Author Topic: Earth Services / The House Next Door  (Read 16966 times)

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Re: Earth Services / The House Next Door
« Reply #30 on: January 23, 2012, 12:55:45 AM »
Quote from: "wdtony"
Petition creator: Susan Lynn Gillihan

Her website:

Personal info:

Phone: 269-721-3313 Dowling Michigan   Age: 50

Upcoming event at the courthouse for Michael Terpening: ... -terpening

It's ironic that this woman is fighting for parent's rights and we are fighting for children's rights.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2012, 07:15:31 PM by wdtony »
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Comments: "Accused molester denied more kid time" 2
« Reply #31 on: January 23, 2012, 09:05:23 PM »
Comments left for the above article, "Accused molester denied more kid time" (by Ken Kolker, 06 Sep 2011, WOOD-TV8), #s 21-40:

Amy Partanen · Works at Childcare Provider · September 6, 2011 at 5:21pm
Pete Moss · GED · September 6, 2011 at 5:28pm
    the first article about this described an alledged sexual text message that the guy sent to a male coworker about fifty dollars for a sex act and other coworkers claim to have seen this text message; I don't necessarily find anything "fishy" about the courts attempting to terminate his parental rights, there must be some reason behind that, and keep in mind that, if there is suspicion that something has taken place in the home, its not going to be released to the public so that minors aren't identified
Denise Hall · September 6, 2011 at 6:03pm
    Obviously everyone is overlooking the fact that this man INNOCENT until proven guilty. And for the state to petition to have his parental rights terminated before he's even convicted? THAT is a HUGE problem! CPS and the state has already convicted him - no matter what happens in court! Do any of you NOT see where this could be a cause for concern?! I can see restricting his parenting time and not unsupervised time because of the nature of the case. I have no issues with that. I take issues with the state trying to terminated his parental rights when it has been said stated repeatedly that none of these charges involve his own children!

    I really hope NONE of you ever have the nightmare of being railroaded by CPS - all because they have the power and they can.
Kate Stevens Chandler · Kalamazoo, Michigan · September 6, 2011 at 6:23pm
    Denise they involve somebodys kids which puts his kids at risk. They have more than the press has put out to the public,the state DOES NOT TERMINATE OR EVEN PUT IT OUT THERE UNLESS THEY HAVE SOMETHING ON THIS GUY. COME ON PEOPLE WAKE UP!
Mike Boerman · Top Commenter · Langston, Michigan · September 6, 2011 at 6:25pm
    "@DJ Michael - the kids were 5 and 8, not teenagers. But don't let the facts get in the way. And there need only be a preponderance of the evidence for civil court."

    @Sue Weaver: here's how I know you're full of sh1t...the article above states the accusers are all in their LATE TEENS, not ages 5 and 8, so nice try there *lol* Quit pretending to be this phony insider with some secret knowledge about the case that the rest of us don't have - you're just an ordinary armchair critic like the rest of us :p
Red Thenews · Top Commenter · Grocery Cart Wrangler at Ralphs Market · September 6, 2011 at 6:26pm
    To be honest, I would not be surprised if this man is found innocent. I just got a feeling the allegations are lies.
Denise Hall · September 6, 2011 at 6:27pm
    Kate, I understand they are someone else's kids, but to TERMINATE his parental rights BEFORE this has even gone to trial - where he could be found INNOCENT! Seriously?!
Denise Hall · September 6, 2011 at 6:29pm
    And Kate - the state terminates parental rights ALL THE TIME! They also removed children from homes on 'suspicions' of what 'might' happen and yet other children DIE because they REFUSE to act or even do their job and show up at the homes! Sorry if I just automatically believe everything they say.
Pete Moss · GED · September 6, 2011 at 6:31pm
    none of the charges involve his children (that is, at this time); maybe his own children are still being evaluated; maybe there is reason to believe that one or more of his own children have been abused, which we (the public, the media) would not have access to that information in order to protect the privacy of the child or children involved; when protective services does their job, people are complaining, and when they let cases slide, people complain; I guess I'd rather see this case done a "better safe than sorry" scale; my guess is that, these accusers didn't meet at the local McDonalds and plan this all up, my guess is that DHS saw some correlation in the accusers' testimony that made the allegations believable; also, the childrens' own attorney was against this guy getting more parenting time; I have to give DHS the benefit of the doubt on this one
Pete Moss · GED · September 6, 2011 at 7:08pm
    not as easy to terminate a parent's rights as some may think
    (3) The court may terminate a parent's parental rights to a child if the court finds, by clear and convincing evidence, 1 or more of the following:
    (b) The child or a sibling of the child has suffered physical injury or physical or sexual abuse under 1 or more of the following circumstances:
    (i) The parent's act caused the physical injury or physical or sexual abuse and the court finds that there is a reasonable likelihood that the child will suffer from injury or abuse in the foreseeable future if placed in the parent's home.
    (ii) The parent who had the opportunity to prevent the physical injury or physical or sexual abuse failed to do so and the court finds that there is a reasonable likelihood that the child will suffer injury or abuse in the foreseeable future if placed in the parent's home.
    (iii) A nonparent adult's act caused the physical injury or physical or sexual abuse and the court finds that there is a reasonable likelihood that the child will suffer from injury or abuse by the nonparent adult in the foreseeable future if placed in the parent's home.
    again, what have his own children possibly been through that cannot be disclosed to the public in order to protect his children?
Denise Hall · September 6, 2011 at 7:29pm
    Pete, they aren't trying to terminate the mother's rights. And according to all of the articles I have read, NONE of the charges involve ANY of his children. They have NOTHING to go to terminate his rights. Like I said, until the trial is concluded and the verdict is read, I COMPLETELY agree with supervised visitation only for him and NOT in the family home. But termination before this has even gone to trial? Really?
Amy Partanen · Works at Childcare Provider · September 6, 2011 at 7:33pm
    Denise they did not terminate his rights!! if they did he would not have been given supervised visits at the dhs...mean while there are 11 counts..they did not come up with 11 counts by just pulling a number out of a hat. I am sure they had to interview and interview and interview more and more..cps does not like to take children away from parents or keep them away. They give every chance they can to try to keep the parents with the kids they give parents chance after chance. this story only was just now made public im sure this has been going on way longer then just now. also, I agree the better safe then sorry..someone has to look out for the children other then that does he really need to be home where the media can camp out on his lawn and watch everymove that his children do? I am sorry but you want to play that he is not guilty till trial..while everyone is saying that they are also saying other people kids, or young adults are liers..they also are being judged at the same time this man is. They were all removed from a place they thought they could call home also. They were placed in this mans care to be protected, something happen for the state to feel like this man did not do his job or they would not have shut this house down. there are two sides to this story and you cant say one is guilty with out saying the other one is not..both sides should be heard and taken into consideration meanwhile the best thing for his kids is to remove him untill this can get figured out. no matter what way you look at this SOMEONE'S CHILDREN are going to be hurt or have been hurt already..and no matter what way you look at this people lifes have and will continue to be affected!!
Amy Partanen · Works at Childcare Provider · September 6, 2011 at 7:35pm
    and Denise, children die sometimes because they do not speak up and no one knows what happens behind them doors..these children spoke up and they are being looked down at because they spoke up
Kate Stevens Chandler · Kalamazoo, Michigan · September 6, 2011 at 7:41pm
    Denise what exactly is your point? I know the process ive been through removal of a preditor to protect my other children they didnt keep me from my kids ever so denise there is something eLse going on and the courts know more than the public does obviously. Wake up
Amy Partanen · Works at Childcare Provider · September 6, 2011 at 7:45pm
    who says this is going to have a trial?? not all cases go to trial.
Guest Checks · Comstock Park, Michigan · September 6, 2011 at 7:57pm
    I am not sure I would call WOOD's reporting accurate. It is entirely weird to try and terminate one parent's rights while leaving the other parent's rights in tact. The last quote says, ""He's exploiting his children, as is his wife, by allowing their pictures to be put on YouTube videos and broadcast to the world."

    As someone whose made plenty of reports over the years one thing people do not realize is one aspect of abuse is, "abuse by act of omission" or the failure to protect. A neglect petition starts a process, it is going to court to ask the court to take jurisdiction. It is highly unusual to start that process by asking for termination of rights, it is far more unusual to target one parent if the other is actively assisting the other contrary to the interests of the children. Either way the termination hearing would be about 6 months down the road.

    Having said that keep in mind child abuse is both a civil issue and separately a criminal issue. These are literally two independent investigations. The allegations he abused these boys are resolved where CPS (DHS) is concerned.

    The other piece of this is we have to keep in mind this is not a new situation. This investigation could have been going on for months before the criminal charges were filed. There are lots of people involved and these kids have been vetted over and over.

    It is extremely early in this process and most times you are going to see a guilty plea. Whatever the case, it is time to make sure all kids are protected out of an abundance of caution. There are no winners, there are and will be, only losers. His kids are going to be hurt no matter what happens. If he did what he is accused of, his arrest is still pretty recent and he is going to need some time to process how serious this situation is.

    If he is guilty he's had great power over people's lives. Great power to satisfy his urges with the cloak of authority of law right under the noses of MANY people he would have come into contact with who, in theory, should be able recognize the evil consequences of his actions in the behavior of the kids. He made it work, he got away with it and he kept getting away with it...

    Now the system that was clueless for God only knows how long has caught on. If he is guilty he thought he got away with it and now the very people he played for fools are reaching into his life and shredding it. Does this alleged monster, who used human beings for his disgusting proclivities, even know how to put his kids first?

    If he is guilty, I think we will see a point where reality strikes and he pleads out so he can avoid having to listen to young people recount what he did, how he did it, when he did it, and the very intimate details of his most disgusting secrets.

    For my part, a decent man does not allow his lawyer to start out blaming the kids. That is just flailing around trying to warn the victims what is coming if they testify.
Steve Ring · September 6, 2011 at 8:01pm
    From what I've read, very few of you know little if any about this type of crime. The reason I do, is because it happened to a very close friend of mine. In cases like this one, where a person is accused of a sex crime against a child, no matter what the person is always considered guilty. From that point it's up to him to prove that he's not, not matter what he has to go through. In my Buddies case, his ex-wife accused him of "Touching" his grandson, which there is no way that could have ever happened. But because the child could speak on his own, he was too young to talk, the court took the ex's word for it and now my buddies in prison for the rest of his life. The year before this happened she wanted him to do something for her, but he was going on vacation with his new wife instead, and I remember her telling him "You'll be sorry". I'm sure he is now. These kids don't need proof, this guy needs proof he didn't do it, pure and simple.
Denise Hall · September 6, 2011 at 8:09pm
    I am awake Kate... And go back and READ the article attached to all these comments. It directly states that NONE of the 11 counts he's charged with involve his children. In this same article it states the State has filed a neglect petition to terminate his parental rights. And Wood isn't the only place I get my news from.

    By all of your responses, he has already been found guilty in the court of the public. For this man's sake, I hope that happens. After all, between the media, the courts, his accusers and people like all of you, his life is now forfeit.
Amy Partanen · Works at Childcare Provider · September 6, 2011 at 8:11pm
    I am willing to bet that this man will plea out to try to get a lesser charge
Amy Partanen · Works at Childcare Provider · September 6, 2011 at 8:17pm
    by all your responses you have found him not guilty!! You think its ok that he put his children through more stress then what they are already dealing with.. no one said that he did this to his kids..but if he did do it to others what makes it ok for him to be around any kids..what gives him more rights then all the kids in this story..why should he be found not guilty.. and everyone else is a liar

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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Comments: "Accused molester denied more kid time" 3
« Reply #32 on: January 23, 2012, 09:10:48 PM »
Comments left for the above article, "Accused molester denied more kid time" (by Ken Kolker, 06 Sep 2011, WOOD-TV8), #s 41-60:

Kate Stevens Chandler · Kalamazoo, Michigan · September 6, 2011 at 8:23pm
    Denise you are not awake if you watch the news and get the facts he still has rights for supervised visits why idk i would never let someone around my kidswith 11 counts of csc around My kids but since the kids were later teens in age they are all liars and he is innocent according to you and do you know that they are not still investigating his children i dont know really you are talking off the top of your head and dont know shit about what your talking about.
Denise Hall · September 6, 2011 at 8:38pm
    Yes he still has supervised visits and if you would have bothered to read what I have now typed at least twice, I agree with that. What I am having a problem with is why the state is petitioning to terminate his parental rights on accusations. This hasn't even gone to trial yet, but the state is gung-ho to damage the kids further than this whole situation already is. What happens if the termination goes through and he's found innocent? What happens to his children then? Despite what people think, he is innocent until PROVEN guilty. But since you are simply unwilling to see anything that I have asked or question - on top of deciding to cuss and be insulting, this conversation with you is over.
Guest Checks · Comstock Park, Michigan · September 6, 2011 at 8:53pm
    Denise let's look at some of what you say, "And go back and READ the article attached to all these comments. It directly states that NONE of the 11 counts he's charged with involve his children."

    First of all we know sex offenders RARELY have one victim. The man is innocent until proven guilty, but that does not mean society takes a roll of the dice with his children and the court ignores what is absolute reality about people who commit crimes of this nature.

    Your argument would seem to suggest as long as ones own kids have not spoken up, society is to take a chance.

    No thanks.

    Second, as I've said before I tend to think the reporting is misleading. The state almost NEVER asks for termination of rights so soon. It is most likely just a neglect case. Anyway terminating rights does require a full blown trial. It does not just happen.

    Third, WOOD has not told us what the neglect is. This is also missing. While I am sure it has some relation to the case, it is also likely there is something else in this matter the court will have to take a look at.

    What bothers people about your comments is you come off as quite willing to take a chance with the safety and well being of his children. As the responses should tell you, this is offensive to society. We do not want to take a chance with someone's life. The issues are very serious and already life changing for all involved. Right now separation ensures the safety of his kids and that is about the best we can do for these kids.
Amy Partanen · Works at Childcare Provider · September 6, 2011 at 8:57pm
    you are not even taken into consideration that he might be guilty then what?? and again i have seen two cases that did not make it public that they did not even make it to trial. Not all cases go to trial. The state is just petitioned it takes 6mths to a year if not more for that to go through. no matter what these kids did not just call the cops and say hey charge this man will 11 counts because we said so..My ex brother in law said he did not do it either but he took a does that make in not guilty cause he did not get a trail?? we will just have to seet happens but I am sorry Denise you are not being open minded or must be some how a family member if not maybe you should get this guy some help he needs you seem to know the ins and outs of what is right and wrong for eveyone involved..there is a process that has to be done. no matter if you or I or kate agrees if you dont like your state rep. im sure cps has other things they could focus on and they are not just making this to make a whole familys life hell..they are not monsters
Amy Partanen · Works at Childcare Provider · September 6, 2011 at 9:03pm
    sorry for the mistakes..this is just stupid that no one cares about the children all of this point if i was the mom to these kids I would do everything to protect them from seeing the tv or news and other people i would not post pictures so people can see them and know who they are and bother them...its all about protecting the children right now till this can be figured out no matter if he did it or not..they still need to be protected
Guest Checks · Comstock Park, Michigan · September 6, 2011 at 9:22pm
    I think you get it pretty right, Amy. This is one of those awful crisis in a marriage, a parent has to choose between a spouse or the children. It is fine to support the husband, but now she has the lawyers questioning how she is using the kid's images online to help the father. The last thing this mother needs is CPS coming at her for failing to protect the kids; and God help her if she does not follow the court order.

    And where in the hell is their lawyer on this petition crap and going public? Sure, go to the hearings, but getting their mugs on TV? Do they really think that is going to sway a potential jury in conservative Barry County? More likely it irks anyone who sees it because that is not how we do it in America when someone is accused of a crime. It smacks of manipulation.

    Not to mention the dumb comment from the lawyer about these kids being felons and delinquents. He should be saving it for the trial. He may think he gets a benefit in intimidating these kids from testifying, and while the prosecution is surely preparing them for the worst, they've got this clown on video and the prosecution can show them exactly what to expect and how to handle it.

    This is a bad situation all the way around, and no matter how it ends it ends bad for everyone. The mother better do what the Court says and let the process work its way.
Mary Rolfe · Top Commenter · September 6, 2011 at 10:15pm
    I just have a couple of things to say; first is State of Michigan, you need to do a better job of screening someone who claims to run a home for abused, neglected or special needs children............or any children for that matter. What was his training and background that made him qualified to run a home for children with these issues? Is he licensed? It is the taxpayer after alll who is paying him.

    Second, I can understand the need to be sure all his visits with his children are only of the supervised kind. The court needs to be sure this man is not trying to manipulate his own kids or suggest or coerce certain answers from them when they testify in court. And, just because his children have mada complaints of him molesting them, it does not mean he hasn't. Those children need to be safe too.
Guest Checks · Comstock Park, Michigan · September 7, 2011 at 3:06am
    Mary, I wish people like you would get a clue. Juts what should the State of Michigan do? Do you think these people are easy to find? A little extra training and it will all be okay?
Becky Swartzenegger · Top Commenter · September 7, 2011 at 4:03am
    Amy, you know what people mean by having the right to a fair trial. Not every case goes to trial because the suspects take plea deals, guilty or not because they are much better than what could result from a trial. That is up to them! Not the court! If they didnt want to take the plea, they didnt have to! They were given their rights! This man has not been given his rights. He is guilty until proven innocent.
Pete Moss · GED · September 7, 2011 at 4:36am
    Denise, you don't know that DHS has nothing to go on to terminate his rights because those details would NOT be made available to the public because it would involve identifying the children; and the mother better be careful in putting out youtube videos on the matter before she finds herself in the same boat
Guest Checks · Comstock Park, Michigan · September 7, 2011 at 5:26am
    Becky we can see you are pro-child molester. Now please stop it. The man has his rights and the state of Michigan is going to protect children from him until this case is over, as it should.
Amy Partanen · Works at Childcare Provider · September 7, 2011 at 6:50am
    Yes Becky I know what it means..I also know what it will mean for this family. because to get to a guilty or not guilty they have to go through ever last gross and nasty detail of what happen or what the kids said this man did to him. Do you really think he will be cleared of all 11 counts..thats a pretty big number?? I really dont think the dhs and cps said lets pick on this family. I think they have a job to do and they have to protect his kids. I dont think they pulled the number 11 out of a hat and say yup that will do!! also this man does have rights, I never said he did not, but the kids that say he hurt them, they also have rights to..and this mans children should not be used as pawns to show how loving and sweet he is or to prove is innocence either..they should be protected from matter if this man is guilty or not..THANK YOU GUEST CHECKS!! VERY WELL SAID!!
Guest Checks · Comstock Park, Michigan · September 7, 2011 at 7:28am
    Amy you are exactly right. Serious charges have been brought, and we have to keep in mind the Child Abuse Investigation is already done and decided. While those are not criminal charges he is in the Child Abuse Registry and the Family Court now takes up what happens next, separately from the criminal charges. He will get his due process.

    However, the state cannot simply ignore these allegations and refuse to take steps to protect any child who may come into contact with this man while he is out on bail. This is awful for everyone involved, but protecting the kids comes first.
Mike Solstice · Top Commenter · C.E.O. at Fedora Prime LLC · September 7, 2011 at 10:25am
    My name is Mike Solstice, I am the producer of the YouTube video in question. Prior to this case being brought to my attention over Facebook, I did not know Michael or any of the Terpenings. The pictures used in the video were downloaded from various albums publicly available on Facebook. No one asked me to make this video, nor was it made on anyone else's behalf, just my own - to express my own outrage at what is happening here & to help fight for a better system. Ignorant news stories like this one just fuel my fire; there's this little thing called "FACT CHECKING" - it's obviously something the Michigan Media, as well as your joke of a Human Services Department could learn a little something about.
Kate Stevens Chandler · Kalamazoo, Michigan · September 7, 2011 at 10:42am
    Denise for your benefit i will type slowly and clearly i am here to tell you from personal experiance the state would NEVER EVER EVER PETITION TO TERMINATE WITHOUT CONCRETE EVIDENCE YOU ARE BEING IGNORANT ABOUT THESE KIDS THEY NEED TO PROTECTED JUST LIKE. AMY AND GUEST CHECK STATED you on the other hand would like them to be pitched into the ring of fire you know nothing about the laws of termination if you did you would know termination does not give the public information on minors did you know when the foster kids and the kids in the house next doors rights were terminated no they were minors
Kate Stevens Chandler · Kalamazoo, Michigan · September 7, 2011 at 10:49am
    SO denise when you learn your facts and really figure out who should be protected definately not the kids in your eyes) then have at it but do the research and look up some laws check the centerAl registery for neglect and abuse cases otherwise just keep it buttoned and feed your bs To somebody who wants to read your load of dodo. GET A CLUE DENISE
Kate Stevens Chandler · Kalamazoo, Michigan · September 7, 2011 at 10:51am
Jamie Moore · September 7, 2011 at 1:46pm
    The Terpenings are my family...I also worked with these people making the accusations..I also reside in barry county these allegations are LIES one has recanted and before anyone spouts offthat the state police say he recanted his recantation..this person hasn't spoken to state police since he recanted..know the facts Susan and Mike Solstice do know the facts..the children of Michael and Amanda are NOT NUMBERS THEY ARE NOT A BONUS for dhs's pocket this is a LOVING FAMILY.
Guest Checks · Comstock Park, Michigan · September 7, 2011 at 2:30pm
    Jamie, I've worked with many people in placements for kids just like this. I worked in a large placement and was shocked the first time a co-worker was accused.

    Part of the problem is you are not being honest. You cannot know the truth. A sex offender would not invite you to witness his behaviors.

    DHS does not want this and you lose ALL credibility when you rely on the conspiracy nonsense. DHS would be far happier having a safe place for these kids than having to remove the kids and arrest this man.

    It is almost beyond belief that 5 kids would just make up these allegations. If you worked with these kids you would know the agony of sexual abuse. You would know how hard it is for young people, especially boys, to come forward. You would know there are far more people involved than the state police, and you would know enough to know you cannot possibly know what went on behind closed doors.

    Frankly, my hunch is you are getting duped by this defendant and his manipulation. By law, by the Constitution for that matter, he cam compel the appearance of witnesses. If the family was smart they would keep their yaps closed about so called recanting of stories. What could be better for Mr. Terpening than a witness appearing in Court telling everyone it did not happen? It would make for reasonable doubt on those charges and bring into question the other charges.

    However, his loud mouth lawyer stuck his face out to the camera and made stupid comments about the history of these kids. Smart move, ace. Got on TV and send the message you are going to tear these kids down. If there was an actual recanting I sure would want to be that kid's best friend if I were Mr. Terpening's lawyer.

    To me what I've seen from the family is a desire to sabotage the process of resolving these allegations through the courts. DUMB MOVE.

    Still we will wait and see.
Pete Moss · GED · September 7, 2011 at 3:01pm
    while the Terpening family may have seemed "loving" "normal" and all of that, its important to remember that child molesters don't wear signs and also remember how we've been told that "it could be the guy next door;" remember the shock of learning how many Catholic priests had sexually abused young boys?
    if Mrs. Terpening didn't post the youtube video of their children, and, had no knowledge of it, what action has she taken against the person who posted it?
    I think some of you think that his parental rights have been requested to be terminated based on these allegations, which isn't the case; there has been an investigation people, and there are likely alot of details of that investigation that have been sealed under court order and not available to the public; there isn't just one allegation from some troubled kid with a history of lying, there are FOUR allegations with a possible FIFTH, all by males, and males generally don't want that "label" of having been molested, so the fact that five males have made this same claim, well, that says alot
    and what is 32 year old doing with EIGHT KIDS?

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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: Earth Services / The House Next Door
« Reply #33 on: January 23, 2012, 11:55:37 PM »
Quote from: "wdtony"
It's ironic that [Susan Lynn Gillihan] is fighting for parent's rights and we are fighting for children's rights.
Personally, I think one of the primary goals of programs is to behaviorally modify citizens to be more in line and sympathy with both corporate and government interests. This is not necessarily in the best interests of said citizens.

On the face of it, both parents' rights organizations and children's rights organizations are advocating on the part of citizens (as opposed to big binnis and big gov). However, and certainly historically, parents' rights organizations have often been co-opted by the pro-program agenda.

That said, many children's rights organizations have also been thus co-opted.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline wdtony

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Re: Earth Services / The House Next Door
« Reply #34 on: January 24, 2012, 12:30:25 AM »
Quote from: "Ursus"
Quote from: "wdtony"
It's ironic that [Susan Lynn Gillihan] is fighting for parent's rights and we are fighting for children's rights.
Personally, I think one of the primary goals of programs is to behaviorally modify citizens to be more in line and sympathy with both corporate and government interests. This is not necessarily in the best interests of said citizens.

On the face of it, both parents' rights organizations and children's rights organizations are advocating on the part of citizens (as opposed to big binnis and big gov). However, and certainly historically, parents' rights organizations have often been co-opted by the pro-program agenda.

That said, many children's rights organizations have also been thus co-opted.

The explosion of prescribing psychiatric medications for disorders that were actually normal human experiences. I remember when depression became the new way out for people right before the 1990. Everyone, including myself, felt a huge sense of relief. This is because now doctors and pharmaceutical companies were telling us that it wasn't our fault.

I mean, wow.... just take a pill and it's not my fault. That was huge. And every parent jumped on the bandwagon. Who wanted to be responsible for themselves anyway? Then the kids were diagnosed with mental disorders and even more relief came over the masses of people who felt behind the 8 ball.

Fast forward to today, these drugs are on every channel, every day. I saw 2 commercials today where drugs were advertised as a second drug to aid children if the first drug wasn't working. Now we are speedballing kids?

How is this the government's fault? Well, it is big business that drives this crazy train down the tracks, but if it weren't for the money pumped into Washington, regulations might tighten up to protect citizens. The government gets another benefit from all of this...more controllable population dependent upon one more thing: drugs. Ironic that a drug is only bad if no profit is had. Pills making great money are "allowed". My friend Tim would call this an, "Allowed Cloud". The profits are almost unimaginable.

I think this is a bigger issue though. The issue of how so many people can be fooled based on peer beliefs and propaganda.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: Earth Services / The House Next Door
« Reply #35 on: January 24, 2012, 09:31:01 AM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Earth Services / The House Next Door
« Reply #36 on: January 24, 2012, 01:15:34 PM »
Quote from: "wdtony"
I think this is a bigger issue though. The issue of how so many people can be fooled based on peer beliefs and propaganda.
Propaganda can be a very important tool for social control in democratic societies...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Comments: "Accused molester denied more kid time" 4
« Reply #37 on: January 24, 2012, 01:55:10 PM »
Comments left for the above article, "Accused molester denied more kid time" (by Ken Kolker, 06 Sep 2011, WOOD-TV8), #s 61-78:

Pete Moss · GED · September 7, 2011 at 6:52pm
    thank you Susan, you answered a big question, being that 5 of the 8 children were adopted, I'm sure that DHS finds that to put them at a higher risk for harm since they're not his biological children; how do you know that the boy you've referenced wasn't coerced into writing the judge a letter stating that he had lied?
    the state & prosecutors CANNOT say whatever they want to the media; you have made yourself look like a fool for even making that claim
    so because Mr. Terpening worked various hours/shifts/was the "director," etc, that means that there can be no truth to the allegations? molesters aren't cut from one mold Susan
    what is the family doing about the person who made the youtube video? wouldn't the average, decent parent be extremely upset about a youtube video of their children being put out there for the world to see without their consent?
    a website written by an attorney doesn't make it true; IF DHS workers were paid a "bonus" when they remove children from a home, wouldn't there be more attempts to so?
    Susan, are you really comparing a picture someone has on their facebook page to the video of the Terpening children being used under the circumstances it has been? and you're comparing nose picking to child molestation? REALLY?
    REMEMBER: the world was shocked when the allegations against priests came out, child molesters don't wear signs stating that they're child molesters, they can appear to have normal, loving homes
    great job by DHS for taking the stand to protect children
Pete Moss · GED · September 7, 2011 at 7:23pm
    Susan, since you are so eager to be helpful in providing the public with information about this case, could you please comment on the text that was alledged to have been sent by Mr. Terpening to a male coworker in which Mr. Terpening offered that male fifty dollars for some type of sexual favor? (the text that other employees claim to have seen); was that false too? did other employees lie also?
    with the handul of supporters Mr. Terpening seems to have, its almost appears like he is worshiped like some sort of cult leader
Pete Moss · GED · September 7, 2011 at 11:03pm
    Susan, I'm wondering why you have ignored my question to you, could you please comment on the text that was alledged to have been sent by Mr. Terpening to a male coworker in which Mr. Terpening offered that male fifty dollars for some type of sexual favor? (the text that other employees claim to have seen); was that false too? did other employees lie also?
    being that 5 of the 8 children were adopted, I'm sure that DHS finds that to put them at a higher risk for harm since they're not his biological children; how do you know that the boy you've referenced wasn't coerced into writing the judge a letter stating that he had lied?
    to become a foster parent, one needs only three reference letters, about the amount of people Mr. Terpening has supporting him, so I would guess that Susan was a reference; how foolish and deceived those people must feel, as though its easier for them to remain in denial than admit they have been manipulated by Mr. Terpening
Pete Moss · GED · September 8, 2011 at 4:36am
    its quite obvious that DHS did a thorough investigation; the investigation started in May and charges were not sought until just recent weeks
Amy Partanen · Works at Childcare Provider · September 8, 2011 at 5:47am
    first this man was under an investigation way before the meda got a hold of this story. The media has done a great job trying to protect the children when they do show the video they smear out the childrens faces on tv, which im glad someone is thinking, because now everyone that has the internet can put them young faces with names and oh how sad is that, now these kids have to hear your who, your dad did what and all the other name calling and mean things people say and do...including the children these kids go to school with.
    other then the "dad" should be the one everyone blames in this matter, he did not get a call and say hey lets pick on this guy, its been comming for a while im sure he knew what was going to happen all along, but as far as the family and supporters they have made this case harder on the matter what spin you put on matter is this mans children who is going to have to deal with this the rest of their lives...the supporters seem more worried about protecting this man, who is an adult, and not his children..if the man was the " great dad" they supporters say, he would be worried about protecting them first..thats what parents do.
Amy Partanen · Works at Childcare Provider · September 8, 2011 at 5:58am
    Guests Checks, and Pete, she will understand when he dont walk away from this, untill then none of them will get it they just dont want to believe that someone they know could act this way or be this way, no one wants to believe that a family member or loved one would act like that.
Guest Checks · Comstock Park, Michigan · September 8, 2011 at 8:59am
    Here is the second part!

    One of the workers, the manager of the home got reprimanded. She was being paid for 40 hours of work, yet working rarely more than 20.

    Within the home there is a certain ‘chain of command’ that is to be followed. If there are complaints there is a ’board of directors’ that is to be notified first and foremost, to determine how to deal with things. This was not followed.

    Keep in mind the history of the boys/young men, abused, mentally, physically, sexually and lastly institutionalized. One of the boys wanted to leave, he had punched another resident in the face and since this was his 3rd assault charge he was facing jail time, he also had gotten a girl friend near his grandmas home. He is just a few months shy of being 18. His grandma was not considered a fit person for him to live with. Knowing what he did about the ’system’ he and another boy (who also knew the system) concocted a story. They went to the manager with this story and rather than follow the chain of command, she in her anger at being reprimanded called the police.

    The boy had accused the man of sexually abusing him. The man was not arrested on this charge. The boy was immediately placed within his Grandmothers home, which is where he wanted to go. The other boy (who helped him with his story) was upset, he wanted to leave too. He then made his accusation, saying that it wasn’t the other boy who was sexually abused, it was him. He was removed from the home, placed in yet another institution. The first boy got in trouble at his Grandmas and was placed in yet another institution.

    The home has the records of the history of all of these boys that is why they have a chain of command, rather than just calling the police. Both boys have a history of making accusations such as these. It can be found within their records. One would think that this would be discovered and that would be the end of it. There is absolutely not one shred of evidence that such a thing happened. The stories of both boys keep changing, neither one of them are able to tell the same story twice.
Guest Checks · Comstock Park, Michigan · September 8, 2011 at 12:02pm
    More depth on this story from the local newspaper. Interesting read, to say the least. ... 934-87.htm[/list]
Mike Boerman · Top Commenter · Langston, Michigan · September 8, 2011 at 4:39pm
    Guest Checks - you need to let it go lady. Last time I checked, this comments section is supposed to be related to the actual news story, not your vendetta against a fellow commenter. One might even say your obsession is bordering on psychosis?
Pete Moss · GED · September 8, 2011 at 5:48pm
    "family" members are probably the only support the guy has, whether they are biological family members or or his "followers"
Kate Stevens Chandler · Kalamazoo, Michigan · September 8, 2011 at 6:38pm
    The media got ahold of it and susan knows this so why is she so upset at guest checks for stating the facts its the internet public knowledge smh susan.
Amy Partanen · Works at Childcare Provider · September 9, 2011 at 5:50am
    I read the banner report!! they said one of reasons why they want the dad to come home is because having 8 kids is to hard on the mom!!! where are alll these supporters who should be helping this mom with the kids..and why would a mom ever take on kids any kids if they are to much for her!
Pete Moss · GED · September 9, 2011 at 6:19am
    what did Mrs. Terpening do when her husband was at the homes? maybe she can have her own tv reality show, Mrs Terpening plus 8
Guest Checks · Comstock Park, Michigan · September 9, 2011 at 8:23am
    And Amy hits a serious question hard and right.

    I think what the lawyer points and and Amy refines in her comment is an average person, especially a mom, has to step back and wonder what in the world is going on in the mind of Mrs. Terpening. I can absolutely understand wanting to back her husband, but reality right now is she has been and will be a single mom for a fair amount of time already, with more time coming. She can support her husband, but right now what is going on in her home is far more important.

    Yet one can really wonder if the kids are being put first.

    It is interesting because Susan Ward Gillihan responds to a person on the blog by saying, "Several of his supporters have been interviewed and are now being accused of following him like some sort of cult!"

    What is stunning is these people are entirely focused on the Defendant. Clearly his interests come long before the interests of preserving the family. This is hard to understand.

    She went on to say, "It's a shame, if he had no supporters then he would be condemned for that, those that do support him are suffering accusations. It's one of those 'cant win for losing' situations. We are just doing our best to help him stay strong in this adversity. We believe that he is a good man, that he did nothing wrong and with the help of God will be vindicated."

    Regardless of adversity, their kids should be put first. This seems to be missing in the crusade of his supporters.
Justine Newport · Waitress at Hooters · September 9, 2011 at 2:55pm
    I think this might be directed at you Guest Checks -[/list]
Guest Checks · Comstock Park, Michigan · September 9, 2011 at 3:50pm
    LOL, it is me, she even got my picture! ROFL, I love it!

    I have to love Susie Q Ward Gillihan. There is nothing I can write that better tells the story of those who support Mr. Terpening than to read these wild posts.

    Don't forget to read her comments on the, "witch hunt", too. ... eForwarder

This situation is terribly sad in the sense that when you look at the character of the people around Mr. Terpening, these are not people trying to rationally support him, it is all just personal attacks.

They do this man no favors. You would think after the article in the Hastings Banner they would back off and let this go through the courts without all the nonsense.[/list]
Pete Moss · GED · September 13, 2011 at 7:30pm
    agree Guest Checks; a supporter who refers to abused children as "abused animals," another supporter (likely close to seventy years old) who puts her fingers in her ears and sticks her tongue out at a witness IN A COURT HALLWAY, these things, coming from his "supporters," only brings his very own character further into question
Stacy Anderson Hislop · Inside Account Manager at BR Wholesale · October 12, 2011 at 9:30am
    Wow! I'm reading all of the comments and this all blows my mind. What ever happened to "innocent until proven guilty"? I am a close friend of Mike's, I have worked with him on many projects for the animal rescue and the boys home. I am not a "follower" I am a friend and it bothers me greatly that he is being attacked in this way. Of course I do not believe any of what he is being accused of but it's not because I cant fathom that someone I know is capable of something this heinous. It's because, at my age I have instincts and know, through those instincts that this is simply not possible. If anyone here knew this couple, the sacrifices they have made for their children and the children of others, less capable of parenting their kids, you would not be able to say the incredibly ridiculous things that have been said here. I offer this in closing; this is not an episode of Law and Order, these are real people. There are real lives being destroyed here. If that doesnt encourage you to think and feel any compassion then I leave you with this---what happens when your husband, brother, father, or son are accused of something like this?

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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Man accused of sexual assaults fights to see his children...
« Reply #38 on: January 24, 2012, 03:05:17 PM »
And, from another news source...

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WWMT - Newschannel 3
Man accused of sexual assaults fights to see his children at home

September 06, 2011 6:05 PM

Michael Terpening

HASTINGS, Mich. (NEWSCHANNEL 3) – A man accused of sexual assaults against teens is now fighting to return home to see his kids.

Attorneys for Michael Terpening and his wife Amanda have asked the court to reconsider visitation rules.

The judge ruled that Terpening won't get to visit his eight children at the family's home, instead he can only see them during supervised visits through DHS.

On Tuesday, attorneys assigned to look out for the interest of the children argued that the Terpenings are exploiting their own kids.

Terpening's attorney says there are no allegations that his client did anything against his own children and calls into question the credibility of those teens who've told police they were assaulted.

"Allegations are all made from either convicted felons or convicted delinquents," said Terpening's attorney Tom Schaeffer, "17, 18, 19 year old kids who have been in the system for some time."

However an attorney assigned to look out for the best interests of the Terpening kids says he resents the implication that the alleged victims' backgrounds means their word is no good. He says Terpening shouldn't get to visit his own eight children at home.

The attorney pointed to recent online efforts to prove Terpening's innocence as evidence that Terpening doesn't have the children's best interest in mind.

"He's exploiting his children by allowing them to be put on YouTube and broadcasting them to the world," said attorney James Kinney, "allowing petitions on the internet by people that clearly don't have the facts."

Video: Accused of Sexual Assault, Fighting to See His Kids

Copyright © 2012 Freedom Communications
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Report: Former Barry youth home director argues he should...
« Reply #39 on: January 24, 2012, 03:37:06 PM »
And, from yet another news source...

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Michigan Live LLC
Report: Former Barry youth home director argues he should be able to see his own children

Published: Wednesday, September 07, 2011, 8:52 AM  ·   Updated: Wednesday, September 07, 2011, 10:43 AM
By Rosemary Parker | Kalamazoo Gazette

HASTINGS — Former youth home director Michael Terpening, charged with 11 counts of criminal sexual conduct after teens in the home told police he had had inappropriate contact with them, was in court recently asking to be able to visit his own home and children, according to a report from Newschannel 3.

Video: Accused of Sexual Assault, Fighting to See His Kids

The station reported that attorneys for Terpening and his wife, Amanda, asked the court to reconsider visitation rules.

An attorney assigned to advocate for the children argued against relaxing visitation.

He said a YouTube video of family photos, which calls for viewers to sign a petition supporting Terpening, is exploitative and not in the children's best interest. Entitled "CPS Gone Wild ( Save the Terpenings)," the video had 582 views as 8:30 a.m. today

The judge refused the Terpenings' visitation request, and ruled he can only see the couple's eight children during supervised visits.

© 2012 Michigan Live LLC.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Comments: "Report: Former Barry youth home director argues..
« Reply #40 on: January 24, 2012, 03:47:56 PM »
Comments left for the above article, "Report: Former Barry youth home director argues he should be able to see his own children" (by Rosemary Parker; September 07, 2011; Kalamazoo Gazette / Michigan Live LLC):

LudicrousSpeed · September 07, 2011 at 9:07AM
    It is amazing to me that after being publicly chastised for the existence of the Youtube video and online petition that the video is still up..... The family was at least smart enough to remove the Facebook group. What is it going to take to at least get these people to stop wailing about his innocence? Are they going to require evidence in the form of video of the crimes?

    Do they not realize that they are themselves creating the media storm? I wouldn't have known of the custody hearing yesterday unless the supporters hadn't announced their "rally".

    It truly makes me sick that a man whose life was dedicated to taking care of troubled youth and animals in need rushes to blame those same youth FIRST. And his supporters do the same..... Im my opinion not a one of those volunteers deserve to be anywhere near troubled youth ever again.
horsefly773 · September 07, 2011 at 9:20AM
    To all of Mike Terpening’s family and supporters I say shame on you! You are trying to discredit a group of young boys who may have had bad lives and made their fair share of mistakes, but who really have everything to lose by making these kinds of allegations. In their circle of tough guys these boys face a life of harassment and hazing for admitting to be involved in this sort of activity.

    You should take a minute to analyze everything you know and choose to ignore. For starters, the animal division of EARTH is a complete fraud, and all of you know this. Dogs, cats and horses being bread and their offspring being pawned off like the people paying for them were saving the world. Animals bought at auction or in bulk from breeders at a discount only to be peddled as rescues.

    Not so long ago Mr. Terpening was involved in another case just like this one that just happened to fizzle when it hit the court room but the similarities are uncanny. Mr. Terpening has also been investigated for insurance fraud.

    Take a minute to ask farmers from the surrounding area how they feel about doing business with Mike Terpening. You want to call a group of children liars but are defending seemingly the best liar because it has taken this long for his little game to catch up with him. I’m not sure if you all understand what is going on here. Your boat is sinking quickly and it would not be a wise choice to support your captain at this point because HE ran you on the rocks.

© 2012 Michigan Live LLC.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Terpening denied extra, at-home parental
« Reply #41 on: January 24, 2012, 03:55:18 PM »
With regard to two comments from the large collection left for an earlier article, "Accused molester denied more kid time," namely:

    Guest Checks · Comstock Park, Michigan · September 8, 2011 at 12:02pm
      More depth on this story from the local newspaper. Interesting read, to say the least. ... 934-87.htm[/list][/list][/size]
      Amy Partanen · Works at Childcare Provider · September 9, 2011 at 5:50am
        I read the banner report!! they said one of reasons why they want the dad to come home is because having 8 kids is to hard on the mom!!! where are alll these supporters who should be helping this mom with the kids..and why would a mom ever take on kids any kids if they are to much for her!
      Well... here's that in-depth article from the Hastings Banner...

      Fwiw, it's extremely difficult to find a date on most of the material from the Banner, but I'd venture that the below article was published sometime between the 6th and 9th of September 2011.

      -------------- • -------------- • --------------

      Hastings Banner
      Terpening denied extra, at-home parental

      Michael Terpening, accused of 11 sex crimes with teenage boys under his authority, stood before Judge William Doherty in Barry County Probate Court Tuesday afternoon to ask for additional parental time at home with his eight children. Charges brought against 32-year-old Terpening do not currently involve his children. He and his wife, Amanda, were each at the defendant’s table, represented by their respective attorneys.

      Terpening is the former director of EARTH Services youth home near Bellevue, a residence for troubled teen boys. His defense attorney, Thomas Schaeffer, told Doherty the accusations of sexual molestation came from “felons and delinquents,” insinuating their statements were not reliable or reputable.

      The prosecution stated there was no change in circumstances, so there was no merit to change visitation rights ordered previously. In fact, prosecution said the defendants have been less than cooperative with visitation authorities and have exploited their children by allowing a YouTube video, with their photographs, to “go viral.”

      After hearing arguments from five attorneys, Judge Doherty determined the parental visitation will remain as previously ordered.

      When presenting his argument for Michael Terpening, Schaeffer said, “The parameters under which the contact exists at the present time are terrible from the standpoint of having any meaningful visitation or parenting time with the eight children. There are so many children, it is a burden on Mrs. Terpening, I would submit, to not only have that sort of parenting time existing and not in the home. There is no particular reason why this parenting time cannot take place in the home, with the children and the parents. If the court feels there needs to be a supervisory person, a person can be designated to be present during that time. It seems like that would be a reasonable solution to the matter, especially in light of the allegations under which the jurisdiction was taken here.

      “All the allegations in this particular matter against Mr. Terpening have nothing to do with minor children. There are no allegations. In fact, at the preliminary examination, it was confirmed by the various social workers there was no allegation that there was any improper treatment of his children.

      “The allegations were all made from either convicted felons or convicted delinquents, all of the ages 17, 18 or 19, and in the system for some period of time. Those are the people who have made the allegations. This is not going to be an easy road or a short road to bring out the pertinent facts in that regard. But, the facts at the moments are. .. they have a variety of motivations as to what they are testifying to.

      “The facts are my client and his wife have eight children that he is prohibited from seeing for any reasonable parenting time. In all due respect, your honor, it does not make sense, even in spite of what you will hear, and that is to protect the children. There is no indication the children are in any danger, have been or will be in any danger. If the court feels there is that concern, then I would respectfully suggest a third party adult, whether it is a relative or friend, who can be there during parenting time to monitor and make sure there is nothing inappropriate going on.

      “That is the basis for my motion your honor, and I respectfully ask you to give liberal contact and parenting time to Mr. Terpening, in the home, with the children, and if the court feels necessary, an adult supervisor to be present.”

      Amanda Terpening’s attorney, Keri Selleck, addressed the court by saying, “Mrs. Terpening has not given any indication there is a need to protect the children. She has done everything that has been asked of her up to this point ... She has the children in her possession while she has this cloud hanging over her head that if she doesn’t do everything she is supposed to do, the children could be removed. She will follow whatever guidelines the court sets out to make sure her children are protected, which she has done since this case began. I don’t think anyone can argue with the fact that she is protecting the children, whether she believes the allegations or not. She continues to make the protection of the children a priority.

      “She can provide names of third parties who would be more than happy to supervise visitation within the home, and follow any guidelines the court may set.”

      The Terpening children’s attorney James Kinney told Judge Doherty, “I oppose any increase in parenting time at this point. Although the allegations and petition do not involve Mr. Terpening’s own children, the court is well aware of [a 1973 legal precedent] ‘How a person treats one child, is how he may treat another child.’ That same concept is still used in opinions stated on July 19 and July 21 of this year, and the Supreme Court also used it last year. It says it applies to even how he treats another’s child, not just his own child. We have very serious allegations here.

      “We have Mr. Terpening orchestrating a public display of alleged innocence. He is exploiting his children, as is his wife, by allowing their pictures to be put on YouTube videos and broadcast to the world. By allowing petitions on the Internet that are clearly, although well-meaning by those that put it up, clearly do not have all the facts.

      “We have four people currently who have accused Mr. Terpening of sexually molesting them. This started all the way back in 2003, when he was accused by another person. These four individuals don’t necessarily have any common interest, and I resent the accusation, because they are supposedly convicted felons or juvenile adjunctees, that their word is no good. That they can’t be victims too.

      “What I see [from the reports] is a man who is grooming these children and grooming those around him. I want to read something I got on the grooming process of a child sexual predator. ‘Just as we groom ourselves before going out, to make us look presentable, predators often groom themselves as wonderful, caring people. They may involve themselves in your family’s life, do great things in the community. This is a trick. This is their game. This is their way of being open about being sneaky, and gaining more access to your child. They often set themselves up to be high profile in the community, and they spend a lot of energy in assuring their innocence.’

      “That’s exactly what we have going on here. I do not believe Amanda Terpening can protect these children against Mr. Terpening. In fact, when I read one of the reports of a visit allowed at a park, Mr. Terpening took his young son to the bathroom. Under normal conditions, no one would care about that. So, they went over to the bathroom and [according to the report] who’s watching with an eagle eye? Amanda Terpening. I am concerned that she knows something is going on. I am concerned that she is still under his influence.

      “If she really believed in taking care of the best interest of her children, she would have accepted the prosecutor’s offer. The offer was quite simple and in writing. ‘Tell the truth about what is going on. Make a statement. Be prepared to back it up with a polygraph [test]. If you do so, we will dismiss you from this petition.’ She had an opportunity to get out of this petition, and she chose not to, to support her husband in spite of increasing evidence of his wrong-doing.

      “Furthermore, I do not believe the parenting time is inadequate. It does meet the state standards. If anything, Mr. Terpening has somewhat abused that parenting time by trying to insist on other individuals being in that parenting time, other than he and his children. I do not believe he should have any more parenting time, other than what is already scheduled, supervised by the agents.”

      Several of the Terpening’s children are foster children, some of whom are part of the Potawatomi Tribe. The attorney representing the tribe and its members, Nancy Bogren, said, “First of all, your honor, I expected in support of the motion [for more time] we would have some testimonial evidence. Is that forthcoming? Because what I was expecting was that we would hear about some change in circumstance that would be brought to the court’s attention and would make looking at the circumstances appropriate because something came forward from the children’s therapists or something of that nature. But, we don’t have that.

      “Basically, Dad wants more time with his kids. We do understand that. This is not a case where the prosecutor’s office, on behalf of a petitioner, is seeking to reunify these children with their father. They are seeking to terminate his parental rights. That makes this case entirely different. It doesn’t apply when there is a termination petition which accompanies the original neglect petition. This court can simply deny parenting time to the father. That is not the request at this point, although, I think the record would support it.

      “Despite the assurances we receive from the mother that she would do anything, cooperate in any way, that is not, in fact, the case. If we have to develop that through the case worker, then I suggest we do. [Amanda Terpening] is not willing to do anything. She is not willing to do everything. She doesn’t even really communicate with the case worker. We have no way of knowing how the children are doing. It doesn’t give us an overwhelming confidence that she is the appropriate person to be supervising visits in the home. Nor does this recent media blitz, whereby there is a YouTube video, an online petition, the children’s pictures all over the Internet attached to the family name, attached to the allegations in this case. Who among that group is an appropriate person to supervise visits in the home? [Michael Terpening’s] supporters are on camera saying this is a witch hunt. The YouTube video is called ‘CPS [Child Protective Services] Gone Wild.’ Those are the folks who are appropriate to supervise in the home and report if something inappropriate goes on? I don’t think so. The only person appropriate to supervise these visits is employed by the department of human services, and the reason the restrictions were put in place is because everyone has grave concerns about these children’s safety.”

      Assistant Prosecutor David Banister briefly asked the court to leave the current supervision and visiting parameters in place without any amendment.

      Doherty responded to the defendants and the attorneys.

      “I have listened to the arguments of counsel. I, at this point, quite certainly do not know the truth or falsity of the allegations made against Mr. and Mrs. Terpening. Juries will make that determination in this case and the criminal case. However, there has been some preliminary determination by Referee [Vicky] Alspaugh of probable cause; probable cause that this did happen. Therefore, it is perfectly appropriate to have restrictions on visitation. In fact, it was something I considered suspending — parenting time, altogether. However, I was not the one to listen to the testimony. Referee Alspaugh found no reason not to allow the limited visitation at the department of human services. There has been no formal request to have this court suspend the parenting time.

      “I will point out I do think parenting time is important, but these allegations are very, very serious. I, myself, as a young person had a father who went to Korea while he was in the Army. For an entire year, we did not see my father, and we all survived. These children will survive, as well. Hopefully, we will have some resolution or additional information after the criminal case is processed. The motion [for additional time] is denied.”

      The Terpenings will go before Judge Doherty once again on Nov. 22 for a pre-trial.

      © Copyright  Hastings Banner.
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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      Re: Earth Services / The House Next Door
      « Reply #42 on: January 24, 2012, 06:04:22 PM »
      Quote from: "N.O.S.O.B."
      bend the mind to fit the maze...

      people are miserable with the world and rather than social justice there is psychopharmacological control...

      I just wonder when they will start medicating the water...other than flouride I mean...

      probably once the fracking solvents evaporate and the earth's water cycle is undrinkable....and Haliburton owns the water purification market...that's about when all drinking water will be medicated....

      I have some friends that work for the water district. I have seen the bags of chemicals (including fluoride) they pour into the wells near the river. There is a lab at each of the redistribution centers and holding tanks for post treated water. After it is stored there for a time, it is retested for chemical content and bacterial percentages, etc. Then it is sent out to water towers. Also, there are other dry chemicals added to water and then removed before being sent to redistribution centers.

      I suppose it could be possible for the government to add something to the water at any point but it would have to be done secretly or have an excuse as another reason to add it. The lab simply does not routinely test for drugs in the water so it could get past the lab, to my knowledge. According to some reports, trace amounts of antidepressants are already showing up in our water supply due to the fact that we do not filter drugs, herbicides, pesticides, etc. from the water. That is another reason i do not like the extreme overprescribing of these drugs....people excrete them, flush them, you name it, and it gets back into our water supply.

      At this time, in theory, the government could actually just dump a large quantity of a drug near the river inlet (pre-treatment) and we would be none the wiser. That could get the drug into our supply without anyone knowing it. One other way would be to mix a drug with a chemical such as chlorine or fluoride and we wouldn't know either. So, I guess it is very possible to do.

      As for fluoride, I see no reason it should be in drinking water since we can get enough fluoride for tooth health through our toothpaste. But there are probably more dangerous chemicals in our drinking water than that like pesticides, etc.
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
      Pathway Family Center Truth =

      Offline Ursus

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      Hearing for former youth home director held behind closed do
      « Reply #43 on: January 28, 2012, 06:23:36 PM »
      Moving right along...

      The next flurry of news coverage comes in the wake of Michael Terpening's preliminary hearing with regard to the sexual assault charges. Given the nature of the charges, and the riled up nature of local sentiment, the judge opts to close the hearing to both the public and the press:

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      WWMT - Newschannel 3
      Hearing for former youth home director held behind closed doors

      September 12, 2011 8:41 AM

      Video: Preliminary Hearing Closed To Public
        A former youth home director facing sexual assault charges is in court today to see if he'll stand trial.
      HASTINGS, Mich. (NEWSCHANNEL 3) - A former youth home director who is facing sexual assault charges was in court today to see if he'll stand trial.

      Michael Terpening ran a group home near Bellevue called Earth Services as well as the House Next Door program in Barry County.

      Investigators say he targeted at least four teens in his care and now faces 11 criminal charges.

      Last week a judge ruled that Terpening can not see his eight children except on supervised visits.

      Today a judge closed the preliminary hearing to the public. There were some tense moments in court. Both the public and media were kicked out.

      The prosecution filed a motion to keep the hearing behind closed doors due to the sensitive nature of the case.

      Terpening's lawyer agreed to the motion and the judge ruled that the preliminary hearing would be held in private.

      Many supporters showed up for Terpening and were very upset about being kicked out. They spent the morning sitting outside the courtroom doors, waiting for the hearing to be over.

      We will let you know when we find out what happened during the hearing.

      Copyright © 2012 Freedom Communications
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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      Offline Ursus

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      Terpening to face trial for 12 assaults
      « Reply #44 on: January 28, 2012, 06:48:58 PM »
      Apparently, in the wake of this hearing, the number of sexual assault charges have, once again, also gone up. Now... they are twelve in number.

      Two clips of news footage accessible via the below title link:

          Michael Terpening is accused of assaulting four of his young male clients at the youth home he directed.
          A judge banned the public from a preliminary hearing on Monday for a former youth home director charged with sexually assaulting four clients.
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        Terpening to face trial for 12 assaults

        Judge cleared court during prelim hearing Monday

        Updated: Tuesday, 25 Oct 2011, 1:32 PM EDT
        Published : Monday, 12 Sep 2011, 9:50 AM EDT
        By Ken Kolker

        Spectators stand in the hall at the Barry County courthouse after the judge cleared everyone from the Michael Terpening preliminary hearing. (Sept. 12, 2011)

        Michael Terpening at a custody hearing for his children (Sept. 6, 2011)

        HASTINGS, Mich. (WOOD) - When Michael Terpening walked in to a preliminary hearing on Monday, he was faced with 11 counts of sexual assault. Before he walked out, he was bound to stand trial for 12 assaults.

        News of the 12th assault came after the judge cleared the courtroom on Monday.

        Terpening, 32, was in court to face a preliminary hearing on charges involving males in their mid- to late teens while he was operating Earth Services and The House Next Door -- Barry County programs for troubled teens. He allegedly assaulted four of his young male clients.

        The courtroom behind Terpening, who is currently free on bond, was packed with supporters just before Monday's hearing who insist that the four alleged victims are lying.

        "Anybody would love to have Mike for a son. Absolutely love Mike," said Liz Smith, Terpening's great aunt.

        One supporter, who says she spoke to the suspect last night, says she braced herself for the allegations.

        "He said what they have charged is really ugly. He said it's going to be embarrasing," said Linda Timmons, a friend of Terpening. "The people who are persecuting him are people who are of poor character," she added.

        Barry County Prosecutor Tom Evans says he believes Terpening's supporters had another purpose -- intimidation.

        "The presence of the people here; It's certainly a case of might beats right, okay. We'll bring in our three out-of-town attorneys, we'll bring in all our buddies, and we'll just run right over these kids, and we'll run right over this little prosecutor's office," said Evans. "There may be turnip trucks here, but I didn't just fall off of one."

        Then, Judge Michael Schippers closed the courtroom to the public, agreeing with prosecutors and the defense that the testimony was too embarrasing for the victims.

        "This is insulting; this is downright insulting," said Smith of the public's ejection from the courtroom.

        The prosecutor told 24 Hour News 8 that police have placed one victim into protective custody. He was among those expected to testify on Monday.

        A former worker at Terpening's home, Jamie Moore-Bell, says she has had contact with that victim:

        "He fully admitted that these were lies, that this did not happen, and he wanted to make this right," said Moore-Bell. "The state police were saying that that's coercion; I coerced him into making these statements."

        The father of one of the victims, who says his son was assaulted by Terpening, spoke with 24 Hour News 8. The father of the victim was angry that the courtroom was closed. When asked by 24 Hour News 8 if he wanted to be present in the court to protect his son, he agreed enthusiastically:

        "You're damn straight. Nobody else could protect my son when they were up here," said the father.

        The father of the victim says he drove his 16-year-old son from Indiana to the courthouse on Monday at the prosecutor's request.

        "I don't know if he's in the courtroom right now or not. As far as I know, he's in there talking to the prosescutor. They're not going to talk to my son that way," he said.

        He says police recently approached him about Terpening. That's when his son said the man had touched him about four or five years ago.

        "Touched him in some wrongful places," he said.

        The father of the victim says his son was about 12 years old at the time.

        Supporters of Terpening insist that witnesses are lying. But prosecutors say some of the victims were at the home at different times.

        "Some of them have never met before," said Evans.

        The father of the victim says his son isn't making it up: "I want justice for the other children."

        Terpening is married and has eight children. None of the alleged victims are Terpening's children, but he was ordered not to spend time alone with his children last week.

        All content (c) Copyright 2000 - 2012 WOOD Television, Inc.
        « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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