oy vey the fuckin humidity . fuckin nasty I keep telling my former employees to quit pissing on the fires , the stench and wasser vapor is gettin in my fucking nostrils, those fuckin retards don't listen to the boss anymore.
The heat , smcheet its the fuckin hoomidity from those fuckin bastards pissing on the fires I tell ya.
hot smchot quit pissin on the fires you fuckin douche bags , and get back to poppin the zits on Davidson's back. I gotta look at that shit when Ima pounding the brown.
Aint that right Gerry ,its the fuckin hoomidity. fuckin douche bags. Newbies ya gotta hate em. I was a contender I tell ya now looks at me. the fuckin stench , I tell ya . Makes the shit on my dick smell hodt.