Author Topic: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON  (Read 366321 times)

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Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« on: December 30, 2011, 08:34:07 PM »
Re: What Are You Looking At?
by DannyB II » 16 Dec 2011, 16:17

none-ya wrote:
You guys are debating semantics.Those old programs were not controlled experiment.But they were experimental in as much as they didn't know what the hell they were doing.


This is a fact!!!!

We give these programs and their owners way to much credit. If the military was interested in Synanon or any other program it was for their purposes and they would not be sharing their conclusions.
So we speculate, which in and of itself is interesting but lets call it what it is.
Wayne brings up the most interesting question I had heard in months. Who the hell gave Elan permission to have a ring, spankings, haircuts (screaming at another), GM's. Every state and many parents knew.
I can only speak during the 70's on this. Please don't don't let state of Illinois, R.I or New York fool you by their actions. They knew exactly what was going on. Marvin Schwartz (Ill.) played a big part in comforting parents that Elan was a great place during the fiasco in 1975. The powers to be wanted to save their asses.
There is a large population of legislators both state and federal who believe the abuse that goes on in these programs is justified. Much has not changed IMO in 40 years with this sentiment.
Exposer is the only way. The politicians in Maine who approved this abuse need to be named publicly and so on with every state.I have had success and peace of mind. I'll take peace of mind over success, always.DannyB II
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fuck you , you fuckin idiot.
Marvin Schwartz funneled children to elan.

Years before your Mariam Streets funneled you to elan.
You know dam well who the politician was that  protected elan during your time as an employee , ,even Ursus knows who this was you fuckin idiot with no testicles. Yet because you apparently have no dick as well as no testicles you decide to play games,  What pin the program on the politician!!!

Fuck you bennison you low life piece of scummy shit and go suck on your pinky DIAMOND of success.

You know god dam well who was protecting elan yet you have not the human decency of being a man and come forward with the truth. You fish to see what people know about your precious elan. You are true whore bait , a nut less coward supreme.

And Dan we all know that you believe that what went on in ELAN  was justified to whom you felt  and deemed deserved it. Who the fuck are you to post such smegmahed bullshit ,you lying nutless freak of a nutjob.

Everytime you post you expose yourself as the guilty sack of shit that you have been accused of being.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2011, 08:51:17 PM »
this topic could be interesting. There is enough  fodder for this cannon to go off, many , many ,  fucking times.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline DannyB II

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2011, 09:44:25 PM »
« Last Edit: March 01, 2013, 09:56:15 PM by DannyB II »
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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2011, 10:09:34 PM »
Danny Bennison you lying pecker tracked stained of a fucken man whore. You can't speak for the 70's as you say you can, you slack jawed cock sucker.

Take the hog nipple out of your ass and remember you can only speak about elan from the time you fucken got there until you left in Novemeber of 1978 as a fucken employee.

You got there ,ass lips, in June of 1975, therefore you were only on the  elan property for  18 months as a elanian and 22 months as a sicko bastard employee of elan.   thats 8 months short of 4 mutha fucken years you lying sack o' shit.

Where the fuck do you in your fucked thinkin get off believing that you can "only speak for the 70's about elan " Mother fucker you dont even know what the fuck elan was about anyway.You can't speak about elan during the 70's shit head , you weren't there for all the fucken 70's ,you can barely speak about elan for 3 1/2 years.

Those 3 1/2 years that you were asscociated with elan , god forbid , does not constitute as 10 muther fucken  years asshole . Danny Bennison you are a fucken LIAR when you say that you speak about elan for the 70's you weren't there for the whole ten fucken years of the 70's .  Where the fuk do you get off nigga , lying about shit that you have no clue about.

To clue you in Danny Bennison elan was about making money. It was not about saving children you dumb ass hog nipple draining slack jawed shit for brains dick jockey.

Though to you it was muther fucken fun game, until you got fired.

Danny Bennison you are a fucken liar.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2011, 11:06:56 PM »
[/b]"no one from Elan or any other program has accused me of anything". [/b]


Man you really are a sick ingrained lying whack off. You  Danny Bennison have been accused of ;

verbally abusing women
being a pedophile

Shit Danny Bennison the only thing it seems you have not been accused of that we  know of is murder.Then again who knows ?

We all know what you have done ,we have seen your words and we remember the words you have deleted .You can try to rationalize them any way you want, yet , it has always been you , not you defending your self , just you being you, a lying sick demented nutjob  , who will never be able to be truthful and accept responsibility for your shit ,cause we all know you are incapable of doing that or of telling the truth.

And bennison this is everywhere on the web, not just fornits where you are imfamous for being a sick abusing  lying fuck.

You have power, shit thats a  hahahahahahahaha,  not like the good old days when you were a elan employee, wink ,wink. This is the real world bennison , you don't have any power.You have games and  you run your  games and  they are as sick as you.

We have watched you.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2011, 02:29:21 AM »
Quote from: "DannyB II"
fuck you , you fuckin idiot.
Marvin Schwartz funneled children to elan.

Did I write something in my post that led you to believe Marvin didn't funnel kids to Elan. My point was Marvin Shwartz comforted the parents from Illinois who had children at Elan, while the State of Illinois was trying to pull them out. Marvin was saying,"Elan was a good place to have your children".

Years before your Mariam Streets funneled you to elan.

Not sure who is or was Mariam Streets but this person or organization had nothing to do with my placement at Elan in June of 1975.

You know dam well who the politician was that protected elan during your time as an employee , ,even Ursus knows who this was you fuckin idiot with no testicles. Yet because you apparently have no dick as well as no testicles you decide to play games, What pin the program on the politician!!!

I am sorry that my mind set was not more disciplined or focused on the inner political workings of Elan. Politics did not interest me to much at 17, 18 and 19 years old. Women, sports and hanging out did, though.
You really give me more power then I deserve.  :D

Fuck you bennison you low life piece of scummy shit and go suck on your pinky DIAMOND of success.

Hope this language works for you.

You know god dam well who was protecting elan yet you have not the human decency of being a man and come forward with the truth. You fish to see what people know about your precious elan. You are true whore bait , a nut less coward supreme.

All I can say to this is once again you give me much more power then I deserve. I am not interested in cloaking any information I have concerning Elan, this is just paranoia on your part. If I had information to reveal I would have posted it long ago. All I do have is conversation from the owners and other employees. Most of which I can not remember verbatim, which makes it useless.
I wish I would have been older and more educated at the time of my employment.  

And Dan we all know that you believe that what went on in ELAN was justified to whom you felt and deemed deserved it. Who the fuck are you to post such smegmahed bullshit ,you lying nutless freak of a nutjob.

Why would I believe in hurting people (as you are doing right now and have been doing for months now)?? Why would I justify this??
Have you found anything here that I have written that would give you this impression. Please post this information so I can correct the misunderstanding.

Everytime you post you expose yourself as the guilty sack of shit that you have been accused of being.

No one from Elan has accused me of anything. The guilt you speak of may just be your own and you are projecting this onto me.
I will say this once again, "no one from Elan or any other program has accused me of anything".
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2011, 06:49:15 AM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2011, 07:11:54 AM »
Quote from: "Inculcated"
From the Chat Box:
(2009.12.27 - 19:20:36) Inculcated: Danny B are you still too shy to speak of when/where you were you in Daytop?
(2009.12.27 - 19:20:44) Danny_Bennison: No

 (2009.12.27 - 19:21:31) Inculcated: Okay…
(2009.12.27 - 19:21:33) Danny_Bennison: I was just 12 yrs old and it was in White Plains N.Y

[Note:Daytop White Plains New York=Wrong answer. In 1971,Millbrook was the 1st and only residential facility for adolescents.]

(2009.12.27 - 19:21:47) Inculcated: what year?
(2009.12.27 - 19:21:52) Danny_Bennison: Can you believe that
(2009.12.27 - 19:22:05) Danny_Bennison: 1971
[Note: Nope]
(2009.12.27 - 19:22:16) Inculcated: Which house were you at?
(2009.12.27 - 19:22:48) Danny_Bennison: I was only there maybe 2 mons.
(2009.12.27 - 19:23:03) Danny_Bennison: I still trying to find the info
[Note: Still lookin’?]
Recently, Bennison Posted an answer to Anne Bonny claiming to have been at Daytop in 1973 This is in the midst of one of those posts where he gets really vile.

A couple of posts down on that page there’s a quote where Bennison also says 1971 for Daytop and Marathon in 1973 and Élan 1975

Today,Bennison recalls: “Women while I was at Daytop, Marathon, Elan and The Third Nail did not get literal haircuts”

He's right... which is so weird because during his alleged brief stay as a twelve year old in an adult facility (whether 1971 or 1973) there were no women there.

Good guess Bennison. They did not, but you shouldn’t know that since Daytop didn’t cohabitate males and females until 1975. In the Monsignor words (p.73/74)”It took us a full decade to realize that women were not getting their fair share of Daytop treatment”  “On the outside all our residents will have to live together harmoniously with both women and men . There’s no reason not to begin teaching those lessons in treatment.” ”Since 1975 women have been fully integrated into the regular treatment”
Even though you’re totally full of it about Daytop,you're here all day every day unwittingly serving as an(albeit tragically idiotic) ever present reminder. Your endless lies, deflections and threats and vulgarities all imbued with glaring ignorance and paternalistic condescensions are a reminder to everyone exactly what program mentality was like.

When you're not derailing threads, threatening other posters or directing sexualized aggression toward them,then go on tell us all about The Third Nail.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2011, 07:16:02 AM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #9 on: December 31, 2011, 11:06:04 AM »
God Dam Danny Bennison you write that Marvin Swartz was "comforting " parents of elan residents .

Man you really are a lying idiot . Marvin Swartz was lying to the parents ,he was not comforting them you lying shit bag . God Dam you really can't tell the truth about anything.

You really do try to hide the truth about elan , what are you still a fucking  EMPLOYEE,

Mary Leahy and the state of Illionios had the goods on elan ,they had them dead to sights . Only problem was that she had no clue what elan really was. No one did that was on the up and up as in honest ,you  lying idiot.  That it would use its residents to lie under oath at the trial . who could imagine that would happen and yet it did.

It was the grandest con that your saroggote Daddy Joe Ricci ,your words on your  facebook page ,the Elan after years , really what heck does that even mean , the Elan after years . Retorhical  moron.

Fiasco my ass.

It was  the greatest con or scam or game that Ricci ,your daddy ever played . If it worked it was gonna make Ricci the richest street con artist  gankster wannabe , beyond his wildest dreams and if it failed , Well  Mary Leahy and the state of Illinois was gonna bury Elan and Ricci. It was no fiasco ,it was a well played, a  well set up  con that Leahy and Illinois never saw coming. And Marvin Swartz was part of that con.

It gave that odd duck Ricci his raincoat , and made him rich all based on his ability to tamper with witnesses ,which were  getting  the children to lie on the witness stand under oath .

Bennison you really are the fornits lying idiot . First you have selective amnesia and that goes hand in hand with your selective perception  of Elan as you promote yourself as being the one and only authority on Elan . You are a stupid little self promoting idiot .

The con that ricci pulled on Mary Leahy and the state of illinois ,  did  not only  make Ricci and his goon squad that ran it rich ,it destroyed many families and many lives. Yes Danny Bennison your precious Elan caused many people to commit suicide.

The really fucked up thing Bennison is that you deny that people are dead because of elan , you say it was because they were fucked up to begin with.

What is ironic is that you promote yourself as the go to Elan historian ,yet you have no clue as to what elan was.  And your inability to tell the truth, due to your selective amnesia makes you a fool to think  anyone can't see right thru your bullshit .

I know makes you wish for the days where you deludedly thought you had the greatest power in the world over people during your employment at Elan, wink ,wink . I know Danny Bennison you long for those days when you could put fear in the hearts of children .

Yet In the end you are one bitter sick lying old mentally ill  fool who is a nobody .
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #10 on: December 31, 2011, 11:27:37 AM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #11 on: December 31, 2011, 01:46:31 PM »
Quote from: "Bennison is the fornits LYING idiot"
God Dam Danny Bennison you write that Marvin Swartz was "comforting " parents of elan residents .

Man you really are a lying idiot . Marvin Swartz was lying to the parents ,he was not comforting them you lying shit bag . God Dam you really can't tell the truth about anything.

You really do try to hide the truth about elan , what are you still a fucking  EMPLOYEE,

Mary Leahy and the state of Illionios had the goods on elan ,they had them dead to sights . Only problem was that she had no clue what elan really was. No one did that was on the up and up as in honest ,you  lying idiot.  That it would use its residents to lie under oath at the trial . who could imagine that would happen and yet it did.

It was the grandest con that your saroggote Daddy Joe Ricci ,your words on your  facebook page ,the Elan after years , really what heck does that even mean , the Elan after years . Retorhical  moron.

Fiasco my ass.

It was  the greatest con or scam or game that Ricci ,your daddy ever played . If it worked it was gonna make Ricci the richest street con artist  gankster wannabe , beyond his wildest dreams and if it failed , Well  Mary Leahy and the state of Illinois was gonna bury Elan and Ricci. It was no fiasco ,it was a well played, a  well set up  con that Leahy and Illinois never saw coming. And Marvin Swartz was part of that con.

It gave that odd duck Ricci his raincoat , and made him rich all based on his ability to tamper with witnesses ,which were  getting  the children to lie on the witness stand under oath .

Bennison you really are the fornits lying idiot . First you have selective amnesia and that goes hand in hand with your selective perception  of Elan as you promote yourself as being the one and only authority on Elan . You are a stupid little self promoting idiot .

The con that ricci pulled on Mary Leahy and the state of illinois ,  did  not only  make Ricci and his goon squad that ran it rich ,it destroyed many families and many lives. Yes Danny Bennison your precious Elan caused many people to commit suicide.

The really fucked up thing Bennison is that you deny that people are dead because of elan , you say it was because they were fucked up to begin with.

What is ironic is that you promote yourself as the go to Elan historian ,yet you have no clue as to what elan was.  And your inability to tell the truth, due to your selective amnesia makes you a fool to think  anyone can't see right thru your bullshit .

I know makes you wish for the days where you deludedly thought you had the greatest power in the world over people during your employment at Elan, wink ,wink . I know Danny Bennison you long for those days when you could put fear in the hearts of children .

Yet In the end you are one bitter sick lying old mentally ill  fool who is a nobody .

Agreed ,though you have misspelled Marvin's last name , it is Schwartz , still it doesn't take away from your message ,Thanks for posting the truth.At least some one is paying attention and for that we thank you.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline DannyB II

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #12 on: December 31, 2011, 04:17:15 PM »
« Last Edit: March 01, 2013, 09:57:40 PM by DannyB II »
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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #13 on: December 31, 2011, 06:20:11 PM »
Bullshit. Joe made a deal with Mark, and the rest of the kids who came back

Any fool knows that
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #14 on: December 31, 2011, 10:29:38 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »