Author Topic: The Spanish Inquisition  (Read 1018 times)

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Offline NivekOgre

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The Spanish Inquisition
« on: March 24, 2017, 02:08:43 PM »
Allgood liked that Saturday night live show - they used to talk about
That Inquisition. Islamic guy in jail said GET FAITH, don't be an atheist.
Ancient Egyptian is a religion so I'm done again. Seems everyone is
Spying on everyone with George Eastman's cameras - we all saw the
Snowden movie, no? Rogue, unsanctioned spying is VERY ILLEGAL
so be sure Trump approves whatever you're up to - it seems
To change daily. Comey? I have no idea what that ones
About - no one saved me - I got setup by Vince, Tera, Teri and this
Di Pace family whatever that nonsense was about. I'm single,
never married at 54 years old. THE POPES just sending me
Whores to fix? They seem to get mad and backstab you, dose
You with PCP, whatever. I don't know the ADL - I've never met
A rabbi, but I sure have wandered around in a daze seeing
Martians - inspired by Jerome Garcia? I have no idea about
THE DRUG problem - water is a drug, they used to dose that
With LSD in the sixties, I'm just trying to get this Dutch guy to
Leave me alone. The tough brother in New York isn't bothering
Me, MY BLOOD BROTHER. What all are the Dutch Americans
Up to with that Royal Dutch Shell and all of that PEAK OIL LIES,
Etc. Jews are sure held responsible for Jews, what about the
DUTCH? Was Hitler really of Dutch descent? What about Mansons
Woman Leslie Van Houten. Stick with Carl in San Diego. Guy from
Detroit, knows Madonna - he's the best teacher I've seen.
o What