Author Topic: AA Abundant Life Academy  (Read 46850 times)

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Offline CraigRogers

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AA Abundant Life Academy
« on: March 23, 2004, 01:37:00 AM »
Setting the record straight....

My name is Craig Rogers, and I am the CEO/President of Abundant Life Academy. Abundant Life Academy is a registered business in the State of Utah. Abundant Life Academy is an academic institution for American and Canadian students. Abundant Life Academy has a major focus on missions and mercy ministries. A part of Abundant Life Academy school program involves students going to Mexico to participate in Mercy Ministries for an extended period of time.

Josue Aparicio and Patricia Bettencort are the legal representatives of ?ACADEMIA VIDA ABUNDANTE DEL LAGO CHAPALA?. However, let it be known that ?ACADEMIA VIDA ABUNDANTE DEL LAGO CHAPALA? is not affliated with Abundant Life Academy of Utah in any way, shape, or form.

Josue Aparicio's ?ACADEMIA VIDA ABUNDANTE DEL LAGO CHAPALA? does not exist in reality. Mr. Aparicio's business does not have any students or staff. His business has never employed professional staff, never had a student, nor any formal agreement or contract with Abundant Life Academy of Utah. ?ACADEMIA VIDA ABUNDANTE DEL LAGO CHAPALA? was established for the purpose of defrauding myself and Abundant Life Academy of Utah. Sometimes when American's go to Mexico we are easy targets for thieve's and scam artists.

?ACADEMIA VIDA ABUNDANTE DEL LAGO CHAPALA? is basically a phony corporation set up to defraud Abundant Life Academy. In April through June 2003 ?ACADEMIA VIDA ABUNDANTE DEL LAGO CHAPALA? attempted to negoitate a formal business agreement with Abundant Life Academy of Utah. At that time it was the hope of Abundant Life Academy of Utah to contract with Josue Aparicio's and Patricia Bettencort's company (?ACADEMIA VIDA ABUNDANTE DEL LAGO CHAPALA?) to provide room, board, and food services for the students of Abundant Life Academy of Utah while they were in Mexico doing the missions projects. In mid June it became apparent that Patricia Bettencort was not an honest person and she devised a scheme to defraud Abundant Life Academy of Utah. Thank God it was discovered before she could accomplish her plan.  At that time Abundant Life Academy ended all contact with Patricia Bettencort.

Abundant Life Academy continued to work with Mr. Josue Aparicio in good faith until September 2003, when we found out that Josue was a part of Patricia Bettencort's origianl scheme. Since Josue Aparicio was thought to be a loyal friend of myself and a supporter to the vision of Abundant Life Academy, it was very disappointing to find out that he was in partnership with the Ms. Bettencort's plot.

In September of 2003 Abundant Life Academy of Utah terminated any and all relationships with Josue Aparicio and ?ACADEMIA VIDA ABUNDANTE DEL LAGO CHAPALA?.

May it be known that Abundant Life Academy of Utah paid ?ACADEMIA VIDA ABUNDANTE DEL LAGO CHAPALA? $52,000.00 US Dollars over from May through September 2003. The payments were made in good faith with the expectation that ?ACADEMIA VIDA ABUNDANTE DEL LAGO CHAPALA? would deliever on their promises to provide room and board, along with food services to the students of Abundant Life Academy. ?ACADEMIA VIDA ABUNDANTE DEL LAGO CHAPALA? failed miserably to perform their verbal agreement to deliver stated promises. It was also discovered that Josue Aparicio was embezzling funds from Abundant Life Academy of Utah, which was the reason ?ACADEMIA VIDA ABUNDANTE DEL LAGO CHAPALA? failed to deliever and perform their verbal agreement to provide room, board, and food services. Basically, we believe that he was taking the money meant for the students of Abundant Life Academy and giving it to Patricia Bettencort.

When Abundant Life Academy of Utah ended its relationship with ?ACADEMIA VIDA ABUNDANTE DEL LAGO CHAPALA? in September of 2003 Patricia Bettencort and Josue Aparicio threatened me personally. Patricia and Josue told me, in the presence of the ?ACADEMIA VIDA ABUNDANTE DEL LAGO CHAPALA? attorney, that unless I immdiately give them $100,000 they would shut down Abundant Life Academy and have me deported. Patricia and Josue brought the local police to the meeting with the intention of intimidating me.

At that meeting it was clear that it was the intention of Patricia Bettencort and Josue Aparicio to blackmail me into paying their attempted bribe. Thank God the attorney is an honest man and refused to allow Patricia and Josue to defraud me. The local police left the meeting disapointed with Patricia and Josue for trying to use them against me unlawfully. The attorney, who was a former Judge and a highly respected law school professor, has since helped me to file a law suit against Josue and Patricia to hold them accountable for theft, defamation, slander, and fraud.

In the meantime Josue and Patricia have told me and others that they will continue to harass me and defame Abundant Life Academy until I pay their bribe. They have contacted parents of Abundant Life Academy as well as prospective parents and slandered our good name. Josue Aparicio has made it clear that he will continue to try to hurt Abundant Life Academy with lies and slander until we pay his ransom. They have harassed me, lied about me, and continue to attempt to use manipulation of public officials to threaten me.

The whole ordeal is now in the courts where it belongs. All things will be sorted out with a judge. Josue and Patricia will be held accountable for what they have done. In the Mexican court system Josue and Patricia cant lie, and they have to bring forth proof of their claims. Additionally, we will have a chance to bring forth proof that Josue stole and misappropriated funds, equipment and other property. Josue and Patricia wont show up in court because they know the real truth about their little scheme will be revealed.

Last but not least. Josue Aparicio was fired from his previous employment for running the same scheme that he ran against me and Abundant Life Academy. It has been reported by the Financial Officer of Josue's former employer that he embezzled anywhere from $12,000 to $40,000 over a period of 3 years. I can give you the name and number of Josue's former employer who will confirm and verify the facts regarding this incident. The real sad thing is that Josue is a good man, only he has been led astray.

If anyone would like to confirm the facts reported in this reply please contact me at 435-644-8297. I will give you the names and phone numbers of numerous government officials that will back my claims and statements in this reply. Additionally, the attorney who was present when Patricia and Josue attempted to extort $100,000 can verify the facts and statements recorded in this relpy.

We believe that God is our deliverer and He will protect us from the schemes of our enemies. Also, we ask you to pray for Josue and his family, asking God to set him free from the trap of greed.

God bless,

Craig Rogers
Abundant Life Academy

For more information about Josue Aparicio and Patricia Bettencort please go to: ... hp?p=49#49
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2004, 08:00:00 AM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2004, 10:36:00 AM »
What is evil?
Posting a link?
ALA school in general? All such schools?
Something in particular?
Take your time, think it threw and then state your well thought out opinion.
Otherwise, your statement means nothing and is a waste of your time and forum space.
Otherwise, it just seems like a stab in the dark, at a target you are hostile to for no good reason you can explain; making you seem stupid and mean.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2004, 12:36:00 PM »
Shut up, Anon.  Tageting kids as "spoiled brats" is devious.  Shame on you for defending a program that resorts to using such inflammatory words to incite parents into turning their kids over to them.  God does NOT approve.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2004, 02:20:00 PM »
Red faced anon
Where was I defending anyone or thing?
You are making an assumption and reacting to it as if it is fact.
But at least now we know what you find so evil.
Heaven forbid, a kid be called a spoiled brat; according to you.
I suppose since you have the inside scoop on what God thinks; you can get us an answer as to God's opinion on how and when to help a teen when they  clearly need it.
Please advise.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Deborah

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« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2004, 02:38:00 PM »
I think "God" would say, "Shame on the parent that spoils their children, then warehouses them to be 'fixed'."  
Wouldn't that be punishing the child for the "sins" of the parent?
I have no doubt s/he might also recommend that the parent put their attention on fixing what they messed up to begin with. What needs to be learned here is more relevant to the parent anyway.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2004, 04:54:00 PM »
Sure Deb - what you say is true often enough to be valid; However, there are plenty of kids, who for no apparent reason, and with perfectly good parents, fall off the deep end. Deep end, defined as possibly a serious drug problem; the sort that leads to theft, lying and violence; with the natural consequences of losing educational options, employment, self respect, freedom; leading to guilt and more and more serious consequences. There are other possibilities, but this is the one I am most familiar with.
Irregaurdless of how worthwhile the parents of such a one might be; they are not listened to and their good counsel is not heeded.
So, it does/can make sense to get the kid out of the home and in the company of others they will be more inclined to pay some attention to. This is not necessarily warehousing; and not necessarily harsh, demeaning, degrading and abusive; although we all know Some are; this does not mean All are.  
And, even when the situation really is one of the parents being cracked pots; it can still be very helpful and worthwhile for the kid to get them in a new situation, were they can see and experience another and hopefully more successful and joyful way to get threw life.
It seems to me the biggest problem we have to deal with, as far as reforming the troubled teen business, is separating the wheat from the tares.
I know, many of you disagree and I think I understand why. We are definitely coming at the problem from opposite ends of the stick. And yet, there are areas where we can agree and others were we can compromise; and I hope before to long the teen help business will be viable, safe and truly helpful, far more often than not; As opposed to now, when it seems the occasional good program is like a diamond in a puddle of muck. I know many of you think there is no such thing as a good or necessary program; this is were we disagree and must compromise, if we are to do any good against the really bad ones.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2004, 05:23:00 PM »
On 2004-03-23 13:54:00, Anonymous wrote:


Sure Deb - what you say is true often enough to be valid; However, there are plenty of kids, who for no apparent reason, and with perfectly good parents, fall off the deep end. Deep end, defined as possibly a serious drug problem; the sort that leads to theft, lying and violence; with the natural consequences of losing educational options, employment, self respect, freedom; leading to guilt and more and more serious consequences. There are other possibilities, but this is the one I am most familiar with.

Irregaurdless of how worthwhile the parents of such a one might be; they are not listened to and their good counsel is not heeded.

So, it does/can make sense to get the kid out of the home and in the company of others they will be more inclined to pay some attention to. This is not necessarily warehousing; and not necessarily harsh, demeaning, degrading and abusive; although we all know Some are; this does not mean All are.  

And, even when the situation really is one of the parents being cracked pots; it can still be very helpful and worthwhile for the kid to get them in a new situation, were they can see and experience another and hopefully more successful and joyful way to get threw life.

It seems to me the biggest problem we have to deal with, as far as reforming the troubled teen business, is separating the wheat from the tares.

I know, many of you disagree and I think I understand why. We are definitely coming at the problem from opposite ends of the stick. And yet, there are areas where we can agree and others were we can compromise; and I hope before to long the teen help business will be viable, safe and truly helpful, far more often than not; As opposed to now, when it seems the occasional good program is like a diamond in a puddle of muck. I know many of you think there is no such thing as a good or necessary program; this is were we disagree and must compromise, if we are to do any good against the really bad ones.


Karen Z.(Anon)tell me, does ALA allow kids to be forcibly transported to their program in Utah?  Yes or No, save the mickey mouse preaching for the program parents.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2004, 06:07:00 PM »
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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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AA Abundant Life Academy
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2004, 06:14:00 PM »
Karen Z.(Anon)tell me, does ALA allow kids to be forcibly transported to their program in Utah? Yes or No, save the mickey mouse preaching for the program parents.

Also, what is the percentage of kids (pasat and present) referred to ALA by ed consultants?  Or PURE?  Or other ALA parents.  Or ????

Does ALA pay fees for referrals?  Give tuition breaks, or offer any other kind of financial incentive for referrals that result in placement?

Just curious where ALA stands on these controversial issues.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Deborah

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« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2004, 07:29:00 PM »
***Sure Deb - what you say is true often enough to be valid; However, there are plenty of kids, who for no apparent reason, and with perfectly good parents, fall off the deep end. Deep end, defined as possibly a serious drug problem; the sor that leads to theft, lying and violence...***

Are you defending ALA? If so, it was my impression that ALA doesn't take the kind of teens you described. Or do they indeed take violent theives with serious drug problems?
They say:

To us, the troubled teen that we refer to throughout our web site is really an ?entitled? kid from a good family, a kid who appreciates nothing, disrespects his/her parents, refuses to take responsibility for his/her actions, blames others for his/her own poor choices, academically unmotivated, but motivated to do anything to gain acceptance by his/her negative peer group. More specifically, today?s troubled teen is a monster at home, often yelling and screaming at parents and defying parental authority at every turn, but a great kid outside of the home. Yes, outside of the home the troubled teen is polite, respectful, and looks and acts like a normal kid.

To us, a troubled teen is not a thug, a thief, a gangster, a criminal, violent, defiant toward all authority, or any other description that describes someone with a mental disorder. When we use the term troubled teen we really mean to describe a ?spoiled brat?. We mean to describe a kid who has every possible resource available to make something out of him/herself, yet all they want to do is hang out with negative friends and ?run their own show?. We are referring to kids that have been blessed, gifted, and very talented but are wasting their God-given potential trying to emulate the latest rapper. This kid is only interested in how he/she is viewed by his/her friends, and cares nothing of their parents and how they feel.

The troubled teen that we serve comes from middle and upper middle-class Christian families who have good morals, good work ethic, principled, and are integral. These families have raised their children in good Christian homes, attending church regularly. But, about the age of 12 their child began to change. First came the rap music, then the clothes, and the hip language. Pretty soon all that used to matter is gone, and it has been replaced with defiance, anger, and rebellion toward parents. Today?s troubled teen acts 8, and demands to be treated as if they were 30.

And this was interesting:
God is calling parents of this nation to drawn a line in the sand, and begin to repent from our mistakes and allow Him to restore our children.

-The director is apparently speaking for "god", suggesting that "god" would like good christian parents to repent by enrolling their teens in his program. What a line of BS.

We need to get down on our knees and ask for forgiveness and cry out to God for wisdom.

-The wisdom to select the right warehouse- (ALA)?

We have to surrender, and get ready to make some sacrifices.

-Huh? Financial?

True prosperity will come to those who seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness first.

-No doubt, prosperity usually does come to those who say they know what "god" wants you to do.

We need to teach our children by example, and the first thing we can do is to hold ourselves accountable. Take responsibility.

-Guess we all have different definitions of what being accountable and taking responsibility looks like. Who wants to model for their teen that the way to deal with difficulty is to eliminate a person from our life?

Here at Abundant Life Academy we are dedicated to overcoming ?entitlementitis?, and we will do it by teaching good old fashion values, insisting upon living by longstanding proven principles, and demonstrating the unconditional love of God.

-Uh, that's the parents job. Why aren't these parents seeking help for themselves? Sounds like they are the problem and the teen is the scape goat.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline Anonymous

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AA Abundant Life Academy
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2004, 10:18:00 PM »

Hi Deb - you have covered a lot of ground and there is much I?d like to say, but I?m going to try and be brief. I think most of your thoughts about the statements you?ve gleaned are the result of misunderstanding. It might help if you read over other pages of the web site; or it might not.
Like here:
God is calling parents of this nation to drawn a line in the sand, and begin to repent from our mistakes and allow Him to restore our children.
-The director is apparently speaking for "god", suggesting that "god" would like good Christian parents to repent by enrolling their teens in his program. What a line of BS.

If that were what was being said you?d be right; but its not. You?ve inferred this b/c of your natural inclination to suspect  any program?s intentions; and an unfamiliarity with a lot of Christian thought.  In this case, There is much about Christian thought, living , service and sacrifice that is ment to explain ALA philosophy; not talk anyone into anything.  

And you say:
Guess we all have different definitions of what being accountable and taking responsibility looks like. Who wants to model for their teen that the way to deal with difficulty is to eliminate a person from our life?

No kid at ALA is out of the family?s life. This is not that kind of program.  The argument can be made that placing a child in a program appropriate to their needs IS being responsible when the parents know they aren?t able to meet them.

And this:
Uh, that's the parents job. Why aren't these parents seeking help for themselves? Sounds like they are the problem and the teen is the scape goat.
You again are assuming things based on your inclinations; natural as they are after your experainces, it doesn?t make them always so.

You mentioned the kind of kid I spoke of not being the kind of kid described by the web site.  ALA would not be the right program for a son or daughter with serious mental illness. Its not lock down and they are not equipped to deal with the kind of behaviors found in the deeply disturbed mentally ill. However, for the young drug abuser; the mildly depressed; the committed underachiever; they are ideal. These kids might be somewhat violent at home; but not at all so when elsewhere. But what I was thinking of, was the violence they as a young drug abuser might be subjected to by others.
As for the ALA definition of a troubled kid not including all the other things that go hand in hand with drug abuse; I think that is more a refusal to label these kids as such; b/c apart from the drugs, they are none of these things.
But again, this would not be the right spot for the kid who is really bent on a criminal career.  

I think you?d find yourself in agreement with much of ALA?s philosophy with regard to helping these kids apart from pushing pills on them.  
If you disagree with what ALA?s answer is; then at least you can agree it isn?t prozac.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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AA Abundant Life Academy
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2004, 10:30:00 PM »
It blows my mind that parents pay strangers to traumatize their kids by first, hiring somebody to kidnap them and second, paying somebody to brainwash them.  Talk about leading the lamb to slaughter.  

Also, if ALA is not a locked program, then what is to prevent these kids from packing their bags and getting the hell outta Dodge?  I'll tell you what:  THE PARENTS aka the CO-CONSPIRATORS.  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #13 on: March 23, 2004, 10:52:00 PM »
Speaking of transporters ... ... gmyth.html

Well, some of these outfits may be more kind, more gentle, more respectful but kids are still being awakened in the middle of the night and forced into institutionalized-style programs so Mom and Dad don't have to do the dirty deed, themselves.  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Deborah

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« Reply #14 on: March 23, 2004, 11:31:00 PM »
***If that were what was being said you?d be right; but its not.***

With all due respect for your personal opinions,
The man said, "God is calling parents of this nation to drawn a line in the sand, and begin to repent from our mistakes and allow Him to restore our children."
I didn't infer anything. I hear him supporting his program by 'infering' that "god" has sanctioned it.

Of course I'm "assuming" things based on my inclination, as we all do. When the child is removed from the home for problems created by ineffective parenting... that to me is the child being scapegoated for the parents problems.

***ALA would not be the right program for a son or daughter with serious mental illness. Its not lock down and they are not equipped to deal with the kind of behaviors found in the deeply disturbed mentally ill. However, for the young drug abuser; the mildly depressed; the committed underachiever; they are ideal. ***

You're changing your mind? That is not what you said in your first response, I quote, "However, there are plenty of kids, who for no apparent reason, and with perfectly good parents, fall off the deep end. Deep end, defined as possibly a serious drug problem; the sort that leads to theft, lying and violence.."

Your words.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here: