none-ya wrote :
> Look Matt, I have nothing against you. Never have. I've never threatened
> you or insulted you.Or wished you to die. Or wished that your offspring be
> born with webbed feet or anything. I have never attacked YOU!! But you have
> taken my issues with Wayne the liar personal.Too bad for you!I was never
> intended.And no, I didn't go to elan. You know that I've never claimed to.
> But from my time here,that I read everything.(until lately) Every Elan
> story. All the fighting between Art, Mark,Felice,and you. All the stories
> about Danny,the ring,the Kennedy cousin,ALL of it!! Everybody here knew all
> of those stories by heart. It was the same shit over and over again. THEN
> here comes a "book". A really short book. With not one brand new
> story. Even had a built in villain. Danny Bennison.The funny thing is,
> Danny fought all the allegations except Wayne's. Danny's response to Wayne
> was,"I don't know you". "We never met at Elan". I
> thought WHAT? This should be easy enough to prove either way.So I asked who
> knew who from Elan.All the usual suspects seemed to know each other except
> Wayne. So I then asked does anyone remember Wayne from Elan? NOT ONE PERSON
> CLAIMED TO HAVE MET HIM.NOT EVEN YOU!!! Between that and the radio shows
> with the phoney charity. Have you read any of his other stuff? He's a name
> dropping fraud. Look I'm sorry for everything Elan survivors went through.
> I'm sure it was hell. So why let this two bit pimp exploit you? Again,I've
> got no problem with you. But Wayne Kernochan is a lying piece of shit
> ps. I'm sure all of the pro Wayne trolls are gonna' shit all over this. Go
> ahead I expect no less.
Terry Kato sounds like the name of a street bum, just saying.
just saying ----------- Danny Bennison STFU