link so you don?t have to register to read it)

Moore also said he planned to use the film to register thousands of votersShouldn?t activity like that, during campaign season and directly targeted against a candidate, be regulated by campaign finance laws and equal time regulations?

Do you consider this fair?

But in an election where turning out core constituencies could be crucial to both Kerry and Bush, others see the film as a potent tool for motivating Democrats ? especially since Republicans are typically more reliable for showing up at the polls.

?Feeling motivated, to the extent you make that extra effort to vote on your way home from work ? that matters,? said Thomas Hollihan, a communications professor at USC?s Annenberg School for Communication.

That potential is not lost on Moore, who plans to offer ticket discounts and prizes to newly registered voters who see the film or visit his Web site. ?If it can encourage the people who belong to the largest political party in America, the non-voter party, to leave that party behind and do the very minimum of what every citizen should do on Nov. 2, then I hope that will be seen as a significant contribution to this country,? he said.

A main target of the film is younger voters, who tend to turn out in low numbers. Studies have shown that younger voters increasingly get election information from non-traditional campaign media, such as late-night television comedy shows and the Internet.
This is politicking for a candidate, plain and simple.

I *know* if a Republican was pulling his kind of trick, Moore fans would be up in arms.  How about a little fair play here, people?


Film and Election Politics Cross in ?Fahrenheit 9/11?

There are movie campaigns and there are presidential campaigns, and usually you can tell the difference. One features a red carpet, the other a war room.

But ?Fahrenheit 9/11,? Michael Moore?s scathing new documentary about President Bush, has both.

Its release later this month appears to mark the first time that a film slamming a major presidential candidate has opened on screens across the nation in the final months of a campaign. At the same time, the movie is producing a global publicity extravaganza for Moore and Miramax Film founders Harvey and Bob Weinstein, who bought the film after Walt Disney Co. refused to let Miramax release it.

The scramble to bring the dark, often satirical film to U.S. movie screens is blending Hollywood and presidential politics in ways never seen in a race for the White House. While the filmmakers deny any overt effort to promote the candidacy of the presumed Democratic presidential nominee, Sen. John F. Kerry of Massachusetts, their efforts fall clearly in sync with the campaign to unseat Bush.

To anticipate and fend off the criticism that already is brewing, Moore has set up a ?war room? populated by former Clinton White House operatives plotting swift counterattacks on Bush supporters who question the film?s credibility.

To lead the effort, Moore has hired Chris Lehane and Mark Fabiani, former political advisors to Bill Clinton and Al Gore. ?Employing the Clinton strategy of ?92, we will allow no attack on this film to go without a response immediately,? Moore said Thursday. ?And we will go after anyone who slanders me or my work, and we will do it without mercy. And when you think ?without mercy,? you think Chris Lehane.?

Moore also said he planned to use the film to register thousands of voters, and will stage screenings to benefit antiwar groups set up by families of U.S. troops in Iraq and victims of the Sept. 11 attacks.

So far, the Bush reelection campaign has played down concerns about the film?s effect.

?Voters know fact from fiction coming from Hollywood,? said Bush campaign spokesman Scott Stanzel. ?It?s designed to entertain. American voters want fact, not fiction, when determining their vote. And everyone knows where Michael Moore is coming from.?

Others have been more aggressive in trying to discredit Moore, who attacked Bush from the Oscar podium when he won the feature documentary prize for his ?Bowling for Columbine.?

Former President George H.W. Bush called Moore a ?slimeball? last month, dismissing the upcoming film as ?a vicious attack on our son,? according to the New York Daily News.

Joining Moore as chief promoter of the film is Harvey Weinstein, a top Democratic donor widely seen as the foremost strategist in Hollywood?s annual campaigns ? for Academy Awards. Over the last decade, Weinstein and Miramax have transformed the Oscar balloting into a bare-knuckle brawl resembling a political campaign, with costly ads and accusations of negative attacks dominating the race.

In the case of ?Fahrenheit 9/11,? the mounting publicity has followed a dream script. It grabbed the media spotlight last month with a New York Times story revealing that Disney was blocking its Miramax division from distributing Moore?s film. Moore?s agent, Ari Emanuel (whose brother, an Illinois congressman, is another former Clinton White House operative), charged in that story that Disney was concerned that releasing the movie would imperil tax breaks for the company?s ventures in Florida, where Bush?s brother is governor. Disney denied it, and said it had informed Miramax a year ago that it would be barred from releasing the film because of its partisan nature.

The story broke just before the Cannes Film Festival, where the documentary was a media and critical darling. It went on to win the festival?s top prize, the Palme d?Or, and several weeks later, the Weinsteins purchased the movie themselves and lined up new distributors.

The film?s high profile has been rising ever since. To promote ?Fahrenheit 9/11,? the producers are screening it in New York and Washington next week for opinion makers in media and politics. Television advertising begins this weekend on national cable, along with posters and trailers before such big-studio releases as ?The Stepford Wives,? starring Nicole Kidman, and ?The Chronicles of Riddick,? with Vin Diesel.

Larry Noble, former chief counsel of the Federal Election Commission, said the film?s ads, which are apt to paint Bush unfavorably, risked drawing complaints that campaign spending restrictions should apply to the movie?s promotion. But unless the ads run in the final 60 days of the campaign and specifically call for Bush?s defeat or the election of Kerry, he said, the commission is apt to reject the complaints.

?We?re not campaigning for or against any political candidates; we?re marketing a movie,? said Tom Ortenberg, president of Lions Gate Releasing, which is distributing the movie with IFC Films.

Because the Weinstein brothers own the movie, they stand to make a windfall if the film is a commercial success. The film?s distributors will collect a fee based on its performance, but all profits will ultimately flow to the Weinsteins and Moore. The brothers purchased the film for about $6 million ? roughly what the documentary cost to make.

For Harvey Weinstein, the film offers a chance to profit while enhancing both his Hollywood standing and political clout. But he denies any overt political agenda.

?This is not about electing a candidate,? he said.

Praising the film?s artistic value, Weinstein said he had ?shown the movie to people diametrically opposed to its politics who walked away questioning things.?

?I think it will have a huge influence on people?s minds,? said Weinstein, who also is a producer of upcoming Los Angeles and New York concerts to raise money for Kerry.

?Fahrenheit 9/11? casts a deeply unfavorable light on Bush?s handling of the Sept. 11 attacks and the Iraq war, ridiculing him and his top advisors with footage that catches them in embarrassing moments clearly not intended for public viewing. Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz uses spit to comb his hair; Bush jovially asks news crews to watch him swing a golf club seconds after sternly calling on the world?s nations ?to do everything they can to stop terrorist killers.?

Moore, who closes the film with the message ?Do Something,? is unabashed about his hope that the film will help dislodge Bush as president.

?I hope this country will be back in our hands in a very short period of time,? he told hundreds of invited guests at a celebrity-jammed Beverly Hills screening of the film on Tuesday. The screening was part of an ambitious and unusually fast rollout to get the movie into at least 650 theaters on June 25?and possibly several hundred more.

?Are we conducting this like a campaign? Yes, we are,? Moore said Thursday. ?But it?s not a campaign for Kerry.?

How much influence the film might have is a matter of dispute. Bill Carrick, a Democratic campaign consultant, said its effect would be negligible. He likened it to the talk radio shows of Rush Limbaugh and other hosts whose listeners hold firm, unyielding opinions on Bush.

?I don?t think it?s a place where you?re going to persuade anybody ? a Michael Moore movie,? Carrick said. ?The audience is too small. It?s a self-selecting group of people.?

But in an election where turning out core constituencies could be crucial to both Kerry and Bush, others see the film as a potent tool for motivating Democrats ? especially since Republicans are typically more reliable for showing up at the polls.

?Feeling motivated, to the extent you make that extra effort to vote on your way home from work ? that matters,? said Thomas Hollihan, a communications professor at USC?s Annenberg School for Communication.

That potential is not lost on Moore, who plans to offer ticket discounts and prizes to newly registered voters who see the film or visit his Web site. ?If it can encourage the people who belong to the largest political party in America, the non-voter party, to leave that party behind and do the very minimum of what every citizen should do on Nov. 2, then I hope that will be seen as a significant contribution to this country,? he said.

A main target of the film is younger voters, who tend to turn out in low numbers. Studies have shown that younger voters increasingly get election information from non-traditional campaign media, such as late-night television comedy shows and the Internet.

?For younger people, who may or may not be all that interested in politics, these entertainment formats are a key way to bring them into the political discussion,? said Stephen Farnsworth, a political scientist at Mary Washington College in Virginia.



« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Michael Moore
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2004, 11:24:00 PM »
Yes, seems Moore and the WhinySteins will be laughing all the way to the bank, whether their stooge Kerry wins or not.  

Only in America .... where greed is not bad as long as Mikey Moore is the one pulling the puppet strings.

This smacks of LGAT, not free speech.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Michael Moore
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2004, 11:37:00 PM »
A main target of the film is younger voters, who tend to turn out in low numbers. Studies have shown that younger voters increasingly get election information from non-traditional campaign media, such as late-night television comedy shows and the Internet.

?For younger people, who may or may not be all that interested in politics, these entertainment formats are a key way to bring them into the political discussion,? said Stephen Farnsworth, a political scientist at Mary Washington College in Virginia.

The medium is the message.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline thepatriot

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Michael Moore
« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2004, 09:15:00 AM »
Michael Moore , entertaining film maker, ok I'll buy that. He needs to do what the rest of the Hollywood schmucks need to do. If they are so concerned about world politics for one they need to get out and vote. Remember the MTV commercial years back "Rock the Vote" Madonna and most of them in the ads weren't even registered voters or some had never voted at all. Another thing they need to give back more of their hard earned doe to all these worthy causes they proclaim to support. I would love to see how many legit donations these idiots actually itemize on their taxes each year. They are nothing more than a bunch of hypocrites like our gang up on the Hill in DC. They believe there should be a separate standard of living and entitlements from the rest of us working stiffs.They all seem to hate it here but won't give up the all mighty dollar and get the fuck out. They bitch but have it far greater than the rest of us.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
arasota Straight Escapee

Offline Deborah

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Michael Moore
« Reply #12 on: June 18, 2004, 07:18:00 PM »
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2004 14:06:30 -0700 by cosmici at June 13, 2004 12:17 AM | TrackBack

I for one, would like to thank MoveAmericaForward (not) and NewsMax (not) for providing me with a handy ready-made list of email addresses to announce my continuing support for those theater chains that support the Constitution of the United States of America and most especially the First Amendment rights so stated.

Take a few minutes and create a list using NewsMax's & MAF's addresses. Be sure to state that you support all theater chains who will show the movie and will continue to show support for them in the future. Mention that you obtained their addresses from an anti-American web site and they might be receiving many emails from those who hate America and what it stands for.

Time to turn the tables on these morons and use their legwork against them. I'm not enamoured with "The Day After Tomorrow" but have made a point to buy two tickets the past three weekends to give away. I'm not sure what in the movie has the Kool-Aid drinkers so freaked but whatever it is, I love it. Do the same for Michael Moore, give your Taliban-Republican friends a friendship card with tickets inside (throw in a gift card for popcorn and soda's if that will get them to see the film). Maybe we can awaken a Stepford-Voter or two before November.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Anonymous

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Michael Moore
« Reply #13 on: June 18, 2004, 10:26:00 PM »
I am sick of Michael Moore denouncing America and politicalizing a war to further his own agenda.  The fact is the 7 (yes, that's seven) people who abused Iraqi prisoners are facing charges for their crimes, while the rest of the thousands of America's troops who have been engaged in combat in Afghanistan and Iraq have been honorably and very bravely doing their job much to the chagrin of the anti-bushites. We live in a country whose security is being threatened by a coniving, capitalistic group of chattering pigs, the biggest one being MM himself.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Nuprin

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Michael Moore
« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2004, 11:11:00 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

