Author Topic: Anne Edens' Attack GA00097336 - Whooter May Not Post  (Read 3641 times)

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Anne Edens' Attack GA00097336 - Whooter May Not Post
« on: June 09, 2011, 01:03:49 PM »
** Wh??ter and/or Edward Kahn may not participate in this thread.

Attached is a copy of the email between RCS and the ORCC regarding the attack on Anne Edens.

From: Sent: To: Subject:

Patricia Lavalais
Wednesday, June 01 , 201 1 2:24 PM
FW: ORS Complaint/Incident Intake, GA00097336.RIDGE CREEK, INC

This was sent today -
-----Original Message-----
From: Nakkesha Butler []
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2011 12:15 PM
To: Melanie Feingold
Cc: David Statton; Carol Winstead; Donna Pettigrew-Dackson; Keith Bostick; LaMarva Ivory; PNM-ORSIncidents@dhr. state. ga. us; Rosalyn Williams; Victoria Montes; Yvonne Rodgers; Carl Harrison; Curtis Washington; Jeffrey Bright; Kirn Settles; Patricia Lavalais; Richard Fox; Sue Riner
Subject: ORS Complaint/Incident Intake, GA00097336, RIDGE CREEK, INC
The following complaint / incident was received in our office on 05/31/2011:
INTAKE ID:                  GA00097336
FACILITY ID:                CCI001710
TYPE:                         Self Reported Incident



or ER
Restraints/Seclusion - General: Other
Quality of Care/Treatment: Not Provided Protective Care/Watchful Oversight
Admission, Transfer & Discharge Rights: Mandatory Reporting of Child to Hospital
Resident/Patient/Client Abuse: Resident to Resident/Child to Child
Administration/Personnel: Training/Inservices
Other Services: Other
Admission, Transfer & Discharge Rights: Reporting of Child/Resident Involved with Police INTAKE NOTES:
Reporter stated: "On Saturday May 28 at, approximately 10:00pm Talis Spalvins had to sit down
and talk with students           • . and   about accusations that I   has been, attempting
'ro strike   in the testicles.
Talis Spalvins established that this behavior was unacceptable and that if it continues, both students will receive negative consequences. Both students acknowledged that the
behavior was unacceptable and acknowledged what the consequences would be if the violent behavior continues. Student   was additionally instructed that if   < should continue to threaten him physical violence, that he is to run away and find staff immediately. On Sunday May 29 at approximately 11:00am Talis Spalvins was in the gymnasium with other staff James Dallah and students  ,  ,  ,, and   ,.        . Students  ,  , and were initially playing basketball with each other when apparently   : decided to start hitting the other students in the testicles. The other students attempted to retreat., but
: pursued them to the weight room where this staff had to intervene. After telling the kids to go to separate Darts of the gym and leaving    with staff James Dallah, Talis Spalvins spoke with    and   who both expressed an intense desire to be away from especially   who broke down momentarily from additional stress that he feels when    is around.
At approximately 12pm we returned to the dorm and Talis Spalvins called Nikki Line about separating student     from the rest of the population per her email instructions given earlier in the day, and also discussed the room change for   and    It was agreed that room change was permissible and that student    needed to be separated from the rest of the student body. After speaking with Nikki., Talis Spalvins then contacted Anne Edens to come to the boys ' dorm to sit with  „ and Talis Spalvins during the rest of the student bodies '  lunch trip.
Talis Spalvins decided not to immediately tell   . of the decision to separate him from student body at this time to avoid unnecessary conflict.
At approximately 12:30pm this Talis Spalvins was sitting in the common room of the boys' dorm when staff James Dallah walked in to confirm the afternoon activity plans with this
staff  when ."    XXXX       asked where we were going for lunch. Talis Spalvins told student
that he was not allowed to go with the rest of the student body because of his poor behavior. Upon receiving the news that he would not be joining the rest of the student body for lunch,   XXXX laid down on one of the common room couches and did not speak to anyone. After several moments of silence, he got and walked down the hallway to his room, where student   was moving his stuff out.
XXXX went in the room and slammed the door behind him. Talis Spalvins opened the door and told   XXXX that the door needed to remain open and that he was not to slam it. YYYY  said that he wanted to put what was left of his stuff in his old closet because he does not trust   XXXX: and was given permission to do so.  YYYY entered the room and started to put his belongings in the closet and as he did so    XXXX tried to knock a box of  YYYY ' s stuff onto the floor.
YYYY caught the box, put it in his closet, and locked the door. When YYYY tried to leave the room,   XXXX  would not let him out blocking the exit path between the beds.   YYYY tried to go around    XXXX, but     XXXX moved to keep him inside the room and started to advance threateningly. This staff instructed  XXXX  to retreat into the room and as   YYYY withdrew from    XXXX  Talis Spalvins interposed himself physically between the two students and blocked     XXXX' s path. Anne Edens showed up at this time and asked what was going on and Talis Spalvins and   told her what was happening. She asked  XXXX  to come with her and he refused. She asked  YYYY to leave the room and he told her that he could not immediately, but he could find a way around that. Then he jumped over his bed and made his way out. As   made his move, XXXX  lunged past Talis Spalvins into the room to try and catch   Anne Edens stepped into the room and asked this staff to close the door and to not let  XXXX  pursue YYYY , Talis Spalvins complied with Anne Edens '  directions and moved to block the door.     XXXX tried to force his way past Talis Spalvins and when he found that Talis Spalvins would not let him through, he proceeded to start punching Talis Spalvins and attempted to bite him.
At this time Talis Spalvins requested that Anne Edens restrain the student since Talis Spalvins is not supposed to do restraints without certification. Anne Edens initiated a Mindset restraint and student     commenced to hitting, head-butting, and biting her. She had to take him to the ground to get a better restraint on him, but he struggled greatly and managed to keep her from keeping any kind of a restraint on his person, all the while he kicked, spit- on, hit and bit her. He bit her arm several times during the initial restraint and head-butted her as well.
James Dallah came to the room and Anne Edens and Tails Spalvins requested that he call Nikki Line immediately.
He returned anJd said that he could not get her on the phone, and we said to call Blake Nash and/or Josh Kannon.
We also asked that he call Lumpkin County sheriff to come out as well. After James Dallah left to make the calls., Talis Spalvins asked Anne if there was anything he could do to help
and she said to get XXXX’s legs, which I did by crossing them one over the other and placing my hand upon the ankle to prevent uncrossing. We then tried to keep him restrained for several minutes. During this time, he bit his own wrist quite severely in addition to biting Anne more on the arm and on the cheek and trying to pull out her hair. Per Anne's instructions we let XXXX  up after we determined through negotiation that he would relax if I were to uncross his legs. Instead of relaxing though, he pressed his attack on Anne and Talis. Talis Spalvins recrossed his legs to re-establish control over his body and Anne resumed trying to restrain him. He slipped out of the restraint and lunged at Anne and I caught him by the arms. Then, under Anne ' s direction, I placed XXXX in a leveraged embrace, as taught to this staff by Blake Nash and demonstrated by Bill Ingram in a previous incident with the same student. I held    in the leveraged embrace for approximately three minutes until Blake Nash and Josh Cannon arrived and relieved me. Nicki Line also arrived shortly after Nash and Cannon arrived.
Shortly after Nikki Line arrived, the Lumpkin County sheriff arrived and removed XXXX from the premises and to a hospital for his self inflicted wounds (bite to the wrist). Anne managed to contact   XXXX' s father and left a message for his mother."
From: "Anne Edens" <>
Date: 05/31/2011 7:18 PM
Would you please clarify a few things so that we can understand this incident a little better?
1) I have a lot of concerns with the level of violent behavior that XXXX exhibits and the danger he presents to himself and others on an continuous basis. What were his presenting behaviors, diagnoses and legal charges when he was admitted on 5/17? 1) I have a lot of concerns with the level of violent behavior that XXXX exhibits and the danger he presents to himself and others on an continuous basis. What were his presenting behaviors, diagnoses and legal charges when he was admitted on 5/17?
From the admission application:
Legal problems: On probation since 2/11 for ungovernable child action
Trial for carrying a single edge utility blade to school, guilty, sentencing delayed til 5/16/11 to give family time to seek placement.
Previous violence (reported): verbal abuse, tantrums, threatening to hit or actually hitting, physical confrontations with father, brother, hit at his mother at least once, broke a window in his mother's house, has kicked a hole in a door at his father's home, suspended for fighting at school.
Diagnosis: ADHD, Depression, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Bipolar Disorder (based on medications prescribed currently and in the past) My diagnosis is Bipolar Disorder.
2) Is Talis the staff member who was assigned to XXXX?
Talis and Dallah were assigned to the boys' dorm. Talis was the staff member assigned to keep   XXXX  in sight or know where he was, observe his behavior, and intervene before his behavior escalates. This is not considered 1:1, but a specific awareness of a specific student.
3) Does he have other duties or just to be 1:1 with
As above, Talis was not assigned to be 1:1 with XXXX. He did have other duties, which he was performing with awareness of where XXXX was in the dorm and within proximity of
4) If Talis is not trained in ESIs how is he supposed to intervene when XXXX’s behaviors threaten himself and others when even medical staff can't restrain him when escalated?
Talis was able to predict that  XXXX    knowledge that he would not be going off campus with the rest of the students could be inciting. Also, we were not leaving only one staff member with     (he was always with two staff members in the immediate area, one generally restraint trained or an on-call person a few minutes away) so he call me to stay in the dorm while Dallah went off with the rest of the student body. I had my Mindset training in March 2011.
5) Why did Talis allow XXXX to enter the bedroom when CA was in there?
Didn't that put XXXX at great risk once again?
XXXX and YYYY  were roommates, although YYYY  was in the process of moving out to another room. Talis followed him to the room to redirect both students and attempt to deescalate. BTW, I had already been called to the dorm and arrived within a minute or two of  XXXX’s entry into that room.
6) If you will be taking him back into care what specific safeguards are being put into place to ensure the safety of the other residents from XXXX’s violent actions?
We have not decided to take XXXX back. At this point he will most likely be at Peachford until next week and I have recommended partial hospitalization to afford more time for psychiatric stabilization. We will be discussing his case with the treating team at Peachford prior to making a decision to re-admit. That decision will be based on behavior, medication management, and our team's assessment of risk involved in reintroducing to the student body. Should he return to school, we will need some assurances that his violent meltdowns are controlled by medication and that he is able to engage in the academic and therapeutic work we do here.
6) When submitting an incident report that involves more than one child you should submit the same identifying information for each of the children involved in this incident. For this report we need to know who ???? and  ???? are as part of this incident and witnesses. Please include the following information for each child: Name; Date of Birth; Date of Admission; County of Custody or who placed the child with you; that person's name and contact information and if the child is DFCS, or both.
Sorry, I was not aware that we   needed to do that, it has never been asked for in the past.
' -"                    >   8/24/2010  Parent placement
'                       5/12/2011  Parent Placement
:             5/24/2011  Parent Placement
"We are in the process of developing a behavior modification plan that focuses on rewarding the positive and ignoring negative behaviors. We have had some success with preliminary behavior modification tactics, but   XXXX’s behavior is variable and often exacerbated by the presence of other students.  XXXX has staff assigned to him to keep him in sight, observe his behavior arid intervene before his behavior escalates. Our interventions include removing him from the student body by getting the students to move away from him, not allowing him to go on off-campus excursions, and encouraging students to not engage with him when he begins to instigate with them. He saw Dr. Martin Johnson, MD on Wednesday who will follow him psychiatrically. Medications are being administered per physician orders."
Agency Allegation History
A search of the resident's name                         , and           in the ORS ACTS
Resident database showed that it appeared _1_ other times.
This resident's name <              did not show up in our database prior to this report.
This alleged perpetrator's name did not show up in our database prior to this report.
A search of the agency's allegation history in the ORS ACTS database, going back 6 months,
searching for allegations of Administration/Personnel: Training Inservices resulted in the
following: there were 1 substantiated and 0 unsubstantiated allegations for this agency.
A search of the agency's allegation history in the ORS ACTS database, going back 6 months,
searching for allegations of Quality of Care/Treatment: Not Provided Protective Care/Watchful
Oversight resulted in the following: there were 0 substantiated and 4 unsubstantiated
allegations for this agency.
A search of the agency's allegation history in the ORS ACTS database, going back 6 months,
searching for allegations of Admission, Transfer & Discharge Rights: Mandatory Reporting of
Child to Hospital or ER resulted 'in the following: there were 4 substantiated and 0
unsubstantiated allegations for this agency.
A search of the agency's allegation history in the ORS ACTS database, going back 6 months,
searching for allegations of Admission, Transfer, & Discharge Rights: Reporting of
Child/Resident Involved with Police resulted in the following: there were 4 substantiated and
0 unsubstantiated allegations for this agency.
A search of the agency's allegation history in the ORS ACTS database, going back 6 months, searching for allegations of Resident /Patient/Client Abuse: Resident to Resident/ Child to Child resulted in the following: there were 3 substantiated and 0 unsubstantiated allegations for this agency.
A search of the agency's allegation history in the ORS ACTS database, going back 6 months, searching for allegations of Resident /Patient/Client Abuse: Sexual resulted in the following: there were 1 substantiated and 0 unsubstantiated allegations for this agency.
A search of the agency's allegation history in the ORS ACTS database, going back 6 months, searching for allegations of Resident /Patient/Client Abuse: Physical resulted in the following: there were 2 substantiated and 0 unsubstantiated allegations for this agency.
A search of the agency's allegation history in the ORS ACTS database, going back 6 months, searching for allegations of Restraints/Seclusion - General: Other resulted in the following: there were 0 substantiated and 0 unsubstantiated allegations for this agency.
A search of the agency's allegation history in the ORS ACTS database, going back 6 months, searching for allegations of Other Services: Mental & Psychosocial Functioning resulted in the following: there were 0 substantiated and 0 unsubstantiated allegations for this agency.
Please note, effective immediately our Suite number has changed to 28-234.
Nakkesha Butler, BSW
Specialist Surveyor
Office of Residential Child Care Section
2 Peachtree St.
Suite 28-216
Atlanta, GA 30303
(404)463-1842 Office
(770)344-3221 Fax
« Last Edit: July 11, 2011, 11:46:48 AM by Guest3 »

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Re: Anne Edens' Attack GA00097336 - Whooter May Not Post
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2011, 03:12:51 PM »
FYI - The formal report from the ORCC will be much cleaner when it is issued.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Guest3

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Re: Anne Edens' Attack GA00097336 - Whooter May Not Post
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2011, 03:52:11 PM »
Whooter - you were specifically instructed not to post on this topic. ... =CCI001710
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »