Author Topic: To all you moderators  (Read 10750 times)

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Re: Wayne is not being honest here as usual.
« Reply #60 on: February 23, 2012, 03:13:30 PM »
Quote from: "DannyB II"
This was a time much like now that I was being stalked, my email accounts were being hacked into, members were trying to post pic's of my house, being harassed ect......I could trust no one. So I decided since I vacation in Tampa, Clearwater and Englewood often that I wood invite Anne Bonney and her husband (daddy) to a sit down. Anne made it possible for everyone to know where she lived by posting her Grady White with accompanying lic.serial number plus the backside of her ass.
Wayne doesn't put in his comments that multiple people prior to this were steadfastly trying the hardest to locate me. To exploit my family and me.
I don't give a shit if you are a woman or a man if you try to abuse, harass and in any way threaten my family. I am coming after you for a sit down. Wayne you are the exception because I already found you and have you on a back burner for the authorities to deal with.
Yeah, things got carried away for everyone but this was a long time ago and Wayne is trying to use it like he does with everything to manipulate people into believing in am this dangerous man.
Wayne, nobody here has threaten to kill any one, you have. You have threaten Ursus, None Ya, Lee and myself. Two of us by stabbing us to death. You have wished people to commit suicide. You are not a survivor everyone can see that.
::fullofshit::  ::fullofshit::  ::fullofshit::  ::fullofshit::  ::fullofshit::  ::fullofshit::  ::fullofshit::  ::fullofshit::  ::fullofshit::  ::fullofshit::

My account was hacked too. What a coincidence
« Last Edit: February 23, 2012, 03:21:04 PM by Anonymous »

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Re: To all you moderators
« Reply #61 on: February 23, 2012, 03:20:28 PM »
And, in fairness to the person who hacked my account, he/she only threatened the person who hacked your account and threatened to come to my house

I missed where the person who hacked my account threatened Ursus or your abusive friend Lee, could you link us?

This hacking has to stop!!!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline DannyB II

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Re: To all you moderators
« Reply #62 on: February 23, 2012, 04:16:12 PM »
Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
And, in fairness to the person who hacked my account, he/she only threatened the person who hacked your account and threatened to come to my house

I missed where the person who hacked my account threatened Ursus or your abusive friend Lee, could you link us?

This hacking has to stop!!!!

I get it this is a joke. Wayne likes having fun. You know like staff members fucking you in the ass, girls being raped at Elan, girls being dragged around behind vehicles and girls being beaten by 20 people.
We get it it, this is all one big fucking joke....Wayne likes to play. Lets see if I can throw the most gruesome heinous abusive act at Danny and see if it sticks. If this doesn't work I'll stab him, wish him dead, post his family pic's. Then if all that doesn't work I'll post pictures of his nephew and his mother along with the articles describing what happened.
Wayne wants fairness, equity amongst members here. Wayne wants justice, he wants to be heard for the 1000th time.
We are all waiting for the truth Wayne. Therein lies your justice.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Anonymous

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Re: To all you moderators
« Reply #63 on: February 23, 2012, 04:48:46 PM »
Quote from: "DannyB II"
Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
And, in fairness to the person who hacked my account, he/she only threatened the person who hacked your account and threatened to come to my house

I missed where the person who hacked my account threatened Ursus or your abusive friend Lee, could you link us?

This hacking has to stop!!!!

I get it this is a joke. Wayne likes having fun. You know like staff members fucking you in the ass, girls being raped at Elan, girls being dragged around behind vehicles and girls being beaten by 20 people.
We get it it, this is all one big fucking joke....Wayne likes to play. Lets see if I can throw the most gruesome heinous abusive act at Danny and see if it sticks. If this doesn't work I'll stab him, wish him dead, post his family pic's. Then if all that doesn't work I'll post pictures of his nephew and his mother along with the articles describing what happened.
Wayne wants fairness, equity amongst members here. Wayne wants justice, he wants to be heard for the 1000th time.
We are all waiting for the truth Wayne. Therein lies your justice.
You did all of those things Danny. You're the joke. Everyone here hates you and knows you're an asshole and abuser, but you still come back

You must like being the fornits idiot

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: To all you moderators
« Reply #64 on: February 23, 2012, 04:54:35 PM »
Tell us about the Third Nail Dan

Quote from: "Inculcated"
From the Chat Box:
(2009.12.27 - 19:20:36) Inculcated: Danny B are you still too shy to speak of when/where you were you in Daytop?
(2009.12.27 - 19:20:44) Danny_Bennison: No

 (2009.12.27 - 19:21:31) Inculcated: Okay…
(2009.12.27 - 19:21:33) Danny_Bennison: I was just 12 yrs old and it was in White Plains N.Y

[Note:Daytop White Plains New York=Wrong answer. In 1971,Millbrook was the 1st and only residential facility for adolescents.]

(2009.12.27 - 19:21:47) Inculcated: what year?
(2009.12.27 - 19:21:52) Danny_Bennison: Can you believe that
(2009.12.27 - 19:22:05) Danny_Bennison: 1971
[Note: Nope]
(2009.12.27 - 19:22:16) Inculcated: Which house were you at?
(2009.12.27 - 19:22:48) Danny_Bennison: I was only there maybe 2 mons.
(2009.12.27 - 19:23:03) Danny_Bennison: I still trying to find the info
[Note: Still lookin’?]
Recently, Bennison Posted an answer to Anne Bonny claiming to have been at Daytop in 1973 This is in the midst of one of those posts where he gets really vile.

A couple of posts down on that page there’s a quote where Bennison also says 1971 for Daytop and Marathon in 1973 and Élan 1975

Today,Bennison recalls: “Women while I was at Daytop, Marathon, Elan and The Third Nail did not get literal haircuts”

He's right... which is so weird because during his alleged brief stay as a twelve year old in an adult facility (whether 1971 or 1973) there were no women there.

Good guess Bennison. They did not, but you shouldn’t know that since Daytop didn’t cohabitate males and females until 1975. In the Monsignor words (p.73/74)”It took us a full decade to realize that women were not getting their fair share of Daytop treatment”  “On the outside all our residents will have to live together harmoniously with both women and men . There’s no reason not to begin teaching those lessons in treatment.” ”Since 1975 women have been fully integrated into the regular treatment”
Even though you’re totally full of it about Daytop,you're here all day every day unwittingly serving as an(albeit tragically idiotic) ever present reminder. Your endless lies, deflections and threats and vulgarities all imbued with glaring ignorance and paternalistic condescensions are a reminder to everyone exactly what program mentality was like.

When you're not derailing threads, threatening other posters or directing sexualized aggression toward them,then go on tell us all about The Third Nail
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: To all you moderators
« Reply #65 on: February 23, 2012, 05:01:05 PM »
More attack

Quote from: "DannyB II"
This is a perfect example of Straight Inc survivors showing fornits and really the rest of us just how biased, hypercritical and abusive they can be towards someone they don't like. I have had to endure this abuse from many who belong to this forum. If you were to follow Froderik on his travels around the TTI circuit this guy is way out in front screaming the loudest about justice for survivors.
I am a survivor who has been defamed and maliciously slandered and you would think Forederik at the very least would way the evidence and let it sift to see where it is going but No!! he has to ridicule.
Guys I am sick and tired of the immaturity from seasoned members that say the are advocates for survivors. Well if you are then show it. You have no idea who Wayne is, if what he said is true, and if the
content of the book is accurate. Your only relationship with Wayne is on the internet. No one has come forward to state this book is factual, no one.
Now you can say the same for me no one has come forward to authenticate what I am saying. But here is one tidbit that Wayne doesn't have, many folks here besides Wayne know I went to Elan and they are not saying things like he is saying nor are they endorsing or agreeing with him. They know for a damn fact I never committed any of these atrocities Wayne has alleged.
This book has taken me a while to get right with and decide what it was I needed to do. Well I am committed to clearing my name and I am asking for fairness, Froderik just think if someone was doing this to you. I am asking Straight Survivors to just consider a truce and allow me to straighten this out.
I am not asking you to get behind me but why can't you just stand beside me and see where this goes. That is all I am asking. My facts will be put forth as I know them. I think you will find what I have to say is credible and with substance.
Thanks Danny

 Froderik this is what I am referring to.

Re: It is the gay Indian in my cupboard

New postby Froderik » Today, 11:17 am

    Dethgurl wrote:

        elanasshole wrote:Danny Bennison theme song - It is the gay Indian in my cupboard


:roflmao: :rofl: ::OMG::

There's tons more if you want[/quote]

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: To all you moderators
« Reply #66 on: February 23, 2012, 05:05:18 PM »
And more

Quote from: "DannyB II"
From 26 Mar 2010, in Name that Abuser/Director:
"Anne this post will be one of my worst probably to date because I find you very disgusting down to your filthy avatar, which speaks volumes about you.
No I will not talk to you about anything to do with Mary O'Brian, nor do I really want to discuss anything else with you.
Your a douche bag, ya know the kind that provides a service and then when your done ya throw it away. Your time is over....bye. Only in your case the repulsive smell never goes away.
You don't give a shit about these kids, you care about your 15 mins. of attention. How you look on Fornits, you make me sick. Your a publicity whore. You and Felice.....
So please stay away from me...just fuck off.

Please repost this over and over and stick on your bedroom mirror.

K Lynn, Albert, Jerry aka Wayne K. cont. attacks.

by DannyB II » Yesterday, 00:27
K Lynn nothing more has to be printed because I will tell you exactly what I think of you right here in front of everybody. I truly believe you are a spiteful, angry lonely 50 year old woman who is over weight and considered by any body other then her family to be a unruly bitch. That's right I called you a bitch. You are a vindictive immature brat who has been trolling me for ever. All because I told you in a email (privately) that you were full of shit when you said you knew me.

DannyB II wrote:
I'm creeping you You spread your legs in the open and you have the mouth to go with it.

What the hell are you talking about? I get the potty mouth reference, but wtf is the spreading the legs deal? This is why people are seriously starting to wonder about your sanity.

Annie darling you have no concept of just how crazy I am....LOL. That is what most like so much about me is my insanity. Your avatar Anne spread it wider.

Danny Bennison said

When Michael finally came back to start his residency and was subjected to the abuse he went through at first I felt he deserved this (I know this is sick on so many levels) because I believed he knew who killed Martha (I still do)

March 28Danny Bennison
Yvette Portella
Just some inside information, Yvette and I had a thing while we were residents, while I was in re-entry and while I was staff. Which is one of the reasons why I left E-7 so abruptly. Yes we did hook up after she left, her brother almost killed me along with her cousins they did not like white guys in New Haven.
This is the truth, I loved her a great deal. I got my heart broken big time.
Hey I don't want to fight with you. I am asking for forgiveness for crimes I can't remember, honestly Wayne. I have had sleepless nights trying to remember you, I don't. I have a family and a business so I am very careful about things that would harm them. I know you can understand this.
Lets just lay the swords down and let this go for a while and work at shutting Elan down. Maybe in time we can see more of each others souls through our writings here. Many of the people that support your book are my friends some are not. But they asked me how I felt about them supporting your book, I said go for it this is between Wayne and I. Ya see Wayne no one else has wrote a book we could show people so they could read what went on in Elan. Not as explicit as yours. You know your not done writing there is so much more to tell. You are a great writer and Elanians need someone like you to tell their story, please collaborate with others get the real info and get it out there. I believe until Sharon, Jeff and Marty see their names written out their they won't shut down Elan.
Thanks for reading if you did,

Take care

Yvette was an underage resident in your care and you had the power to beat and torture her. She had no choice but to be "in a relationship" with you. That's called rape you fucking piece of shit.

Paul "I" am not in a tight spot because "I" am not in your world Paul. Why do I care at this point what Wayne says, if it is not factual then it is easily dealt with. Yes I was caught off gaurd as I'm sure anyone would have been but what doesn't kill you only makes ya stronger. I've have all my ducks in a roll now, so life moves on.

Paul realize I am not here for the social party so therefore I don't concern myself with my exchanges. example; You started it, you finsh it, I'm in a tight spot ect..... WTF.

I am just going to try to get this clear. You are not here for the "social party", and therefore you are not concerned with exchanges( those things you constantly participate in)

and your example is " you started it, you finish it" - a universal idea, that spreads far outside of forum exchanges.

Indeed, you are so against exchanges, by which I mean a conversation, and against finishing what you start, that the idea of it makes you exclaim "What the Fuck!", while rolling on the floor laughing.


I always seem to have trouble understanding you.......

If you folks want to run around crying about how a 17 year old kid/staff member abused you, by all means go for it. But ya see that is not what your doing, (lack of integrity) you know damn well I was no more a staff member for a treatment center then I President of the United States  


After the 10th or 20th time you're hacked, this must get tedious Dan  :roflmao:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline DannyB II

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Re: To all you moderators
« Reply #67 on: February 23, 2012, 05:28:40 PM »
Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
Quote from: "Ursus"
Quote from: "none-ya"
Put my name in red, and I'll clean this place up in week.
No offence Ursus, It's just that I would take a more proactive approach. At least I would get rid of the porn.
Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
Oh, and as much as I hate None-Ya and would like to shove his computer down his throat, I agree about the porn. It's disgusting
Quote from: "Antigen"
As to the porn, I still haven't run across any. Even if it's totally disgusting, even if it's illegal content, I probably still wouldn't delete it. If I took a side against content that I find to be offensive or unbelievable then I can't rightly let go content that others (including legislators, litigators and other omnipotent moral busy bodies) find offensive. You're making an error in logic when you assume that my or other admins' failure to intervene equates to approval. It simply isn't our place to judge or to use admin abilities to try and influence the content.
There was some porn posted a coupla days ago, and subsequently deleted later that very same day by the poster in question. And yet... here it is two days later, and folks are still nattering away about it.

In fact, the only recent porn I could find (outside of OFFA) was this post, by a different fornits user...
That's my fake profile, but you knew that. Like I said, he started the sock puppet bullshit, not me. The only difference is you ignore mine and have stopped responding to me in threads and PM's, but you have conversations with his. I had respect for you until that Ibicuy thread. That's when I realized you are cowtowing to Danny

He's the abuser, not me
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline DannyB II

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Wayne let me entertain you for a little while.
« Reply #68 on: February 23, 2012, 05:58:20 PM »
Tell us about the Third Nail Dan

    Inculcated wrote:From the Chat Box:
    (2009.12.27 - 19:20:36) Inculcated: Danny B are you still too shy to speak of when/where you were you in Daytop?
    (2009.12.27 - 19:20:44) Danny_Bennison: No

    (2009.12.27 - 19:21:31) Inculcated: Okay…
    (2009.12.27 - 19:21:33) Danny_Bennison: I was just 12 yrs old and it was in White Plains N.Y

    [Note:Daytop White Plains New York=Wrong answer. In 1971,Millbrook was the 1st and only residential facility for adolescents.]

    (2009.12.27 - 19:21:47) Inculcated: what year?
    (2009.12.27 - 19:21:52) Danny_Bennison: Can you believe that
    (2009.12.27 - 19:22:05) Danny_Bennison: 1971
    [Note: Nope]
    (2009.12.27 - 19:22:16) Inculcated: Which house were you at?
    (2009.12.27 - 19:22:48) Danny_Bennison: I was only there maybe 2 mons.
    (2009.12.27 - 19:23:03) Danny_Bennison: I still trying to find the info
    [Note: Still lookin’?]
    Recently, Bennison Posted an answer to Anne Bonny claiming to have been at Daytop in 1973 This is in the midst of one of those posts where he gets really vile.

    A couple of posts down on that page there’s a quote where Bennison also says 1971 for Daytop and Marathon in 1973 and Élan 1975

    Today,Bennison recalls: “Women while I was at Daytop, Marathon, Elan and The Third Nail did not get literal haircuts”

    He's right... which is so weird because during his alleged brief stay as a twelve year old in an adult facility (whether 1971 or 1973) there were no women there.

    Good guess Bennison. They did not, but you shouldn’t know that since Daytop didn’t cohabitate males and females until 1975. In the Monsignor words (p.73/74)”It took us a full decade to realize that women were not getting their fair share of Daytop treatment” “On the outside all our residents will have to live together harmoniously with both women and men . There’s no reason not to begin teaching those lessons in treatment.” ”Since 1975 women have been fully integrated into the regular treatment”

Wayne, Inculcate is all of about 27-28. She is young and really has no idea what the hell what on in 1971 or 1973. All she can do is google for her information, just like you. Neither one of you had the foresight to pick up a phone and call Daytop in NYC or wherever and ask for information. Tell them you are doing research and would like to ask if they had satellite programs in White Plains NY, Danbury, Meriden Ct. and what happened to them in the late 60's to early 70's.
I am hereby correcting my statement to read the Daytop program I was sent to was in Meriden Ct. not White Plains. I saw a specialists in White Plains who referred my parents to Meriden. Daytop did not work out as my parents thought so I was sent to the Diagnostic Center in Cranston R.I. This all happened a long time ago and I was a little upset when I was posting before. I am sorry for the confusion but from more conversation with my older siblings I was able to be exact. Damn I have 2 older siblings that knew exactly what I was talking about. I should have just asked them first, they were 18 and 19 at the time.
This should help everyone to guess who (there were actually two) orchestrated me coming to Meriden and why the facility was initially called Daytop. One of the people behind me coming to Meriden was my mothers cousin the other one everyone on fornits knows. My mom's cousin worked for the New Haven County School District. My mother was born and raised in New Britain, CT a couple of towns over to the northeast I believe. My mother also worked for the Dept.Of Education.
Wayne the women did not board at night in the same house.

The correction I made above I have known for some time. I neglected to change till now because more or less who the hell cares.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Anonymous

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Re: To all you moderators
« Reply #69 on: February 23, 2012, 06:02:24 PM »
:roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:
« Last Edit: February 27, 2012, 01:04:32 PM by Anonymous »

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Re: To all you moderators
« Reply #70 on: February 23, 2012, 06:09:44 PM »
Every time you lie, that's my rubber stamp Dan
« Last Edit: February 27, 2012, 01:05:08 PM by Anonymous »

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Re: To all you moderators
« Reply #71 on: February 23, 2012, 06:11:49 PM »
« Last Edit: February 27, 2012, 01:05:36 PM by Anonymous »

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Re: To all you moderators
« Reply #72 on: February 24, 2012, 06:50:27 AM »
Post by Danny Bennison » Fri Dec 11, 2009 7:34 pm
I have read a apology authored "Rich Mullinax" Straight, this was as good a starting point for me as any. If I could put as much thought and heart into mine I would be amazed. Kudo's to you Rich. This has been one of the hardest recollections of feelings, ei; Guilt, oppression, insecurities, abusiveness, abused, compromising ones morals and values....the list goes on.As I was saying the feelings coming out are overwhelming at times.
On my future posts I will start to get into specifics concerning my guilt and abuses and move forward from there. What I thought I could do in the past was make my amends by my actions of making myself a better person well that is productive for sure though I don't see the benefit for the ones still suffering. Thanks for reading any thoughts most welcome. Also thanks to the person who sent me "Kevin Gray's" piece, very moving. Love and Peace Danny

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »