Author Topic: My viewpoint...  (Read 3612 times)

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Offline Paul St. John

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My viewpoint...
« on: May 27, 2011, 01:20:57 PM »
Hey... How ya doin'?  It's Paul St. John... that crazy motherfucker, who never went to Elan, but is all sorts of into it, to the extent that you'd think he sometimes forgets that.... LOL!

Not sure how many people are still reading here 'bout Elan.... but I wanted to give me thoughts on something, and I thought that this would be the best place to do it.  

It's not over.. at least not in my view... Closing that place was only the beginning.  I hope someday to see a grand, huge, tremendous exposure.  Poor Elan closed because of Elan attacks by that evil villian, gzasmyhero, or something like that.  They are still not bad guys.  I hope more will be done.. and to those who take that on, or are already in the process of taking that on, I wish you my best, and give ya my respect.  Expose Elan... Rock the whole industry.. This time around.. We are the winners... not the victims.  Read the posts at fornits.. We are smart people ( excluding Danny - only kidding) and we got heart. There is no reason, why the world should not see what we see.

If it is okay to abuse drug users in their own best interest, then why not attack overweight people who eat too much, or people to ingest too much sugar.  Too many people think that it s okay , because this shit happened to drug addicts... It's that time of stupidity and indifference that create a society of people who want to be somewhere else, hence escape through drugs.  I was strong as a rock when I went into Daytop... I had more heart then they did... They tried to disassemble me.  Where do you get a degree to disassemble somebody and put them back together.. Is there  an exact science? How does this work?  What exact identifications of the human psyche is this procedure and theory based on?  NONE  NADA NIENTY!   They are experimenting on people.  That's it.   with no regard for the people they are fucking up......

Peace Out,

PS  we are the best.. those who revisited it!  We are the ones who care..... We will be heard.... and we will change the world in our own small way
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Re: My viewpoint...
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2011, 12:39:08 AM »
Hi Paul ,

I thank you for your kind words of support. even though you didn't go to elan ,which quite honestly I am glad that you did not have the misfortune  to experience. I still consider you a fine unpstanding noble warrior in our endeavors of exposing elan. Your knowledge of elan and your experience of daytop makes you my friend as well as the fact that you are a kind human being.

I guess what I am trying to say that, shoot Paul just because you didn't go to elan ,I sure as hell aint going to hold it against you. I am glad you post here and you bring a honest perspective.

I totally agree with you the closing of elan just beginning.  Elan closed because of the truth that has been posted on the www. It closed to escape justice. It ran like the cowards that Sharon Terry and  Martin Kruglik ,Jeffery Gottlieb, appear to be,common criminals that loved being sadistic serial child abusers, and getting paid for it.

Elan closed because of the peserverance of former survivors that posted the truth about elan and the henchmen that helped Ricci run that hell hole.

And Yes Paul there is more in store for the cowards that enjoyed abusing children at elan , They may think that they are escaping justice ,they are just as deluded now as they were then when they were torturing children, in the guise of therapy.

Paul your support of us and our endeavors in exposing that place of certain pains of hell has been invaluable. I thank you very much for all that you have done for us , you are truly a remarkable human being and I am glad to call you my friend .
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Paul St. John

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Re: My viewpoint...
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2011, 12:43:01 PM »
Wow Matt.. I'll respond by quoting you...

You are truly a remarkable human being and I am glad to call you my friend .

right back at ya....dead on accurate.....


Paul St. John
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Paul St. John

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Re: My viewpoint...
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2011, 01:37:35 PM »
My views on Elan -

They are based on the numerous experiences that I have read about and as well heard first hand from those who were there.  Having been a Daytop resident, and having a thorough understanding of it, I have a philosophical foundation or reference point to connect it all, and in put into a context, I would think is very accurate.  Additionally, the experiences that I have learned about are from all different time points, and all different point of views.

Additionally, Understanding, is to an extent, relative.  There are people for example, who can be in an industry for an afternoon, and have a better understanding of it, then someone who is less aware, and been there for many years.  And of course, honesty, and wide-scope mental integrations, are necessary to create realistic abstractions.

As far as my ideas being based on fantasy,  most of your writings are about an indian who who lives in a Tee-pee made of little boys underwear, where he finds every use imaginable for rubber dicks, and feces, and frequently makes love to Buffalo.  You really don t care about this anyway, and are only looking to stir up trouble, but I figured this would be an opportunity for me to explain, what my views on Elan are founded in.

Believe it or not, Elan has become more important to me then Daytop.  It was far worse.  Also, I still keep thinking that there is something that I am missing about it, and I would like to find out what that something is. Also, Elan is weak now, and any progress made with them, I think will effect, not only the whole industry, but the public's view point as well..

Your questioning of me is very funny.. What did you suppose my answer would look like?

" I have secret, evil motives in regards to Elan... Mwaa Haaaa Haaaaaaa. . "

Why would you seek to discredit me just to entertain yourself?  If people are your play things, then you have something in common with Kruglik now.  What have I ever done to you?  I am not saying that like all upset or anything.. but seriously.... What have I ever done to you taht you would try to manipulate me?  Fighting and destroying is the easy part of any battle, albeit necessary.  Rebuilding the city is the challenge.

Paul St. John
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »