Author Topic: Sittin' on the Docs  (Read 3295 times)

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Sittin' on the Docs
« on: December 19, 2018, 12:34:20 PM »
All About Receiving Cash continues to furiously wage it's dead-ender campaign to suppress the truth about it's bizarre behaviour modification program, and the sect's curious financial affairs.  Insiders are aparently greatly vexed by potential revelations of the curious goings-on in the sect.
Despite the fact that All About Receiving Cash has availed themselves of the legal acumen of the dead sect lawyers Lojek and Ford, as well as the largesse of sect hanger-on Lane-Goodfellow, not to mention the dogged, if sad, work of the esteemed Mr. Stapon, and the helpful efforts of Mr. Tyndale, the operation remains highly vulnerable to the bungling of it's staff and the willingness of people to blow the whistle on the freak-show scam.
Certainly the recent legal actions of the sect reveal the continued pursuit of highly theatrical but paper-thin claims of loss.  AARC sued Amy Sparks for taking documents that apparently revealed a wide array of irregularities. Allegedly these irregularities run the gamut from AARC conning social agencies to pay for their unlicensed, unregulated faith-healing program, an old saw that was evident in the amateurish and incomplete records provided to former subject Christine Lunn; to payments from the sect to "donors"; to All About Receiving Cash paying to send people to a highly disreputable thought reform program in the US.  Not to mention possible off-shore financial transactions.
Unfortunately for the sect, documents began to leak out of AARC long ago, and the lawsuits are in essence an extremely cynical, and ultimatley futile, effort to perfume the honey wagon.
AARC claims that Amy Sparks revealed to CBC the AARC "strategy" for litigation.  Sparks was long gone from AARC by the time the sect brought Stapon on board to issue the "offer you can't refuse" to Christine, Bodana, Scott, Rachel and Simi.  Presumably the esteemed litigator brought something more to the party than sect drones Lojek and Ford could conjur.  Which leads to the conclusion that Spark's revelations concerning the sect's own Operation Barbarossa constitute a sum total of nothing.
"It must be recalled that, in the action against Sparks, AARC alleges that she provided privileged material to the CBC related to AARC’s prosecution of its defamation claim. AARC claims that it only learned the true extent of this when CBC filed an Amended Affidavit of Records in October 25, 2016. This document revealed that the CBC had in its possession recordings of telephone conversations between Ms. Sparks and Gillian Findlay, a journalist employed by the CBC and on-air host of the Broadcast. It is also alleged that in these phone calls, Ms. Findlay solicits from Ms. Sparks AARC’s privileged communication regarding its litigation plan and strategy."

As far back as the period when conflicted AARC sect judge Cooke-Stanhope abetted what was essentially the abduction of Levon Mckillop into AARC against his mother's will, documents began to disappear from AARC.  All About Receiving Cash/Kids Old Guard veteran Lisa Luciano attempted to cover her tracks, according to a reliable and knowledgeable source, by evaporating the evidence related to her "clients".

Early in the suit against Christine Lunn, when AARC was deluging her then-counsel with paper, the sect provided a document that showed dead CPS Detective David Rock communicating directly with sect leader Dean Vause, prior to Rock's interviews of sexual assault victims Christine Lunn and Rachel O'Neil.  AARC is simply too incompetent to cover their criminal behaviour.

Another document, long since revealed in the public sphere, concerns the efforts of sect leader Dean Vause to head off the consequences of his years of lying about being a psychologist.  Not only did this document reveal the sect's previous claims about Vause's credentials to be completely false, Vause went so far as to claim that he simply runs AA meetings.  This revelation was meant to be compatmentalized so that the public, the people who pay for the sect's quackery, did not discover that millions of dollars per year are going to an institution that provides a service that is free. 
Of course, Vause does not just provide AA rooms.  He has subjected hundreds of young people to a highly desructive thought reform program under the guise of "addictions treatment", and when he was caught, he lied through his teeth, with the assistance of the lamentable John Lojek.  Who, I understand, took posession of signficant numbers of AARC client records before the Higher Power called him home.  More paper flowing out of the control of the sect.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2018, 12:45:12 PM by ajax13 »
"AARC will go on serving youth and families as long as it will be needed, if it keeps open to God for inspiration" Dr. F. Dean Vause Executive Director

MR. NELSON: Mr. Speaker, AADAC has been involved with
assistance in developing the program of the Alberta Adolescent
Recovery Centre since its inception originally as Kids of the
Canadian West."
Alberta Hansard, March 24, 1992