Author Topic: Elan employees got away with the killing of Phil Williams Jr.  (Read 8008 times)

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Elan employees got away with the killing of Phil Williams Jr.
« on: February 22, 2017, 02:45:54 AM »
After one of their so-called therapeutic boxing shows where one student got beaten by the rest, Phil Williams Jr. died.

The authorities have decided not to press charges.

They got away with it - again.

Source: No charges in 1982 death of Elan student (By Lindsay Tice and Kathryn Skelton, Staff Writers, Sun Journal, February 21 - 2017 )

Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Re: Elan employees got away with the killing of Phil Williams Jr.
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2018, 07:56:57 AM »

Re: Justice for Phil Williams?
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2017, 07:42:12 PM »

 No- ( it does exist no oops about it) this is the page and what was written  in the paper, to continue with seeking justice for Phil Williams.
5 eyeball plus witnesses to what happened to Phil Williams Jr results in insufficient evidence- in my opinion the state of Maine has a severe conflict of interest/ and or the generational corruption that Joe Ricci cultivated starting with the  criminal/false  ruling in a house fire that was started by a resident. 1973 Joe Ricci  got the Standish Fire Marshal to  state the cause as being  electrical in nature - instead of Arson - so Ricci could collect the insurance monies. That is when and how long this imo "generational corruption" has been protecting the Elan legacy.

Insufficient evidence my right eye - it good to see  34 years after, this young mans death,  in my opinion,  that   this sick state wide corrupt protection is still in good working order - protecting imo a criminal organization- Elan  long after it was forced to close in 2011.

The article in its entirety is posted below.     

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No charges in 1982 death of Elan student
By Lindsay Tice and Kathryn Skelton, Staff Writers
Published on Tuesday, Feb 21, 2017 at 8:08 pm | Last updated on Tuesday, Feb 21, 2017 at 8:08 pm
LEWISTON — After a nearly yearlong investigation by state police, the Maine Attorney General's Office has announced no one will be charged in the 1982 death of a local teenager while he was a student at the Elan School in Poland.
AG spokesman Tim Feeley said Tuesday that there was "insufficient evidence to warrant a prosecution."
He said an assistant attorney general, victim advocate and state police detective met last week with Phil Williams Jr.'s family to explain the investigation and the decision. Feeley declined to comment further.
Pam Williams, Phil's sister, said the family wasn't yet ready to talk about the state's decision.
Phil was 15 when, witnesses say, he was beaten by other students in the Poland school's infamous boxing ring because he'd complained of a headache. Phil later collapsed, turned blue and was taken away by staff. He died a day later.
His sister was 12 and in foster care at the time. She was told her brother died of a freak brain aneurysm. That's what the family had believed until last spring, when a stranger from Chicago showed up with Phil's curious, partially incomplete death certificate and the names of witnesses to his fight.
She told her story to the Sun Journal in March.
Within weeks, Maine State Police launched an investigation into Phil's death. Lt. Brian McDonough, head of the Southern Maine Major Crimes Unit, called it a "priority."
Founded by psychiatrist Gerald Davidson and businessman Joe Ricci, Elan operated from 1970 to 2011 as a private boarding school that catered mostly to troubled teenagers. Some of Elan's controversial tactics included ordering students to fight in a "ring" made up of other kids. It's one of the tactics to be featured in a New York filmmaker's upcoming documentary set to premiere in Maine in late April.
Davidson died in 1991 and Ricci died in 2001. After Ricci's death, the school was run by Ricci's wife, Sharon Terry, until it closed its doors in 2011.
Terry's attorney, Portland lawyer Ed MacColl, said Tuesday that Terry "was pleased to cooperate with the investigation" but he couldn't comment further.
Mark Babitz, the Chicago stranger who brought Phil's death certificate and witness statements to the family, said he was angry that no one would be charged in Phil's death but not surprised.
"I've got four witnesses that said it happened; what, are they lying? Why would they all lie?" he said Tuesday.
Babitz, a former Elan student who co-founded Elan Survivors Inc., is trying to organize a $50 million civil suit against the state of Maine on behalf of former students and residents.
"Elan Survivors Inc. is by far not done with Phil Williams," Babitz said. "He is our new poster child now for neglect in the state of Maine."
Pam Williams holds a photo of her teenage brother, Phil Williams Jr., last March. Phil died in 1982 while he was a student at the Elan School in Poland. After investigating for nearly a year, state police told the Williams family last week that there is not enough evidence to charge anyone in Phil's death.
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- Daryn Slover/Sun Journal