Author Topic: Info on Moonridge Academy or Kolob Canyon RTC?  (Read 26381 times)

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Info on Moonridge Academy or Kolob Canyon RTC?
« Reply #75 on: August 17, 2004, 11:17:00 AM »
First things first, I signed the Taco guy because at the begining of this chat line I was refered to as the Taco guy due to my prior employment as a restraunt owner here in town. Yes we are licensed by the state. Parents can talk to their children whenever they want but, it is discouraged until their child passes level 1 which is the most defiant stage of the program.
         To answer the question as to if this is the right program for the child. Each therapist has a case load of only six girls. All of our therapist are licensed and with such a light case load can make a decision with the girls best intrest in mind. Furthermore, the parents spend one weekend every two months on and off campus with their child, if they don't feel their child is making progress they can pull her at any time.
         Family therapy is a huge part of our program and is done weekly. Personally I don't understand how anyone can pass judgement on any program unless they are there first hand to see it.
          To see the positive changes that these girls are making in their lives because of an RTC has made me proud and thankful to be a part of it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Info on Moonridge Academy or Kolob Canyon RTC?
« Reply #77 on: September 04, 2004, 04:24:00 PM »
Taco Guy claims that parents can talk anytime, but it is discouraged?  One set of parents I know wanted to talk to their kid and the therapist said that he had instructed the staff to refuse to let them talk to their daughter if they called and tried to talk directly to her.  Maybe it was punishment for the parents because they had been misbehaving badly?

On another posting - the girl who was helped and was positive about her residential treatment has a point.  If your kid was killing herself, then giving up all parental rights in exchange for tight supervision (watched going to the bathroom, watched at night, not allowed to use the bathroom for two hours after meals or meds, etc.) might be worthwhile if it would keep her alive.  Let's not be too harsh on the parents who are fighting for their kids' lives.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Info on Moonridge Academy or Kolob Canyon RTC?
« Reply #78 on: November 17, 2004, 04:37:00 PM »
You all are ridiculous. You all come on here bashing these programs like your sumin special. BTW I am the girl who stayed at kolob and i do post as anonymous cuz i made a name but i also have alot more things on my mind than remembering unneccesary passwords. but back to what i was saying. all of you come in here saying how bad this place is when in all reality not a single one of you have ever been there. it makes me sick. kolob saved my life. actually no i saved my own life but they helped me. and to sit here and read what you people have to say is ridiculous. none of you have been there so how do you know? you don't right. so your assuming? well i did learn one valuable thing there too assuming makes an ass out of u and me. ass u me. well you all look like asses let me tell you. you all say how bad it is when it really does help people. in fact i talked to a friend of mine from there last night. yea shes doing good too. good grades in school staying out of trouble. staying away from drugs. o but wait this place isn't supposed to be helping right? its just so horrible there? but if it is so bad why havent any of the parents complained? my parents dropped 100k that they didnt have. ask them if they regret it though and they will tell you they would have spent more to have their kid back. you talk about all the outpatient places yea my sister went to one for smoking weed. went in for pot and came out injecting k. wow outpatient works like a charm huh. then you bash the staff at kolob but i got an even better one about the guy running the outpatient place. right after my sister left he snapped and stabbed his wife 36 times. yea id rather send my kid there than to a place where she wasnt around drugs which they have in outpatient in fact at my sisters outpatient they got caught snorting painkillers and coke in the bathroom. at kolob were there any drugs? nope. but anyway i have things to do and a new puppy to take care of. o yea since ive been out of kolob i now have my own place a new car a great job gunna make like 55k next year o and all by the age of 19 sounds like kolob really sux huh? so my advice to all of you stop making yourselves look like dumbasses and find out about something before you bash it. :wave:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline nite owl

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Info on Moonridge Academy or Kolob Canyon RTC?
« Reply #79 on: November 20, 2004, 04:41:00 PM »
If it worked for you and you are happy about it - GREAT! The thing is - this isn't for everyone. Parents should be able to talk to their children at least once a day at a designated time and pay phones should be available for student use at certain times of the day. There should also be visiting hours daily.  Staff should not prevent children from talking to their parents. This would prevent a lot of abuse that does occur in residential treatment.  Drug rehab is necessary in our society.  Drug abuse ruins lives and it's hard to get off of the drugs once the body craves them - so I can see the need for treatment.

But treatment shouldn't take 2 or 3 years.  It should take 2 or 3 months with proper care.  These programs do much more in that 2 to 3 years - they brainwash and reprogram.  This is what most of us disagree with.  

The Christian faith from the beginning, is sacrifice: the sacrifice of all freedom, all pride, all self-confidence of spirit; it is at the same time subjection, a self-derision, and self-mutilation.
--Freidrich Nietzsche, German philosopher

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Info on Moonridge Academy or Kolob Canyon RTC?
« Reply #80 on: December 03, 2004, 02:32:00 PM »
2-3 years??? This is a 6-8 month program
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Info on Moonridge Academy or Kolob Canyon RTC?
« Reply #81 on: December 24, 2004, 11:01:00 AM »
I have one thing to say about what is going on with our kids. Soceity has messed them up to the point that everything is alright. Parents need to work to make a living so our kids have no sence of direction and the structure they need in their lives. They grow up watching TV and listening to music that is harming them in more ways than you will ever know. Along with with all the therapy these kids get in an RTC they also get the structure from caring staff. As for fixing a kid that has been making all the wrong choices for who knows how many years, it doesn't work that way. Some make the choice to change sooner than others but overall it's hard to change someone overnight. Study and do your home work, there is a ton of information about RTC's on the internet.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Nihilanthic

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Info on Moonridge Academy or Kolob Canyon RTC?
« Reply #82 on: December 24, 2004, 04:45:00 PM »
Says who? You? Some talking head who is selling a product (or themself) to scardey-parents like yourself? hah!

Crime rates are going DOWN! The only thing going up is FEAR.

I grew up watching TV and listening to music and I'm not messed up or bad for it. Wanna borrow some Marilyn Manson CDs? I'll burn a few. OH WAIT THATS STEALING MUSIC CALL THE RIAA AND MPAA!

Playing violent games hasnt made me a violent person. Listening to music you would not approve of didnt make me bad, but hell it might make me think for myself. Oh no!

Also, 'structure' is not something I've ever seen demonstrated to be necessary in the definition you seem to think. Submission and surrender is bullshit. Being dominated by a control freak is not helpful or therapeutic at all.

And what IS this therapy that the RTCs give? I HAVE YET TO SEE ANY RTC, EVER, STATE OR IMPLY OR EXPRESS OR DEMONSTRATE THE THERAPY THEY GIVE! Do you have something to share? I sure HOPE so but I doubt it.

There is no need to send off children to lock in prisons to be dominated terrified and broken into obedience. All you get is a broken child or a very defiant one at the end of it all. There is no need for 'structure' as an excuse to be draconian control freaks. Hierarchy and seperation dont help kids, a bond and love does. Quit treating them like subordinates and treat them like family.

Oh, and lets see how your brain digests this:
Of all the people I've known - those who had a strong bond with their parents, and their parents were not control freaks, ALWAYS were doing okay and came out happy.

Sure, they cursed and got mad sometimes, and yelled a lot, but they also yelled at eachother when they *gasp* played around and had fun! WOW! isn't that a odd concept? And guess what else? Their parents didnt FLIP out at 'disrespect' and punish them for it! And they actually love and listen to their parents. WOW! Imagine that!

And the ones who do have issues, almost always have a lack of a bond, or a disciplinarian parent.  Get rid of the boundaries between you and your kid and spend some time with them and make them feel loved for a change.

Merry Christmas.  

To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a little better; whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is the meaning of success.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

CCMGirl on program restraints: "DON\'T TAZ ME BRO!!!!!"

TheWho on program survivors: "From where I sit I see all the anit-program[sic] people doing all the complaining and crying."

Offline Anonymous

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Info on Moonridge Academy or Kolob Canyon RTC?
« Reply #83 on: January 04, 2005, 11:05:00 AM »
One thing I agree with is the love and family part. Most RTC'S are staffed with people that love kids and have a genuine care for these kids, Love and structure go a long way.
          Picture this, you have a child that you love very much, you brought them up to the best of your ability, in a loving home, you spent time with them, you did the best you can do. Now, your kid is 12 years old and is doing drugs, having sex, hanging around with negative influences, making all the wrong choices and by the way wont talk to you because she does'nt care what you have to say because you don't agree with what Marlyn Manson has to say. Furthermore, TV tells me sex is alright and I know because I've been watching it since I was 3 years old. Also, I love Brittany Spears and Chrisina Aquilara and I want to grow up and be just like them.
     Now I' 15 years old and I've had multiple sex partners, I'm dealing with adult problems, I'm failing school, I have a terrible relationship with my parents and I have no one to talk to but my freinds who are going thru the same things. Ah I know, I will attempt suicide or better yet I will cut myself to take away my emotional pain and for a little attention. Oh ya, I still have Marlyn and all the positive things he has to sing about. Don't forget about my MTV.
      AS a parent what do I do?  some parents need the help and that is why we are here. Most therapist do this work because of the love they have for these kids.
        Wake up and smell the coffee, this world is not what is use to be. What was not acceptable before is now alright and I don't care what you may think. I congradulate you on doig alright for yourself but most of us are not that strong.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Info on Moonridge Academy or Kolob Canyon RTC?
« Reply #84 on: January 05, 2005, 06:30:00 AM »
SO why were these parents letting their kids watch so much TV and buying them these CDs?  Most 10 year olds usahally don't have free cash and having sex/drugs isn't somthing they just magically start at 13.  It seams that these parents aren't there before these things happen and then after they start, they don't want to be there either...why don't I hire someone to be a parent for me?  And if the parents are just as messed up as the kid (or just not paying enough attention), maybe family councling would do more good than sending these kids away.  (I'm not judging, I don't have kids and have no clue how to raise them, just trying to bring up a point.)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Info on Moonridge Academy or Kolob Canyon RTC?
« Reply #85 on: January 05, 2005, 10:42:00 AM »
I grew up in a good home with loving parents and I took the wrong path. We all need a little help some times and all parents are not perfect. Most RTC'S offer family counciling and taking a kid away from a destructive environment for a while helps. I was never in an RTC but moving away sure helped me.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Info on Moonridge Academy or Kolob Canyon RTC?
« Reply #86 on: January 05, 2005, 11:44:00 AM »
On 2004-12-24 08:01:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I have one thing to say about what is going on with our kids. Soceity has messed them up to the point that everything is alright. Parents need to work to make a living so our kids have no sence of direction and the structure they need in their lives. They grow up watching TV and listening to music that is harming them in more ways than you will ever know. Along with with all the therapy these kids get in an RTC they also get the structure from caring staff. As for fixing a kid that has been making all the wrong choices for who knows how many years, it doesn't work that way. Some make the choice to change sooner than others but overall it's hard to change someone overnight. Study and do your home work, there is a ton of information about RTC's on the internet.              "

I'm sorry, but what you're saying is largely a matter of point of view.

The research on TV and kids, for one thing, shows correlation, not causation.  There is no way to tell if children of different temperment or parents of different temperment are more likely to have different attitudes towards TV (and music).  The temperment could cause the attraction (or aversion) to TV rather than vice versa.  Or a third factor could be causing both.

Also, even if TV were definitely causative, the research defining "harm" assumes that:
    1) more readiness to tattle as a means of showing empathy is always better.
    2) all fear is always inappropriate.
    3) aggression is never an appropriate response to any situation.

Since I don't agree with the premises, I naturally don't agree with the "solution".

*I* believe:
    1) waiting to see if a squabble or destruction resolves itself before calling in authority is not necessarily an inappropriate response.  It is sometimes a realistic response.  Excessive indifference is bad.  Empathy is important.  Excessive empathy is codependency.  The existing studies draw no distinctions.  The question is whether the empathy is at an *appropriate* level.
    2) fear is an appropriate adaptive evolutionary response to tell us what is dangerous to us and help us avoid danger.  Excessive fear is harmful.  Excessive lack of fear is equally harmful.  The proper question is whether the level of fear is realistic and age appropriate, or exaggerated.  "Identifying with" victims is another way of saying the child empathizes with them---appropriate empathy.  Provided it's *moderate*, it's a normal adaptive response to becoming aware of and understanding potential dangers in the child's living environment.
    3) aggression is an appropriate response to some situations.  A child beating a bobo doll may have an earlier understanding that the toy is inanimate and may have a more sophisticated understanding that it was *designed* to be punched and isn't likely to be harmed by the play.  A ten year old deer hunting with Mom or Dad is displaying *appropriate* aggression towards a prey animal.  Self-defense in a situation where aggression is an appropriate response.  Moderate aggression is an appropriate and effective response to bullying when the adults who are *supposed* to be supervising the situation are persistently negligent.

Would *I* immediately intervene if I saw two kids fighting or playing destructively?  It depends.  I might well watch for a few seconds to see if they resolved the problem themselves, or decided for themselves it was a bad idea, *before* intervening.

Am *I* "fearful" about the surrounding world.  You betcha.  I'm proportionately fearful of the very real dangers in it---but I just use that awareness to help me avoid situations with an excessive risk of danger.

Am *I* more likely to respond aggressively to a situation than someone raised in Utopia?  Certainly.  Because I'm more likely to have a *realistic* appreciation of when a situation is dangerous enough that aggression is an *appropriate* response out here in non-Utopia, my willingness to use violence in defense of my self or my child *if necessary and only proportionally*, I am more likely to respond to a dangerous situation with violence than is someone who's never even contemplated that there might be such a thing in the world as a mugger, a murderer,  or a rapist.

The TV research is interesting, but not meaningfully conclusive if you don't accept their premises.

When they recruit a bunch of families that are indifferent to TV or lack of it and assign them randomly to groups for different levels of TV viewing *and* show that one group has *inappropriate* levels of empathy, fear, and aggression compared to another, then we can talk.

Now, on a shadetree informal level, I will agree that TV to the exclusion of exercise and reading, and TV with no discussion or guidance from adults about how TV is different from real life, is a problem.

Personally, one of the things I *like* about TV is  that I can use it to immunize my child against advertising.  We discuss how to be an informed consumer and the various tricks advertisers use to make you want products that aren't as good as the ad implies or that you don't need or that cost too much for what they are (comparing the other fun that can be had for different uses of the same money).

I think your view of "our" kids is overly pessimistic, and "to the point that everything is alright" raises my hackles because it implies there are many things kids do which you think are not alright---but you imply that it's not just your opinion but that all right-thinking people would think it's not alright.

IOW, you're implying that you're out of step with society about what is and isn't alright, and you're setting yourself or your sect or your political subset up as the one who decides what is and isn't *really* alright.

One of the things I got from my momma when I was a child was whenever I (or someone else) expressed those huge, sweeping generalizations about how people shouldn't behave badly or say bad things or whatever kinds of things shouldn't be allowed, my momma would look at me and raise her eyebrows and slowly say, "Yes, but...who decides?"

You, consciously or not, are selling yourself or people you agree with as "who decides".

I'm not buying.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Info on Moonridge Academy or Kolob Canyon RTC?
« Reply #87 on: January 05, 2005, 11:48:00 AM »
There's lots of comedy on television.  Does that cause rampant comedy in the streets?

loosely taken from Dick Cavett
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Info on Moonridge Academy or Kolob Canyon RTC?
« Reply #88 on: February 22, 2005, 11:37:00 AM »
I grew up in a very loving home. My parents did all they could and i still took the worng path. They tried the best they could to keep track of me. But i lied. Teenagers lie and most are very good at it. I would introduce them to my "good" friends and then when i wanted to go do drugs and have sex i would lie and tell them i was them and they would cover for me. My parents showed me nothing but love and support and all i did was take advantage. I am a big supporter of RTCs being that i am a graduate of one. It was so hard for my parents to send me there. They cried and everything everytime i talke dot them. but i needed to be away from the environment i was in to see my problems. And yes it was necessary to as you say lock me up. They took away the option to use drugs and until i was off of drugs and alcohol i didnt see i had a problem. All of you people just bash what you dont know. An RTC saved my life. Sure it may not be for everyone but they do evaluations to see if it is right for you. They turn people away. The people who cared for me there didnt make much $. They were there because they love helping people. I knew they cared about me and they showed how much they cared about us. Also i had femily therapy once a week and when my parents flew out to UT we had a face to face family therapy. My therapist in the RTC helped me overcome things in 6 months that i hadnt even ackknoledged in 4 years of therapy while living at home. I'm a happier person because i lived in an rtc. And my relationship with my parents has never been better. I am totally honest with them and my mom is my best friend. I am only 19 and i have my life together. Its all thanks to the rtc. So before you all say how horrible they are take a closer look.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline tlcrescue

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Info on Moonridge Academy or Kolob Canyon RTC?
« Reply #89 on: February 22, 2005, 12:34:00 PM »
no, they dont ALL DO EVALUATION.  They did no such thing with my son. All they asked for was my $50,000 and a signed contract.  ONce that was provided they GLADLY took my son into the program!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »