Author Topic: Re: The Macy Conferences:The Minds behind Mind Control  (Read 4907 times)

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Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Re: The Macy Conferences:The Minds behind Mind Control
« on: August 12, 2011, 02:14:44 AM »
Quote from: "DannyB II"
Can't seem to pull up this article/statement on google or even on the actual site it is posted in the references.
Wanted to read what Dr.Davidson had to say.
Davison , G., & Stuart, R. (1974). Statement on behavior modification from the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy. AABT Newsletter, 1(2), 2-3.

It is because Dr. Gerald E Davidson from  The Elan corporation, One of the TWO founderS of elan (didn't you know that , JOE RICCI was the other founder of that hell hole FYI) has these letters after his name M.D.  and Gerald C Davison has Phd after his name. Ya I see  that to you that these are the same men ,maybe you are really crazier than when I first believed you .  

you did it twice  not once  but twice  (two posts)......were you rubbing your hands in glee or were you dribbling booze or what ever off your chin, in your mad dash to post ....its just gross.You are a very bad person.  I am very concerned that you actually talk to survivors, they don't have a chance.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Judge Joe Brown

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deleted September 8, 2011
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2011, 11:54:20 PM »
deleted September 8, 2011
« Last Edit: September 08, 2011, 12:31:35 AM by Judge Joe Brown »

Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Re: The Macy Conferences:The Minds behind Mind Control
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2011, 01:27:19 PM »
Okay I apologize to the board for writing what I wrote that the gate keeper has highlighted in red .

honestly though I find it hard to believe that it was just a casual mistake , in confusing Davison and Davidson . when you search  Gerald E bDavidson a whole lot of Gerald C Davison comes up and I mean it comes up like a fountain uncontrolled  . I am amazed at the ability that when caught in a lie that one has the ability to create a spin to get out and I wish I had saved that spin cause it has been deleted , by the its author.

Again I apologize to the board for using the words that the gate keeper has highlighted in red. those words were not needed. And really I am better than that.

I hope the good people of fornits can forgive me .


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline DannyB II

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Re: The Macy Conferences:The Minds behind Mind Control
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2011, 03:59:01 PM »
You say you find it hard to believe that I made that mistake. I tell ya it wasn't casual, spontaneous or because you had posted. Wayne and I had been conversing on this subject (a book he is writing as we speak) so I felt I found something of importance concerning Dr. Davidson. So I went ahead and posted it without carefully reading it, so I would see this Dr. went to college at USC not Harvard. My bad. I had worked late and was very tired when I posted that article, give me a break aye.
I mean come on, do you really believe I would give you something this easy to pulverize me with.   :)
Take care.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Re: The Macy Conferences:The Minds behind Mind Control
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2011, 06:50:16 PM »
from what I know of you ...absolutely  I truly believe you tried to sneak one in. ........As you say and I quote "it wasn't casual " ..... if it was not casual then it was deliberate and you got caught , if it weren't by me it would have been by someone else. I didn't pulverize you ,I told the truth.

It is your bed, you made it when you pulled your deal on me  (viciously , unmercifully  and repeatedly attacking in the fashion of a true creator of surviors  that you are )  and I know you enjoyed it . I do find it ironic how Ursus put the  articles about Davidson on  his  niece's  topic entitled Dr. Gerald Davidson was Jennifers Uncle?.....two  posts below  from where you started your tripe and began filling your jibs. You taught me the true  meaning of the words "the underlay for the overplay " . This  is the post  where it was later than I thought when I first believed you .....

I don't find it ironic how a creator of survivors , like you, in your employment  at one of the most sadistic violent  brutal soul eating hell holes on the planet  called elan, would viciously and unmercifully attack  survivors of that same hell hole, not once but repeatedly (well documented on the internet) in the exact fashion that happened to us and myself  in elan ...I do  find it amazingly sick and twisted.

 People like you can never change , you might be able to control your sickness ,though it still leaks out and everyone can  see it . Lets not forget your threats , double bind my right eye a survivor , please, not in any sense of the word.

I don't buy the changed boy deal ,not if my life depended on it . I know what you seem to forget that ,and honestly I am very glad that I don't walk in your shoes. Your history is all over the internet as to what you have done , not  tojust me ,many  many people ,from elan and survivors of other programs.

You and the truth  are about as close as a grape is to a  brick of Wild Irish wine .

Your inability to have remorse and true ,not feigned compassion  for people is remarkable. I have met a lot of people in my life, more than you could imagine and I have never met someone so devoid of a conscience ever in my life and  to be so cruel.   I see how you are and we know what you are ....

Absolutely I believe you tried to sneak one in and and as deluded as you are ,you would have been caught by someone eventually . It just sucks that it was me.

You blister my paint ..... and I would rather go on like a blister in the sun ,than to have to take the time like now to deal with your tripe.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Re: The Macy Conferences:The Minds behind Mind Control
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2011, 05:33:01 AM »
find it very sad Matt that you go to the lengths you do to disrespect me. I also find it disturbing that you can be so detached from your very own bad behavior. What you have done to me over the last 2 years (now) is despicable. It is bordering on pathological now because you just can not let it go.
Matt the bad blood between has nothing to do with me working at Elan 33 years ago and you know this. It has everything to do with the incident I stated that you had committed. The only reason you harp on this bit of evidence (working as a employee at Elan) is because that is all you have to throw back in my face. Thirty three years ago Matt, a life time ago. A marriage, children, college education, business, grand kids, houses, swing sets, school trips, proms, graduations, walking a daughter down the isle ect....on and on, a lifetime Matt, ago.
I have made my amends, Wayne and I have found common ground to stand on and I am building relationships (like I have always have for 33 years) with fellow Elanians. I have moved on from the hatred and verbal violence we had going on here for the last 18 months. I want no part of it anymore. If you choose to drag it all up over and over and not take responsibility for your part, good for you, that is on you.
I am just so very sorry that the first people from Elan I met when I got on this site (Fornits) and the (Elan Facebook) site was you and a couple others. Because the people I know today are cut from a different cloth and yes Matt they have read all the crap there is out there on me. They read it and realized what it was, garbage constructed and published by people with a very hateful agenda.
I don't deserve this, I used to think I had to defend it but I don't anymore. It's over. I would suggest you let it go because I will not let you bait me anymore.
Matt, take care and I wish you well, I really do.
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DannyB II
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  The one that tried to pull a fast one put this up and then of course  it disappears , you should have seen the other one he put up  Saturday it was a dosey .I have not chaged a word he had added a couple of lines that he deleted before I could get this copied to word .. He was saying that we both worked at elan as re-entry staff and that for a little while he was an employee . Amazing I got you boy ...and I have a respose that all survivors need to read ,concerning this  sociopath .
« Last Edit: August 16, 2011, 05:48:21 AM by Matt C. Hoffman »

Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Re: The Macy Conferences:The Minds behind Mind Control
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2011, 05:42:31 AM »
the above post is from that old boy he is wanting to play games and waste my time I have prepared a little thing for the old boy and I will post it , Its is just some simple facts and his stuff is getting out of hand again . I would like to post what I have here is anyone going to mind I am really just tired of his sickness ,  I coppied it to a word and then tru it back up when I rea lized he had taken it off. Its the same crap that he pulled on facebook and I promise my response to him and his tripe will be the last .  It is quite good and adresses many of his assumptions that he has regarding me . I guess I am asking the Admins if I may post it here and not have it go anywhere else .

I tell you there are no cuss words nor are there any bad reference I would like the fornits boards permission to do this and then I am done.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Dethgurl

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Re: The Macy Conferences:The Minds behind Mind Control
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2011, 09:22:41 PM »
Quote from: "The gatekeeper"
Quote from: "Matt C. Hoffman"
Quote from: "DannyB II"
Can't seem to pull up this article/statement on google or even on the actual site it is posted in the references.
Wanted to read what Dr.Davidson had to say.
Davison , G., & Stuart, R. (1974). Statement on behavior modification from the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy. AABT Newsletter, 1(2), 2-3.

It is because Dr. Gerald E Davidson from  The Elan corporation, One of the TWO founderS of elan (didn't you know that , JOE RICCI was the other founder of that hell hole FYI) has these letters after his name M.D.  and Gerald C Davison has Phd after his name. Ya I see  that to you that these are the same men ,maybe you are really crazier than when I first believed you .  

you did it twice  not once  but twice  (two posts)......were you rubbing your hands in glee or were you dribbling booze or what ever off your chin,  in your mad dash to post ....its just gross.You are a very bad person.  I am very concerned that you actually talk to survivors, they don't have a chance.

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:dose:  Control Freak!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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