Author Topic: Teen on life support after assault at children's home  (Read 24625 times)

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Re: Teen Dies From Injuries in Assault at Group Home
« Reply #60 on: January 05, 2012, 10:41:27 AM »
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Amizzly - 7:58 AM
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And inciting violence means that PARKER started the fight. Not necessarily threw the first punch, but he definitely started the fight if Lance was charged with aggravated assault. If he hadn't, there would have been another form of assault charged.

Amizzly - 7:56 AM
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Is anyone paying attention to the fact that originally Lance was charged with aggravated assault? Aggravated Assault is defined as assault after serious provocation, or reasonable provacation to incite deadly force. Here is the official law in the ORC. (A) No person, while under the influence of sudden passion or in a sudden fit of rage, either of which is brought on by serious provocation occasioned by the victim that is reasonably sufficient to incite the person into using deadly force, shall knowingly: (1) Cause serious physical harm to another or to another’s unborn; (2) Cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another or to another’s unborn by means of a deadly weapon or dangerous ordnance, as defined in section 2923.11 of the Revised Code. This means that the victim here would have had to SERIOUSLY PROVOKE Lance. TO THE POINT OF USING DEADLY FORCE. I'm tired of people acting like Lance attacked him out of no where. And stop saying it wasn't a fight. read the official police report. Just because someone dies doesn't make them innocent. Parker would have most likely been found guilty of inciting violence as well. The murder charge is ridiculous. I look for this to be plea bargained down to some form of manslaughter.

concerned - 1/3/2012 7:33 PM
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First off I do want to let Parkers family know that I do sympathize with them. I know how hard it is to lose a loved one. God Bless you. Secondly I want to say that I personally know Lance and I would like to say that the Lance I know was a Bashful, caring, sweet young man. He has not been a troublemaker. He has led a very unfortunate life. He was placed in the One Way Farm because of lack for a better placement on short notice. Lance did get placed in foster care but not because of his doing. But instead for lack of respectable parents. Lance was placed in the care of a family member, his Aunt, The "Aunt" was no better. Lance did runaway from her home. But The "Aunt" was a verbally and emotionally abusive person. LLance was not the only child that ran away from her home. Lance was a good student who was involved in sports. But when your parents have neglected you and you have been placed with another family member who mistreats you and lets you know on a daily basis what a burden you are to her, and how how you are despised, does this make you a bad person for leaving this situation? I know that Lance should not have gotten into a fight with Parker, but who really knows the events leading up to this event? And as for the workers at the home go, I personally know that protocol was not followed. If they had done what they were supposed to do, this could have changed the outcome of many lives. I think that the home should be investigated.

MasterZach94 - 1/3/2012 6:46 PM
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Lance was in my economics class until about 2-3 months ago he ran away, he didn't seem like a violent at the time.

indiansunshine - 1/3/2012 5:56 PM
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i am here to say that brodyman was not present when this happened it is fine to post your comments. but when you put blame on something that you dont know about is ridiculous-the news the news papers only tell half truths. when this all goes public and the truth is told then you can agree or disagree on the matter but until then god bless anthony and his grandparents

indiansunshine - 1/3/2012 5:51 PM
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brodyman15 - 12/31/2011 7:42 PM
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cincinnaus- im glad you are starting to see a little of were im coming from and from me being in the foster care system myself when i was younger i do know the steps they are supose to take with these kinds of situations, now ive have never seen one like this but with any type of head enjury they did not follow what they were supose to do. and i also want to say agin i do think that the 17 year old should be in trouble i truly do, but people also have to remember that there is in fact a whole lot more to the story. i do not think that 17 year old should be charged with murder because if the proper procausions were followed a lot of this could have been prevented so with that being said the group home should have consequences for this and it should be a harsh one because im sure none of you want to see some thing like this happen agin because i sure dont.

veryupset - 12/31/2011 5:17 PM
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People...come on...MURDER is wanting someone to die...the 17 year old didn't plan on the other boy dying..he didn't wake uo that morning and decide to fight this boy to the point of's a terrible tragedy that could have been prevented or even stopped.....if this story was the other way around how would you all feel then....just think about it...

veryupset - 12/31/2011 5:13 PM
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owftruth- i'm glad you are not posting on here anymore. You have contradicted most of what you posted. i don't think you know your butt from a whole in the ground anyway. You obviously work there so you should be in trouble too. You said you worked there or was that a lie too.

owftruth - 12/31/2011 2:02 PM
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I stand behind all my comments regarding this and out of respect for the families I will no longer be posting on here.

owftruth - 12/31/2011 12:30 PM
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That was not me that said that.

veryupset - 12/31/2011 11:07 AM
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owftruth-get ALL your facts before you post, molly20- i DO know you and ive not made any IGNORANT statements on here, if anyone has made ignorant statements on here it's you and that stupid one that said she would beat you up and that stupid owftruth person. You all need to get over yourselves.Let the people who are involved deal with all this and everyone else needs to stay out of it.

Cincinnatus - 12/31/2011 9:33 AM
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brody: Well, I do agree the staff failed to take the proper steps. They keep making the excuse, "He was walking around." That's how concussive head injuries are. It takes time for the bleeding in the brain to cause the swelling that causes the coma, and/or death. I think they should have known that and they should have a policy to treat all high impact head injuries to an ER trip. And, hey, I don't consider you rude for airing your side of this.

brodyman15 - 12/31/2011 7:07 AM
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the staff members were... neither of the boys were perfect.. and im sure each of them have or had a story of why they were there... what the 17 year old did was wrong very wrong but he did not mean for it to go that far at all... but i also feel if the staff members had really done there jobs to the fullest a lot of this could have been prevented... and as for the news and for the articles i dont know if you knew this or not but just anyone can call or email either of them and say that there so and so and they will post it or air it and its hard to believe the interviews because they cut so much out of it they never say the full truth... and sorry not using all the right spelling my key bord is going out guess that means i need a new one

brodyman15 - 12/31/2011 6:36 AM
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look cncinnatus im realy not tring to be rude to you at all im just try to explain that judges, lawys and both countys are going to look at this situation every which way and every which way adds up to both of the boys were children.. ok.. at te same group home ... the adults at the group home are paid to look after the safty of all of these children right... and there were plenty of staff members working at the time of this that when the fight began verbally it could have been stopped but as the video shows there werent staff members around like there should have been and were they were and what they where doing we do not know but basicly they ignored it ... but then it esclated in to a phisical fight.... after the fight the boys got seperated and that was it... see what they were supose to do was call 911 for both boys (and no it dose not have to be a supervisor to do that one of the staff members could of but they didnt and theres a reason why they didnt but that reason should only be discussed in court) then they are supose to call both countys (and for those of you that dont know every county and agency has a emergency contact line and this fight was considered an emergency because of the fact that the 16 year old hit his head on a hard ground) then after that they are supose to document what happen... now did any of those things happen right after this happen? no it did not ( and every foster parent and every group home should know this and is considered proper procger).... and even a doctor from childrens hospital was on the news the other night and said that if the 16 year old had been rushed to the hospital sooner that odds are the 16 year old would still be here... so there for the group home did not do there jobs at and now a few of the staff members from there are commenting on here to try and make them selfs sound better and to make the 17 year old sound worse for there benifit... but really who was supose to be responsible for these children??...

Cincinnatus - 12/30/2011 10:07 PM
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brody: Are you saying the Butler County Prosecutor's office is lying about the murder charge? Or are you saying the news is lying about the prosecutor's office's words? ....because the Enquirer article says the Prosecutor's office is calling this a felony murder. (Legal beagles, please check ORC 2152.11, and keep in mind the 17 yr old is still considered a juvenile.)

brodyman15 - 12/30/2011 6:55 PM
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As of right now no the 17 year old is not charged with murder so dont believe every thing you see and hear on tv or in articles.. there are a lot of facts in this situation that lots of people dont know and lots that the news dosent know either... and i found out today yes there is an investogation going on, on one way farm and all the staff members that worked there. so owftruth i agree with dazed you should really watch what you say.

dazed - 12/30/2011 5:39 PM
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cincinnatus- LOL. thats funny, but true. owftruth- your 7:03 comment- i think id watch what you type about people. theres a little thing called libel and you made some serious allegations, and even mentioned their name. just sayin.

Cincinnatus - 12/30/2011 4:06 PM
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blue collar: I agree, but I suspect many of the commentators are teenage friends of the victim or the perp. Of course teens should also have a good command of English but this is Cincinnati. u feel me dawg it is what it is how u gonna perp stuff that hurt they lil self s steam

blue collar - 12/30/2011 1:59 PM
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Please posters, use punctuation like periods and commas and such. Also, please start your sentences with capital letters. It makes it much easier to read your posts and understand what you are trying to say.

Cincinnatus - 12/30/2011 9:53 AM
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It's murder according to a more recent article. ... mQWWg.cspx I will paste my comment from there to a friend of the victim. ***** gaga: I am sorry for your loss of Anthony. May God rest his soul. I too am glad the 17 yr old is being charged with murder. Again, it does not matter how "good" he was until he flipped out and beat Anthony to death. ...and yes, I say "to death" because the beating caused the death.

navrat - 12/30/2011 7:34 AM
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Looks like manslaughter to me.

brodyman15 - 12/29/2011 11:15 PM
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Steve9306- yes the 17 year old was provoked owftruth is just trying to save her own ass because she worked there yes there is a video and he did not show off in that video yet another lie that owftruth has said i swear she is lying up a storm on here.... yes only one news channel has given out the 17 year olds name but regardless of that what you signed was a legal agreement and yes you are giving out more information than what the news has said so yes i hope you personally get introuble for that and yes these comments will show up in court you are just digging your self a bigger hole and if anyone is blamming others its you to try and get your self out of it... angie500- yes there will be a lawsuit on one way farm and there staff members from both parties thats for sure... i guess the workers dont have a good enough answer of were they where and why they didnt call 911 sooner they must of had a bunch of idiots working there... owftruth- oviously most of you statments are not true all i hear from you is lie after lie ... ok so if he had been introuble befor WHICH HE HASNT... since you think you know all the facts WHICH YOU DONT... what did the 17 year old get introuble for hhhhmmmm? he is a good kid... no the fact of the matter is all the staff members that were there the director and the supervisors should and WILL be in some sort of trouble for this

molly20 - 12/29/2011 10:47 PM
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lovemykids- wow u honestly said you would beat me up??? your the weirdest and funniest person ever! here we are talking about a violent death and your talking about beating me up? your sick and it would never happen

molly20 - 12/29/2011 10:45 PM
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veryupset- you claim you know me but you must not know me very well if that was the case you wouldnt have made this ignorant comment you have made on here at all!!!

owftruth - 12/29/2011 7:03 PM
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I know for a fact he was involved in something.. like I said you dont get probation officers and ankle monitors from being a good kid....the fact of the matter is the director has dropped the ball for not monitoring who her daughter let in the home and for not having her daughter and the other supervisor follow the correct procedures when fights do happen too many times the fights there are ignored many assults have happen to staff and residents and the supervisors refused to take action...bottom line is everyone is quick to point fingers at the staff on duty when in reality it was the director and her supervisor that refused to give him medical care right away not the child care workers they broke this up within seconds of it happening according to video evidence...the charges have been upgraded but I feel the director and supervisors should be charged with something as well or atleast not be able to be incharge of kids in the future this could have been avoided if as I said before the director, her daughter and her room mate who are supervisors would have been more concerned with the safety of the residents and staff than with making money and taking donations...if people knew where there money and items donated really went Barb Condo would not be looked upon as such a great person.

veryupset - 12/29/2011 6:46 PM
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owftruth- i wish you would find some facts to what you are saying and if you really feel that he has been in trouble before(you obviously think you know more than his family and are smarter than them)why don't you find out the whole story on Lance before you start saying stuff.

angie500 - 12/29/2011 5:58 PM
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I see a lawsuit coming , my question is where were the workers, and how come it took so long for the group house to call 911. My prayer goes out to this young man family.

firecaptain - 12/29/2011 5:06 PM
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(A) No person, while under the influence of sudden passion or in a sudden fit of rage, either of which is brought on by serious provocation occasioned by the victim that is reasonably sufficient to incite the person into using deadly force, shall knowingly: (1) Cause serious physical harm to another or to another’s unborn; (2) Cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another or to another’s unborn by means of a deadly weapon or dangerous ordnance, as defined in section 2923.11 of the Revised Code. (B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of aggravated assault. Except as otherwise provided in this division, aggravated assault is a felony of the fourth degree. If the victim of the offense is a peace officer or an investigator of the bureau of criminal identification and investigation, aggravated assault is a felony of the third degree. Regardless of whether the offense is a felony of the third or fourth degree under this division, if the offender also is convicted of or pleads guilty to a specification as described in section 2941.1423 of the Revised Code that was included in the indictment, count in the indictment, or information charging the offense, except as otherwise provided in this division, the court shall sentence the offender to a mandatory prison term as provided in division (B)(8) of section 2929.14 of the Revised Code. If the victim of the offense is a peace officer or an investigator of the bureau of criminal identification and investigation, and if the victim suffered serious physical harm as a result of the commission of the offense, aggravated assault is a felony of the third degree, and the court, pursuant to division (F) of section 2929.13 of the Revised Code, shall impose as a mandatory prison term one of the prison terms prescribed for a felony of the third degree. (C) As used in this section: (1) “Investigator of the bureau of criminal identification and investigation” has the same meaning as in section 2903.11 of the Revised

Cincinnatus - 12/29/2011 4:03 PM
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steve: Thanks for the correction. I had used the term "murder" too loosely to describe all acts of homicide, but I realize the ORC codifies it more specifically. As for the ag assault, I'm thinking maybe it is just something to hold him while they wait for the grand jury determination.

owftruth - 12/29/2011 3:50 PM
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The victim was not inciting anything there is a video to show the whole situation from start to finish the 17 yr old attacked him as he was sitting on the floor to show off for others in the house. The news has already released both names so it doesn't matter what I say now. Last time I checked "good" kids who are upstanding citizens are not put into group homes on ankle monitoring bracelets and do not have probation officers so at some point in his life Lance must have ran into some trouble but Im sure that what ever lead up to that was someone elses fault as well...

steve9306 - 12/29/2011 3:24 PM
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Cincinnatus, When someone is charged with aggravated assault in Ohio it is typically the result of someone inciting you to the point of rage, and typcially when someone is charged with aggravated assault the victim in the case is charged with inciting to violence. The two charges go hand in hand and should always be filed together. The interesting part is inciting to violence is a F3, while aggravated assault is a F4. I have no idea what happened in this case but what I have always found odd was the charge of aggravated assault when the victim was on life support, it made no sense. Why not felonious assault which is an F2? My first thought was that the news media was reporting the wrong charge, which is common. If the people on this site are telling the truth and this youth was somehow provoked the charge aggravated assault makes perfect sense. It would also make sense to upgrade the charges to voluntary manslaughter.

veryupset - 12/29/2011 2:25 PM
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hermom-you say this kid is guilty and it's not the first time....i don't know where you get your information from but HE HAS NEVER BEEN INTROUBLE BEFORE NOW...get your facts straight before you start commenting on someone.

veryupset - 12/29/2011 1:13 PM
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lovemykids and owftruth- don't you people think that maybe if he was taken to the hospital a lot sooner things might have gone differently. if the fight happened at 7:30 that night and 911 wasn't called until 11:30 that is a big gap in time. Obviously the 16 year old wasn't watched to closely because most people who have a medical back ground knows that if someone has a head injury or you think they could have a head injury you don't let them go to sleep. i think teh staff should be in some kind of trouble over it.

jenny27 - 12/29/2011 1:09 PM
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it would help alot if you all would go on facebook or something else and do this talk... please you guys, family of both parties are reading this.. I am a very close friend of the child who died, so please, take ur opinions somewhere else, be respectful if not.. im now judging ANYONE, its not my place, just asking that u all please, please take this somewhere else....

veryupset - 12/29/2011 1:07 PM
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easauer- if you don't like it why are you reading them and commenting. have you not heard of freedom of speech.

veryupset - 12/29/2011 1:05 PM
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lovemykids- first of all im sure you have no idea what you are talking about and i dont know where you got your info but until now the 17 year old has NEVER been in trouble and no he has never beaten up his aunt or anyone for that sorry the other boy has passed away and my heart goes out to his family..but obviously he has trouble of his own and reaons why he was in the gruop home thinking the 16 year old was in the group home before the 17 year old was...there are 2 sides to every story but now we will only hear 1.

easauer - 12/29/2011 1:01 PM
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I think it's disgusting that all of you are discussing this on a public forum like this. Have some respect and quit talking about it.

brodyman15 - 12/29/2011 12:10 PM
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his dieing aunt?? sorry but you must have some things confused because that is another lie that you are saying. lets see what other lies you have.. trust me you wont beat molly up hahahahaha wow threating looks like you wore your big girl pants today lovemykids way to set an example for your kids looks like some one is being a hipacrit... molly knows what shes talking dont your just making your self look stupid... wow you really dont know what your talking about no lance has never been introuble your giving out false information just to make your self look good, well its not working to well in your favor your just making your self look like an idiot... and see i dont know were you think you got your law degree at but they will get introuble promis!!!

lovemykids - 12/29/2011 11:57 AM
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u know i would say they dont care cause of lance alot has happend to the workers and to one way farm hell they have worked so hard to take care of the kids there ands now there may not be no one way farm now i could be wrong but i seen on the news that thee is no kids left so and lance did this by acttin like a bully at 17 you are old enough to know better and i know folks that have been through more then lance and they have not killed any one or have not been in one way farm or jail and one way farm is for bad kids it is the last for them cause noone can deal with them so lance was there that is enough said

lovemykids - 12/29/2011 11:52 AM
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yes owftruth the workers are very much upset about this and i know that they would of never let him be hurt and not did something bout it and i cant say how i know but i know and they are not in jail they are not going to jail i am sure that they would of went to jail the day it happend if they would of did something wrong when the cops looked at the tape and seen just how well they did when this was going on even the cops have said on tv that they did nothing wrong so

brodyman15 - 12/29/2011 11:51 AM
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lance is manipulative ha ok what youve known him for less than a month and ive known him for 17 years no your wrong he is not manipulative... owftruth i know for a fact also that you have a written agreement saying that you are not allowed to give out those kids information so there for your breaking you legal agreement so trust me these comments will show up in court and i will make sure of that!!

lovemykids - 12/29/2011 11:45 AM
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if the staff was in trouble they would be in jail all ready fools and they are not they did what they are told to do and if they can walk and talk and dont look hurt then they are fine

lovemykids - 12/29/2011 11:41 AM
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brodyman15 look u want the truth noone goes to one way farm in less they are a trouble maker or are not wanted so when his aunt did not want him why did u not take him in cause u could not control him just like his poor aunt that i am sure he beat up and she dont want to tell cause she dont want him in jail but now he was not told on and killed a kid half his size cause he is such a great kid

lovemykids - 12/29/2011 11:33 AM
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and molly u cant blame the workers for what happened lance is to blame he is the one that did this he should of been taught right from wrong and he is a trouble maker if he was not then why was he on a monster and why did his aunt not want him back did he beat up his diein aunt to

owftruth - 12/29/2011 11:27 AM
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child care workers do not have the authority to call police or ambulances this is only done by a supervisor I didn't say I agreed with that decision and I feel it would have prevented this. everyone that's throwing the staff under the bus with all this is in the wrong the people on the front line actually caring for these kids are being affected tremendously by this we dont work there for the glitz glimmer or attention that others get from one way farm we work there because we care about these kids...hell someone has too they are not just a dollar sign or a case number to us. Anthony was close to several staff I have seen them mourn and be emotionally affected by this as well. Brody just needs to take a step towards maturity and see the whole picture...your right there are two sides to every story and Lance is very manipulative in the way he tells his. And the care staff has been doing something right out of almost 9000 kids this is the first incident like this. Policies need be set and followed to prevent this from happening again.

brodyman15 - 12/29/2011 11:23 AM
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cincinnatus cincinnatus cincinnatus no no no u got it all wrong like i said should lance be introuble yes has everyone that really knows all the infomation given all the information out no they havent so there for most of you dont know the who story and probly never will so until u know all the info or at least most of it then you shouldnt even make a comment

Cincinnatus - 12/29/2011 11:17 AM
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brody, brody, brody; you just don't get it. If someone causes the death of another, they can be charged with murder. The injuries to Anthony's head caused his death. With your way of thinking, a guy could shoot someone, and if the ambulance went to the wrong address, you would say the ambulance driver caused the death of the victim by being late. You are making similar excuses for the 17 yr old in this case.

brodyman15 - 12/29/2011 11:15 AM
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ok so you saw what happen to this boy and didnt call 911 yes the staff is in the wrong as is lance oviously the countys didnt think it was stfe for those other children to be there with staff members that have there foot stuck up there butts which i dont blame them... the staff members have not been charged with anything yet and neither has lance... see i know what happen and at 1st u say its over a flash light which it wasnt now you say its over a situation that had nothing to do with him make up your mind and quit changing your story.. lance is no tough guy haha trust me i know him personally and i am the same size as anthoney was and some how he never did ANYTHING like that to me and never tryed to bully a day in his life... like i said we will find out in court and we will watch the staff members get hand cuffed

owftruth - 12/29/2011 11:05 AM
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as its been said the staff on duty was in the middle and had it broke up in a matter of seconds...lance did attack Anthony over a situation that had nothing to do with him he just wanted to look like a tough guy and i guess he got what he wanted...he deserves everything he gets he not only effected Anthony s life and his family but the other children that where removed just days before Christmas from their home and the staff whos not out of a job they have also been taken out of the lives of the children they cared for daily and became close too and countless others I feel no sympathy for him.

brodyman15 - 12/29/2011 11:01 AM
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yes we will find out the truth in court!! trust me those people work at the group home will be introuble too.. it will happen

lovemykids - 12/29/2011 10:44 AM
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the thing is the whole truth will come out in court and the workers did split it up as fast as they can and they are not there just to watch the kids the cook clean do there cloths do paper work and take care of alot of other stuff the truth is there should of been a gaurd there u cant put all these kids that are not good enough to be any where else cause they are all ways in trouble together and not think this is all the workers fault and if they had done someting wrong they would be in jail and they are not and see there was nothing any one can do he would of died if he would of went when it happend or not it is a shame u all are fighting when all the lives that have been changed cause of this both the boys lifes are gone the workers that was there are fallin apart and the familys of them all are going though hell cause they are all upset so if u think u got it bad look at this u fools the folks going though this is sad and hurtin alot of good people and yes lance was not a great kid if he was then he would not of been in the one way farm and neiether was anthany or he would of not been there but he did not deserve to die and lance did not deserve to have his whole life taken either are such a young age and it is noones fauilt really but lances mother and father that did not do anything to stop him from bein such a bully and another thing what happend was he was thrown to the ground and hit one time why do u all keep sayin he was hit alot it was said right on the news by st john that he was only hit one time and i have been in fights where my head was hit and i did not get looked at i was fine and walkin and talking just like him so u all need to look at it and be real this is nooone fault but lance and his mother and father cause they did not raise him right i have 3 boys and if one did what he did i would blame my self for not showing him it is not right to put ur hands on a kid 2492856348956324897 times smaller then u

brodyman15 - 12/29/2011 9:43 AM
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yes i know i know its on video and that video shows a lot more than people know... guilty??? he hasnt even been to court so he is not guilty of anything yet... nor has he every been guilty of anything EVER so i do not know were you get your false information at

hermom - 12/29/2011 9:37 AM
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its all on video, video's do not lie. This kid is guilty and its not the first time either

brodyman15 - 12/29/2011 9:08 AM
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see yet agin putting words in my mouth that i never said... i feel very bad that this happend to anthoney i truly truly do and i also feel bad for his family i would never wish something like this upon someone and there family and i NEVER said that that child had it coming because no child should have it coming... but now whats happend happend and no one can change that... but the fact is that the 17 year old did not beat him to death thats about one of the only thing that the news said right ya they got in to a bad fight should the 17 year old be introuble for that? yes yes he should. but should he be charged with murder? no no he shouldnt because he did not murder that boy. Who should be held responsible you ask? the adults that were supose to be watching these children, cause remember they are children the staff members that work at one way farm they should have broke up the fight right away or should have called the cops right away to get anthoney check out and to have the 17 year old in trouble for what he did but for some reason i do not know what reason because non of them seem to have a reason why they didnt call the cops hhhmmm sounds a little fishy to me.. but what i have been told is that if anthoney had been checked right away he would most likly still be here... so theres oviously some things that no one knows yet and what that is i would like to find out and i plan to. and i know for a fact that most of you do not know the 17 year old personally so you should not be so quick to judge someone based off of what you hear on tv remember not every thing you hear on tv is true

kelli - 12/29/2011 9:04 AM
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This breaks my heart! I adopted Anthony for Christmas and bought everything he asked for on his list and now over something so senseless, he'll never get to see that strangers care and just wanted him to have a normal Christmas with lots of presents! God Bless You and May You Rest In Peace Anthony. Though I never met you, I feel connected.

Cincinnatus - 12/29/2011 8:15 AM
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brody: Good kids don't flip out and beat people to death over arguments, period. It doesn't matter how "good" one is up until they flip out and kill someone. Once they do that, they are a murderer. It is almost as if you believe the victim had this coming to him. Shame on you.

brodyman15 - 12/29/2011 2:49 AM
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look theres no point in arguing with you ignorant people... half of you are morons that think that theres only one side to this story and in all reality there is always 2 sides of every story believe as you please but never do i run my mouth, all that i have said is true rather you believe it or not. a flash light did not start this. everyone that knows that the 17 year old is and was a good kid/person will be there by his side threw it all and there are many many people that will be there... the 17 year old is an out standing kid which i will never think any different of him.. you people must be idiots to really believe that there going to put this child in prison for life talk to a lawyer about this situation and he or she will tell you other wise, come on face it this boy will be out and on with his life in a matter of years

maggie99 - 12/29/2011 12:54 AM
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What a fine upstanding kid Lance is. He murdered a 16 yr old mentally handicaped child who was only trying to hold onto a flashlight that belonged to someone else. Hopefully the justice system will see it that way also and send him to prison for the rest of his life. If he was such a great kid, why was he wearing an ankle monitor?

veryupset - 12/25/2011 10:54 PM
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molly20-i know your cousin and your family very well and I'm not looking at anything the wrong way. i know your cousin isn't a bad person and anyone that knows him is probably so shocked about all this and no one ever expected something like this out of him. it happened and now we have to pray for both him and the boy laying in the hospital. i know you and it's always blame someone else or let's make excuses instead of saying ok this happend he did it let's figure out why and what's going to happen now. stop with the comments and let the people who are involved deal with it..

Cincinnatus - 12/25/2011 9:55 AM
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Amizzly: No one has thrown any stones at the 17 yr old. We haven't judged him. We don't have the mechanism to condemn him. The courts will handle it, and if the 16 yr old dies, the 17 yr old will most likely face a murder charge. I hope he is then tried as an adult. If he is capable of being "provoked" to body slam a smaller kid, then he is a danger to society. It is fairly easy for a bigger kid to win a fight without turning it into a total beat down. Stop defending him. You sound like an enabler.

Amizzly - 12/24/2011 11:27 PM
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But a word of abrogation for the commentators so willing to throw the first stone: Who are you to condemn someone who has done wrong? He deserves to be chastised for his actions, yes, but by the court of law. Castigation out of spite shows a deep insecurity from you all, as well as a deep yearning to be thought of as important. Instead, consider doing the right thing and pray for both parties involved. Let's face it, none of us know the true verity of the case. Obviously we all have points to defend, but in the end it is up to the judge and jury to decide his fate. Cease the tomato throwing please. Any three of us are more than willing to defend him; that will never change. So lets stop arguing and start hoping for nothing but the best for both individuals involved.

Amizzly - 12/24/2011 11:27 PM
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But a word of abrogation for the commentators so willing to throw the first stone: Who are you to condemn someone who has done wrong? He deserves to be chastised for his actions, yes, but by the court of law. Castigation out of spite shows a deep insecurity from you all, as well as a deep yearning to be thought of as important. Instead, consider doing the right thing and pray for both parties involved. Let's face it, none of us know the true verity of the case. Obviously we all have points to defend, but in the end it is up to the judge and jury to decide his fate. Cease the tomato throwing please. Any three of us are more than willing to defend him; that will never change. So lets stop arguing and start hoping for nothing but the best for both individuals involved.

Amizzly - 12/24/2011 11:16 PM
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Brodyman15-,Molly20- Both of you know who I am, and I know who you are. Stop commenting on this page. There's no need with these people. They're just plain people hiding behind a computer screen expressing thoughts they'd never reveal out-loud. We'll have a time to back him up in front of a judge. We all know we're going to stand by him no matter what. So just leave this drama be. None of us need it. I can only hope that in the end, Local 12 will shed light on the truth of the situation in the same manner that they attempted to expose another juicy story for the ratings; with sensationalism and glamour.

brodyman15 - 12/24/2011 3:17 PM
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Cincinnatus- if you truly have any involvment in this situation you will find out how he was provoked in court...if not i guess you just will never know. dazed- you oviously dont get out much at all to think that there going to kill a child like i said you should be ashamed of your self and you truly discussd me. owftruth- o so you were at the shelter at this time and you adults that were there should all lose your jobs cause you oviously werent doing your job so if i were you i wouldnt be so proud to say that i worked there... you guys are a lot to blame for this too because if you would of sent the boy to the hospital odds are he would of been ok but you didnt and that part seems pretty black and white so i also hope that you and your other coworkers get in some sort of trouble for this

owftruth - 12/24/2011 11:11 AM
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Well coming from someone who has seen the video and was at the shelter during this event I worked with both of these boys I assure you my comments are not false I have seen first hand how this situation has affected many peoples lives...its a sad turn of events with a child paying the ultimate price because someone wanted to be a bully and show off by assaulting another human being you can call it what you want but it seems pretty black and white to me.

dazed - 12/24/2011 9:45 AM
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brodyman- where do you live? do you get out much? there are juveniles that will shoot you in the face and not blink an eye. so save your lectures for someone else. bottomline- he DOES have a screw loose.

Cincinnatus - 12/24/2011 8:18 AM
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brodyman: Once again I will ask; How was he provoked? Also how does provocation justify attempted murder? Good people don't flip out even when "provoked". Your friend has a screw loose.

brodyman15 - 12/24/2011 2:46 AM
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owftruth- did i ever say i was in the 17 year olds family? no i did not.. did i ever say that i was in denial yet agin no i did not so there you go assuming things...the 16 year old was not severely mentally challenged so check your facts befor you speak and the fight was not over a flash light so yet agin check your facts.. trust me my foot is not in my mouth and who said that i havent see the security video? cicinninnatus- there is more than one way to provoke someone i guess only a person with more than half a brain would know that right? The 17 year old is a good kid and those that know him which you oviously dont, dont think any different of him. yes provoked.... its funny how a child thats never been in trouble for ANYTHING in his life, a child that has ALWAYS had good grades, and has ALWAYS been helpful to others and listens to what hes told all of a sudden flips for no reason ha over a flash light sorry but that is very hard to believe you should be ashamed of your self you discuss me... dazed- you should also be ashamed of your self wishing death apon others exspecialy a child wow we wont talk about were you belong... did i say being provoked justifies this???? cause i dont remember saying that i

Cincinnatus - 12/23/2011 11:44 PM
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molly: He has a violent history NOW. Prison is where he belongs.

Doomguy - 12/23/2011 5:11 PM
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Glad they enabled comments on articles again. Started to miss the 50 comment trainwrecks.

molly20 - 12/23/2011 3:44 PM
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the 16 year old was 5 foot nine not 5 foot 5 read u guys

molly20 - 12/23/2011 3:42 PM
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And the world and justice system is so stupid so he beat up a kid who is only in the hospital because the damn place sent the 16 year old to bed and said he was okay but yet if he would have been sent straight to the hospital he would be okay so is it the 17 year olds fault that these people did not do their jobs and protect this 16 year old no!!!! i got jumped by a 18 year that was already on house arrest and a girl that was 6 foot one 250 i was 15 at the time and weas 5 foot 5 150 and i got charged with stuff along with them why???? i got jumped and had broken bones in my damn face and they didnt get in any trouble! so yeah the 17 year old just so happened to be bigger than the 16 year old doesnt mean he should be put in prison for beating him up because i was taking to the hospital right away is the only reason why i did not die!!! and you guys dont know the whole story only the 17 year and 16 year old do witnesses never say things the right way they happened especially not this little boys!!!!

molly20 - 12/23/2011 3:36 PM
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veryupset- you guys are not looking at this the right way yes there was a child severlly hurt but for the idiots who dont know the news doesnt always know nor tell evreything that happened!! start looking past the news and actually get the real information. i am praying for my little cousin and the other child i do not want this child to loose his life or my cousin my cousin is not a bad person and has no voilent history of any sort.

Cincinnatus - 12/23/2011 3:23 PM
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Brody: Just how was the 17 yr old "provoked"? With words? If so, let's wait and see how far "yes your honor, I tried to kill him because he said mean things to me." gets him. Only a sadistic monster would keep attacking someone much smaller after he was already knocked down. Maybe he was a good kid before the attack, but not anymore. "provoked" should be ashamed for blaming the victim. Road ragers feel they have been "provoked". Wife beaters feel they were "provoked". Drug thugs feel "provoked" when the customer does not pay up.

owftruth - 12/23/2011 2:55 PM
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brodyman, I understand your loyalty to your family and the fact that your in denial is totally normal however the 16 yr old is severely mentally challenged and was trying to his flashlight back from another kid when he was ATTACKED! thats the only way to put it..if your so close to the family maybe you should ask to see the security video then you can come back and take your foot out of your mouth.

brodyman15 - 12/23/2011 1:03 PM
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dazed- i have read my comment a few times and still fully stand by what i said. i do not wish death apon anyone and yes i hope the 16 year old makes it threw.. but you better believe that i will be right there by the 17 year olds side threw all of this.. the 17 year old will not get deathrow so dazed i dont know were you got your law degree at and it sounds like you dont know all the facts so dont comment on something you dont know about.. yes the 17 year old was provoked... owftruth-the truth of the matter is the 17 year old was provoked and the 16 year old was not disabled.. but yes he was half his size but it was stupid of the 16 year old that was only 5 6 to provoke a 17 year that is 6 5.. and cincinnatus- we are defending the 17 year old because he is a good kid and for all of us that have known him for so long know that he would NEVER start a fight exspecialy over a flash light. like i said to all of you i will be right there by the 17 year olds side threw all of this

Cincinnatus - 12/23/2011 11:19 AM
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As for the group home (or whatever it is) staff, if they failed to call paramedics and police it is probably because places like that like to try to handle everything in-house in order to avoid bad publicity that could undermine funding. It's a shameful policy if so. The results are always some sort of tragedy that could have been avoided. Why was a big violent 17 yr old even placed with smaller or younger kids?

Cincinnatus - 12/23/2011 11:13 AM
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There are way too many comments defending the attacker, who may well be eventually charged with murder. A bad childhood is never an excuse to viciously attack someone. Fights are one thing, but if the victim was indeed out-sized by the attacker, a single punch in the nose would do. Body slamming someone on a hard surface and repeatedly punching them in the head is attempted murder. The attacker perhaps could not help his feelings of rage, but he darn sure could control his actions if he wanted to. He is not a zombie is he? No. Trial as an adult, and prison are what he deserves even if the victim does not die.

nerak40 - 12/23/2011 5:41 AM
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This is a home for abused and neglected children. I live right there and seen the cops and paramedics that responded that night. I pray for both of the boys because who really knows the truth? Sometimes it doesn't seem that the kids are monitored that well to me. I'm not blaming anyone this is my observation.

owftruth - 12/23/2011 1:37 AM
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Oh where to begin..first off he was never provoked the truth of the matter is the 17yr old severely attacked a developmentally disable child half his size the kid tried to get away and was body slammed and he tried to kick him in the head when he was already down..does this really sound like someone without intent to do harm NO!!! He deserves everything he gets...second the staff of One Way Farm did everything they could do for him and the fight was broken up in a matter of a seconds...and yes there are several witnesses and even a video tape of the entire incident...third yes one way farm did drop the ball on calling the police or a paramedic to check the kid after the fight this is something that supervisor will have to be accountable for. I do not want this issue to shine a bad light on the child care staff at the facility they are hard working and care deeply for the kids there...this is a very sad situation that could have been prevented with proper procedures and policies being followed. The fact of the matter is there are good hearted people that work at one way farm and they should not be judged on a situation that was beyond their control. With out understanding the policies of the facility its easy to point fingers...but please keep in the mind the only ones suffering are the children that are meant for a facility like this one and not the ones such as the offender in this situation.

dazed - 12/23/2011 12:56 AM
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brodyman and alisi- please read your comments. are you serious? you are actually defending his actions. grow up. no, ive never been so mad that i beat someone almost to death, so dont come off with this, "none of you can say" bullcrap. you better hope this kid dont die, cause your little misunderstood friend is going to deathrow. lots of people have hard lives. its what you do to overcome it that makes you a man. not take it out on anothers life. grow up!

brodyman15 - 12/22/2011 11:29 PM
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ive known that 17 year old for 17 years and i also know for a fact that the 16 year old provoked him and im not saying that the 17 year old was right but im saying dont provoke someone to do something to you and not exspect to get what you asked for dont get me wrong i am praying for both of the boys i just hate that there saying that its all the 17 year olds fault because its not and its not over a flash light

alisi2011 - 12/22/2011 10:56 PM
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all of you guys are ridiculous. none of you guys were there to witness what happened, so shut your mouths. the 17 yr old boy was obviously pushed to his breaking point, NONE of you can say you dont have anger problems, EVERYONE does. you cant believe everything you see on TV, and or hear for that matter.

Amizzly - 12/22/2011 8:34 PM
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by the way, the only ones that were in any power to help him with his anger issues that actually cared were his aunt and uncle, who ironically never saw this side of him.

Amizzly - 12/22/2011 7:11 PM
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he never had anyone to show him right from wrong and his parents and older brother (the ones normal people look up to) showed him nothing but how to go to jail and get into trouble. he actually did pretty well for himself for a kid who's been through as much as he has. i have an unlimited number of friends behind me who will agree when i say he was a fierce friend and never got into any big trouble until now. i'm so sorry that the other family has to deal with this and once again i'm not excusing his actions but the problem started when he was much younger. i can only pray that god show mercy to both parties involved. to ahiltebran- have you ever gotten into a fight? its not easy to say that hes "stupid" when you take into account that fights happen everyday. unfortunate consequences however, do not. kids fight over stupid things. sometimes complications come into play afterwards. it really sucks that it had to happen to these two kids instead of someone who really deserves to go to jail for a long time or spend time in a hospital.

veryupset - 12/22/2011 6:38 PM
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Molly20- did your parents watch your every move when you were little or a teenager? i don't think so, i know mine didn't watch me every second of my life. The staff at this place can't watch every person every second. You would think these kids would at least mature enough to act right. You can't always blame everyone else for you wrong doings.

veryupset - 12/22/2011 6:31 PM
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Im so sick of other people not realated to this tragedy posting things on here.You know the saying don't judge a book by it's cover, well teh same goes for this 17 year old. yes he did a horrific thing over something stupid and he is old enough to know better and to know wrong from right. He has had a terrible life. His mom abandoned him and his siblings and truned into a drug user and could care less about her kids. His dad walked out on them when they were young. he was a straight A student for a long time. He wouldn't talk to anyone about any of his problems and his anger built up and he finally snapped. YES it was on the wrong person and over something very stupid. I pray the other boy will be ok. My heart and prayers go out to his family and to the 17 year olds family.

Chenoosesmom - 12/22/2011 5:40 PM
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Just a couple of things. One. Where were the supervisors who were suppose to oversee these young folks. If they had been there close they could have stopped what happened. Second. These folks writing about how great this kids is, but knowing he had an anger problem. What did you and your family do about it? Let it fester? Try to get help for him? Did you discuss this with the placement place? People can be good hearted, kind, you feel sorry for them because of what happened to them, BUT THEY CAN STILL BE DANGEROUS. SOUNDS TO ME LIKE HE WAS A DANGEROUS PERSON AND PEOPLE JUST LET IT SLIDE RIGHT ON BY. I'm sorry for the family, sorry he had such idiot parents, they will get theirs someday. But right now the young man is in big doo doo. I hope the kid he hurt gets okay. Who know. Only God. But we can pray for him.

ahiltebran - 12/22/2011 5:17 PM
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I hope that kid goes to jail for 10 years for what he has done, stupid people theses days. Grow up people!

Amizzly - 12/22/2011 4:49 PM
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The 17 year old has been my best friend, brother, and cousin since the day i was born. No one knows me better than he does. He is not some evil kid that doesn't value what he has and just goes off beating people up. His parents abandoned him at a young age, one before the other, and he came to live with his aging aunt and uncle. after a fallout there, he did not return home for a few months, then turned himself in because he wanted to finish high school. his aunt and uncle said at court that they didnt want him back. so, he went to the one way farm as a final option. He has always had anger issues, ever since we were born, coupled with lying about stupid little things to try and make people think better of him. i think that was his way of dealing with the many issues he's grown up with. i'm not saying that what he did was inexcusable, but i'm also not that surprised that he was involved in this serious of a fight. i pray for the 16 year old's life. but please, don't judge him to be a horrible monster. ive loved him like a brother my entire life.

dazed - 12/22/2011 3:07 PM
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first of all, what is this place? a fostor home or a place for abused kids, or bad kids? what is it? second, molly- people comment on the story given. not on their personality, or anything else. just the story. the story is- he beat another kid so severely that he needs life support. now if you want to comment on how great he is, go ahead, but im not. if he beat someone this bad, he needs mental help and jail.

molly20 - 12/22/2011 2:07 PM
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And i wish people would stop blaming it on the 17 year old where were the adults that were supposed to be watching them???

molly20 - 12/22/2011 2:02 PM
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The 17 teen year old boy is my cousin he is not a bad kid at all and im not saying that because he is my family but he was supposed to go into the marines as soon as his 18th birthday this child had big dreams and wanted to fight for our country!! Instead of looking at what happend and saying he is a bad person ask someone who knows he he is a great kid they got into a fight and it was taken to far our family is praying for the 16 year old boy but my cousin is not a bad kid so do not judge and u do not know him like i do !!

justoneopinion - 12/22/2011 1:38 PM
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This is a very unfortunate event, saddening and sickening in all regards. Where would these children be if not at One Way Farms? These children of all ages have seen, heard and have been put through more than most of us can imagine. Instead of pointing fingers at the staff, a the facility or at the 17 year old, look at yourself and what can you do to help? We are all at fault and should take blame. Do you open your doors to foster an abused child? Let's be truthful, most of us will not because we are afraid of the pinned up anger that these children hold, or we fear for the safety of our own children. I will pray for all involved and let the judging be done by the One and Only that knows our hearts intent.

justoneopinion - 12/22/2011 1:38 PM
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This is a very unfortunate event, saddening and sickening in all regards. Where would these children be if not at One Way Farms? These children of all ages have seen, heard and have been put through more than most of us can imagine. Instead of pointing fingers at the staff, a the facility or at the 17 year old, look at yourself and what can you do to help? We are all at fault and should take blame. Do you open your doors to foster an abused child? Let's be truthful, most of us will not because we are afraid of the pinned up anger that these children hold, or we fear for the safety of our own children. I will pray for all involved and let the judging be done by the One and Only that knows our hearts intent.

Ammys2Cuties - 12/22/2011 12:18 PM
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I am with Cincinnatus on this one...lack of supervision!

mchris1024 - 12/22/2011 8:16 AM
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Obrien13 I believe that the time you are speaking of The One Way Farm was a great place, I have been associated with The Farm for many years, things change, people age, your passion becomes a business, you don't have the energy you once had, you try to find folks to "take over" but you can't let go and the vicious cycle begins. I hope this makes people start to dig into what is and isn't going on there. The training of staff, how funds are being spent-are salaries and "fringe benefits" in line with other salaries of similar organizations, education of those "in charge", ratio of staff to clients in the houses, I hope that before people judge this young man they stop and think about why he was in a group home and show some compassion. I was reading the newsletters last night on The Farm's website and saw that children as young as 8 are now living there someone should be ashamed I know what goes on in those houses and NO 8 YEAR OLD SHOULD BE SUBJECTED TO THAT BEHAVIOR. Period. Not appropriate, shame on the county that would place a child that young there and shame on The Farm for accepting. The majority of the clients are teenagers who are troubled, abused physically, mentally and sexually there are fights, cussing, inappropriate behavior for anyone 8 years old. I pray people start looking into this situation before something like this happens again.

LadyExceia - 12/22/2011 1:15 AM
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just to keep the peace ok I made it up I just wanted the attention pay no mind to me . Forget I said anything

JeanB - 12/22/2011 1:00 AM
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Lady Exceia, you are NOT getting your information from the family. I am a member of the family and we would all appreciate it if you would please quit running your mouth. Would you please let the family deal with this in peace! You don't have all the details. Give us some respect!

indiansunshine - 12/22/2011 12:34 AM
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may god be with him!!!

indiansunshine - 12/22/2011 12:17 AM
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i understand you pain and i fell for you and the rest of his family i pray for the best for them . 2 young lives have been destroyed over a light! alot of people are be affected by this-

LadyExceia - 12/22/2011 12:10 AM
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I am getting this information from the ppl who are sitting with him non stop . In hopes that things go for the better . these are the things they tell me . I will pay for this next statement (I hope that it will be later in life) I want the god and goddess to please make sure that he dose

indiansunshine - 12/22/2011 12:03 AM
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i understand but from the reports on the news they said he acted like he was ok also i understand that he stayed up for a long time before being sent to bed with no symtoms of any thing being wrong all i can say is that our lord doesnt like ugly and im sure the 17 will pay for his actions

LadyExceia - 12/21/2011 11:57 PM
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no it was just the 17 he is much bigger and heavier , I can't take the credit of the 16 , there is a diff mother .

indiansunshine - 12/21/2011 11:49 PM
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from what i hear he was not hit repeatedly or sat on. i am so sorry that this happened to your child or to any child for that matter. was another teen arrested in this ? from what i read above. once again i am so sorry and your son is in my prayers!!!!

LadyExceia - 12/21/2011 11:48 PM
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My son is his brother

indiansunshine - 12/21/2011 11:44 PM
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why was your son there

LadyExceia - 12/21/2011 10:56 PM
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Obrien13 haven't you ever heard things change with time , It might have been good when you were there .Things must have changed ! We are all thought as we age what is right and what is wrong . Well hun this is because the boy who was hurt and in icu (the 16) didn't want to share something that was his so the , So ( the 17 )thought he was going to do something to get even . This is all over a flash light hat or something like it . So with that being said , Yes i hope this young man get what is coming to him . I feel this way because when you meet some one you can tell if someone is weaker then you . you can tell if some one is playing with a full deck. Now with that being said Let's talk about this place you speak fondly . I don't know about you but if i knew a child who was hit in the head over and over again , by some one who was not only taller and out weight him . Then shortly after that he (the 16) started to get sick and vomit . Would you send that child to bed , or get them check . Well I'm a mom of 5 I know what I would do . The Doctors have said if they did wait and would have brought him (the 16) in when it happened that it would be diff and he would not be on machines now . Well I'm sure with what I have said everyone should guess I know the family . So now my son , and 2 sister have to be with out a brother which is being taken from them .

Obrien13 - 12/21/2011 10:01 PM
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I for one remember growing up at One Way Farm back in the day when she and her husband housed i would guess at least 15 of us foster children in her own home. This was before she received the funding to build the now housing units. I was also in the new housing units about 20 years ago when they first opened, and I can stand up and say this is one of the best foster/group homes i had ever lived in, that is in my 14 years in the foster home system. One of my finest memories was when she took 20 female teens to Smokey Mountain NP right before my 18th birthday. This was the only vacation I had ever taken in my childhood life, and this was the best forster home i had been placed in. As a child in this situation years ago, I agree I had so much built up anger, especially at the holiday season. You always feel alone and rejected, and One Way Farm did everything to make us all feel like we were part of One Big Family. In the end, it is the child who has the issues dealing with the stuggles of being removed from there home and placed in th is type of home setting. We all go through stages of anger and hurt, and wanting to punish others. This may have been a young man who is new to the syestem and this could be how he acted out, he will get the help he deserves now. Its very sad another young man had to die in the outrage. My prayers are with everyone involved, and I pray ths child is not just locked away and left more alone to do the final self destruct.

Cincinnatus - 12/21/2011 9:42 PM
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How would a bad kid have time under direct supervision of adults to "lay on top of (another kid) and punch him repeatedly in the head." This is a failure of the staff to properly supervise troubled kids. Comments will probably be deleted by tomorrow.

mchris1024 - 12/21/2011 9:26 PM
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Chances are the boy who did this should have been in a facility with trained professionals who could deal with the obvious issues he has, before everyone starts judging please look into The One Way Farm, who they hire, education of staff, salaries, policies, there is much more to this story I hope that this tragedy makes people look into the system and that these two you
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Re: Teen on life support after assault at children's home
« Reply #61 on: January 06, 2012, 08:03:37 PM » ... teen-death

Ohio judge OKs private investigator in teen death

Posted: Jan 06, 2012 7:17 PM EST
Updated: Jan 06, 2012 7:39 PM EST

CINCINNATI (AP) - A southwest Ohio judge has granted a request by a defense attorney to hire a private investigator to look into the death of a youth who authorities say was fatally beaten by a fellow group home resident.

A 17-year-old boy was charged with murder last month following the death of 16-year-old Anthony Parker. Police say Parker was body-slammed to the floor and hit his head at the nonprofit One Way Farm home in Fairfield.

WKRC-TV in Cincinnati reports ( ) a Butler County juvenile judge on Friday allowed the hiring of an investigator to look into events before and after the alleged assault.

A prosecutor argued the move was unnecessary because the incident was captured on video.

The defense argued the teens were seen together, peacefully, following the alleged attack.

Information from: WKRC-TV,
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Re: Teen on life support after assault at children's home
« Reply #62 on: January 12, 2012, 12:49:38 PM » ... d-as-adult

Teen accused in Fairfield Township group home death may be tried as adult

16-year old died of blunt trauma to the head

Posted: 01/03/2012

By: Tom McKee

HAMILTON, Ohio - Butler County Prosecutor Michael Gmoser began laying the groundwork Tuesday to move the case of a death at a Fairfield Township group home from juvenile to adult court.

A 17-year-resident of One Way Farm on River Road is accused of murdering Anthony Parker, 16, by body-slamming him to the ground head-first last month during an argument over a flashlight.

"This is a very, very serious matter," Gmoser said following a hearing before Butler County Juvenile Court Judge Ronald Kraft.

A charge of aggravated assault was dropped during the proceeding and Dawn Garrett, the attorney for the accused teenager, waived arraignment for her client.

Gmoser said in effect that's a plea of "not true" to the charge.

Next comes a probable cause hearing before Judge Kraft on February 9th at 2:30 p.m. to determine if there's enough evidence for a mandatory transfer of the case to a Butler County Grand Jury for consideration.

"The standard is probability -- the probability that the defendant committed the act," Gmoser said. "The probable cause hearing will include evidence which I will present to best describe exactly how this offense was committed."

In the meantime, Garrett plans to file a motion asking for a private investigator to be appointed to assist in her defense. A hearing on that motion is Friday morning at 8:30 a.m.

If the case is moved to adult court and the 17-year-old is convicted, he could face a prison sentence of 15 years to life.

Questions have been raised whether Parker should have received immediate medical attention after the fight.

One Way Farm Officials and Fairfield Township Police investigators say he didn't show any signs of serious injury at the time.

However, three hours later he was found unresponsive and had vomited. He was taken to University Hospital by Fairfield Fire Department paramedics and was later transferred to Cincinnati Children's Hospital.

Parker was in intensive care and on life support for more than a week before he died. An autopsy determined the cause of death to be blunt force trauma to the head.

Gmoser said he hopes he will be able to educate the public about head injuries during the trial. He compared the One Way Farm case to the 2009 death of Natasha Richardson after a skiing accident.

"She fell and her instructors thought there was no consequential injury," he said. "They laughed it off and she went home. She went home to sleep. She went home to die."

"I would hope that head trauma awareness might be an outcome of this particular case down the road," Gmoser added.

However, he refused to say if anyone else who was at One Way Farm the night of the fight might be charged as the investigation is completed.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2012, 12:55:23 PM by Reddit TroubledTeens »

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Re: Teen on life support after assault at children's home
« Reply #63 on: January 12, 2012, 12:53:05 PM »

Becky Howard

I used to work with Children's and Youth Sevices in another state and when there are many type of personalities and emotional/behavioral problems there can at times be volatile situations occurring. The staff are on the ready and even if standing right beside someone a incident can occur in the blink of an eye. As far as head injuries occur even a small blow to the head can cause internal bleeding due to the brain "bouncing" inside the skull. True medical intervention should have been considered however, we were not at the scene to determine what went on, so we cannot be judgemental. With these children fights occur all the time as far as murder that may be a bit over the top. Manslaughter may be more appropriate for this situation. I think (however, not in the legal field) that to prove murder it must be premediated. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Last Week
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Charles H. Meyer

Please change "delopmentally" to developmental, and "chalanged" to challenge. There is not enough time to make sure spelling is correct sometimes.
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Charles H. Meyer

I question the decision by the court to try this youth in the adult court system. He was sent to the group home because he has serious issues. Also the death is a result of a fight the two had. No matter who started the fight the two are emmotionally impaired in some form. I think there should be an investigation but murder charges are a bit over the top. Maybe there should be some jail time but what if this is a delopmentally chalanged person. What good would it do to put him in prison.
Last Week
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Kay Gerhard
It is "emotionally" not emmotionally. He who is without sin, cast the first stone.
Last Week
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Wayne Thompson
Thanks for the update  
Sometimes a story like this gets told and no follow up
Last Week
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Pregame Winners
An agency and a group home who says they operate "in the best interest of the child" obviously failed this one. Childrens Services at their finest, taking a child from their bio family and putting the child to his/her death. Great work, and why in the heck is nobody questioning the staff or mentioning their failure in this?
Last Week
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Grant Silcox
there should be no question. he should be tried as an adult. if the staff were aware of the nature of the injuries,[ did someone see it happen?] then serious questions need to be answered
Last Week
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James D. Bast
I believe in the case of any head injury , you are given instruction to keep an eye on the patient for at least 24 hours ! That doesn,t mean look in on him every 4 hours ! He may have died anyway but you,ll never know ! The boy who did this should pay the maximum penalty !
Last Week
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Scott Sheppard
the people who run the home are also liable; they should of took the boy to emergency room IMMEDIATELY
Last Week
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Pregame Winners
An agency and a group home who says they operate "in the best interest of the child" obviously failed this one. Childrens Services at their finest, taking a child from their bio family and putting the child to his/her death. Great work, and why in the heck is nobody questioning the staff or mentioning their failure in this?
Last Week
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Jake Ivey
Pregame, the staff shrugged it off because he didn't have any signs of trauma. They broke up the fight and dealt with it as soon as they could react. Even the police stated that nothing could've been done so quickly to stop him. It happened in 6 seconds.
Last Week
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Pregame Winners

How about the workers at the group home where this happen? This certainly wasnt in the best interest of the child now was it?
Last Week
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Joe Jobs
He should be tried as an adult. Lock this scum up.
Last Week
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Troy Mihailoff

Like I said before, I don't believe he was trying to kill him. Accidents happen,look, your parents had you! I'm sure you wouldnt understand being your probably to chicken $hit to defend you self!
Last Week
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Troy Mihailoff
To be honest, you even have a gay sissy name! But it's probably not your real name! I don't have to use a fake name because I'm not scared and it makes me easier to find, because I'm not afraid if someone attacks me to introduce their nose to the back of their head!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Teen on life support after assault at children's home
« Reply #64 on: February 03, 2012, 05:50:19 PM »
Prosecutors blame child in preventable death at group home

Posted on January 10, 2012 by administrator

Prosecutors in Hamilton, Ohio want us to believe that a 17-year old who killed a fellow inmate in a group home for abused kids launched a vicious and unprovoked attack on the victim. The problem is that the known facts contradict their assertions. And while prosecutors are perfectly willing to make public statements, they aren’t willing to release video that shows the fight to the public.

According to a report by WLWT News 5, staff at the group home failed to respond to the medical needs of one child who suffered blunt force trauma in the fight.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline wdtony

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Re: Teen on life support after assault at children's home
« Reply #65 on: February 09, 2012, 05:41:00 AM »
Lance Tiernan is to be in court today. 2-9-12

I saw it on local news.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: Teen on life support after assault at children's home
« Reply #66 on: February 09, 2012, 10:19:46 PM » ... home-death

Ohio teen to be tried as adult in group home death

Posted: Feb 09, 2012 8:16 PM EST
Updated: Feb 09, 2012 8:16 PM EST

HAMILTON, Ohio (AP) - An Ohio judge has ruled that a teen accused of assaulting a fellow group home resident who later died from his injuries should be tried as an adult.

The 17-year-old youth was charged with murder in juvenile court in Hamilton in December. A court official says the judge on Thursday ordered the teen transferred to adult court.

A grand jury will review the case. Bail was set at $1 million.

Police said the teen body-slammed 16-year-old Anthony Parker to the floor in a dispute and that Parker hit his head. Parker was taken to a hospital Dec. 19 and died Dec. 28. An autopsy determined Parker died from blunt force trauma to the head.

The boys were at a Fairfield Township home for children who have been abused, neglected, have disabilities or are otherwise troubled.
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Re: Teen on life support after assault at children's home
« Reply #68 on: February 10, 2012, 02:09:06 PM » ... ting-death

Teen to be tried as adult in beating death
7:33 PM, Feb. 9, 2012  |  

Lance Tiernan, 17 was bound over as an adult by Judge Ronald Craft in Butler County Juvenile Court in Hamilton for the beating death of 16-year-old Anthony Parker at One Way Farm in December. / The Enquirer/ Tony Jones
Written by
Sheila McLaughlin

    Filed Under


Defense attorney Charlie M. Rittgers and Butler County prosecutor Mike Gmoser, along with other court room officers, watch a video in court. / The Enquirer/Tony Jones

HAMILTON — A 17-year-old boy was ordered held on a $1 million bond after a judge decided he should be tried as an adult in the beating death of a fellow resident at the One Way Farm group home in December.

Butler County Juvenile Judge Ronald Craft made the decision Thursday immediately after watching a security video of the incident and listening to police, group home residents and One Way Farm staff members testify about the case.

Lance Tiernan is charged with murder in the Dec. 19 beating of Anthony Parker, 16. He faces a mandatory prison sentence of 15 years to life if convicted.

Authorities said Lance slapped Anthony, picked him up and threw him headfirst on the floor, then punched him in the head some more.

Anthony died nine days after the attack. Butler County Prosecutor Michael Gmoser said Anthony had a brain bleed from a skull fracture and never regained consciousness.

Lance’s attorney, Charlie M. Rittgers, argued Thursday that his client wasn’t trying to kill Anthony and suggested that the altercation was provoked.

Mickey Marlow, a supervisor at Butler County Juvenile Detention where Lance has been incarcerated since the incident, said Lance told him that Anthony had made a threat against his family.

“The young man said he was going to rape his sister and kill his mother,” Marlow testified about what Lance told him.

But Lance also had another story. He gave Fairfield Township police a written statement saying he was “having a bad day” because he missed his mother and sister and was sick of listening to banter between Anthony and another boy about a flashlight.

Anthony, who stood about 5-feet-9 and weighed about 132 pounds, was seated on the floor of the living room at the time. Lance, much larger at about 6-feet-4 and 215 pounds, was seated on a love seat across from Anthony, Gmoser said.

“I was having a bad day and the boys were arguing about a flashlight,” Fairfield Township Police Sgt John Vanderyt read Lance’s statement in court. “I wasn’t in the mood so I asked Anthony if his name was on the flashlight. He said nothing to me and mumbled (an expletive) and that set me off.”

Officials at One Way Farm said Anthony at first did not show any signs of being seriously injured, but they later found him unconscious and called 911.

Dee Power, a One Way Farm employee who was on duty, said she did not see Lance slam Anthony to the floor, but did intervene after witnessing Lance throw a punch. She said Anthony told her that he was OK, so she didn’t call for emergency treatment nor did she check him for signs of serious injury. The staff is trained in CPR and basic first aid, Power said.

Although the altercation was videotaped by a security camera, Power said she didn’t think it was necessary to review it to see what actually happened.

Power said she left work at 10 p.m. Anthony was found unresponsive about 11:30 a.m., about four hours after the attack. The assault was not initially reported to police.

Gmoser criticized a lack of training and the delayed medical treatment by One Way Farm staff in his closing arguments to the judge.

“If there’s ever going to be any good that comes out of this case, it’s going to be that these people that have so much experience ... they are going to get some training in head traumas so that when these kids do get beat up ... that they don’t go to bed that night and end up dead in the morning,” Gmoser said.

“This young man was damaged, fractured, injured and he went to sleep and he essentially never woke up because nobody was paying attention or had the knowledge and skill to know that when you get dumped on your head and pounded into the ground and bashed with a hammer blow or jabbed with a fist, by God some bad things are going to happen.”

The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, which licenses One Way Farm, also is investigating the incident. A spokesman at the state agency did not return calls on the status of the investigation.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Teen on life support after assault at children's home
« Reply #69 on: February 10, 2012, 04:15:23 PM »
Good post, As more details come out we can get a better picture of what really happened. It seems more like program staff could be more to blame for the outcome. I would like to see the video.
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Re: Teen on life support after assault at children's home
« Reply #70 on: March 01, 2012, 12:06:41 PM »
Grandmother Says Treatment Delay Killed Teen
Boy Dies, Teen Charged After Beating At Group Home

POSTED: 6:08 pm EST February 29, 2012
UPDATED: 6:34 pm EST February 29, 2012

CINCINNATI -- The grandmother of a boy who was beaten to death at a group home said she believes the teen would have survived if he received medical attention sooner.

Anthony Parker had been living at the One Way Farm group home for teenagers when he was beaten by another resident. He went to bed without receiving medical treatment, but he was rushed to Children's Hospital later that night when he was found unresponsive on the floor of his room.

"The clot was so large and already causing so much damage, they have him out of CAT scan and into surgery in a matter of 10 minutes," said Anita Smith, who was legal guardian of her grandson. "They told me after the surgery that he was never going to wake up again."

The 16-year-old Parker later died, and 17-year-old Lance Tiernan was charged as an adult with murder.

"Lance Tiernan picked him bodily up, tipped him upside down and drove his head onto a thinly padded carpeted concrete floor," said Butler County Prosecutor Michael Gmoser.

Smith said she's learned more about the circumstances of her grandson's death in the intervening weeks.

"I don't so much feel like they failed me, but they failed Anthony," she said.

Smith said group home staffers waited hours to call for help because her grandson didn't immediately appear to be hurt, but she said doctors told her he didn't have to die.

"If he had gotten there three hours earlier, when the incident first happened, we might've had a completely different outcome," Smith said.

Smith has hired attorney Eric Deters, who plans to file a wrongful death lawsuit against the group home.

"It's not criminal on behalf of One Way Farm, just a terrible mistake that was made, terrible mistake made," Deters said. "If he would've went straight to Children's Hospital, Anthony would be alive, Lance wouldn't be where he is, so they failed both these boys."

Previous Stories:

    January 3, 2012: Teen Could Be Charged As Adult In Group Home Attack
    December 29, 2011: Teen Charged With Murder In Fatal Group Home Attack
    December 29, 2011: Police: Teen Injured In Group Home Fight Dies

Copyright 2012 by All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Read more: ... z1nswgNH6W
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Re: Teen on life support after assault at children's home
« Reply #71 on: March 02, 2012, 11:20:33 AM »
Quote from: "Reddit TroubledTeens"
CINCINNATI -- The grandmother of a boy who was beaten to death at a group home said she believes the teen would have survived if he received medical attention sooner.

He also would not have died if he was never put into a program or "group home" to begin with.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline wdtony

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Re: Teen on life support after assault at children's home
« Reply #72 on: March 02, 2012, 06:32:35 PM »
Quote from: "Froderik"
Quote from: "Reddit TroubledTeens"
CINCINNATI -- The grandmother of a boy who was beaten to death at a group home said she believes the teen would have survived if he received medical attention sooner.

He also would not have died if he was never put into a program or "group home" to begin with.

Yep...but Deters is a very well known attorney here so I am sure he will leave no stone unturned.
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Re: Teen on life support after assault at children's home
« Reply #73 on: March 06, 2012, 01:11:05 AM »
Quote from: "wdtony"
Yep...but Deters is a very well known attorney here so I am sure he will leave no stone unturned.

Good to know. I saw that he got his license suspended in KY for 61 days recently. ... uspension/

Northern Ky. attorney Deters hit with 61-day suspension, court cites unethical conduct

    BRETT BARROUQUERE  Associated Press
    First Posted: February 23, 2012 - 1:21 pm
    Last Updated: February 23, 2012 - 2:24 pm   

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — A northern Kentucky attorney who has a combative history with the Kentucky Bar Association was suspended for 61 days and ordered to attend ethics training for what the state Supreme Court found to be ethical violations.

The high court on Thursday also ordered Eric Deters, of Independence, to pay $1,834 for the cost of the bar association's proceedings against him.

The suspension stems from Deters' actions in multiple cases, including one involving attorney's fees and another that deals with comments made about a judge and opposing counsel.

Deters, who doubles as a radio talk-show host on WLW-AM in Cincinnati, said the decision on "technical violations" is wrong and that he didn't get a fair hearing.

"For it to be a 7-0 decision really shocked me," Deters told The Associated Press. "Are you kidding me?"

The high court took issue with Deters making calls to the ex-husband of a client, who was watching over a child at the hospital. Chief Justice John D. Minton said Deters solicited the ex-husband's business and offered to file suit over the accident resulting in the child's hospitalization. The ex-husband declined, but Deters kept calling, and eventually filed documents on behalf of his client and her ex-husband, Minton found.

Deters said it was a simple mistake.

In a separate case, Minton wrote, Deters took at $1,500 fee from clients to represent them in a harassment and property line dispute. Deters withdrew from the case less than two months later, but didn't refund any of the money.

The high court also found problems with Deters in a January 2008 case in which he accused Grant County Circuit Court Judge Stephen Bates and opposing counsel, Ruth Baxter, of improperly discussing a civil case without him present, resulting in Baxter winning the case. Deters then went on his radio show and made similar allegations.

Minton and the other justices found that Deters, despite his denials, had publicly made disparaging comments about Bates and Baxter.

"Specifically, Deters alleged that Judge Bates knew he had contributed money to the judge's opponent in previous elections and therefore ruled against him," Minton wrote.

Deters sued the Kentucky Bar Association in 2011 over its handling of the investigations into complaints involving Bates and the case involving his client and her ex-husband. U.S. District Judge Danny C. Reeves turned away Deters' lawsuit, which is now with the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals.

The case is something of a victory for Deters, though. A bar trial commissioner initially found Deters guilty of 16 counts and recommended a six month suspension. The high court acted only on four charges. Deters noted that part of his suspension is based on a refusal to admit to unethical conduct.

"How can I get punished for not admitting I'm wrong when ... I'm found innocent?" Deters said.

Deters, who is also licensed to practice in Ohio, said he will return to legal practice in Kentucky after the suspension ends.

Chris Davey, a spokesman for the Ohio Supreme Court, said an attorney licensed in that state has 30 days to notify the high court of any disciplinary action in another state. Then, the attorney has 20 days to show why he should not face the same or a similar punishment in Ohio.

Deters, though, plans to keep practicing law.

"I've got to put this in perspective," Deters said. "I didn't lose any clients. My clients love me the way I am. I'm going to serve my time and move on."
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Re: Teen on life support after assault at children's home
« Reply #74 on: March 14, 2012, 05:11:38 PM » ... 43679.html

Juvenile indicted for murder in One Way Farm incident

12:45 PM Wednesday, March 14, 2012

By Lauren Pack
Staff Writer

HAMILTON — A 17-year-old Lebanon boy accused of beating another teen at One Way Farm has been indicted for murder by a Butler County grand jury.

The indictment filed today alleges Lance Tiernan caused the death of 16-year-old Anthony Parker while committing a felony assault on Dec. 19 at the Fairfield Twp. home for juveniles, according to Butler County Prosecutor Michael Gmoser.

Last month Tiernan was remanded to common pleas court to be tried as an adult after county juvenile Judge Ronald Craft found probable cause in the case. Because of his age and the offense, the case was automatically bound over to adult court.

Bond was set at $1 million by Craft and Tiernan is housed in the Butler County Jail. The case has been assigned to Butler County Common Pleas Judge Patricia Oney, but an arraignment date has not yet been set.

During the probable cause hearing in juvenile court, Gmoser told the judge that Tiernan, at 6 feet, 4 inches tall and 215 pounds, towered over “little Anthony.” He said the victim had no chance.

Gmoser said Parker and another boy were arguing over ownership of a flashlight and when Tiernan tired of the bickering, he allegedly attacked. Tiernan allegedly hit Parker in the head first, then picked him up and slammed his head into the hard floor.

“This young man was damaged, fractured, injured,” Gmoser said. “He went to bed and essentially never woke up.”

The assault was caught on videotape and was viewed by the judge and the attorneys, but not others in the courtroom.

Gmoser said today that after the first blow, Parker attempted to walk past Tiernan and Tiernan reached out with his left hand, grabbed Parker and “body slammed” him to the ground.

Staff at the group home found Parker unresponsive three hours after he was assaulted. An autopsy showed the cause of death was a skull fracture.

At the juvenile court hearing, Tiernan’s defense team, Charlie M. Rittgers and Nick Graman, argued that Tiernan never intended to cause serious injury to Parker and if anything he should have been charged with involuntary manslaughter. They noted that no one at the home thought Parker was seriously injured after the attack and the boy told everyone he was fine.

Tiernan and Parker were peacefully eating sandwiches together after the incident, Rittgers said.

Staff Writer Denise Callahan contributed to this report

Contact this reporter at (513) 820-2168 or [email protected].
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »