Author Topic: Mother starved to death, father stabbed with knife due to Internet Addiction  (Read 2358 times)

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The treatment of the so-called Internet Addiction disorder which basically was invented as a joke has now brought tragedy to a family in China. The cruel treatment learned a daughter to become aggressive towards her parents.

Daughter Murdered Mother Draws Attention to an Academy Allegedly for “Quitting Internet Addiction” in East China

A murder case in northeast China’s Heilongjiang province has brought a Shandong school into national spotlight. The day after the Mid-Autumn Festival, police issued a reward for the murder of middle-aged woman Li Xiaomei, with the primary suspect being Chen Xinran, Li’s 16-year-old daughter.

A day after the reward was issued, Chen Xinran turned herself in. According to local media’s reports, Chen Xinran had previously been forced to attend a school that claimed it can help teenagers quit internet addictions –the Shandong Science and Technology Defense Academy. referenced Chen’s apparent diary and her account of being captured: she was thrown in a car against her will, and forcibly taken to the academy. Some other students who came out sharing their experience have described their capture similarly, stating that their parents were often present.

These schools are reportedly used by parents or family members that feel their child has lost control. Though the term “internet addiction” is used on the academy’s website, former students describe harrowing tales of being beaten, electrocuted, and forced to eat in front of the toilet.

Reporters from multiple Chinese news outlets have not gained permission to enter the school, nor have they been granted interviews. But that hasn’t stopped speculation that Chen killed her mother as an act of revenge. Family members describe Chen as violent and disturbed, even accusing her of stabbing her father. However, former classmates found her “normal,” and “happy.”