Author Topic: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School --????  (Read 33127 times)

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Re: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School --????
« Reply #15 on: December 23, 2011, 03:05:56 AM »
« Last Edit: February 02, 2012, 09:52:52 PM by Anonymous »

Offline eric

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Re: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School --????
« Reply #16 on: December 23, 2011, 03:22:32 AM »
Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
You're missing a brain.

Oh, Wayne, you big bully... Maybe you should take up that kind offer for anger management classes. You clearly have some issues to work out that seem to be manifesting themselves in my direction, for some unknown reason. Let's not be mean, okay. Adults can disagree, can't they? You're an adult, right?

Program Watch got their money and

I really don't think that they did.

CAFETY never responded when I asked where to send it. Kathryn got back to me this afternoon

That's just not true, I was the Treasurer for CAFETY while you were self-promoting your book and promising everyone the profits... and not once did we receive an inquiry. And, presumably you have an Internet connection, which probably points to, which is a great way to find out where to send "it".

But that's very convenient that Kat got back to you today, just as I brought this up to you. What a coincidence!

you're just an asshole.

And you're a dishonest hack who promises money to charities to try and sell a few extra copies of that literary swill you call a book.

I also told you I'm not self published

 ::OMG:: Oh. My. God. Yes you are.  

Goodnight, Wayne. Go read a book. A real one.

Seasons Greetings,

Eric Norwood
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School --????
« Reply #17 on: December 23, 2011, 03:27:36 AM »
« Last Edit: February 02, 2012, 09:53:19 PM by Anonymous »

Offline Pile of Dead Kids

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Re: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School --????
« Reply #18 on: December 23, 2011, 06:43:35 AM »
I swear, if you put any two people from Elan (no seriously, any two) and a knife in the same room, one or both of them would be dead within three minutes.

What the fuck did they do to you in there?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
...Sergey Blashchishen, James Shirey, Faith Finley, Katherine Rice, Ashlie Bunch, Brendan Blum, Caleb Jensen, Alex Cullinane, Rocco Magliozzi, Elisa Santry, Dillon Peak, Natalynndria Slim, Lenny Ortega, Angellika Arndt, Joey Aletriz, Martin Anderson, James White, Christening Garcia, Kasey Warner, Shirley Arciszewski, Linda Harris, Travis Parker, Omega Leach, Denis Maltez, Kevin Christie, Karlye Newman, Richard DeMaar, Alexis Richie, Shanice Nibbs, Levi Snyder, Natasha Newman, Gracie James, Michael Owens, Carlton Thomas, Taylor Mangham, Carnez Boone, Benjamin Lolley, Jessica Bradford's unnamed baby, Anthony Parker, Dysheka Streeter, Corey Foster, Joseph Winters, Bruce Staeger, Kenneth Barkley, Khalil Todd, Alec Lansing, Cristian Cuellar-Gonzales, Janaia Barnhart, a DRA victim who never even showed up in the news, and yet another unnamed girl at Summit School...

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Re: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School --????
« Reply #19 on: December 23, 2011, 07:41:27 AM »
« Last Edit: February 02, 2012, 09:52:25 PM by Anonymous »

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Re: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School --????
« Reply #20 on: December 23, 2011, 08:12:05 AM »
« Last Edit: February 02, 2012, 09:52:04 PM by Anonymous »

Offline DannyB II

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Re: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School --????
« Reply #21 on: December 23, 2011, 10:43:51 AM »
My My My!!!!!

Wayne you are a moron. There is no way you will convince the intelligent here (who don't choose to turn a blind eye) that you did not know where to send money to CAFETY. It is all over there web site.
Yep!! It was convenient that Kat got back to you when she did.
If people could see what you wrote on the blog Absolute Write (Thread Derailed Vol I and II before you had it all blotted out) they would get the real Wayne Kernochan (or whoever you are). The Wayne that told everyone how much money he was going to make. How this book would put him on the map. That Elan and its story would propel his status as a writer. Didn't quite work out that way did it pal.

Wayne you really need to get it that most people today on these sites know that you are a narcissist with tendencies for lying.

So please go back to your secret group with your secret friends and rejoice. They accept you for who you are. The real world does not.

You are a PIMP who uses others for your own gain. You don't care if it is a small child from the Jani Foundation or another survivor.

Eric, Wayne is broke (because he refuses to work). I don't see any money going out to any person or organization.
Wayne!!!! There is the real you and this parody you try to pass off as you. Come on, you are 50 years old now when are you finally going accept that life for you is as mundane as it is for the rest of us.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2011, 12:13:54 AM by DannyB II »
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Re: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School --????
« Reply #22 on: December 23, 2011, 11:05:39 AM »
« Last Edit: February 02, 2012, 09:50:23 PM by Anonymous »

Offline DannyB II

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Re: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School --????
« Reply #23 on: December 23, 2011, 11:19:28 AM »

That's not what you said you liar. I saw that you deleted that thread.

Go fuck yourself Eric. Now that the gloves are off I'll tell you my first thought. Your idea is stupid. No lawyer would consider this bullshit. They'd laugh at you.

Anyway, I'm out of this ridiculous discussion.

Your stupid comment about my writing makes you look like an ass

My publisher has a three editor committee, (BULLSHIT!!) I welcome you to submit there any time you want. They reject 99% of submissions

Have a nice life

This is Waynes editor and the publisher of his book.
She is a good friend of his and she was probably giving him head to boot. This can only explain why this book was published.
Wayne you were one of her first books published. Celina is a new publisher.
I responded to Waynes bullshit on this thread (the link is below) his publisher Celina then responded. ... 09456.html

04-01-2011, 05:11 AM
This Daniel Bennison the person Wayne is talking about here. I just wanted to have my say in all of this if I can.
Wayne is making some serious accusations concerning me and Mary Jones. Who at the time was a fourteen year old girl who was obese and had a critical kidney problem.
Mary Jones has been used horribly by Wayne to promote his stories and his agenda. He has written that Mary was dragged behind a Van, car and a truck and that she was beaten by twenty people. I don't know about you but if I had been dragged (hands bound) behind a vehicle and dragged around a tar parking lot then the bodily damage would be severe and if I had been beaten by 20 people by kicking, stomping and punching for multiple minutes then the bodily damage would once again be severe. In both cases Mary would have had to go to the hospital since Elan had no medical resources to take care of such injuries. There would be medical records in Lewiston or Portland Me in archives . Then you have the hospital staff that would have dealt with the injuries and they would have inquired which would have created a investigation. So my point is this, why is it so important for Wayne who has been a member here since 2008 to impress you with such foolish defaming descriptions of abuse. Promotion and a sincere need to be taken seriously.
Yes I worked at Elan in 1/77 I was 17 years old. I had just graduated from Elan and had no where to go. Going home to family was not an option. I arrived at Elan as a resident in 6/75 I was a ward of the State of R.I. I worked for Elan until 8/78 then left in disgust. I could not leave fast6 enough, I had saved enough money to move to Louisiana. I was a resident from 6/75 - 1/77 a employee from 1/77 - 8/78.
Moving on, post #8 above is in fact my writing. It was in response to his story. The second post #9 (The Manifesto) as Wayne calls it and says is mine was written by Mark Babbitz and Wayne himself. It is a parody and you can see this if you go to the Elan Site "I went to the Elan School" discussion forum and also if you go to the site "Fornits Wayward Fora" go to the Elan Forum. You can tell in the Fornits Site that it is not my writings because the person who posted it is a parody (sock puppet ) and you can tell this by the different registered dates.
Wayne already knows all of this. I think he should discuss his mistakes.
Last, Wayne says that I was his Ass. Director at Elan, well I could accept this if we could find someone to corroborate this. Because I honestly can not remember him at all and I remember everyone else he writes about. There is a poster on our facebook site that was in Elan 7 when Wayne says he was and even he does not remember him.
Members, I am sorry to have bored with this but I did. If you care to investigate the ongoing war of words I have had with Wayne and his pals you will see that Wayne has taken some liberties here with the "truth" and used this site for selfish reasons.
His allegations are serious and libelous. I do not take them lightly. I would just wish that he would leave Mary Jones out of this. If you were to meet this gal when she was at Elan she was great. She was a product of a broken family and shuddered from one abusive foster home to the next until she arrived in Elan. This is not to say Elan was the best place. All I am saying is Mary has paid her dues and Wayne needs to leave her alone.
Wayne Mary never did anything to you and you are not honoring her by using her to promote a book.

Thanks for reading if you did.


P.S. I am not a writer nor a grammatical genius, please allow me some latitude.
04-01-2011, 05:51 AM
I also want to say this. Wayne I don't hate you or anyone. My friend I don't have room for hate in my life. I am just confused to the point of irritability sometimes with the depth of disrespect you have for others.
If you folks choose to discuss these comments I posted here that would be fine, if not that is fine also. I just wanted to share.


04-01-2011, 09:08 AM
Danny, are you a writer? Or are you just stalking Wayne across the internet trying to refute what he says in his book? Because quite frankly, this is a site for WRITERS, not flame wars.

Wayne doesn't promote his book here. For one, 'promotion' doesn't really apply to free books. Second, this site isn't about book promotion.

BULLSHIT!!!! mscelina is making money off the book (publisher) and Wayne is making money (albeit peanuts).

Wayne has, however, discussed his book here with his peers in the writing community, and his story was gripping enough to cause many of us to check into the history of Elan School and the charges against it.
BULLSHIT!!! You have blotted out all references to Wayne promoting his book and telling everyone that he hopes the book makes him rich.  
Guys I have the references copied they will be shown when my rebuttal is finished. They will reveal Wayne and who he really is, where he is from and what he has said throughout the internet.  
Wayne this is going "TO REALLY MAKE YOU FAMOUS" all you needed was some money dude, which I have. Oh and hiring the right people.

Here's the major facts as they apply here to this site:

1--If you're here to refute Wayne's book, you're here under false pretenses. You are a cyber stalker, cluttering up a writer's forum with your own personal agenda.

Wayne!!! Is your publisher really this ignorant, really??? Talk about agenda's??

2--No one here cares about who you are, what your history is, or what you did or did not do at Elan. No one here cares if you remember Wayne or not. His book is about what HE remembers from Elan, not you, and it is not his responsibility to compensate for your lack of memory regarding him.

That is where you were wrong, very wrong. First I care about someone lying about me, people did care about what I had to say and you made it your personal responsibility to make sure they could not hear it anymore. Well no kidding you had a business interest to protect. You are the editor and the publisher of the book. It was in your interest to black ball me (at least attempt) and oppress any dissent on Absolute Write. Ms. Celina you are a liar and a fraud just like the piece of shit (Wayne) you published.
You have used a blog to carry out your own personal business interests.

3--It's not our responsibility to investigate the 'war of words' you're having with Wayne beyond what occurs on this site. And, quite frankly, I find it so utterly, horribly creepy that ANYONE would cyber-stalk a victim of abuse and challenge him to verify that abuse or corroborate it in some way that I can honestly say all you're doing is undermining yourself. This behavior is the behavior of an abuser, not a victim. So all you've accomplished with this at least as far as I'm concerned is to confirm everything that Wayne has said--a confirmation, I might add, that has been already provided by hundreds of other Elan victims across the internet.

You are entitled to your opinion. I received about a dozen emails concerning my response and was told before they could reply Wayne and yourself lobbied to have the thread closed. You knew other members supported my post and the right to defend myself. Absolute Write does allow for any level of expertise when it concerns writing. Wayne proved that.

I'd suggest that it is in your best interests to stop the stalking and just let it drop, Danny. You're not doing yourself any favors with this behavior. All you're doing, in fact, is making his case for him. I would assume that's not your intent?

I would listen but there is one problem you talk before your brain has time to investigate. Common problem with megalomaniacs like yourself (writers): delusional fantasies of omnipotence.

Let it go. And leave the Elan controversy on the Elan sites, instead of dragging them onto writers' forums that aren't involved.

She is involved then she is not. She is involved when not being subjected to arguments.

Best wishes for your future endeavors.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2011, 12:07:26 PM by DannyB II »
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Re: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School --????
« Reply #24 on: December 23, 2011, 11:37:35 AM »
« Last Edit: February 02, 2012, 09:51:30 PM by Anonymous »

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Re: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School --????
« Reply #25 on: December 23, 2011, 12:03:49 PM »
« Last Edit: February 02, 2012, 09:49:56 PM by Anonymous »

Offline DannyB II

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Re: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School --????
« Reply #26 on: December 23, 2011, 12:15:24 PM »
Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
Quote from: "DannyB II"
My My My!!!!!

Wayne you are a fucking moron and a liar to boot. There is no way you will convince the intelligent here (who don't choose top turn a blind eye) that you did not know where to send money to CAFETY. It is all over there web site. Yep!! It was convenient that Kat got back to you when she did. Meaning you self promoting attention whore, that you never intended to send any money. Your excuse, Welp I am not really selling this memoir of lies anyway. People are just not buying into my fantasies.
If people could see what you wrote on the blog Absolute Write (Thread Derailed Vol I and II) (before you had it all blotted out) they would get the real Wayne Kernochan (or whoever you are).
Wayne you really need to get it that most people today on these sites know that you are a pathological liar, you live in a world that only you exist. You are the most important.

So please go back to your secret group with your secret friends and rejoice. They accept you for who you are the real world does not.

You are a fucking PIMP who uses others for your own gain. You don't care if it is a small child from the Janey Foundation or another survivor.

Eric, Wayne is so broke (because he refuses to work) that I don't see any money going out to any person or organization.
What we are seeing now is Wayne going into "fix my imaginary popular image" mode.

Wayne!!!! There is the real you and this bullshit you try to pass off as you. Come on, you are 50 years old now when are you finally going accept you are just a PIMP, a good ole run of the mill garden variety PIMP.
You use people and organizations to further your comfort = PIMP.

Oh, BTW you have never seen Susan give anyone her last $40.00 you read about it.
Actually, she sent it to me when I ran out of food.

Riiiight....You run out of food because you are addicted to the internet and allergic to work.
What happened your boy in Missouri finally figured you out and realized what a grave mistake it would have
been to have a PIMP as yourself in his house.
I really wondered if that man had lost his mind.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline DannyB II

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Re: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School --????
« Reply #27 on: December 23, 2011, 12:56:37 PM »
Wayne wrote:
This is your mensch Eric.
Good luck getting anyone to take you seriously again.

Wayne this is where your ignorance and selfishness has really hurt you. The only folks who have any problem with me is your friends. By "your friends" I mean Elan members.
I am actively involved with various organizations and give generously to many. This I have done for years.
Difference between you and I, I don't give a rats fuck if Kat, Ginger, Mark Levin, Kelly, Pixal, Nick ect... like me or what I stand for or say. I have no great need to be liked or feel
compelled by some friendship to support an agenda I don't agree with. I will not politicize my agenda/advocacy.
Wayne all you have done since you arrived here is see how many cocks and vaginas you could suck so folks would like you and buy your book. Your entire self esteem/identity is wrapped up in your book.
You felt that this book gave you some self importance, well it did, all of a week and now you are back to the mundane average Joe, living each day.
So if you feel the need to insult me because these folks above don't respect me, well then we know where you stand and I am OK with that.
I am taken seriously by many people in my life Wayne, the people that truly mean something to me. A great many right here on these sites ask for my opinion often because I am actually involved. I invest in there passion. Unlike you who likes to pretend he is involved.
Wayne walking around with a sob survivor story is great, at first, but it has been years now and we are wondering if this is all you got. What else does Wayne have?? My bet is nothing, you are to much of a narcissist to have anything else.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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« Reply #28 on: December 23, 2011, 01:31:49 PM »
« Last Edit: December 30, 2011, 12:51:25 AM by cum guzzler »

Offline eric

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Re: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School --????
« Reply #29 on: December 23, 2011, 02:18:23 PM »
Wow, this sure turned ugly fast. I didn't know Wayne was such a loose cannon. By the way, Wayne, if you're going to go around calling yourself a writer, you should learn the meanings of words, especially fancy ones you use to sound smart (start with: mensch), you really mixed that one up. Secondly, all I wanted to know is if what my gut feeling about you promoting your book was true, and it was all B.S, which I've now learned that it was. It seems like not even a penny of any profits made its way to a legitimate non-profit, namely CAFETY, who so graciously took you for your word and helped promote it.

Even though I'm tempted to comment on your writing, as a professional, since you may or may not be a survivor of institutionalized child abuse, I'm not going put you down any more...
But all those posts above this that you wrote, the ones where you curse at me and call me names and call me a liar and all that nasty stuff, I will have to address that.

Since 2008, I have been one of the single biggest advocates for those that are abused in the so-called Troubled Teen Industry. I forced the Utah Boys Ranch/West Ridge Academy to stop trying children up with ropes like dogs. I did that, in 2008, without making any promises or trying to sell any books. That same year, I started, one of the most frequently visited websites related to Utah institutionalized child abuse. In 2009, I published a short article titled "Trapped in a Mormon Gulag," which has been read by literally MILLIONS of readers around the world, translated into at least two different languages, is the subject of a play Stephen Temperly is working on, a documentary by Jeff Allulis, numerous radio shows and press conferences, and I've also facilitated numerous lawsuits for victims of sexual abuse at the Utah Boys Ranch / West Ridge Academy and elsewhere. (Ever heard of the attorney Kelly Clark, and the program he's going after?) I set that up. I'd love to compare my work with yours, but I think it's pretty clear how that would look for you, and I'm interested in building you up, not tearing you down. It's kind of saddened me to see you meltdown like this.

I'm not making any money, I'm not promising the moon to non-profit organizations like CAFETY in order to promote my own career. Everything I've done -- and my track record and reputation are well known -- makes you like a complete jack ass for attacking me, specifically some of the nastier things you've accused me of. You're out of line here, bud. So out of line. I'd like to leave it at that, you can apologize for calling me a liar if you want to be a man, but I won't expect anything from you but more crazy behavior, which I'm just not going to engage. You need to learn some respect, young man.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »