Author Topic: Trump restarts "War on drugs"  (Read 10616 times)

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Trump restarts "War on drugs"
« on: March 19, 2018, 06:22:03 AM »
Maybe the troubled teen industry can rise again now where Donald Trump will introduce the possibility of death penalty for drug dealers.

Drug dealers could get death penalty under new Trump plan (New York Post)

The Danish Lesson from WWII

In Denmark we know that this approach will fail and prevent getting the big fish among the drug dealers.

When WWII was over, Denmark re-introduced death penalty so those who worked for Nazi Germany could be shot.

All the small simple cases went well and about 50 persons were shot. Once the state got to the more complex cases, the lawyers were better and some of vitnesses had been found guilty and had been shot so in the end the big fish got off with fines and some years in prison. 10 years after the war all war criminals had been released.

This will also happen in the war on drugs. Look at China and the Philippines. Ordinary small dealers are killed, the big masterminds stay their distance and cash in.

What about the deals who lure people for illegal drugs?`

In many cases drug use starts up because professionals introduce patients to legal drugs. It can be medication against ADHD given to young people where the doctors have misdiagnosed the patients. It ends up being used as legal doping. In some cases the sideeffects are so big that the patient still believing that there is an illness look for other drugs as replacement for the legal drugs.

The medication industry overmedicate the population. Some things in life will hurt. Being run over. Getting dental work. Losing your parents. Breaking a bone. Pain relief in the start might be OK, but some types of pain, you will actually cope better with if you started to do certain exercises or basically just tried to go for long walks so your brain can be given something simple to think about.

In Europe many people who face certain forms of crisis in their life actually walk The Way of Saint James instead of sitting around back home trying to medicating themselves out of pain or sorrow ending up living a better life.

None go through life unscratched and we see an medication industry trying to get us to think that there is a pill against everything.

The present substance abuse epidemic has a lot to do with legal perscription medication. This is not addressed.

Nothing learned from the past

What did happen in 1980's during the first war on drugs was a boost in alternative residential so-called drug treatment programs run by people who had absolute no knowledge into the complex illness which drug addiction is. Drug addiction is a legal medical illness and when treated it should be done by professionals only.

In the 1980's and 1990's children got hurt by treatment conducted by amaturs. For many there were no addiction to start with. It was suspicions alone which landed them in a treatment program. There were no real tests and in many cases the entire operation was not drug treatment but rather getting money from the state or parents which were the motivation for the entire operation.

We at Spft recognize that people die from drugs, just as they die in traffic or die from consuming legal things like beers, wine and other forms of alcohol and even in some case just too much food in general.

Of course the hospitals should be equipped dealing with cases of substance abuse just as they are with treatment of anything else which can kill people.

But the War on drugs should start in a different place. Focusing on punishment for those who provide the drugs on street level is not the solution. Look where the drugs come from. Should the entire world not focusing on make these countries and these people far away earn their money in some other way? Let us not forget that about a little over 100 years ago all major countries (including the United States) invaded China so they were forced to allow Opium. Opium were produced in India and repeating the mistake of fixing the issue where the drugs are used instead of fixing the issue where the drugs are grown and produced will be a lesson not learned.

Is that how far we are in the year of 2018? Did we not learn anything?