Author Topic: Wayne Kernochan's Goodbye Admission!!!  (Read 10650 times)

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Offline YV23

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Re: Wayne Kernochan's Goodbye Admission!!!
« Reply #45 on: February 05, 2012, 02:23:05 PM »
Quote from: "Matt C. Hoffman"
you know  None Ya , you keep posting that all these stories that Wayne has written about in his book can be found on fornits. I am sorry buddy ,though with all due respect ,I truly do not find that to be true.

The names that Wayne has mentioned in his book and stories are no where to be found on fornits . Sorry it is a fact and all us old folks on this here elan site know this to be true. .
Danny admitted to writing the good manifesto

I quote

Danny Bennison Manifesto
 I have read Waynes book as many here. I will not be trying to compete with his writing skills nor length of his book. He beats me hands down. The book was mesmerizing to say the least. Names were brought up that I have not thought about in years (decades). Some of the people I have/had stayed in contact with throughout the years. So it was interesting to hear their thoughts on the book also. The chronicling of my work history was for the most part off but only by a few months, I was wrote about being at Elan 7 at a time I had already left.

Fuck you nunez. You don't like him, who cares? But to ally yourself and make chi9ld rape jokes is sick. You sound like Danny

How were these names on fornits if Danny hadn't heard them in decades?

You didn't go to Elan. Shut the fuck up  :suicide:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline YV23

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Re: Wayne Kernochan's Goodbye Admission!!!
« Reply #46 on: February 05, 2012, 02:23:11 PM »
Quote from: "Matt C. Hoffman"
you know  None Ya , you keep posting that all these stories that Wayne has written about in his book can be found on fornits. I am sorry buddy ,though with all due respect ,I truly do not find that to be true.

The names that Wayne has mentioned in his book and stories are no where to be found on fornits . Sorry it is a fact and all us old folks on this here elan site know this to be true. .
Danny admitted to writing the good manifesto

I quote

Danny Bennison Manifesto
 I have read Waynes book as many here. I will not be trying to compete with his writing skills nor length of his book. He beats me hands down. The book was mesmerizing to say the least. Names were brought up that I have not thought about in years (decades). Some of the people I have/had stayed in contact with throughout the years. So it was interesting to hear their thoughts on the book also. The chronicling of my work history was for the most part off but only by a few months, I was wrote about being at Elan 7 at a time I had already left.

Fuck you nunez. You don't like him, who cares? But to ally yourself and make chi9ld rape jokes is sick. You sound like Danny

How were these names on fornits if Danny hadn't heard them in decades?

You didn't go to Elan. Shut the fuck up  :suicide:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline none-ya

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Re: Wayne Kernochan's Goodbye Admission!!!
« Reply #47 on: February 05, 2012, 02:40:24 PM »
You fools don't know the "manifesto" Danny  from the real one? Trolls and dummies.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Re: Wayne Kernochan's Goodbye Admission!!!
« Reply #48 on: February 05, 2012, 02:40:47 PM »
Quote from: "Horatio"
Quote from: "Anti-Troll"
Quote from: "Ruaraidh"
Quote from: "Froderik"
I don't think R. is Danny B. Different syntax. Linguistic variations.

I disagree; i find many similarities.

Please help us, list them.

Really Danny Lee Bennison , really you want our help and you want us to list your tell  tale signs as far as your syntax and linguistic  similarities, are concerned. This  is a serious laugh riot .  

Even if we did this for you  Danny Lee Bennison , it wouldn't help you because "you really are the sick lying fornit idiot," ROFLMAO. This  was certainly one of the more stupid things that you have asked this forum, it just goes to show just how much of a dumbass you really are..

Bottom line Wayne Kernochan wrote a book ,it has gotten  very nice reviews, and it is  believed by many.

Danny Lee Bennison has written a very sick and nasty lie filled" goodbye admission"  that he atributes as being Wayne's written word. The funny thing about Danny  "Liar"  Bennison is that he actually believes that people on this web site are so blinded by the brilliance of his sock puppets, lol , that we will believe that these words are not Danny Bennison's and are someone else's altogether. These words and many,many other  words of Danny Lee Bennison's are not believed, nor the words of his sock puppets.

And that Danny Lee Bennison is why we know who  all your sock puppets are because simply put ,you really are  stupid and are the "lying idiot of fornits". And from reading the book you have never changed your abusive ways.

No Danny Lee Bennsion we will not help you with your sock puppetts tale-tell signs that it is you. Your similarities in syntax and linguistics are a hoot ,and really Danny Lee Bennison ,lol, thanks for asking.

Onelittle  thing Danny ,a  hint , drop your  fixation that you  have on mens body parts. you know their ass, frank and beans ect. Your blantant homosexual latentcy shows thru everytime and really gives you away ,lol. Plus its just gross,as in eeewwww.

P.S. Danny  L. Bennison you really need to read your topic  and subsequent thread on the "offa"  titled "musing{s} from the lying fornit idiot Danny Bennison " the fornit forum is getting to know all of your sock puppets ,your answers to your question that you posted here  can be found there,lol.

Felice, why are you calling Danny a liar. Let me see you are DethGurl, Felice, Eliscue II, Anti-Troll, Cum guzzler should we go on. You were banned from this site for abusing a women for her sexuality choices. If we go to the OFFA we will find hundreds of posts from you where you have verbally slandered, harassed and out right posted the most revolting crap I have ever read someone say to another and you want to cast stones at Danny.
Felice you were primarily responsible for shutting down this site because you posted someone's IP address. You are not in a position to say anything.
Which is why you hide behind a mask Anti-Troll. You are a fraud, hmmmm.....just like your buddy Wayne.
Nobody is coming to your rescue, you are sick.

Froderik and Felice Eliscue (Anti-Trol) have no idea who Danny or Wayne is. Felice has spoken on the phone with Wayne and myself on several occassions. What they are doing right now is simply posturing for a friend.

Froderik no one is coming because you are a fraud just like your (make believe friend) Wayne Kernochan. Over the last 4 months right here Wayne was exposed as a fraud, a man without proof, a plagiarizer and a liar. Everything Wayne has said he would do he has not. No testimonies, no witnesses, no lawyers, no police, no attorney generals, no Yvette Portella saying I raped her ect....ect.....ect......Oh we do have Wayne on the radio saying I sodomized him.
Whatada say Froderik ya think I did that??  Wayne has said he was going to kill me, he posted my murdered nephew picture and details, he posted his mothers information, he threaten my sister and her daughters,. Jesus Christ where have you been.

Hey Danny you freak of a lying idiot ,lol, thanks for letting us know that you are in fact horate tio ooooooo danny you foolish little lying piece of shit . You are a "LIAR " asshole !
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline YV23

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Re: Wayne Kernochan's Goodbye Admission!!!
« Reply #49 on: February 05, 2012, 02:42:39 PM »
He's admitted to writing this one more than once. Shut up

Danny Bennison Manifesto
 I have read Waynes book as many here. I will not be trying to compete with his writing skills nor length of his book. He beats me hands down. The book was mesmerizing to say the least. Names were brought up that I have not thought about in years (decades). Some of the people I have/had stayed in contact with throughout the years. So it was interesting to hear their thoughts on the book also. The chronicling of my work history was for the most part off but only by a few months, I was wrote about being at Elan 7 at a time I had already left.

 I am not going to get in a big argument about the book at this time if ever. I don't see the need after all. Yes at first I wanted to jump all over it but I was encouraged not to by many. This story brought up old hurts, wounds and anger. I was a resident at Elan for almost 2 years, I watched Elan change into a violent atmosphere in a matter of years. I witnessed the change in residents being brought to Elan from Mental facilities, Juvenile detention centers, Autistic children ect....I watched Staff and Directors leave en-mass and I watched 3 people who are still there deny they are doing children harm, It is beyond shameful.

 Back to the book, two people I will talk about that I felt were erroneously portrayed one was my best friend Donald Hampton. I knew Donald prior to coming to Elan, we met at YCC in R.I. We were residents together at Elan, became staff together.

 Don was a black guy and while we worked at Elan we were roommmates, along with 3 other people. So I'm sorry I don't know where this racist "nigger shit" is coming from but ya got me confused with someone else. Donald left Elan because of the violence, he worked as staff for a whole 4 months. He hated Elan. AS far as calling people faggots and so forth, well ya got me there. During the football season in 76 George White, Wanye Barnes, Steve Sperry, Mike O'Neil, Alan Frey and others use to egg one another on across the lines calling each other faggots. We would wait to see if George was going to carry the ball and Dominic Parker and myself would call George a faggot if he ran away from us. As far as calling residents faggots as staff no I'm sorry once again not my style.

 In early 1978 I was 18 years old and most of the people I wrote about above were my age or a year younger. I was in the program with them, hung out with them and kept in touch with three of them over the years. If you were from Rhode Island and followed college basketball and the NBA during the early 70's you knew Wayne Barnes older brother. His brother was paying for Wayne.
 Second person is Mary Jones. Mary has been talked about a lot on this site and fornits. She was used to embarrass me. You guys remember the story of Mary being tied to the back of a Van and dragged around Elan. Now the story is Mary was beaten by 15 to 20 people. Well everyone that really knows Mary Jones finds this to be a bit incredulous. I'll tell you why, Mary had a kidney abnormality so she was never put in the ring or received any kind of physical punishment. This came down from Joe straight from Rhode Island. So I find this a tad difficult to understand because if she was beat she would definitely sustained injuries that probably would have killed her or very near. This is a fact, just ask anyone who knew Mary Jones from 75-79. I feel for Mary and they way she has been treated.
 As I said I am not going to minimize this book. I am sure Wayne invested his soul in this book. I do believe it took a lot of courage to put yourself out there. To talk to a audience about what you experienced at 15 years old. No one could have prepared us for Elan and the mind fuck that happened to us. So no, I am not going to fight Wayne or anyone else over the barbarous abuses that went on.
 If Wayne was in the House, Elan 7 as he said he was then we both know what I did and what I did not do. I do not have the luxury of remembering Wayne and for this I am sorry. It does not mean you were insignificant it just means I can not recollect.

 Wayne I also want to take this time to apologize for any and all harm I caused you either directly or indirectly. I was put in charge to care for you (whether Elan wanted me to do this or not) I knew that you needed to be protected and I failed horribly.
 I can only hope in time you can see just how sincere I am.

 Now I would also like to take the time to express my sincere apologies to others to have gone to Elan that I was unkind to and down right rude to over the last year or so. As I have said before I could not have prepared myself enough to understand the impact of emotions that stormed back into my life when I ventured onto this site and others concerning Elan.

 I did not handle the emotions from others well. I can only hope that Felice, Sharon, Matt, Mark, Wayne and others can forgive my intolerable behavior I displayed here and other sites a while back. My ongoing amends to you all has been to leave you alone and to empathize with your pain and how I can irritate this with my behavior.

 I now understand that just by being staff and a Director will be enough for many of you to push me away. I am OK with this now. I guess I have acquired enough information so it is not as important to be heard as it is to listen. I have people I can go to to help me when I need it.

 I was so naive and ignorant when I first got here because I had not put two 'n two together yet. This is a survivor site and I was staff. I had never really looked at myself that way. Being staff was just another phase of Elan until I left. I never had any intention of staying at Elan. I just had no other place to go and until I figured out what was next I thought I would just stay there. What was next came 20 months, when I moved to Louisiana and worked in the Gulf of Mexico on oil rigs. I have never looked back since.

 Wayne thanks for a great book. Hey I have no problem really you using my name. I am sure I have injured you in some way. Just by being staff.
 Just know this, I have a heart and a soul. I love and I am loved. I know what you went through and I am sorry I am a part of your life in the way I am.

 Please think about this, you and I know what I did. Part of our healing process is getting honest about our past so we can forgive. Forgiveness does not mean you invite me into your life, forgiveness means we look at our past honestly and have no more illusions about it. We see it as it was and say Ok this is what happened and I am letting it go.

 With my love in your healing process,


 P.S. These were just some heartfelt thoughts I had.

 Diane love you much.....
 My little sister wrote to me the lyrics to the song "Daniel" from Elton John in 1975. I read this letter while sitting in my bunk in the mens dormitory. They converted the mens dormitory into Elan 7 eighteen months later.
 I thought that had some significance here
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline YV23

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Re: Wayne Kernochan's Goodbye Admission!!!
« Reply #50 on: February 05, 2012, 02:45:36 PM »
Quote from: "YV23"
Quote from: "none-ya"
Frodrik,I never thought we had a problem. If you don't know what I'm talking about,you haven't been reading for the last few months or so. I know that's not true either. Say what you want about Danny. But WAYNE IS A FRAUD! Why do you think he's now deleteing all of his posts where he tells people that he's going to find them and "kick their fucking teeth in". Or when  he's told people (me included) to kill themselves.Look man, I don't want any trouble with you,But I still say we are better off here without Wayne.
I will testify to it. Wayne threatened to kick your teeth down your throat.

I would hold you down, you sack of shit. He said it after you posted this

Quote from: "none-ya"
I understand a portion of the proceeds from this book will be donated to NAMBLA.Sure he'll send you one for free,just give this creep your mailing address.
yea right..........

You and your pal Danny are the frauds.

I endorse you killing yourself. I endorse the death of any lowlife who makes jokes about children being raped

HoratiDanny. You too
You still haven't responded to this Nunez. You've lied repeatedly that you never made a child rape joke

There are more. Want me to go find them?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline YV23

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Re: Wayne Kernochan's Goodbye Admission!!!
« Reply #51 on: February 05, 2012, 02:48:13 PM »
Felice has spoken on the phone with Wayne and myself on several occassions.

Bennison, your a fucking idiot

 :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline nunez

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« Reply #52 on: February 05, 2012, 02:49:46 PM »
« Last Edit: February 21, 2012, 02:07:06 AM by nunez »

Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Re: Wayne Kernochan's Goodbye Admission!!!
« Reply #53 on: February 05, 2012, 02:50:48 PM »
Quote from: "none-ya"
You fools don't know the "manifesto" Danny  from the real one? Trolls and dummies.

Sorry None -Ya no soup for you ,lol

Please brother you really have no clue and I am really beginning to think that you just like to stir up shit to see it go round .  or hmmm are you a danny also ,lol.

None Ya you have business in this ,maybe you should go back to being a cheerleader for danny,lol. And cheers like yours are gonna be so dam laughable to those that do know ,and have seen.

Cheer on we can always use the laughs.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Froderik

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Re: Wayne Kernochan's Goodbye Admission!!!
« Reply #54 on: February 05, 2012, 03:03:24 PM »
Notice how they shut up when any real discussion takes place.

I'm really glad people have taken the time to call bullshit in a concerted effort here.

I say keep it up and eventually this board will become "Bennison-free."

And this will be without banning him; he has been digging his own grave for a while now. No need to ban him or anyone.

It just takes a little speaking up to put an end to it; people will eventually realize what is true and what isn't...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Re: Wayne Kernochan's Goodbye Admission!!!
« Reply #55 on: February 05, 2012, 03:10:47 PM »
Quote from: "YV23"
Felice has spoken on the phone with Wayne and myself on several occassions.

Bennison, your a fucking idiot

 :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:

Absolutely !!! A complete lying fucking idiot .

He has forgotten which sock puppet is who and which one is him ,lol It is too fucking funny. You are all of them Danny Bennison , you just can't make this shit up you busted yourself because you are an idiot extreme.  Spin ,Spin ,Spin come on danny how you going to spin this shit off .

Well uhh I uhh uhhhhh I
Uh I forgot I was suppose to be hor-rate-tio

I know  it was a computer glitch,lol.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline YV23

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Re: Wayne Kernochan's Goodbye Admission!!!
« Reply #56 on: February 05, 2012, 03:11:17 PM »
You want the truth?

Here you go

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ruaraidh

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Re: Wayne Kernochan's Goodbye Admission!!!
« Reply #57 on: February 06, 2012, 11:34:51 PM »
Quote from: "Anti-Troll"
Quote from: "Ruaraidh"
Quote from: "Froderik"
I don't think R. is Danny B. Different syntax. Linguistic variations.

I disagree; i find many similarities.

Please help us, list them.

Really Danny Lee Bennison , really you want our help and you want us to list your tell  tale signs as far as your syntax and linguistic  similarities, are concerned. This  is a serious laugh riot .  

Even if we did this for you  Danny Lee Bennison , it wouldn't help you because "you really are the sick lying fornit idiot," ROFLMAO. This  was certainly one of the more stupid things that you have asked this forum, it just goes to show just how much of a dumbass you really are..

Bottom line Wayne Kernochan wrote a book ,it has gotten  very nice reviews, and it is  believed by many.

Danny Lee Bennison has written a very sick and nasty lie filled" goodbye admission"  that he atributes as being Wayne's written word. The funny thing about Danny  "Liar"  Bennison is that he actually believes that people on this web site are so blinded by the brilliance of his sock puppets, lol , that we will believe that these words are not Danny Bennison's and are someone else's altogether. These words and many,many other  words of Danny Lee Bennison's are not believed, nor the words of his sock puppets.

And that Danny Lee Bennison is why we know who  all your sock puppets are because simply put ,you really are  stupid and are the "lying idiot of fornits". And from reading the book you have never changed your abusive ways.

No Danny Lee Bennsion we will not help you with your sock puppetts tale-tell signs that it is you. Your similarities in syntax and linguistics are a hoot ,and really Danny Lee Bennison ,lol, thanks for asking.

Onelittle  thing Danny ,a  hint , drop your  fixation that you  have on mens body parts. you know their ass, frank and beans ect. Your blantant homosexual latentcy shows thru everytime and really gives you away ,lol. Plus its just gross,as in eeewwww.

P.S. Danny  L. Bennison you really need to read your topic  and subsequent thread on the "offa"  titled "musing{s} from the lying fornit idiot Danny Bennison " the fornit forum is getting to know all of your sock puppets ,your answers to your question that you posted here  can be found there,lol.

Anti-Troll is Felice Eliscu-
That was a wonderful speech Felice. You noticed I (ruaraidh) called you by your rightful Jewish first name. Don't you think it is a bit ironic that you are calling Danny abusive and a liar for using a fake user name and you are doing the exact same thing. How are you able to do this. Does your personality split into two separate consciouses with two realities. This is fucking surreal Felice. I (Ruaraidh) know Matt does this and possibly Wayne with Arkom and Rodrigo. Living on 36th in Long Island City Queens can really put a lot stress on someones psyche.  
Felice, No, Danny is not these user names and for you to continue to say so is just misleading to the readers here and plain lying. Just because Matt Hoffman, Wayne Kernochan, Mark Babbitz and yourself have done this since you all got here doesn't mean every one else does it too.
I (Ruaraidh) have nothing to say concerning your remarks about sexuality. Felice you are the last person that should be preaching about progressive sexuality. Damn you got bounced from here (FORNITS) for attacking a lesbian.
If Wayne enjoys vagina's and cock's good for him. I (Ruaraidh) am just sick and tired of listening to Wayne use all these parts of his being as a tool to use for protest. This lying piece of shit uses himself like a whore to gain attention to himself.
It isn't to help people that are suffering, No!!! Wayne just needs attention.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »