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Offline Froderik

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« on: March 12, 2015, 08:26:04 AM »
It's a bit of shame that the posting activity on this board, these fora, or FORNITS (for lack of better words) is moribund, at best. Here you have a completely uncensored and open forum, and yet people are still drawn to the social data mining experiment known as facebook like moths to a flame. It's known that FB opened up its doors nice and wide to snooping and snitching (you can report posts now, flagging them as "untruthful" or "inappropriate," and lot of political videos have been flagged, for example, as I found while still on it; welcome to the ministry of truth.) And most facebook users are trusting enough to use their own names on it....

To those of you (Pile of Dead Kids, Gookin, Oscar, Matt Hoffman, dragonfly, pirate, etc.) who still post here, I just want to say that I'm glad to see you're still doing it. (Pile of Dead Kids, you have one of the coolest screen names this forum has ever seen, whether we agree about everything or not.)

I hate seeing a good thing like Fornits die while "social media" supplants it as a medium of expression.

Offline Che Gookin

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Re: Resuscitation
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2015, 04:52:21 PM »
People are both lazy and fucking stupid for taking facebook seriously. Lazy as its easier to have a one stop shopping center sort of social media and "advocacy  ::)" site. Fucking stupid for forgetting just how powerful a tool anonymity can be.

Mind you its a tool that cuts both ways, hence imperfect, yet far more versatile than the clownpit of facebook.

Offline Pile of Dead Kids

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Re: Resuscitation
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2015, 07:48:50 PM »
I don't understand why private individuals sign up for Mark Zuckerberg's data mining operation either. Not using real names was something that people learned to do early on in the days of fucking AOL. Do these people think that the Internet has gotten any safer since then? Life after life has been ruined by people connecting their real names to their Internet exploits; I know this because I have personally ruined lives this way.

Most people who value anonymity are on 8chan, having moved there from 4chan after a user revolt.
...Sergey Blashchishen, James Shirey, Faith Finley, Katherine Rice, Ashlie Bunch, Brendan Blum, Caleb Jensen, Alex Cullinane, Rocco Magliozzi, Elisa Santry, Dillon Peak, Natalynndria Slim, Lenny Ortega, Angellika Arndt, Joey Aletriz, Martin Anderson, James White, Christening Garcia, Kasey Warner, Shirley Arciszewski, Linda Harris, Travis Parker, Omega Leach, Denis Maltez, Kevin Christie, Karlye Newman, Richard DeMaar, Alexis Richie, Shanice Nibbs, Levi Snyder, Natasha Newman, Gracie James, Michael Owens, Carlton Thomas, Taylor Mangham, Carnez Boone, Benjamin Lolley, Jessica Bradford's unnamed baby, Anthony Parker, Dysheka Streeter, Corey Foster, Joseph Winters, Bruce Staeger, Kenneth Barkley, Khalil Todd, Alec Lansing, Cristian Cuellar-Gonzales, Janaia Barnhart, a DRA victim who never even showed up in the news, and yet another unnamed girl at Summit School...

Offline Che Gookin

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Re: Resuscitation
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2015, 08:26:57 PM »
can't get my grandma to browse 8chan.

Offline Froderik

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Re: Resuscitation
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2015, 09:21:32 PM »
Wow, what a cool site!  :o

I have to admit, I didn't know about it until now!

Offline Che Gookin

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Re: Resuscitation
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2015, 08:40:46 PM »
Browsing 8 chan will lead to early onset baldness. I have it on good account that NASA demanded PoDK wear a hat at all times due to the reflective properties of his shiny dome.

Offline Antigen

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Re: Resuscitation
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2015, 10:45:41 AM »
Well, the reason why everybody's on FB is because everybody's on FB. That's where the eyeballs are at right now. That is the crossroads of choice. And so that's where ya gotta do yer pickin' and a'grinnin' if you want to be seen.

I use my real name cause... bring it. G'won and bring it. I hate secrets. They make lousy pets. Always getting loose, running out in the street, getting into the neighbors' trash then coming back to bite you in the arse.... All ya'll, of course, might take a different tack from time to time or all of the time.

I gotta tell ya, Podk, you were right as rain about Wilkes Barre.  :-*

It takes a thousand voices.

I miss this other thing, though. I don't know how much time the current admin has to dedicate to this. I haven't even looked around enough to know if they are publicly acknowledging ownership. I note that there are 137 views on this page, though and only a handful of us speaking. I no longer have access to the back end. I'm not in a position right now to take over full operation, but I've got a regular day job with every night off so I could take on some admin tasks if all ya'll want me to.
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~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Carmel

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Re: Resuscitation
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2015, 11:14:03 AM »
Im a huge dick.
...hands went up and people hit the floor, he wasted two kids that ran for the door....."
-Beastie Boys, Paul Revere

Offline Froderik

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Re: Resuscitation
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2015, 10:25:44 AM »
So Antigen, do you just leave all of your doors unlocked and tell strangers where you live, your bank account pin number (if you happen to have anything in the bank; personally, I see no point in it anymore, and have little to deposit anyway)?  What about encryption? Is such a thing a waste of time? Yes, of course, all eyes are on a bunch of cattle led to slaughter, you might say? (The "American Freedom Act" which picked up where the expired Patriot Act left off, has made it legal for corporations to do the governments dirty work for them, i.e., transferring collected data to them. Facebook was first in line with this, from what I've gathered..  just my .02 on "secret keeping" and such.)

Hi, Carmel. If you're a dick, then I have no clue what I am..  :)

Offline Eliscu2

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Re: Resuscitation
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2015, 02:29:25 PM »
Ahhhh Spybook.
The world booking room.
I noticed there was something creepy way back when I first signed up.
The URL was 4 digits of my local police dept. :o

Offline sam_montano

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Re: Resuscitation
« Reply #10 on: October 06, 2015, 04:17:24 PM »

I completely agree with the author of this topic. And the most frightful thing is that Facebook is going to be used for banking industry to give marks to people as how risky it is to give them a money loan...
What is for sure is that fb plays already a big role in social engineering and that zukerberg is nothing more than a sayanim who provides a tool to control western society.

Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Yo Froderik
« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2015, 12:20:48 AM »
I hear you about" facecrap"  and I don't comment there like I did- seems like everything just gets pushed down by more stuff and that gets pushed down by more stuff to the point to where it is just so darn impacted by the stuff on top that you just don't see it any more and then ( not than)  no one can find it because there is so much stuff . I hear you loudly, succinctly and clearly.

so man have you ever heard of Lindy Fralin pick ups ?  Getting some split blades , I believe they are the high out put version put in my strat - I hope like hell man you are still playin - can't imagine you are not - you know it keeps us sane - got a new guitbox , pretty happy with it , its called a Martin sumthing about them being made in Nazerath  1883-  writing songs and stuff man I really think I got something to say with the fiddles if you know what I mean . the passion don't care what I look like like a fucken mad man on stage - the transformation just feel right  - its the voice and the words being backed by that darn instrument - been keeping me busy - my children have been telling me to just go start a fucken  band  ( well they don't use that word )-  they tell me  though -I think they might be right -  screw face book.

I post here brother Frodorik - I know you , you know me - you speak the truth - what the fuck was/is up with that place in Shitcago , the place where the cops keep people with out chargin them - I hear you  man - fuck the  damn newbies don't have the balls to post on this site . So scared have to be complacent- feel safe post on platforms that turn and turn and then in 6 months they turn away from the horror of it all and their bogie monster place is still eatin children's souls  - and those stupid sites aint gonna shut down the programs - it is up to the newbies to shut their own damn program down - gotta write them letters - gotta write them post gotta write on the fornits - it stays - it can be found -some once told me the fornits is a great resource -they have no idea how great a resource it is - word truth and it is the way .- man so much to say .  Been reading some old post s stuff that I hadn't seen before the god dam fucken  fornit idiot was reigning supreme - why do survivors lie - fuck that loaded fucken shit storm question - fucken god dam fornit idiot - the bastard of e fucking elan - go dam reading shit on here Froderik  man man could not believe the insanity - why do fucken suvivors lie - shut the fuck up asshole  and the pages  34 plus  of adnausuem of socked puppets of the insane - the ever protector of that fucking hell hole - goddam -froderik - I say god /Dam the fucking insanity.

Man I miss our friend Kim - still sad - man put the link to the book back up please the book is killer the book is better than anything Ofshe could ever spout and that man has a P the h fucken D -  please put it back up - fear not the idiots you speak the truth - man please .

Songs I have been playin man - three serious originals got the meat got the madness - got more in me just screaming to get out - patience I know they will surface and they will be sung  can't be angry makes me cry when I get in touch with the meat of the song(s) - I  work thru it- it is intense - yet brother my friend Froderik you know exactly what I am talkin about  - playing an old Neil young song "and her smile turned to plaster and I let her " can't remember the title - so tired of the newbies just want to be consoled and told that  just keep your shit here  on our site 6 months it will be gone but you will still be here ,crying that your fucking program is still killin children - fuck that noise Froderik - know what I mean - gotta take it to them - take it to the editors , take it to any one who will listen -take it to the streets - wear a god dam sandwich board -  no fuken problem - ask me about the elan fucking corporation - standing out side the court house - ask me mother freaker ask me about the Elan corporation - yeah Ill be there when that shit starts up - fuck the cry babies who gives a shit about your orientation that's your business  - I am  talkin about the insanity , the criminality , the fucken brutality , the sadism that us kids would never have ever thought about because we were children - fuck that shit - get off your freakin ass - you call your self a militant -sheet mofo you - you aint but just wet behind the fucking ears a newbie - looking for that instagratifacation of consolement - I hear you Froderik - goddam I hear you man (over an  A minor cord at an audio of eleven going to a c major to a g major - bridge is g maj going to d minor back to c maj and g maj but its the picking the goddam finger picking that sets that shit  apart , the dampening of the strings - I swear Froderik you can do more on an amped acoustic than a fucken lectric any day and with no pedals - straight up on a plugged in acoustic .

 Fuck why cry about it why call yourself a militant if you aint got the balls or guts to actually get off your ass and work for goddam change - but the console ment mammies dole it out fucken bull shit shootin out the goddam cows ass like pus from a mongo's boil - ewww that's a squerrrierrl  a dead mother fucken squerrierrl  put that shit  down - Militant my goddam left toe nail clipping, into the trash with that shit. 

My Cincy Buddy knows and she screams like I do and like you do Froderik - and we aint screaming for goddam ice fucken cream - we scream for justice , we scream for the dead our  fuken friends, our family - who fucken died because other mother fuckers valued money more than the welfare of children - so god dam sad - the potential just fucken killed the life snuffed out because money was more important than children's lives - I hear you Froderik -

Man I have been getting 2 hours a freaking day with that guitfiddle - every single day - if I don't play I suffer - I don't like to suffer - I am done suffering for the nonsense  fuck the phoney  militant pussy wantabes - who cares about your orientation - who in this day and age gives a fuck about that - just grow a pair of audacity sacs and  stand up don't hide behind the platform - I am here  Froderik -

I know you are here - where the fuck is Rick - the Woof -put the god dam book man put the god dam book back up - fuck it it was so goddam good it was the truth- put the book link back up please put the book back up .

Newbies fresh from the programs don't hide stand up only you can shut your  own shitty program down - - it is all on fornits - add to it fuck it or its gonna keep eatin children's souls - militant my ass - you aint seen militant - mother fucker .

Fuck Trump just like shitler  gonna make America great again just like Shitler  said gonna make Germany great again - gotta hate some one though blame it all on some one for making the state weak. Trumps got two- he hates on moslems  and if that don't take then the its the  hate the Hispanics - Shitler had just one- the jews  blame them for all the troubles - trumps just as big a fuken fascist as shitler -m ilitant my left eye - boy you aint but a punk hide on that shitty platform get coddled by the mammies - censor my ass bitch - fuck that noise militant my eye lash -

The mammies or mommies aint being racis they t give no  guidance for the newbies -I see it as not their fault - partly cause  they still think with the amygdala and not with the frontal cortex - not their fault though the mammies/mommies  like to keep them around give credence to their egos and yet the child;s program just keeps on eating children -  and spittin out the painful reminders- that is why we stood up and took it back to the mother fuckers- you aint seen militant boy   brain not begun to develop has no clue what happened to them , hasn't enough to realize  just what the fuck the 24 /7 365 cortisol bath did to them to their fucking developing children brains - goddam the mommies of the  coddling platforms have no fucken clue either-  but mommy why is my program still eating children -shut up kid I'm coddling you . Foderik I say goddam man , god fuckin dam - the shit is insane - HR3060 you would think all the newbies would comment and beg people to support it but no not even the mammies they are  too fucken scared of getting sued because they aren't goddam survivors - but by god they'll coddle you.   

The program (s) fuken laughing as they eat more children -the mammies just coddle -fuck tha noise -you hear me Froderik  The mammies just console and go poor poor baby - man Froderik you and me we got friends and family that are dead because of these fucken programs - And Brother I am so sorry for the ones you loved that are gone -as I miss my friends that died just like the song ----says .

All the fuck along the god dam watch tower Froderik  no time to talk falsely now - you and I have been thru that - fuck so many see it as a fucken joke -

Man Foderik I hear you man like you are sitting across from me- in my house  I know the god dam rage - but man I can now sing about it - The programs laugh at the stupid cut and paste bullshit of the fravorite playin fool - carry it here but don't carry that there don't want to hurt the newbies sensitivities , militant my fucking left eye -

So I be playin I be singin  I am being told to go start a fucken band - okay - you win okay I will god dam it.  sure the mammies just-offer instant gratification to the newbies and the programs just sing and dance -

But newbies know this - the mother fukcers that ran elan aint laughing and sing and dancing - holy shit that place is closed down because of the fucking survivors we stood up newbies and we said no fuck you - and they ran like the serial child abusing cowards like they are -so many Froderik -so many that you didn't know -friends of mine dead because mother fuckers in the god dam state of fucken Maine valued money more than the very children's lives they were to protect. Aint that right mister Bill Diamond - Froderik it is like shootin fish in a god dam barrel - we know the judge  we know the AGs we know the shit stains in the Maine Dept of education - we know the whos and it aint what Horton heard - and the newbies just run to the mommie platforms and get that insta- aw you poor baby they were mean to you - fucken AAAA  - just post your stain here we can't do anything about it  and were aren't gona tell you  the truth - if you want it to close you gotta do what those elan bastards did - you take it back to them just like Wes Fager and the mammies go Wes who?

You take it back to them like Wes Fager said and you shove it back down their stinkin throats - look at the Elan cowards 15 year now been play the guit box for 30 years now yes I had and have something to say with it -but look at the fucken elan cowards - the Morris Finks , the Ronnie Evans , the chief Marty Kruglik and the other chief Jeffery Gottlieb, Sharon fucken Terry  - 15 years my brother Froderik- been screaming about all that shit in a very restrained fashion like ginger says polite conversation - taking it back to those cowards and they ran - I guess Wes never thought the stains would run like they did. They couldn't stand the light of Day the fucken elan cabal of shit stains .  Hide behind the mouth piece from hell ole Ed McColl -

Fuck me  and you just cut and paste dude like a Danish prune sandwhich - the wiki is wrong about elan - it was no fucken school - Phil Williams died 12 27-82 after a beat down session - goddam fac yo t pile o dead kids add that fucken name -and brother could you please tell me why you haven't put that up when it was announced years ago - Haldor just wants to cut and fuken paste - fuken keep the newbies impotent keep em complacent militsant my fucken stoned donkey  .

So Froderik what have you my brother- my friend- have you been playing on the guitbox - I  have got a version of deep river blues - it aint snappy or happy like Doc /Watson's version -its a goddam piedmont  blues tune man - I got a rider going on  I know you know you rider man gonna miss you you when you're gone - I got a Ramble on Rose  man- take me to the leader of the fucken band man- I got me a Little //wing man -and a hundred others -

So friend brother man Froderik what have you been playin lately ?  what has anyone been playin besides watchin the newbies - goddam got no time for it I got music to  make , I got songs to sing - goddam I gotta band to start -


« Last Edit: December 07, 2015, 03:40:45 PM by Matt C. Hoffman »

Offline Antigen

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Re: Resuscitation
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2015, 07:22:06 PM »
Damn, man! I didn't know you had that many words in ya!

Man I miss our friend Kim - still sad - man put the link to the book back up please the book is killer the book is better than anything Ofshe could ever spout and that man has a P the h fucken D -  please put it back up - fear not the idiots you speak the truth - man please .

Which book you talking about? I'll be collecting good ones for listing at so pile on.

Oh dear! Starting a band are ye? Ok, well artist exchange is part of the mission too!

Yeah, this is def the place to revamp the revolution. Apologies for my recent and extended absence. It was necessary and unavoidable. But it does feel good to be starting down this path again!

If anybody has ideas about how to bring about and structure this consortium, the data trove and such like, we can use all the help we can get. Here's the first and only project we've actually done something for, aside from (which Zack has brought about,  start to finish, out of his own pocket, start to near the end stretch and now needing funding to publish book two, DIJ: Overwritten)

Now I'm gonna catch up with the rest of this thread, thanks very much.

Oh, in case anybody didn't know it already, Zack is blownawaytheidahoway

"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Re: Resuscitation
« Reply #13 on: December 08, 2015, 08:13:23 PM »
Shoot on a bad day you can't shut me up, I have always tried to stick with your thing of "polite conversation" when discussing the program(s) or the insanity and quite frankly I didn't know I had so much to say recently and goodness those words  -

I hope I didn't embarrass Froderik - that was not my intention as I hope one can tell - yepper covered a lot of things . Froderik  seriously man what have you been playin lately - need a page for that - not just what you have been listening to lately ,though what have you been playin lately 

Ah the Book , The book is Institutionalized Persuasion by Marcus Chatfield.  seems like the link disappeared.

"Oh me o my I just love that country pie."

Starting a band ,sshhh my children will hear you -  and they always say Dad you never listen to us. I gotta keep up my cred with them. Dads deaf plays that stuff so darn loud .  Loud and proud - bout time I do something with it.

Gotta plug a website  Eat Sleep Guitar  it is pretty good and the man knows his stuff.  Check it out for all you folks that want to brush up or want to learn that guitfiddle thing  - I love the practice glimpses -

I have seen the Book - posted around the corners of the web I will have to check it out . Dead Insane or in Jail - funny Elans mantra was you were going to be an emotional cripple (insane ) or in Jail or dead - can't believe that place actually promoted suicide as an option -  sadly so many took Elan up on it.

You got the reigns back to this ultimate circus - Ginger with all the insanity that went down - I still love this site - It truly is an amazing resource it is a shame that the newbies ( ones just woke up from their programs wash or simply just realized that their program was sick ) don't post here .

They should instead of posting on those koffe klutch sites that don't do anything at least here they find fellow survivors and will find their monster program - and they can rage - and just maybe actually work together to end the lunacy - I hope the Green Chimney Folks get on board here.

You know Ginger it is time to take it back to them just like Wes Fager said - and former employees of the stains can't hurt they can try but they cant hurt because we will be watching, as people watched out for me and man I seriously thank all of you for doing what you did when the bastard was twisting the knife.

Funny thing I am glad at least when I got my frontal cortex back that the internet wasn't around when I was still using my amygdala - God knows the lunacy I would have written then, you can see it on those sites and it actually is kinda funny if it weren't for  the sickness of  the program(S)

Ginger always a pleasure and always know it is worth chewing thru those straps .

Until there is justice for Elan survivors and Phil Williams that drum I'm a gonna pound .




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Re: Resuscitation
« Reply #14 on: December 11, 2015, 08:45:20 AM »
Hey Matt, It's great to see you posting on here again. I had been checking this thread for a while, looking for more replies, saw nothing new and stopped checking for a bit, but happened to see yours last night when i came on here to post about something else entirely (I won't get into that now.)

I can still recall sitting in the same room with you (literally) back at that surv party in wherever, whenever, VA. I'm glad to hear you've been playing guitar. Yep, I have too; I kept that daily regimen going, every day that I was alone in the house. My self-esteem tends to hinge on it. (It tends to flag a bit after a gig, if there's nothing else lined up.) I even made up a few songs of my own this past summer / fall. Those are mostly instrumentals.

I might be headed down your way not too long from now. I don't want to say too much here, but it'd be great to jam with you if possible.. I still need to retrieve, and dust off, my big amp from the old practice space in MD (where it's been sitting for a few years now). Generally, I've gotten reclusive, and my wheels need work now still. Getting a bit antsy, though, and reading your post served to add to that fire!