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Offline Anonymous

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To everyone who cares
« on: March 29, 2004, 11:38:00 PM »
My experience with CEDU is not as scary as the postings I have read in this frightening forum. I was one of those kids that was sent to CEDU specifically for bad grades (in my honors classes!). It boggles me how they could ever accept me. However, I can say that CEDU wiped my grade transcript clean so I could get into a good college. Eventually (after 2 years in college), I think I turned my life around and have become the success story I have always wanted. Despite constant reminders from my parents, I know I did it on my own, but owe my acceptance to a good college entirely to CEDU. I am the only true success story I know of. I can't repeat that I do not attribute my success to CEDU enough times. CEDU did save my ass and I owe it something in the end.

That being said, I know that CEDU violates certain rights of non-convicted minors. I never had a psychiatric consultation. However, we all know that the second I acted out of line I would have been punished to the full extent. Also, I know about meetings from a certain Dennis D where staff were lectured for the amount of pulled students a month.

Now, let me make it clear. I think that many of the comments in the anti-CEDU forums come out of misplaced hatred and the inability to mature enough to realize there is more to life than the ?freedom? of today?s misdirected youth. Today, I support the drug war and do not support many of the things I did in high school. If it took a CEDU to help my child, then I would do it in a second. I do not believe CEDU is an effective program for truly troubled youth, but my beliefs about the subject are irrelevant. Also, I believe that many of these arguments are written in a juvenile tone which no one in a position to do something about the problem would take seriously. Remove your curse words and other exclamatory remarks.

Finally, a call to action. With all the haunting stories on this forum, is anyone bold enough to do something about it? If this is true, and you are a former or present staff member or student, and you do not act? you are a coward. Take this topic to an ethicist for research, a journalism student who may have time to research Brown Schools and report on the negative, or take a personal story to take to a human rights attorney or advocacy group. The private organizations and students have a lot more resources to confront issues like this than confronting Brown Schools through internet forums.

No matter how much you complain about how bad your personal CEDU experience was, they still make money. Being a pre-law student, I have a trial lawyer as a mentor. If one of you can be bold enough to bring a class action law suit against Brown schools (such as cancer victims against cigarette companies and fat people against McDonalds), the lawyer will make most of the case. My guess is with the amount of money Brown Schools pulls in a year, he would take the case for free. His fees would be compensated as a result of the law suit, and the money each plaintiff will stand to make would be considerable. There are enough of you out there. If it happens, I am sure many will be waiting.

I was angry at CEDU when I left. My action was writing to Petersons that has the audacity to list CEDU amongst such boarding schools as Choate and PA Andover (which I and George W. Bush attended at one point). The summary in Petersons details a school I have never heard of. I think removing CEDU from Petersons is one of the first steps, as my parents found CEDU through Petersons. This is a more rational step that I support, but I recommend you head my words if you want to change the system. If your own emotions to motivate you, maybe the money involved would remove your cowardice.

Be safe. Sorry for any misspellings or writing errors that may discredit my writing. Believe me, it comes from the heart? and my sleepy brain.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2004, 11:50:00 PM »
Also, the avenues listed in the orginal post are going to be much more effective than any appeal to the media.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2004, 07:34:00 PM »
I think I have missed your point.  CEDU's not so bad, but you want to sue them???????

What side of the fence are you on?  I understand that the way people express themselves on this board are not to your liking, but isn't that the point - everyone having the freedom to express themselves exactly the way they want.

I'm very glad that you got yourself into a good college, and perhaps CEDU was the reason for it, but does that mean that all of the people who were damaged by CEDU don't count?

What in the world is your agenda?  Are you feeling confused over your loyalty toward CEDU for saving your education, though you would love to see a law suit brought against them?

I don't get it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2004, 09:23:00 PM »
I don't have an agenda, just opinion... like it or not. I have my own feelings about CEDU, but have seen the downside on a much smaller scale than the frightening comments I came across in this forum. I personally do not want to put Brown Schools out of business. However, if events on this bulletin board are not exaggerated, then there are many more effective ways to combat your CEDU problem than complaining.

Certain things do not translate to a problem with CEDU that are consistently being brought up on anti-CEDU forums and websites. Certain exceptional events are tragic, but not commonplace enough to warrant shutting CEDU down or even changing the system.

However, I do recognize from this board that many of you still have resentment against CEDU and more commonplace problems with the program. I know about these problems and consider them completely reasonable. If it bothered you enough, you should do something about it! However, I dealt with the same day to day problems of corruption and student censorship that most of you did. In the end, I decided that these problems did not affect me enough to pursue an active role in changing the system. So, I accept them and CEDU. I see most of the complainers in the same shoes, if it bothered you enough; take an aggressive, but smart stance on the issue.

To Roy- congratulations, you have proved me wrong. These efforts are a complete rebut to my argument. However, you are only one person. As far as using channels of government and media, I can tell you that your effort may be ineffective or at best, extremely slow. Legislation is very ineffective, partisan and sluggish. To succeed through a channel of government, you must know someone; catch someone?s eye, etc. My advice to you is pursuing the channels I have suggested. Rely on the selfish interests of people that could make a name for themselves or put money in their pockets. Fortunately, no matter what the real world is like the people powerful enough to make a change (positive or negative) speak in a voice that can be heard. Truly effective change is brought by appealing to these people. You are one of the few active representatives of the anti-Brown schools stance. This puts a lot of responsibility on you and your peers to make this issue appeal to the masses, to make you and your constituents (the students of CEDU) seem educated, sane and creditable.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2004, 09:46:00 PM »
On 2004-03-30 18:23:00, Anonymous wrote:

Fortunately, no matter what the real world is like the people powerful enough to make a change (positive or negative) speak in a voice that can be heard. Truly effective change is brought by appealing to these people.

I see where we're missing eachother. I've never thought of myself as a slave. I guess I'll have to work on that, huh?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Roy

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« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2004, 11:44:00 PM »
On 2004-03-30 18:46:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2004-03-30 18:23:00, Anonymous wrote:

Fortunately, no matter what the real world is like the people powerful enough to make a change (positive or negative) speak in a voice that can be heard. Truly effective change is brought by appealing to these people.

I see where we're missing eachother. I've never thought of myself as a slave. I guess I'll have to work on that, huh?

 ::noway:: "

What you are suggesting is that I take the issue to lawyers and try to make a buck. Lawyers don't make change - just money. An ex student just pocketed 600 K and nothing changed - duh?  

Fortunately, I don't live in the environment that you elites live in -where the extent of ethics involves grabbing up unearned slimy money for personal luxury. Student my ass.

My parents taught me to value humanity and not take from other people what I have not earned for myself. Now if CEDU could follow that example we would not be having this conversation - would we?

So we've come full circle and we are back to the real issue - power, control, greed and lust for more. This is epidemic, and it is a social problem. CEDU is just one symptom of it.

The whole idea of getting rid of the disease is getting rid of the symptoms. Lust for power and control over children must become unrewarding.

What we are doing here on this board is making it very unrewarding.

Your ideas are poorly thought out. Think "out of the box" and you will understand exactly what is going on here. "Communication is the universal solvent; it washes away everything. Free dialogue and active protest are the way to change. If you make them uncomfortable in their seats - they get up and leave. By the way..........  :wave:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2004, 09:32:00 PM »
Historic record will cite that the greatest movements for change were not brought on by unintelligent, vulgar hate-speak. Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Fredrick Douglas and any other true catalyst for change appealed to the masses through smart argument. Selfish exploits of lawyers, businessmen and journalists have brought change to civil rights, economic competition and civil rights, respectively. Remember, you are a man (or a few men) taking on a corporation. This is a tough fight, it needs to be handled appropriately.

Trust me; I do not live the life of luxury that you allude to. However, that doesn?t matter. FDR grew up in one of the most powerful and wealthy families in America. As an adult, the aristocrat became the hero of the small men, founder of the welfare movement. He is not alone; the Kennedy dynasty has fought for the liberal movement since its existence. Today, John Kerry looks to change the radically conservative direction America is going. These aristocrats care about the common person. There is no reason to hate a social class.

Your position of taking the small man fight ?out of the box? is not revolutionary. Your argument of making CEDU uncomfortable in their seats is very socialist and very flawed. However, you may be a socialist (that?s OK), but any socialist will note the tragedy of introducing a radical idea into an unaccepting, possibly corrupt (by socialist thought) system. No matter if you are socialist or not, this is a direct metaphor for your situation. The disgruntled CEDU population is a fraction of the small percentage of the small fraction of people that know about CEDU to begin with. How are they going to change the system with your misdirected argument at the helm? How will you rally your constituents with such a radical philosophy? You can make a difference, you can change the system, do it right!

As a side note, when you wrote that you wanted to make CEDU uncomfortable in their seats is exactly the same philosophy that Iraqi terrorists utilize in acts of terrorism within their country. This is not a good example, because you may not agree with the war and agree with the Iraqi terrorists. There are too many factors to discuss this topic as well. Just remember, these attacks have not differed American involvement in their country, or the formation of their government and constitution. This same thought process of making them uncomfortable in their seats is taken by the ineffective attacks on Israel by suicide bombers of the Palestinian State. I note that these arguments (Iraq, Israel) are flawed because of personal belief, please do not make future postings regarding these comments. They are just food for thought; I know you probably do not agree.

If you are the spokesman for this movement, it is doomed. I think you are forgetting that I am not on CEDU?s side. I advocate that those of you who are willing to fight the war against CEDU take an active and smart position.

I would like to add, that I am enjoying this debate. However, if thread is just another thorn in your side, let me know- I'll stop. No matter what, everyone is entitled to an opinion. Even if I disagree with your methods, I do not want to take up your time especially when it could be valuable to your cause.

A former congressman came to talk to my government class today. He was the only person in history to win an election against George W. Bush back in 78, their opinions were so different that one would infer a hatred between the two. He explained that candidates that take two different sides of a issue can be civil. Today, besides lobbying for many liberal causes, he sits on Bush?s board of finance. We don?t even have a different opinion. You choose to be active, I do not. You have one set of ideas how to handle this issue, I have another. That is our debate. Please keep any further correspondence to attacks on my ideas and not on my character.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2004, 10:23:00 PM »
On 2004-03-31 18:32:00, Anonymous wrote:

 The disgruntled CEDU population is a fraction of the small percentage of the small fraction of people that know about CEDU to begin with.

Seems pretty fatalistic if you accept that premis. But it's a flawed premis. I believe that the vast majority of people w/ firsthand experience on the receiving end of the troubled parent help industry are similarly disgruntled. And I believe that CEDU is identical in a few fundamental ways to all of the other Synanon based programs out there. And I believe that if we get together and compare notes, we can bust them dead to rights in the court of public opinion, leaving the sanctimonious lawyers, congresscritters and various assorted jaberwocks in the dust, jaws in their laps like they're strung out on thorazine.

I could be wrong, of course. But there's only one way to find out and I'm pursuing it.

He that lives upon hope will die fasting
--Benjamin Franklin 1758

Ginger Warbis ~ Antigen
American drug war P.O.W.
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   10/80 - 10/82
Anonymity Anonymous
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2004, 12:13:00 AM »
dude can hardly write the english language. you should go back to grade school. only faggy preps like bush go to andover anyway. exeter rules dude.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2004, 01:47:00 PM »
"I believe that if we get together and compare notes, we can bust them dead to rights in the court of public opinion, leaving the sanctimonious lawyers, congresscritters and various assorted jaberwocks in the dust, jaws in their laps like they're strung out on thorazine."

I can accept that. Do you not agree that to be able to get together, compare notes and lead the charge that it requires a leader that can rally the support of the former CEDU students? How do you expect to do this with the style of argument that Roy and others have brought to the table?

In other forums, I have seen parents ask the board if their child should go to an Emo. Growth boarding school. How should that parent react with comments that range from "you're wrong", go on vacation and maybe you are a bad parent. All responses riddled with vulgar language. How is that parent, good or bad, supposed to respect your opinions? Maybe there are rational arguments out there (maybe yourself), but your peers hurt your fight more than help it.

Finally, I believe that without a campaign grounded in reason and a dignity that appeals to the masses, this fight will fail. My solution is to try to get to these selfish interests (young lawyer, journalists, etc.) to fight your cause, because at this time the former CEDU students are not ready to handle do it on there own.

However, I believe if you find a leader in your movement who can rally the former CEDU students in a positive, well intentioned campaign against CEDU that you could go about the fight differently than I suggested. I believe that if you are all appropriate spokesman, you could attract non-CEDU students to your cause. At this time this group is not unified, extremely vulgar, and does not attract the respect (though it may deserve the respect) from the mainstream community. Would you not agree? I would also point out that to use this tactic would take a lot longer than you think. Good Luck!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #10 on: April 01, 2004, 01:49:00 PM »
"I believe that if we get together and compare notes, we can bust them dead to rights in the court of public opinion, leaving the sanctimonious lawyers, congresscritters and various assorted jaberwocks in the dust, jaws in their laps like they're strung out on thorazine."

I can accept that. Do you not agree that to be able to get together, compare notes and lead the charge that it requires a leader that can rally the support of the former CEDU students? How do you expect to do this with the style of argument that Roy and others have brought to the table?

In other forums, I have seen parents ask the board if their child should go to an Emo. Growth boarding school. How should that parent react with comments that range from "you're wrong", go on vacation and maybe you are a bad parent. All responses riddled with vulgar language. How is that parent, good or bad, supposed to respect your opinions? Maybe there are rational arguments out there (maybe yourself), but your peers hurt your fight more than help it.

Finally, I believe that without a campaign grounded in reason and a dignity that appeals to the masses, this fight will fail. My solution is to try to get to these selfish interests (young lawyer, journalists, etc.) to fight your cause, because at this time the former CEDU students are not ready to handle do it on there own.

However, I believe if you find a leader in your movement who can rally the former CEDU students in a positive, well intentioned campaign against CEDU that you could go about the fight differently than I suggested. I believe that if you are all appropriate spokesman, you could attract non-CEDU students to your cause. At this time this group is not unified, extremely vulgar, and does not attract the respect (though it may deserve the respect) from the mainstream community. Would you not agree? I would also point out that to use this tactic would take a lot longer than you think. Good Luck!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Roy

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« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2004, 06:58:00 PM »
Don't patronize us. We are not the "mainstream," nor do we want to be. You will not "minipulate" any of us into disclosing our identity. And, this has been your agenda all along - CEDU boarding school advocate lawyer.

This is wasting my time and yours. If you can prove you are costing CEDU a lot of money for your time, then, "by all means. Otherwise goodbye.

And that means forever.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #12 on: April 01, 2004, 07:47:00 PM »
I agree.  We need an attorney  like we need hole in the head.  Anyone here who is interested in taking legal action has or will do so, but this forum is about expression, and that's all.  Parents who visit these sites can figure out for themselves what is relevant to them and what isn't.  

We all recognize that changing the teen help industry is going to take a long time.  We may have some activists here who are able to push tthingss along, untill then, we just post our experiences and opinions, and parents can decide how much credibility we have.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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« Reply #13 on: April 01, 2004, 08:19:00 PM »
Well, then go ahead and do it. Or just hunker and watch. :wink:

Since you [US "drug tsar" McCaffrey] control a federal budget that has just been increased from $17.8 billion last year to $19.2 billion this year, is asking people like you if we should continue with our nation's current drug policy like a person asking a barber if one needs a haircut? --
                                                              Orange Country, California
                                                                  Los Angeles Times
                                                                    29 March 2000
--Judge James P. Gray

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #14 on: April 02, 2004, 05:39:00 PM »
On 2004-04-01 15:58:00, Roy wrote:

" this has been your agenda all along - CEDU boarding school advocate lawyer.


This is just a funny statement in general. However, I had a feeling I was wasting ya'lls time. Think about what I wrote. Take care.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »