Author Topic: No Cure For Stupid  (Read 10441 times)

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No Cure For Stupid
« on: July 17, 2020, 03:11:56 PM »
Corporate media continues to give the All About Receiving Cash sect all the publicity they can handle, although sady, the number of dipshits, rubes and kooks who hand their offspring over to the Wiz for his pirated behaviour modification treatment seems to have dwindled to under fifteen.  Poor Ozyscamdias has really come down a few pegs since the days when he started putting captives in the old seismic building with dreams of expanding to Vancouver and a triumphant return to the rubes in Saskatchewan.  But the li'l liar can still count on bewildered mothers and stunned political hacks to carry water for him.

"The centre is currently housing 11 clients."

"Leslie Kime was one of the people at the roundtable discussion. Three years ago, she lost her son Jason to a drug overdose.
Kime credits the Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre with helping Jason as a teen."
Nothing succeeds like success!

It's getting harder and harder for All About Receiving Cash to find former subjects to shill for the thought reform business, so when they get one, they squeeze until the pips squeak:

"Sam Stordy, a 27-year-old Calgary man, was also at the McDougall Centre discussion on Friday.
Stordy said he has been clean for three years now. Before that, he repeatedly overdosed on fentanyl and heroin."

"For a real-world view of the problems, I spoke to Sam Stordy, a 28-year-old former user who now counsels teenage addicts at the Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre."

"Stordy has worked as an executive peer counsellor at the Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre (AARC) for the last three years.
“I ended up in here as a client in 2008, addicted to all sorts of different drugs,” Stordy said.
His addictions landed him at AARC on two different occasions."

So Sammy was in AARC twice since 2008 and was still using hard drugs eight years later.  More great success!

“It’s hard because you not only have to fight the system to be seen and heard but you also have to fight the addiction and doing both is almost impossible,” said participant and recovering drug addict Samuel Stordy, who has been clean for three and a half years."

"Vause says the best support comes from peers like Sam Stordy, a counsellor at AARC who also survived addiction and a severe overdose.
“I was dead at the scene and it took three shots of Narcan to bring me back,” he said."

The sect currently enjoys great influence with Used Car Party MLA Jason Luan, one of the dumbest fuckpiles to act as a place-holder in the legislature, and the main tasked by the current regime with tackling the enthusiasm of Albertans for pharmacological escape during these exciting times.  On the plus-side, the sect is reduced to using the likes of super-kook failed politician Danielle Smith for their annual beg-a-thon.  Word on the street is the former Flames captain Jim Peplinski pulled out of the emcee job after the Lock Up Your Daughers tour by the Two Andies, Morton and Evans, crashed and burned on the launch-pad.

"AARC will go on serving youth and families as long as it will be needed, if it keeps open to God for inspiration" Dr. F. Dean Vause Executive Director

MR. NELSON: Mr. Speaker, AADAC has been involved with
assistance in developing the program of the Alberta Adolescent
Recovery Centre since its inception originally as Kids of the
Canadian West."
Alberta Hansard, March 24, 1992