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Comments 12: "Paul Babeu's Mexican Ex-Lover Says Sheriff's..
« Reply #15 on: February 26, 2012, 12:36:31 PM »
Comments left for the above article, "Paul Babeu's Mexican Ex-Lover Says Sheriff's Attorney Threatened Him With Deportation" (by Monica Alonzo, Feb 16 2012, Phoenix New Times), #s 331-360:

Mary · 3 days ago
    I have no problem with any of these guys being gay. My problem is that the sheriff (Babeu) is a lying S.O.B. and he should not be in law enforcement. Poor Jose!
    Chico · 3 days ago in reply to Mary
      All pigs- cops are SOBs. you just haven't been around enough in the ghetto hood on the poor side of the tracks. cops are assholes with an limp dick inferiority complex. thats why they become pigs so they can compensate for their mass insecurity by wearing a badge a gun and be on a power trip over the rest of society. better known as little man broke dick limp dick syndrome.
    bigbubbatadsworth · 3 days ago
      What is it, about these republican hypocrites? They hate gays, and then we find out, that they are gay. If republicans vehemently hate a particular group, they are usually part of that group. They hate what and who, they are. These clowns, need counseling.
      Thesis · 2 days ago in reply to bigbubbatadsworth
        Ah, the people in the republican party who hate gays, aren't the gays themselves - not too hard to wrap your mind around, is it? The tiny fringe of religious radicals have taken over, and pushed the moderate republicans into the dem party. Which is why the dems now have Obama, because he sure isn't a democrat.

        And the democratic party needs major counseling. They pretend to be for gays, women, blacks, EVERYbody, but it's all words. If they addressed the concerns of these groups, they wouldn't be able to keep them in the party. Now they've got them thinking, where else are you going to go? trying to keep them in the dem party. But they don't like them or do anything for them.

        The parties are the same. They are rich people who are in it for themselves. They bring out wedge issues to get us to vote for one side or the other - but they are more alike than different. It's all games with them.

        Former dem/now independent since 2008 when the Obamacrats hijacked the dem party and stole Hillary's delegates (I saw it live on CNN May 31, 2008) to force Obama over the line, even though Hillary won the popular vote and neither one had enough delegates. Never again will I believe that the dems are "the good guys". Both parties suck.
      naithom · 3 days ago
        OK, he chooses to start a relationship with someone he knows to be undocumented, uses him for unpaid work and the threatens him and his family after the boyfriend discovers he's cheating.

        I'm counting civil rights violations, DOL violations, felonies, as well as the general hypocrisy. Well done, Sheriff, you are another true blue family values politician!
        tdj · 3 days ago in reply to naithom
          Actually, the ex-boyfriend does have a visa.
          Thesis · 2 days ago in reply to tdj
            I have heard that too, but then why is he afraid of the deportation threat and why has he hired himself an attorney to prevent that deportation?
          Lakewood Twoonesix · 3 days ago in reply to naithom
            Jose is stating that his visa is still valid. Considering he hired an attorney, he's probably telling the truth.
          Lawrence Liles · 3 days ago
            Another law and order hypocrite exposed
            Cockbreath · 3 days ago in reply to Lawrence Liles
              Earth is really called planet hypocrite.
            soondalo · 3 days ago
              It's not a good time to be Paul and Joe right now.
              Cockbreath · 3 days ago in reply to soondalo
                Joe seems to be the good guy now. this takes some of the heat off of him.
              Jsmith · 3 days ago
                He doesn't hate Mexicans at all,,, well cute ones.
                MARTinNJ · 3 days ago in reply to Jsmith
                  Can you get more pathetic: "I want to have sex with you hot thing you, but if you tell people I am having sex with you, I will use my position in the government to get your foreign-born butt deported."
                LiberalTexasDemocrat · 3 days ago
                  Is there a Republican out there who doesn't have a secret boyfriend? This is really getting old. It's like the Republican party is the closet of last resort for insecure, self loathing, gay men.
                  Cockbreath · 3 days ago in reply to LiberalTexasDemocrat
                    most are in the closet fags.
                    Cockbreath · 3 days ago in reply to Cockbreath
                      and or chomo child molesters.
                    Angelica915 · 3 days ago in reply to LiberalTexasDemocrat
                      They already have a club for gay self-loathing's called the Log Cabin Republicans!
                      Rufftuffcreempuff · 3 days ago in reply to Angelica915
                        Brown logs that come out of ones ass type logs perhaps?
                      mikefrombisbee · 3 days ago
                        A literal, as well as figurative teabagger.

                        I could care less who he wakes up with in the morning. But he is living a lie and is willing to put himself in the limelight as a conservative-nativist darling while hiding in the closet. Whatcha bet America's self-proclaimed toughest sheriff used his knowledge of Babeau's secret life as leverage to get him a wash job during the "investigation" following the Munnell memo.

                        Hypocrisy, thy name is tea bagger.
                      1000 yards · 3 days ago
                        Well Sheriff Ba-blew, Hang up your political career. You see we are deluged with low or no-morality folks in Washington already. I have no problem with your being gay, but trying to hide it because you thought it would harm your career, was an intential attempt to hide (why) who you are. You've crossed the thin line pal, already trying to alter public perception! Ethic problem too?
                        I am but one vote, but I will raise up many; again not because you are Gay, but because of your thinking and acctions regarding the matter!
                      Joe to Paul · 3 days ago
                        If you had been an honest man, you would have come out sooner. Not after being exposed! You are nothing but a hypocrite. Arresting latins at the border while enjoying sexual acts with them. It's not that your gay, its that you are a phony. And you want to run for congress? You say you did not do anything illegal. Yet you know as a lawman that you cannot send pictures of your porn over airwaves or any other waves. That is a crime. All I saw behind you were sad faces knowing what they were saying about you was false. By the way how are Pearce and Arpaio?
                      Rainkitten · 3 days ago
                        Heinz should be investigated imo.
                      Bfkron · 3 days ago
                        Well well well. Another gay blade from the Gay old Party who hate gays. What a bunch of hypocrites. Larry Craig, Mark Foley, etc. etc. The gayest party of all but they preach the family values to the hilt if you get the drift.
                        MARTinNJ · 3 days ago in reply to Bfkron
                          Let's not forget last week's Texas right-wing anti-gay radio commentator banging up the bouncer's car outside the gay bar after the right-winger leaves the bar....and him leaving the bar is on video tape. Thank you Jesus!.
                          DNichols · 3 days ago in reply to MARTinNJ
                            Babeu may want to stear clear of Texas, Rednecks, and log chains behind 4x4s?

                            A Gay Red Neck Sheriff!

                            My God, this is better than when "Slick Willy" was Prez., or even the Mesa Az. Fire Chief caught hosing out the Fire inside his 15 year old Neighbor girls Sheep!

                            Arizona is the "Best"!!!
                          mjcc1987 · 3 days ago
                            Interesting here. When you create a climate of hate and fear such as Arizona has, taking advantage of those "intimidated" becomes much easier. I suspect if we look a little harder, we will find many more examples of Hispanics being used in this manner, "do as I say or I will have you deported" is the new slavery for Arizona. Labor can be even cheaper if you have "them" deported AFTER they've done the work.
                            DNichols · 3 days ago in reply to mjcc1987
                              In this case the work is very, very Dirty No?
                            Thesis · 2 days ago in reply to mjcc1987
                              The guy had a visa all that time. It just recently expired. It's time for him to go back home anyway.
                            Attorney · 3 days ago
                              This is a disgusting article and not news worthy. Who cares if Babeau is gay? Who cares if he cheated on his boyfriend, who is clearly a manipulative jerk? New Times needs to find real news. If there was a real abuse of power by a sheriff, there are way better means of relief than going to this rag. New Times is enabling pettiness. Gross.

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                            Offline Ursus

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                            Comments 13: "Paul Babeu's Mexican Ex-Lover Says Sheriff's..
                            « Reply #16 on: February 26, 2012, 02:41:03 PM »
                            Comments left for the above article, "Paul Babeu's Mexican Ex-Lover Says Sheriff's Attorney Threatened Him With Deportation" (by Monica Alonzo, Feb 16 2012, Phoenix New Times), #s 361-390:

                              mjcc1987 · 3 days ago in reply to Attorney
                                Yes, bend over or I'll have you deported is not noteworthy.............
                                Cockbreath · 3 days ago in reply to mjcc1987
                                  HA HA HA LOL
                                Cockbreath · 3 days ago in reply to Attorney
                                  If you got any better real news let us know big mouth.
                                MARTinNJ · 3 days ago in reply to Attorney
                                  Not news worthy? Hey Attorney, Is there air on your planet? The friggin hypocrite is campaigning against the immigrant coming here, banging him when he gets here, then threathening him (can we spell T-h-e S-h-e-r-i-f-f b-r-o-k-e t-h-e l-a-w?) with deportation if he tells. Hello? Where did you go to law school? Arizona?
                                DNichols · 3 days ago
                                  Arizona Sheriffs Association New Attrition Program: "Sodomiize" Immigrants!

                                  Hell this should work well!

                                  I would get the Hell out of Sick Arizona as fast as I could!

                                  Babeu is a Sick Piece of Hypocritical Trash!

                                  The sign in the Desert in John (Shit Stain) Mc Cains old Commercial in the Desert should read:

                                  Warning to Immigrants: Sick Homosexual Sheriffs want you!
                                  Keep your Backs to the Wall!

                                  Brewer , and Mc Cain must be as proud as the entire Arizona G.O.P.

                                  In Arizona G.O.P.= G.ay, O.r P.erverted.
                                DNichols · 3 days ago
                                  Babeu is fighting illegal Immigration one Culo at a time!
                                  MARTinNJ · 3 days ago in reply to DNichols
                                    Make that one blow-job at a time.
                                    DNichols · 3 days ago in reply to MARTinNJ
                                      Right on!
                                    Mark · 3 days ago in reply to MARTinNJ
                                      BJs give you throat cancer or haven't you heard that news yet?
                                    MARTinNJ · 3 days ago
                                      An angel just got its wings.
                                    MARTinNJ · 3 days ago
                                      See there are some nice people in Arizona. What was that 8 of them?
                                      CHICO HAMC PHX AZ · 3 days ago in reply to MARTinNJ
                                        The Hells Angels MC are the most respectful and nicest guys in Arizona. how do I know? I am one of them. CHICO MORA HELLS ANGELS MC PHX AZ.
                                      DNichols · 3 days ago
                                        @Jbgold canyon;

                                        You sound Butt Hurt?

                                        Are you a Partner of Rump Ranger?

                                        "Who Yahh!"

                                        Party in the Brown Canyon Tonight!

                                        Did Arpaio lend Rumpy some Pink Hand, or Feet Cuffs?
                                      MARTinNJ · 3 days ago
                                        More than Shame on Sheriff-hide-the-winnie. He should be prosecuted for threatening illegal prosecution.
                                      Vin Lemar · 3 days ago
                                        so heinz, boyfriend, and babeu had a 3way huh? sounds pretty gay to me.
                                      MARTinNJ · 3 days ago
                                        Bad boy Gerry. At least Sherrif-hide-the-winnie, didn't get all up in his boyfriend's Santorum.
                                      Dave Muckey · 3 days ago
                                        He quit the Romney campaign? It would seem that he's been into Santorum more that anybody thought.
                                      MARTinNJ · 3 days ago
                                        Thank you CB for your clarification.
                                      Tjay229 · 3 days ago
                                        BRAVO ARTICLE NEW TIMES.

                                        Another classic example of a hypocritical scandalous deceitful Republican.

                                        He's ready to deport a man whos resident status is questionable, the same one who's cock he's been sucking for years... while trying to run a high and mighty persona of law enforcement.

                                        He can be gay all he wants, that's not the issue.. the is now is why be two faced about it and your platform.

                                        Let's see how well the republican party accepts him. Like Gene Hackman said " two things kill a conservatives political career, a dead black girl, or a live boy".
                                      Newtimessuck · 3 days ago
                                        So what, he's gay. Ignorant people like the ones posting on here is why he kept quiet. He never lied about so what is the big deal? The green card carrying fool has already admitted he stalked him and more than likely pushed Babeu to the brink of " telling him to get a lawyer" Oh my, what a threat. I see nothing in the supposed texts anyway that equal any type of threat except perhaps a legal one. The green card carrying fool was just looking for a sugar daddy and when he found out the Babeu was not going to be that person, he retaliated.
                                        DNichols · 3 days ago in reply to Newtimessuck
                                          Who Yahh!
                                        John Hallman · 3 days ago in reply to Newtimessuck
                                          Another Log Cabin Republican speaks!
                                        Jimmy Equality Gruender · 3 days ago
                                          Another self hating person out of the closet, maybe now he can learn to love himself, btw if you have tattoo's and want to stay in the closet you may not want to put them all over Adam for Adam just saying
                                        Momma Angel · 3 days ago
                                          Sorry Paul, once you become a political figure you have no personal life. Your life becomes an open book. You should have just come out of the closet in the first place. Shame on you for threatening your "former" lover.
                                          Mark · 3 days ago in reply to Momma Angel
                                            He has no common street sense for a cop. he should have known that.
                                          Wow · 3 days ago
                                            Note to self, never have a Arizona Sheriff endorse you if you are running for President. Perry, now Rommey.
                                          KarenMrsLloydRichards · 3 days ago
                                            Downlow Baboon is deluded if he thinks: a) his private life is his own business; b) he has any chance of a future in the GOP; c) he will serve out the rest of his term as Pinal County Sheriff; d) he has any possible life in the state of AZ.
                                            DNichols · 3 days ago in reply to KarenMrsLloydRichards
                                              One correction; "Pinile Sheriff".
                                            Robert M · 3 days ago
                                              Wow., what's wrong with Arizona in general? Gay Sheriff's, attempts on murdering a Senator, the most radical and craziest immigration laws, the most backwards State in the USA in general. Arizona seems to have all of the bad stuff going on that would be going on at such places as Iran, Sherriff Joe A, and etc. What a bummer.
                                              Thesis · 2 days ago in reply to Robert M
                                                Keep paying attention to this, make D.C. happy, so you don't see that both parties are trying to take away contraception. You "third wave feminists" who have done nothing but rationalize pole dancing and prostitution are going to find out you're going to have all the fights that were already won. We fought for our rights, passed them on to you, and you're more interested in being sluts. You're going to be on your own, having to do it all again, because we're not going to help you get back what we already fought for. YOU lost it, YOU get it back. And by the way - Obama is NOT your friend. He is NOT a feminist.

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                                              « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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                                              Re: Former Desisto exec steps down as Romney AZ co-chair
                                              « Reply #17 on: March 07, 2012, 08:59:19 PM »
                                     ... ious-past/

                                              Paul Babeu's Suspicious Past as School's Headmaster
                                              A A A Comments (9) By Monica Alonzo Thursday, Mar 8 2012

                                              The most riveting detail to come out of Paul Babeu's three-year tenure as head of a private Massachusetts boarding school for troubled teens was his close relationship with a 17-year-old student there.

                                              Former students of the now-defunct school tell New Times that they often saw Babeu showering attention on fellow student Joshua Geyer.

                                              Former DeSisto School student Melissa Burech

                                              Late school founder Michael DeSisto

                                              "I'd see [Babeu] around campus all the time," says Melissa Burech, who attended DeSisto School during Babeu's tenure. "And I saw [Babeu and Josh] together more than they should've been. I saw [Babeu] take him off campus."

                                              Babeu's sister, Lucy, alleges that Babeu was engaged in a sexual relationship with Geyer.

                                              The Rose Law Firm — hired by Babeu after allegations arose that he and his lawyer, Chris DeRose, threatened his Mexican ex-lover with deportation if the man revealed their romantic relationship — did not return calls for comment on his relationship with the student. Babeu, however, denied wrongdoing through the firm.

                                              Students say Babeu was a constant presence at DeSisto. The school occupied an expansive campus in the Berkshires of Massachusetts, where wayward teens, plagued with such problems as drug addiction, depression, anorexia, and mental illness, received what was deemed therapeutic treatment.

                                              Babeu was headmaster and executive director at DeSisto from April 1999 to August 2001, and students say they often saw him milling around campus with the school's founder, the late Michael DeSisto.

                                              Since the scandal involving his ex-lover broke in New Times on February 17, Babeu has minimized his role at the school, which was investigated for nearly two decades because of allegations that students endured systematic neglect and sexual and physical abuse there.

                                              Babeu, elected Pinal County sheriff in 2008 after serving as a police officer in Chandler for several years, lately has claimed he did not interact with students and had no direct supervisory responsibility over staff at DeSisto.

                                              But students who attended the school tell New Times that they saw Babeu in daily meetings where administrators discussed issues facing the school, including its disciplinary practices — which included students being forced to sit on metal folding chairs facing a corner for hours on end and students getting stripped naked and forced to wear nothing but bedsheets.

                                              Babeu's camp has carefully parsed denials that he engaged in a sexual relationship with Joshua Geyer.

                                              That is, Babeu, who would have been in his early 30s at the time, has not denied having a relationship with Geyer; he's only denied having an "inappropriate" relationship with his former student, according to his legal handlers.

                                              One justification for this statement could be that Geyer was old enough to consent to sexual intercourse in Massachusetts.

                                              The sheriff has eluded questions about how he could have developed a close relationship with a DeSisto student if his job did not involve dealing with students.

                                              ABC 15, in a report on Babeu's years at the school, received signed, but undated, letters from the former student. The Rose Law Firm released the letters to the station.

                                              "I have never at any time lived or engaged in any inappropriate sexual relationship with Paul Babeu," the first letter reads. "I have remained personal friends with Paul Babeu."

                                              The second reads, "I never lived with or engaged in any sexual relationship with Paul Babeu while I was a student at DeSisto private school."

                                              The station said neither letter was notarized and that there was no proof the letters were written by the student.

                                              New Times was unable to reach Geyer for comment.

                                              Lucy Babeu tells it differently, recalling a time when she saw Geyer at her brother's home in Massachusetts, and when she confronted her brother about the boy, Paul Babeu confessed that he was in love with Geyer.

                                              Melissa Burech and other students who knew Geyer, and attended DeSisto while Babeu was headmaster, recall signs of a close relationship between the two.

                                              Burech, who followed her family to Arizona a few years ago and now lives in Deer Valley, says she had friends in common with Geyer, friends in whom he confided about his "inappropriate" relationship with Babeu.

                                              "Because the school was so intense, so cult-like, you developed close bonds with people," she says. "I think Josh looked to [Babeu] for guidance, and I believe Paul twisted that, abused that power to get what he wanted."

                                              Another student, who grew up in New York, also found herself at DeSisto while Babeu was in charge of the school.

                                              The former student, who spoke on condition of anonymity, confirms what others have said: Babeu and Geyer were "together a whole lot," and Geyer "got taken off campus for lunch a lot" by the future National Sheriff of the Year. She says word got back to students that the pair often went to the Panda House, a Chinese restaurant in the area.

                                              "Everybody on campus knew about it," she says. "When Josh left the program, and so did Paul, it was a big thing about them dating. Everybody knew."

                                              The woman described Babeu as Geyer's "commitment holder," a title the school gave to staff members selected by students to monitor their progress.

                                              "You would go to someone you could trust, or [whom] you could speak to about your problems," the former student says. "They were supposed to help you heal."

                                              --pg 2--

                                              When Babeu took over as the school's headmaster, it was operating unlawfully without a state license, and it already was embroiled in lawsuits from dissatisfied parents.

                                              Each family paid tuition of about $65,000 a year for their child to be in an environment that was "excessively punitive" and created "an extreme risk of injury even death," the Massachusetts Office of Child Care Services said in legal papers.

                                              The Massachusetts mansion that served as the school's headquarters

                                              This state agency "received many allegations of abusive practices at the school," state investigators said, adding that Massachusetts officials repeatedly were denied access to the campus and to student files:

                                              "The school effectively stonewalled the OCCS, claiming [DeSisto School was] not subject to [state] licensing, but refusing to provided necessary information to back up [the] claim."

                                              The school argued that it didn't need a license because it wasn't serving enough special-needs students. According to Massachusetts law, if more than 30 percent of the student population was made up of such students, a license was required.

                                              When state officials finally forced open the school's files in 2001 after almost 20 years of complaints, they classified more than 40 percent of the student body as special needs. The school ultimately shut down in 2004 because it was unable to comply with state mandates.

                                              Court and state records paint a chilling account of life at DeSisto, including during the time that Babeu ran it.

                                              One student refused to stop leaning against a wall and was physically restrained for several hours. Another who threw a plate and got into an argument was tied up for nearly six hours.

                                              A student forced to sit in a metal chair for weeks, facing the corner, wasn't properly medicated, became severely depressed, and urinated and defecated on himself. The teen eventually was taken to the hospital for treatment for pneumonia.

                                              Records show that students had to take group showers, "denying them privacy and leading to instances of sexual abuse."

                                              A few months after a court ordered the school in 2001 to either shut down or apply for a license, Babeu resigned. He recently told various media outlets that he was only responsible for the school's operations, including maintenance of the grounds.

                                              But he told another story on a campaign website. There, Babeu described his time at DeSisto as a period when he was "frequently recognized for his effectiveness in personnel management and fiscal abilities."

                                              In 2002, when he applied for a job as a Chandler cop, Babeu noted on his application that, while at DeSisto, he supervised directors of the school and 80 full-time employees.

                                              Babeu counters allegations of his relationship with the student or his knowing about abusive conditions at the school by attempting to discredit his sister. He portrays himself as a victim under attack by a mentally ill family member.

                                              Babeu, the second-youngest of 11 children, described his family as one with "lots of different personalities" in a 2010 interview with the Arizona Daily Star.

                                              "I've seen lots of different things in our family, but that's all family business," he said at the time.

                                              Babeu's representatives at the Rose firm now are divulging this "family business" by releasing allegations detailing Lucy Babeu's alleged mental illness. According to the firm, she was placed in psychiatric care on two occasions, had her children taken away, and has been a frequent drug abuser.

                                              Lucy Babeu denied these claims to New Times, calling them "slanderous."

                                              The sheriff, a candidate for Congress in Arizona's conservative 4th District, says he's also a victim of attacks by political enemies.

                                              On March 3, during an interview with Newsmax, Babeu says the timing of the allegations are suspect.

                                              "[His being gay was] pushed around for months and months — in fact, for years," he told the conservative website. "Political opponents have threatened me, trying to go to the newspapers and the TV stations . . . clearly, looking at the timing of this election. They're literally five months away from primary ballots being mailed to voters, we being 10 points ahead."

                                              That was then. A new poll — taken after New Times broke the story that Babeu's Mexican ex-boyfriend says the sheriff and his lawyer tried to intimidate him into keeping the love affair secret — showed Babeu six points behind Congressman Paul Gosar in the 4th District.

                                              The former lover, Jose Orozco, says the sheriff's attorney raised threats of deportation when he refused to sign a document promising he would never disclose details of the affair. Orozco has filed notice that he intends to sue Babeu and Pinal County for $1 million for violating his civil rights.

                                              Babeu denied that he or his camp did anything inappropriate then, too, portraying himself as a conservative politician under attack because he is gay. And he again played the victim card, claiming Orozco had hacked into his campaign website and his Twitter account and had stolen his identity — charges that seem unlikely given that the sheriff gave Orozco access to his websites and accounts.

                                              Orozco and his lawyer, Melissa Weiss-Riner, say he turned over everything Babeu and DeRose requested but that they still pressured him to sign the non-disclosure document concerning the romance.

                                              An interesting side note is that Babeu, in 2002, went public about getting sexually abused by a Catholic priest in Springfield, Massachusetts. He said he was outraged because the church took years to defrock the priest who had abused him, his older brother Francis, and other children.

                                              --pg 3--

                                              It is similar outrage that moved DeSisto alumni to speak out against their former headmaster and the abusive treatment they received, partially under his reign.

                                              The New York student, who attended DeSisto from 1998 to 2003, is surprised to hear that Babeu now describes himself as a career-long advocate for victims' rights.

                                              "When did he become that guy? When did he become so involved in victims' rights? Why didn't he see problems in the [DeSisto] program, see that things needed to change?" she says. "He would hear about kids starving in the corner . . . You'd think he would know that was wrong."

                                              Melissa Burech, sent to the school from West Virginia when she was 15 because of a history of depression, says, "Things got worse" during Babeu's reign.

                                              "He signed up to be an administrator at this school, and he didn't do anything to help us or change what was happening there," she says.

                                              When state officials finally got on campus and gained access to students, their files, and school staff, the school was ordered to immediately stop its most abusive practices — such as strip-searching students, barricading them in their bedrooms with mattresses (or with staff sleeping outside doors), and banishing them to remote areas of the campus.

                                              Students, sent to what was known as the "farm," were not allowed to attend academic classes and were forced to perform manual labor for five to eight hours a day before they could eat or drink, Massachusetts child welfare authorities reported.

                                              "We had to cut down trees or restore the buildings," Burech says. "It was a big joke that we attended the school of the janitorial arts."

                                              The former student from New York recalls being forced to hold hands with several other girls for days at a time, no matter where they went, unless they were sleeping or eating meals that were limited to 15 minutes each.

                                              "We had to go to the restrooms that way, take showers that way, get dressed — try to put on our underwear that way," she says. "We had to hold hands under the stalls and, even if we had a male staff member [supervising], we had to ask for permission to take our hands apart so we could do what we needed to do in the bathroom. It was humiliating."

                                              She says they would rotate so that each girl had a chance to be at the end of the human chain and have the privilege of a free hand.

                                              "We all had different problems, obviously; that's why we were in that school," she says. "But we weren't stupid. We knew this behavior was wrong, and we knew it wasn't helping. It was just a way of torturing us."

                                              Burech now is attending school to become an occupational therapist.

                                              "If I saw [Babeu] today, I would say 'thank you' because those horrible experiences taught me to be a fighter," she says. "No matter what, he is part of my past. But I'm speaking up now because I want to inform Arizona about his past so he doesn't become part of our future."
                                              « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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                                              Re: Former Desisto exec steps down as Romney AZ co-chair
                                              « Reply #18 on: March 07, 2012, 09:07:26 PM »
                                     ... ious-past/

                                              Paul Babeu's Suspicious Past as School's Headmaster
                                              A A A Comments (9) By Monica Alonzo Thursday, Mar 8 2012

                                              The most riveting detail to come out of Paul Babeu's three-year tenure as head of a private Massachusetts boarding school for troubled teens was his close relationship with a 17-year-old student there.

                                              Former students of the now-defunct school tell New Times that they often saw Babeu showering attention on fellow student Joshua Geyer.

                                              Former DeSisto School student Melissa Burech

                                              Late school founder Michael DeSisto

                                              "I'd see [Babeu] around campus all the time," says Melissa Burech, who attended DeSisto School during Babeu's tenure. "And I saw [Babeu and Josh] together more than they should've been. I saw [Babeu] take him off campus."

                                              Babeu's sister, Lucy, alleges that Babeu was engaged in a sexual relationship with Geyer.

                                              The Rose Law Firm — hired by Babeu after allegations arose that he and his lawyer, Chris DeRose, threatened his Mexican ex-lover with deportation if the man revealed their romantic relationship — did not return calls for comment on his relationship with the student. Babeu, however, denied wrongdoing through the firm.

                                              Students say Babeu was a constant presence at DeSisto. The school occupied an expansive campus in the Berkshires of Massachusetts, where wayward teens, plagued with such problems as drug addiction, depression, anorexia, and mental illness, received what was deemed therapeutic treatment.

                                              Babeu was headmaster and executive director at DeSisto from April 1999 to August 2001, and students say they often saw him milling around campus with the school's founder, the late Michael DeSisto.

                                              Since the scandal involving his ex-lover broke in New Times on February 17, Babeu has minimized his role at the school, which was investigated for nearly two decades because of allegations that students endured systematic neglect and sexual and physical abuse there.

                                              Babeu, elected Pinal County sheriff in 2008 after serving as a police officer in Chandler for several years, lately has claimed he did not interact with students and had no direct supervisory responsibility over staff at DeSisto.

                                              But students who attended the school tell New Times that they saw Babeu in daily meetings where administrators discussed issues facing the school, including its disciplinary practices — which included students being forced to sit on metal folding chairs facing a corner for hours on end and students getting stripped naked and forced to wear nothing but bedsheets.

                                              Babeu's camp has carefully parsed denials that he engaged in a sexual relationship with Joshua Geyer.

                                              That is, Babeu, who would have been in his early 30s at the time, has not denied having a relationship with Geyer; he's only denied having an "inappropriate" relationship with his former student, according to his legal handlers.

                                              One justification for this statement could be that Geyer was old enough to consent to sexual intercourse in Massachusetts.

                                              The sheriff has eluded questions about how he could have developed a close relationship with a DeSisto student if his job did not involve dealing with students.

                                              ABC 15, in a report on Babeu's years at the school, received signed, but undated, letters from the former student. The Rose Law Firm released the letters to the station.

                                              "I have never at any time lived or engaged in any inappropriate sexual relationship with Paul Babeu," the first letter reads. "I have remained personal friends with Paul Babeu."

                                              The second reads, "I never lived with or engaged in any sexual relationship with Paul Babeu while I was a student at DeSisto private school."

                                              The station said neither letter was notarized and that there was no proof the letters were written by the student.

                                              New Times was unable to reach Geyer for comment.

                                              Lucy Babeu tells it differently, recalling a time when she saw Geyer at her brother's home in Massachusetts, and when she confronted her brother about the boy, Paul Babeu confessed that he was in love with Geyer.

                                              Melissa Burech and other students who knew Geyer, and attended DeSisto while Babeu was headmaster, recall signs of a close relationship between the two.

                                              Burech, who followed her family to Arizona a few years ago and now lives in Deer Valley, says she had friends in common with Geyer, friends in whom he confided about his "inappropriate" relationship with Babeu.

                                              "Because the school was so intense, so cult-like, you developed close bonds with people," she says. "I think Josh looked to [Babeu] for guidance, and I believe Paul twisted that, abused that power to get what he wanted."

                                              Another student, who grew up in New York, also found herself at DeSisto while Babeu was in charge of the school.

                                              The former student, who spoke on condition of anonymity, confirms what others have said: Babeu and Geyer were "together a whole lot," and Geyer "got taken off campus for lunch a lot" by the future National Sheriff of the Year. She says word got back to students that the pair often went to the Panda House, a Chinese restaurant in the area.

                                              "Everybody on campus knew about it," she says. "When Josh left the program, and so did Paul, it was a big thing about them dating. Everybody knew."

                                              The woman described Babeu as Geyer's "commitment holder," a title the school gave to staff members selected by students to monitor their progress.

                                              "You would go to someone you could trust, or [whom] you could speak to about your problems," the former student says. "They were supposed to help you heal."

                                              --pg 2--

                                              When Babeu took over as the school's headmaster, it was operating unlawfully without a state license, and it already was embroiled in lawsuits from dissatisfied parents.

                                              Each family paid tuition of about $65,000 a year for their child to be in an environment that was "excessively punitive" and created "an extreme risk of injury even death," the Massachusetts Office of Child Care Services said in legal papers.

                                              The Massachusetts mansion that served as the school's headquarters

                                              This state agency "received many allegations of abusive practices at the school," state investigators said, adding that Massachusetts officials repeatedly were denied access to the campus and to student files:

                                              "The school effectively stonewalled the OCCS, claiming [DeSisto School was] not subject to [state] licensing, but refusing to provided necessary information to back up [the] claim."

                                              The school argued that it didn't need a license because it wasn't serving enough special-needs students. According to Massachusetts law, if more than 30 percent of the student population was made up of such students, a license was required.

                                              When state officials finally forced open the school's files in 2001 after almost 20 years of complaints, they classified more than 40 percent of the student body as special needs. The school ultimately shut down in 2004 because it was unable to comply with state mandates.

                                              Court and state records paint a chilling account of life at DeSisto, including during the time that Babeu ran it.

                                              One student refused to stop leaning against a wall and was physically restrained for several hours. Another who threw a plate and got into an argument was tied up for nearly six hours.

                                              A student forced to sit in a metal chair for weeks, facing the corner, wasn't properly medicated, became severely depressed, and urinated and defecated on himself. The teen eventually was taken to the hospital for treatment for pneumonia.

                                              Records show that students had to take group showers, "denying them privacy and leading to instances of sexual abuse."

                                              A few months after a court ordered the school in 2001 to either shut down or apply for a license, Babeu resigned. He recently told various media outlets that he was only responsible for the school's operations, including maintenance of the grounds.

                                              But he told another story on a campaign website. There, Babeu described his time at DeSisto as a period when he was "frequently recognized for his effectiveness in personnel management and fiscal abilities."

                                              In 2002, when he applied for a job as a Chandler cop, Babeu noted on his application that, while at DeSisto, he supervised directors of the school and 80 full-time employees.

                                              Babeu counters allegations of his relationship with the student or his knowing about abusive conditions at the school by attempting to discredit his sister. He portrays himself as a victim under attack by a mentally ill family member.

                                              Babeu, the second-youngest of 11 children, described his family as one with "lots of different personalities" in a 2010 interview with the Arizona Daily Star.

                                              "I've seen lots of different things in our family, but that's all family business," he said at the time.

                                              Babeu's representatives at the Rose firm now are divulging this "family business" by releasing allegations detailing Lucy Babeu's alleged mental illness. According to the firm, she was placed in psychiatric care on two occasions, had her children taken away, and has been a frequent drug abuser.

                                              Lucy Babeu denied these claims to New Times, calling them "slanderous."

                                              The sheriff, a candidate for Congress in Arizona's conservative 4th District, says he's also a victim of attacks by political enemies.

                                              On March 3, during an interview with Newsmax, Babeu says the timing of the allegations are suspect.

                                              "[His being gay was] pushed around for months and months — in fact, for years," he told the conservative website. "Political opponents have threatened me, trying to go to the newspapers and the TV stations . . . clearly, looking at the timing of this election. They're literally five months away from primary ballots being mailed to voters, we being 10 points ahead."

                                              That was then. A new poll — taken after New Times broke the story that Babeu's Mexican ex-boyfriend says the sheriff and his lawyer tried to intimidate him into keeping the love affair secret — showed Babeu six points behind Congressman Paul Gosar in the 4th District.

                                              The former lover, Jose Orozco, says the sheriff's attorney raised threats of deportation when he refused to sign a document promising he would never disclose details of the affair. Orozco has filed notice that he intends to sue Babeu and Pinal County for $1 million for violating his civil rights.

                                              Babeu denied that he or his camp did anything inappropriate then, too, portraying himself as a conservative politician under attack because he is gay. And he again played the victim card, claiming Orozco had hacked into his campaign website and his Twitter account and had stolen his identity — charges that seem unlikely given that the sheriff gave Orozco access to his websites and accounts.

                                              Orozco and his lawyer, Melissa Weiss-Riner, say he turned over everything Babeu and DeRose requested but that they still pressured him to sign the non-disclosure document concerning the romance.

                                              An interesting side note is that Babeu, in 2002, went public about getting sexually abused by a Catholic priest in Springfield, Massachusetts. He said he was outraged because the church took years to defrock the priest who had abused him, his older brother Francis, and other children.

                                              --pg 3--

                                              It is similar outrage that moved DeSisto alumni to speak out against their former headmaster and the abusive treatment they received, partially under his reign.

                                              The New York student, who attended DeSisto from 1998 to 2003, is surprised to hear that Babeu now describes himself as a career-long advocate for victims' rights.

                                              "When did he become that guy? When did he become so involved in victims' rights? Why didn't he see problems in the [DeSisto] program, see that things needed to change?" she says. "He would hear about kids starving in the corner . . . You'd think he would know that was wrong."

                                              Melissa Burech, sent to the school from West Virginia when she was 15 because of a history of depression, says, "Things got worse" during Babeu's reign.

                                              "He signed up to be an administrator at this school, and he didn't do anything to help us or change what was happening there," she says.

                                              When state officials finally got on campus and gained access to students, their files, and school staff, the school was ordered to immediately stop its most abusive practices — such as strip-searching students, barricading them in their bedrooms with mattresses (or with staff sleeping outside doors), and banishing them to remote areas of the campus.

                                              Students, sent to what was known as the "farm," were not allowed to attend academic classes and were forced to perform manual labor for five to eight hours a day before they could eat or drink, Massachusetts child welfare authorities reported.

                                              "We had to cut down trees or restore the buildings," Burech says. "It was a big joke that we attended the school of the janitorial arts."

                                              The former student from New York recalls being forced to hold hands with several other girls for days at a time, no matter where they went, unless they were sleeping or eating meals that were limited to 15 minutes each.

                                              "We had to go to the restrooms that way, take showers that way, get dressed — try to put on our underwear that way," she says. "We had to hold hands under the stalls and, even if we had a male staff member [supervising], we had to ask for permission to take our hands apart so we could do what we needed to do in the bathroom. It was humiliating."

                                              She says they would rotate so that each girl had a chance to be at the end of the human chain and have the privilege of a free hand.

                                              "We all had different problems, obviously; that's why we were in that school," she says. "But we weren't stupid. We knew this behavior was wrong, and we knew it wasn't helping. It was just a way of torturing us."

                                              Burech now is attending school to become an occupational therapist.

                                              "If I saw [Babeu] today, I would say 'thank you' because those horrible experiences taught me to be a fighter," she says. "No matter what, he is part of my past. But I'm speaking up now because I want to inform Arizona about his past so he doesn't become part of our future."
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                                              « Reply #19 on: March 07, 2012, 09:09:38 PM »
                                              Michael Acosta 8 minutes ago

                                              My sh*t detector went off the first time this guy popped up.
                                              TellTheTruth 1 hour ago

                                              Another sad thing is that the Babeu side (Rose Law Group and his PIO lackeys) keeps lying and his apologists and the believers in him keep believing him/them.

                                              A special shout-out to Timmy Gaffney for his undying efforts as he continues to threaten and intimidate several good media investigators and writers that are covering this Babeu aberation. Timmy, the problem just might be your boss. Work on that for awhile.

                                              Then tell us about your company trip to San Diego last November.
                                              2 people liked this.
                                              Alice in Wonderland 1 hour ago

                                              This is a very sad story. A story of horrible abuse regarding a school where Paul Babeu was the Headmaster and now he is an Arizona Sheriff and looking to go to DC for the people. No thank you. He is a piece of garbage. He needs serious help. One thing for sure though, he would fit right in with all the other perverts in DC.

                                              The more I hear and learn the more disappointed I am that he continues to be a leader in Arizonoa.
                                              2 people liked this.
                                              Ddesertdawg 1 hour ago

                                              Once a HEADmaster, you will always be a HEADmaster.
                                              1 person liked this.
                                              Jimsmtz 1 hour ago

                                              Babeu will continue to lie to cover himself. He has been asked to resign as Sheriff and he should. His ex-boyfriend, Jose has just filed a one million dollar notice of claim against Pinal County because of Babeu. Time for Babeu to go back where he came from.
                                              4 people liked this.
                                              guest 2 hours ago

                                              Paulie Babeu walked into his room
                                              only to find Gideon's bible
                                              Paulie had come equipped with a gun
                                              to shoot off the knees of his rival
                                              His rival it seems had broken his dreams
                                              By stealing the boy of his fancy
                                              Rob and 3 more liked this
                                              Gerry_C 2 hours ago

                                              So the 17yr old was technically not a student in the evenings.

                                              This school must have been a twink buffet for Babeu.

                                              I know it is harsh, but this says we should avoid gay men in situations with children...or should we just avoid Babeu in such situations. I believe it is a Babeu issue...a predator issue. Clearly this could hurt gay men in general.

                                              1 person liked this.
                                              Melissa Burech 1 hour ago in reply to Gerry_C

                                              i am the girl in the article we were students 24/7 we were rarely able to get off campus we got excited to go to the doctor (only allowed when EXTREMELY sick) it took me 3 1/2 years to get a three day trip home for xmas (which is when i ran away) i wasnt even allowed going to my grandmas funeral
                                              mirele and 7 more liked this
                                              Gerry_C 2 minutes ago in reply to Melissa Burech

                                              I think that telling your story will help other students from DeSisto and other places that were victims of cruel people. I hope that telling it helps you put this unforgettable mess further in your past.
                                              Alice in Wonderland 1 hour ago in reply to Melissa Burech

                                              Thank you for sharing your story.
                                              3 people liked this.
                                              Melissa Burech 1 hour ago in reply to Alice in Wonderland

                                              you're welcome i am glad i have the chance to tell it other students are telling me to keep my mouth shut but i have no reason to its the truth yes it is my past but i will not let it be my future i also hope that it opens the eyes of those that are asked to investigate similar schools yes we were "troubled" kids but we deserve to be heard i was never in trouble with the law i had never even smoked a cigarette my problem was that i was a cutter and that was my outlet for dealing with an abusive childhood if it makes me a less credible source so be it but i feel the truth needs to be told
                                              mirele and 5 more liked this
                                              Kit 54 minutes ago in reply to Melissa Burech

                                              I suppose it's understandable, but it's pretty shortsighted for students to imagine they should keep quiet about this. (It's also past the point where it'd work.) Again, thanks.
                                              Melissa Burech 34 minutes ago in reply to Kit

                                              i agree but you have to understand after 3 1/2 + years at the school where we had to keep everything hush hush and repremanded when we did speak up it becomes part of who you are or when you do speak up people dont believe you it is hard to feel you have a voice i however have grown out of that in a lot (but am delayed in many other areas) abuse is one thing i will no longer keep quiet about i am in school to become an OTA (occupational therapy assistant) and also mentor kids i have a responsibility in general but especially now to show them that no matter what they need to speak up when abuse occurs i figure talking about this now is better than never even if it is way past the fact
                                              mirele and 3 more liked this
                                              mirele 2 hours ago in reply to Gerry_C

                                              This is stupid..."avoid gay men in this situation"? Suppose it had been a 17 year old girl and Babeu? What would you say then? It's not about Babeu being gay. It's about Babeu taking advantage of a young person that he was in a position of authority over. Certainly, based on the other things stated here about the DeSisto school, it should be asked whether or not the student could legitimately "consent," given that Babeu was in a position of authority and could make him sit on a chair for hours or some other punishment.

                                              This article doesn't make clear whether or not the DeSisto school had any policies and procedures regarding sexual contact between staff and students. Given how the outfit resisted licensing up to the point of being closed, it wouldn't surprise me at all to learn there was nothing of the sort. But, in general, even if it's legal to have sex with a 17 YO in Massachusetts, there's something seriously ethically dicey about having sex with someone you're in authority over. And Babeu was a mentor to this young man...a "mentor with benefits," if you will. The whole thing is hinky and, dare I say, wrong. It's my opinion that Babeu used his position and authority inappropriately at best.
                                              Rob and 3 more liked this
                                              Gerry_C 4 minutes ago in reply to mirele

                                              Thank you for your comment. I posted to draw out such a comment with emotion. You said what I was wanting to say but can't type so much on my phone.
                                              Melissa Burech 1 hour ago in reply to mirele

                                              to answer your question if two students liked each other they were not allowed to communicate with each other in any way if so they were punished the issue with faculty was not discussed with us but we were belittled if we tried to confront staff especially someone in pauls position
                                              mirele and 4 more liked this
                                              Bnbk 3 hours ago

                                              Babeu is one sick,twisted individual that needs to be kept away from civilized society. He needs to pay for the torture & crimes he has committed against these children. Why wasn't this monster locked away along time ago ? Shame on anyone who backs this sick ass human. Babeu,you sick bastard,you don't deserve to be walking around,enjoying your freedom,after having tortured these children.
                                              5 people liked this.
                                              Kit 3 hours ago

                                              How on earth was that bizarre photo of a topless Michael DeSisto surrounded by sleeping boys & shag rug not a huge warning sign, esp. to someone professedly concerned about the sexual abuse of minors? The guy was already notorious for his predatory interest in the boys at the school, among many other things, when Babeu signed on as his right-hand man. (If you doubt it, do a Google search.) Babeu was almost twice Geyer's age when all this happened. And then less than a year later, as part of his high-dollar lawsuit against the Catholic Church, there he was on the courthouse steps, weeping about how a priest had told his teenaged self that homosexuality isn't wrong.

                                              It turns out that the politician who most effectively captured the emotional state of conservative Arizonans in the post-1070 period is an unimaginably tormented, twisted soul. All his talk about being "into punishment" and all his insistence about his own "purity" is beginning to take on new significance.
                                              Rob and 5 more liked this
                                              ChrisInDenver 3 hours ago in reply to Kit

                                              Probably a Photoshopped image, Kit.
                                              Kit 3 hours ago in reply to ChrisInDenver

                                              No. It's from a 1980 People magazine article. A favorable article, if you can imagine. DeSisto was proud enough of it to use it in PR. It's not unlikely that Babeu would've seen it at some point.
                                              1 person liked this.
                                              ChrisInDenver 3 hours ago

                                              Stick a fork in him. Baboon's political career is over.
                                              3 people liked this.
                                              david saint 3 hours ago

                                              lol so before he was this "Great educator" and victims rights..whatever bullshit Rose tried to spew last he didnt have much affiliation?! Well one things for sure, Babeu sure has turned into a full blown politician....
                                              By the way, dont you love the latin definition of politics? Poli = many ; tics = blood sucking creatures. IE many blood sucking creatures.
                                              4 people liked this.
                                              Car_del99 1 hour ago in reply to david saint

                                              So , in other words Baboon is a " poli ( tiic ) ?
                                              We have many like him in Az...
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                                              Re: Former Desisto exec steps down as Romney AZ co-chair
                                              « Reply #20 on: March 15, 2012, 12:59:16 PM »
                                     ... -questions

                                              Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu dodges ABC15’s questions

                                              Related Links

                                                  Babeu claims he wasn't 'aware' of abuse
                                                  Babeu tied to school with abuse record

                                              Posted: 8:08 PM
                                              Last Updated: 3 hours and 37 minutes ago

                                                  By: Dave Biscobing By: Dave Biscobing
                                                  By: Maria Tomasch
                                                  By: Mark LaMet

                                              Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu made his first public appearance in more than two weeks at a county board meeting Thursday.

                                              Babeu has avoided the media since the ABC15 Investigators uncovered his ties to an unlicensed boarding school with a history of abuse.

                                              The investigation also included allegations he had a relationship with a student while he ran the DeSisto School in Massachusetts.

                                              Sheriff Babeu said, “That is false, blatantly false. And what that is [is] reckless disregard for the truth.”

                                              From 1999 to 2001, Babeu was Headmaster at the unlicensed boarding school and the State of Massachusetts found repeated documented cases of physical and sexual abuse.

                                              When the ABC15 Investigators asked him to respond to the questions about the abuse at the school and the state investigation, he responded, “You don't even know what you're talking about.”

                                              “You already have a written statement by me and my attorneys and that's all I'll say to Channel 15.”

                                              In his statements, Babeu said he had a limited role as Headmaster.

                                              But he touts his leadership experience at the school on his campaign website.

                                              He also included it on his application for a job with the Chandler Police Department.

                                              Babeu wrote that he was in charge of "legal issues".

                                              The state’s legal documents report case after case of abuse discovered while Babeu was Headmaster.

                                              Two former students told us Babeu knew what was happening .

                                              “He was certainly aware of that,” said Holli Nielsen.

                                              “He was there for all of it,” said Melissa Burech. “He was part of all the meetings.”

                                              They also confirmed that Babeu had a relationship with a 17-year-old male student.

                                              “Everybody knew about it,” said Burech. “He broke every rule to be with that student.”
                                              « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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                                              Re: Former Desisto exec steps down as Romney AZ co-chair
                                              « Reply #21 on: March 15, 2012, 01:01:22 PM »

                                              Suzanne Noel
                                              Everybody knew about it! That is what I call jpurnalism. lol
                                              2 Hours Ago
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                                              Saisu Mimen
                                              HEADmaster indeed!
                                              3 Hours Ago
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                                              Eddie Vallee
                                              YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY M C A!
                                              10 Hours Ago
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                                              Richard Ybarra
                                              I didn't do it!!!!!!!! Casper did . you know Casper the ghost.
                                              10 Hours Ago
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                                              Richard Ybarra
                                              Not enough has been said about this sorry excuse of first, a human then a public official then , he tries to to brush off the questions and obvious answers like they don't exist and I think he still thinks its OK to tap a young man . This crap is so disgusting me anyway ... What do you think?
                                              Don Tfiftyeight likes this.
                                              10 Hours Ago
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                                              Richard Ybarra
                                              What a creep!!!!!
                                              10 Hours Ago
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                                              Don Tfiftyeight
                                              Yea if I were him I would avoid abc15 too.
                                              Richard Ybarra likes this.
                                              12 Hours Ago
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                                              Sage Mind
                                              12 Hours Ago
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                                              Read more: ... z1pCnzG0xs
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                                              Re: Former Desisto exec steps down as Romney AZ co-chair
                                              « Reply #22 on: March 21, 2012, 03:36:21 PM »
                                     ... 620736.txt

                                              Babeu: Legal action to come against news station
                                              By BRIAN WRIGHT
                                              Staff Writer
                                              Published: Friday, March 16, 2012 11:26 AM MST
                                              Print | E-mail | Comment (3 comment(s)) | Rate | Text Size
                                              FLORENCE — Last month, ABC15 reported on allegations tied to Pinal County sheriff Paul Babeu when he was headmaster at the DeSisto School in Massachusetts.

                                              Confronted by reporters outside the meeting room at the Pinal County administration building, where Babeu spoke at a county Board of Supervisors meeting, he addressed one of the allegations against him.

                                              Babeu’s sister, Lucy, and former students at DeSisto said Babeu had a relationship with a 17-year old student when Babeu was at DeSisto from 1999-2001.

                                              “That is absolutely false. Blatantly false,” Babeu said. “[Due to] the reckless disregard of the truth by one news station in particular, there have been notices filed with them, not only to cease and desist, that there’s likely legal action that will follow with that. That shall be an actual case that’s filed (against the station) in the future.”

                                              When pressed by a reporter who asked Babeu to respond to allegations of abuse at the boarding school during his tenure, Babeu said, “You don’t even know what you’re talking about.”

                                              Babeu referred to the story as a “wild pile-on” and refused to answer any other questions regarding those allegations, saying he already made his stance clear in a statement released by he and his attorneys earlier this month which touted Babeu’s work in “helping restore financial stability of the school.” That statement also said Babeu was never the focus of any investigation or lawsuit in his role as headmaster of the boarding school.

                                              Resign to run proposal draws Babeu’s ire

                                              Babeu faced off with board chairman Pete Rios, who initiated a “Resign to Run” resolution that prohibits political activity for county employees. As it pertains to employees of the supervisors, the resolution states, “When performing their duties on behalf of Pinal County, employees must refrain from political activity while on duty or at public expense.”

                                              The proposal Rios, a Democrat, is backing would be binding for all county employees, even those who are elected, save for those running for office in the final year of their current term.

                                              While Babeu would be exempted from such a rule as he followed the state law allowing him to run for office without resigning, as he is in his final year as sheriff, it could affect PCSO chief deputy Steve Henry, who has formed an exploratory committee as an announcement of his desire to run for sheriff this year.

                                              Babeu questioned why this legislation was being brought forth now and said it seemed politically motivated with early ballots going out for elections in a little less than five months.

                                              “As I heard the chairman’s first public comments, [that] we shouldn’t have people who are serving in one elected office running for another office — Mr. Rios, you serve at the height of hypocrisy because that’s in fact what you did when you, as a state representative, ran for the board of supervisors.”

                                              Rios said when he ran for supervisor, he was doing the same thing that Babeu is doing right now, running for Congress while serving as the Pinal County sheriff. Rios said because Babeu announced his run for Congress in the final year of his term, state law permits it; Rios said he followed the same protocol when he ran for supervisor.

                                              “You know that law as well as I do, so I didn’t violate it any more than you’re violating it, unless you think you’re violating something because I sure didn’t,” Rios said to Babeu.

                                              Babeu asked why the board wasn’t adopting a resolution about more important matters such as preventing convicted felons from working in Pinal County. He said hiring convicted felons, “as certain elected officials have done” should be prohibited in a resolution. Babeu added that these felons have stolen from the citizens of the county and committed other felonies.

                                              Supervisor Bryan Martyn, a Republican, said he refused to make a decision on the “Resign to Run” resolution during what he referred to as a “political storm.”

                                              The agenda item was pulled because the supervisors agreed it needed another look from attorneys to clean up confusing language in the policy. It was the second straight supervisors meeting where the agenda item was pulled for further legal review.
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                                              Reader Comments
                                              The following are comments from the readers. In no way do they represent the view of

                                              cjm wrote on Mar 17, 2012 7:31 PM:
                                              " Paulie is only spouting off. The last thing this gay exhibitionist wants is to be deposed under oath. Several of the students at the school discussed his inappropriate behavior with the child. What reason do they have to lie? A resolution to keep felons out should include the actions of Child Predator Sheriff. Be careful what you wish for Paul and stop playing the victim. All your pain is self inflicted. "

                                              paulb wrote on Mar 18, 2012 7:21 AM:
                                              " It's telling that Sheriff Paul's primary response to serious allegations about his past has been to hire a law firm to smear and slience his sister, and then to promise legal action against the media. "

                                              desertnana wrote on Mar 19, 2012 11:56 AM:
                                              " Paul Babeu kept his sexuality where I, and most hetrosexuals, keep it: private and personal. I applaud him for that. He has done an excellent job as Sheriff and that is all he should be judged on unless he makes his sexuality an issue. I would greatly prefer that he stayed the 'big fish in the Pinal county pond' rather than trying to be a small fish in the House of Representatives. Pinal county needs him to remain as Sheriff "
                                              « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

                                              Offline Xelebes

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                                              Re: Former Desisto exec steps down as Romney AZ co-chair
                                              « Reply #23 on: March 31, 2012, 01:34:30 AM »
                                              I hear a Pride Parade is being scheduled for Casa Grande.  Great opportunity for little Paul here. . .
                                              « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »