Author Topic: Unknown program in Calhoun County  (Read 17653 times)

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Offline Ursus

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Re: Blame where it belongs
« Reply #75 on: June 24, 2011, 11:29:16 AM »
Quote from: "Wh??ter"
Quote from: "Ken Fink"
To me, it comes back to the upbringing of an out-of-control delinquent. Back your law enforcement and quit pampering these kids. In the end, they will end up in jail or dead.
This poster is exactly right.  Obviously this kid has severe problems and was acting out.  Somebody had to deal with him.  I would have preferred that he got sent to a program where his problems could be addressed fully and effectively, but the Sheriff had to do something.
You might want to familiarize yourself with the details of the Complaint, transcribed in an earlier post:

    Brown v. Amerson, Case 1:11-cv-01182-RBP[/list]
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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    Offline Wh??ter

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    Re: Blame where it belongs
    « Reply #76 on: June 24, 2011, 12:47:52 PM »
    Quote from: "Ursus"
    Quote from: "Wh??ter"
    Quote from: "Ken Fink"
    To me, it comes back to the upbringing of an out-of-control delinquent. Back your law enforcement and quit pampering these kids. In the end, they will end up in jail or dead.
    This poster is exactly right.  Obviously this kid has severe problems and was acting out.  Somebody had to deal with him.  I would have preferred that he got sent to a program where his problems could be addressed fully and effectively, but the Sheriff had to do something.
    You might want to familiarize yourself with the details of the Complaint, transcribed in an earlier post:

      Brown v. Amerson, Case 1:11-cv-01182-RBP[/list]

      Look, Ursus, the kid was out of control.  If he was an upstanding memeber of society he wouldn't have been in the program in the first place.  Like I said somebody had to do something before he ended up dead, insane or in jail for real.  I don't see what's wrong with helping this kid get back on track.

      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

      Offline Ursus

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      Comments: "Blame where it belongs"
      « Reply #77 on: June 24, 2011, 11:53:03 PM »
      Quote from: "Wh??ter"
      Look, Ursus, the kid was out of control. If he was an upstanding memeber of society he wouldn't have been in the program in the first place. Like I said somebody had to do something before he ended up dead, insane or in jail for real. I don't see what's wrong with helping this kid get back on track.
      Pfffbbtttt! :D

      Here are two comments left for the above Letter to the Editor, "Blame where it belongs" (readership; May 02, 2011; The Anniston Star):

      JerryM wrote on Monday, May 02 at 08:49 AM
        Gee, I guess we need no safeguards on police, because they can simply never do no wrong, whatsoever. I have viewed numerous videos on violence used by police, and many times it was unnecessary. Many times violence was used against citizens who posed absolutely no threat, and were doing such "threatening" things as just filming a traffic stop. I can see why some cops are afraid of being filmed than and tackle someone with a camera.

        I watched that video a number of times and he was turned away from the sheriff, before the sheriff took violent action. I believe, though this situation wasn't the case, there are people who would defend the use of torture to get confessions, as routinely happened 70 years ago.
      licketysplit wrote on Tuesday, May 10 at 11:30 AM
        I personally think that the people defending Amerson are too lazy to look up the Use of Force rules that the state of Alabama has outlined for everyone, including law enforcement officers.

        All I ever see are people backing him who know Amerson personally or went to school with him or they just defend him because he's a "good ol' boy that did somethin' good."

      Copyright © 2011 Anniston Star.
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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      Offline bounty_hunter

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      Re: Comments: "In Zinn Park Saturday, second protest calls o
      « Reply #78 on: January 20, 2012, 12:42:40 PM »
      @OperationCleanSlate. just a heads up there operationcleanslate. the boy DID NOT spit on the sheriff. look at the court documents and the incident report

      . nowhere is there any mention of the boy spitting on the sheriff. not in the complaint OR BY sheriff amerson. in the video i can see at no point did the boy spit. he did his very best to look away from sheriff amerson. so the spitting fact only exists in your mind and your mind alone!
      Quote from: "Ursus"
      Comments left for the above article, "In Zinn Park Saturday, second protest calls on Sheriff Amerson to resign" (by Laura Johnson; Apr 17, 2011; The Anniston Star):

      [email protected] wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 08:40 AM
        I just saw the coverage of this protest on Fox 6 News. The protesters were using the Project Pay building to promote the demonstration. This building is owned by the City of Anniston. When did the City of Anniston start sponsoring protests and allowing protesters to use their buildings? I'd like an answer Ben Little. Who authorized them to use a City of Anniston property to protest the Sheriff? This seems unethical.
      catbird572 wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 10:27 AM
        I saw the same coverage, and, in my opinion as well, Ben Little owes an explanation to the citizens of Anniston, and the city of Anniston owes one to the general public for letting a loose cannon like Little to continue this outrageous behavior he has engaged in during his tenure as Councilman. The good citizens of Anniston who are FED UP with the current Mayor and Clowncil should respectfully, and publically request the former Mayors to come out of their political 'retirement' to fill all five of these offices at the next election, so that we still have half a chance of getting Anniston back on track, before these buffoons do irrepairable damage to the city's reputation.
      OperationCleanSlate wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 10:37 AM
        Little ben already has his hands in somebody's pockets hoping for a settlement. Piece of garbage, along with the rest of those "protesters." None of those people have any interest in seeing justice, they just want a piece of the pot when they thuggishly boot a white official out of office. They tried the same thing with the Anniston PD when the former chief retired, so they could get some leftwing thug chief in. None of these people have any morals, especially Little Ben. I say GOOD JOB sheriff, law enforcement should be able to go "hands on" any time they so choose! the crime rate would be a LOT lower if when you break the law you get a PROPER skin up, instead on a slap on the hand by some liberal judge. VOTE THEM OUT!
      votethemout wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 10:55 AM
        Maybe Little or some of the protesters could take the poor troubled teen into THEIR home for guidance. I wonder how long they'd put up with him in thier household.
      scarllett5 wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 01:13 PM
        If Larry Amerson were a decent human being he would step down pending the conclusion of this investigation because there is enough definitive evidence on the video that he practices totally unnecessary police brutality.
      HowWordHues wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 01:25 PM
        Everyone deserves their day in court, even the Sheriff. I wouldn't resign either just because a bunch of folks are calling for it. Heck, a lot of people have been calling for Ben Little to resign and that hasn't happened.

        There are 2 sides to every story. No one, and I mean no one knows what went on other than the Sheriff,that young man and God. People can talk, speculate, put in their own 2 cents but it still doesn't make it the truth.

        Read Bible passage John 8.

        Passage John 8 in the Bible.
      coonhunter911 wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 01:54 PM
        Nobody likes a quitter!

        As a result Amerson can't resign! Then he wouldn't get a fair trial!

        As his unappointed and unknown legal aid rep I would advise him not too!

      OperationCleanSlate wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 05:39 PM

        What constitutes police brutality? You are throwing around the words like they mean nothing. ANY law enforcement officer has the legal right to defend himself or herself against an assault,whether the person is handcuffed, shackled or whatever. And according to Alabama state law, spitting on someone IS an assault. People go to jail for it all the time. You are just a bandwagon riding hypocritical liar. Let someone spit in your face and I guarantee you would be screaming for police to throw that person in jail. I think that the sheriff exercised amazing restraint by not beating that punk senseless.
      scarllett5 wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 07:49 PM
        OperationCleanSlate The video speaks for itself. Where do you get the information that the boy spit in his face? It appears that the boy was trying to move away from him. At what point, in the video do you see this? I'm sure Amerson wouldn't voluntarily step-down even if found guilty but there should be an organization in the county such as the county commission who could do this for him. It's people like you that give the state a bad name nation wide with these red neck ideas.
      OperationCleanSlate wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 09:32 PM
        scarlet, perhaps if you did not rely solely on the star to form your opinion you would know that the boy did what he did. you can see it clearly if you look at the video objectively, but you and so many like you are not capable of that. you are on a witch hunt and likely will tarnish the good name of Amerson. He has been and will continue to be a great example of what a sheriff should be, and has likely turned down many other jobs in much higher paying places to stay with calhoun county. I respect the man and know that he is innocent of any wrong doing. You live in your little bubble of safety and have no idea what it takes to do what law enforcement officers do daily. Amerson was trying to correct mistakes that were obviously made by the boys family, and sometimes that takes more than what some people want to admit. The fact is, you can monday morning quarterback some blurry video all you want, but you and i were not there. Don't we live in such a grand country where people have the freedom to bash officials without cause or merit? The family of this boy doesn't truly care what happened, all they see are dollar signs, and that is perpetuated by corrupt people like ben little and the rest of you that jumped on the bandwagon. I just ask that you research and get all the facts that you can before you make outrageous statements in public forum and embarrass yourself.
      scarllett5 wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 10:20 PM
        OperationCleanSlate I'm not embarrassed it should be Sheriff Amerson and his supporters of this outrageous behavior that should be embarrassed. The last time I checked there still is a constitution that provides for civil rights and the right not to be beaten unjustly by law enforcement officials.
      HowWordHues wrote on Monday, Apr 18 at 07:05 AM

        You state that there is a constitution that provides for civil rights. Yes that is true. You seem to have forgotten that rights go both ways. The Sheriff is not on trial but some people already have him convicted.

        Ever heard of the term, "innocent until proven guilty"?
      licketysplit wrote on Thursday, Apr 21 at 11:02 AM
        Ben Little spoke out against the Sheriff? Isn't that like Satan calling a demon "evil?"
      anniston1 wrote on Thursday, Apr 28 at 10:55 AM
        Ben Little and his crew can organize a huge group to protest or march any day of the week. I am just wondering if he organized his group today to help in the recovery efforts of all of the communities devastated by these tornadoes. I sure hope he did. They should all come together to HELP someone instead of always protesting against them.

      Copyright © 2011 Anniston Star.
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

      Offline bounty_hunter

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      Re: Comments: "In Zinn Park Saturday, second protest calls o
      « Reply #79 on: January 20, 2012, 12:45:29 PM »
      @OperationCleanSlate. just a heads up there operationcleanslate. the boy DID NOT spit on the sheriff. look at the court documents and the incident report

      . nowhere is there any mention of the boy spitting on the sheriff. not in the complaint OR BY sheriff amerson himself. in the video i can see at no point did the boy spit. he did his very best to look away from sheriff amerson. so the spitting fact only exists in your mind and your mind alone!
      Quote from: "Ursus"
      Comments left for the above article, "In Zinn Park Saturday, second protest calls on Sheriff Amerson to resign" (by Laura Johnson; Apr 17, 2011; The Anniston Star):

      [email protected] wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 08:40 AM
        I just saw the coverage of this protest on Fox 6 News. The protesters were using the Project Pay building to promote the demonstration. This building is owned by the City of Anniston. When did the City of Anniston start sponsoring protests and allowing protesters to use their buildings? I'd like an answer Ben Little. Who authorized them to use a City of Anniston property to protest the Sheriff? This seems unethical.
      catbird572 wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 10:27 AM
        I saw the same coverage, and, in my opinion as well, Ben Little owes an explanation to the citizens of Anniston, and the city of Anniston owes one to the general public for letting a loose cannon like Little to continue this outrageous behavior he has engaged in during his tenure as Councilman. The good citizens of Anniston who are FED UP with the current Mayor and Clowncil should respectfully, and publically request the former Mayors to come out of their political 'retirement' to fill all five of these offices at the next election, so that we still have half a chance of getting Anniston back on track, before these buffoons do irrepairable damage to the city's reputation.
      OperationCleanSlate wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 10:37 AM
        Little ben already has his hands in somebody's pockets hoping for a settlement. Piece of garbage, along with the rest of those "protesters." None of those people have any interest in seeing justice, they just want a piece of the pot when they thuggishly boot a white official out of office. They tried the same thing with the Anniston PD when the former chief retired, so they could get some leftwing thug chief in. None of these people have any morals, especially Little Ben. I say GOOD JOB sheriff, law enforcement should be able to go "hands on" any time they so choose! the crime rate would be a LOT lower if when you break the law you get a PROPER skin up, instead on a slap on the hand by some liberal judge. VOTE THEM OUT!
      votethemout wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 10:55 AM
        Maybe Little or some of the protesters could take the poor troubled teen into THEIR home for guidance. I wonder how long they'd put up with him in thier household.
      scarllett5 wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 01:13 PM
        If Larry Amerson were a decent human being he would step down pending the conclusion of this investigation because there is enough definitive evidence on the video that he practices totally unnecessary police brutality.
      HowWordHues wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 01:25 PM
        Everyone deserves their day in court, even the Sheriff. I wouldn't resign either just because a bunch of folks are calling for it. Heck, a lot of people have been calling for Ben Little to resign and that hasn't happened.

        There are 2 sides to every story. No one, and I mean no one knows what went on other than the Sheriff,that young man and God. People can talk, speculate, put in their own 2 cents but it still doesn't make it the truth.

        Read Bible passage John 8.

        Passage John 8 in the Bible.
      coonhunter911 wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 01:54 PM
        Nobody likes a quitter!

        As a result Amerson can't resign! Then he wouldn't get a fair trial!

        As his unappointed and unknown legal aid rep I would advise him not too!

      OperationCleanSlate wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 05:39 PM

        What constitutes police brutality? You are throwing around the words like they mean nothing. ANY law enforcement officer has the legal right to defend himself or herself against an assault,whether the person is handcuffed, shackled or whatever. And according to Alabama state law, spitting on someone IS an assault. People go to jail for it all the time. You are just a bandwagon riding hypocritical liar. Let someone spit in your face and I guarantee you would be screaming for police to throw that person in jail. I think that the sheriff exercised amazing restraint by not beating that punk senseless.
      scarllett5 wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 07:49 PM
        OperationCleanSlate The video speaks for itself. Where do you get the information that the boy spit in his face? It appears that the boy was trying to move away from him. At what point, in the video do you see this? I'm sure Amerson wouldn't voluntarily step-down even if found guilty but there should be an organization in the county such as the county commission who could do this for him. It's people like you that give the state a bad name nation wide with these red neck ideas.
      OperationCleanSlate wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 09:32 PM
        scarlet, perhaps if you did not rely solely on the star to form your opinion you would know that the boy did what he did. you can see it clearly if you look at the video objectively, but you and so many like you are not capable of that. you are on a witch hunt and likely will tarnish the good name of Amerson. He has been and will continue to be a great example of what a sheriff should be, and has likely turned down many other jobs in much higher paying places to stay with calhoun county. I respect the man and know that he is innocent of any wrong doing. You live in your little bubble of safety and have no idea what it takes to do what law enforcement officers do daily. Amerson was trying to correct mistakes that were obviously made by the boys family, and sometimes that takes more than what some people want to admit. The fact is, you can monday morning quarterback some blurry video all you want, but you and i were not there. Don't we live in such a grand country where people have the freedom to bash officials without cause or merit? The family of this boy doesn't truly care what happened, all they see are dollar signs, and that is perpetuated by corrupt people like ben little and the rest of you that jumped on the bandwagon. I just ask that you research and get all the facts that you can before you make outrageous statements in public forum and embarrass yourself.
      scarllett5 wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 10:20 PM
        OperationCleanSlate I'm not embarrassed it should be Sheriff Amerson and his supporters of this outrageous behavior that should be embarrassed. The last time I checked there still is a constitution that provides for civil rights and the right not to be beaten unjustly by law enforcement officials.
      HowWordHues wrote on Monday, Apr 18 at 07:05 AM

        You state that there is a constitution that provides for civil rights. Yes that is true. You seem to have forgotten that rights go both ways. The Sheriff is not on trial but some people already have him convicted.

        Ever heard of the term, "innocent until proven guilty"?
      licketysplit wrote on Thursday, Apr 21 at 11:02 AM
        Ben Little spoke out against the Sheriff? Isn't that like Satan calling a demon "evil?"
      anniston1 wrote on Thursday, Apr 28 at 10:55 AM
        Ben Little and his crew can organize a huge group to protest or march any day of the week. I am just wondering if he organized his group today to help in the recovery efforts of all of the communities devastated by these tornadoes. I sure hope he did. They should all come together to HELP someone instead of always protesting against them.

      Copyright © 2011 Anniston Star.
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

      Offline bounty_hunter

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      Re: Comments: "In Zinn Park Saturday, second protest calls o
      « Reply #80 on: January 20, 2012, 12:45:34 PM »
      @OperationCleanSlate. just a heads up there operationcleanslate. the boy DID NOT spit on the sheriff. look at the court documents and the incident report

      . nowhere is there any mention of the boy spitting on the sheriff. not in the complaint OR BY sheriff amerson himself. in the video i can see at no point did the boy spit. he did his very best to look away from sheriff amerson. so the spitting fact only exists in your mind and your mind alone!
      Quote from: "Ursus"
      Comments left for the above article, "In Zinn Park Saturday, second protest calls on Sheriff Amerson to resign" (by Laura Johnson; Apr 17, 2011; The Anniston Star):

      [email protected] wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 08:40 AM
        I just saw the coverage of this protest on Fox 6 News. The protesters were using the Project Pay building to promote the demonstration. This building is owned by the City of Anniston. When did the City of Anniston start sponsoring protests and allowing protesters to use their buildings? I'd like an answer Ben Little. Who authorized them to use a City of Anniston property to protest the Sheriff? This seems unethical.
      catbird572 wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 10:27 AM
        I saw the same coverage, and, in my opinion as well, Ben Little owes an explanation to the citizens of Anniston, and the city of Anniston owes one to the general public for letting a loose cannon like Little to continue this outrageous behavior he has engaged in during his tenure as Councilman. The good citizens of Anniston who are FED UP with the current Mayor and Clowncil should respectfully, and publically request the former Mayors to come out of their political 'retirement' to fill all five of these offices at the next election, so that we still have half a chance of getting Anniston back on track, before these buffoons do irrepairable damage to the city's reputation.
      OperationCleanSlate wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 10:37 AM
        Little ben already has his hands in somebody's pockets hoping for a settlement. Piece of garbage, along with the rest of those "protesters." None of those people have any interest in seeing justice, they just want a piece of the pot when they thuggishly boot a white official out of office. They tried the same thing with the Anniston PD when the former chief retired, so they could get some leftwing thug chief in. None of these people have any morals, especially Little Ben. I say GOOD JOB sheriff, law enforcement should be able to go "hands on" any time they so choose! the crime rate would be a LOT lower if when you break the law you get a PROPER skin up, instead on a slap on the hand by some liberal judge. VOTE THEM OUT!
      votethemout wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 10:55 AM
        Maybe Little or some of the protesters could take the poor troubled teen into THEIR home for guidance. I wonder how long they'd put up with him in thier household.
      scarllett5 wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 01:13 PM
        If Larry Amerson were a decent human being he would step down pending the conclusion of this investigation because there is enough definitive evidence on the video that he practices totally unnecessary police brutality.
      HowWordHues wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 01:25 PM
        Everyone deserves their day in court, even the Sheriff. I wouldn't resign either just because a bunch of folks are calling for it. Heck, a lot of people have been calling for Ben Little to resign and that hasn't happened.

        There are 2 sides to every story. No one, and I mean no one knows what went on other than the Sheriff,that young man and God. People can talk, speculate, put in their own 2 cents but it still doesn't make it the truth.

        Read Bible passage John 8.

        Passage John 8 in the Bible.
      coonhunter911 wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 01:54 PM
        Nobody likes a quitter!

        As a result Amerson can't resign! Then he wouldn't get a fair trial!

        As his unappointed and unknown legal aid rep I would advise him not too!

      OperationCleanSlate wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 05:39 PM

        What constitutes police brutality? You are throwing around the words like they mean nothing. ANY law enforcement officer has the legal right to defend himself or herself against an assault,whether the person is handcuffed, shackled or whatever. And according to Alabama state law, spitting on someone IS an assault. People go to jail for it all the time. You are just a bandwagon riding hypocritical liar. Let someone spit in your face and I guarantee you would be screaming for police to throw that person in jail. I think that the sheriff exercised amazing restraint by not beating that punk senseless.
      scarllett5 wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 07:49 PM
        OperationCleanSlate The video speaks for itself. Where do you get the information that the boy spit in his face? It appears that the boy was trying to move away from him. At what point, in the video do you see this? I'm sure Amerson wouldn't voluntarily step-down even if found guilty but there should be an organization in the county such as the county commission who could do this for him. It's people like you that give the state a bad name nation wide with these red neck ideas.
      OperationCleanSlate wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 09:32 PM
        scarlet, perhaps if you did not rely solely on the star to form your opinion you would know that the boy did what he did. you can see it clearly if you look at the video objectively, but you and so many like you are not capable of that. you are on a witch hunt and likely will tarnish the good name of Amerson. He has been and will continue to be a great example of what a sheriff should be, and has likely turned down many other jobs in much higher paying places to stay with calhoun county. I respect the man and know that he is innocent of any wrong doing. You live in your little bubble of safety and have no idea what it takes to do what law enforcement officers do daily. Amerson was trying to correct mistakes that were obviously made by the boys family, and sometimes that takes more than what some people want to admit. The fact is, you can monday morning quarterback some blurry video all you want, but you and i were not there. Don't we live in such a grand country where people have the freedom to bash officials without cause or merit? The family of this boy doesn't truly care what happened, all they see are dollar signs, and that is perpetuated by corrupt people like ben little and the rest of you that jumped on the bandwagon. I just ask that you research and get all the facts that you can before you make outrageous statements in public forum and embarrass yourself.
      scarllett5 wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 10:20 PM
        OperationCleanSlate I'm not embarrassed it should be Sheriff Amerson and his supporters of this outrageous behavior that should be embarrassed. The last time I checked there still is a constitution that provides for civil rights and the right not to be beaten unjustly by law enforcement officials.
      HowWordHues wrote on Monday, Apr 18 at 07:05 AM

        You state that there is a constitution that provides for civil rights. Yes that is true. You seem to have forgotten that rights go both ways. The Sheriff is not on trial but some people already have him convicted.

        Ever heard of the term, "innocent until proven guilty"?
      licketysplit wrote on Thursday, Apr 21 at 11:02 AM
        Ben Little spoke out against the Sheriff? Isn't that like Satan calling a demon "evil?"
      anniston1 wrote on Thursday, Apr 28 at 10:55 AM
        Ben Little and his crew can organize a huge group to protest or march any day of the week. I am just wondering if he organized his group today to help in the recovery efforts of all of the communities devastated by these tornadoes. I sure hope he did. They should all come together to HELP someone instead of always protesting against them.

      Copyright © 2011 Anniston Star.
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

      Offline Ursus

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      Re: Comments: "In Zinn Park Saturday, second protest calls o
      « Reply #81 on: January 20, 2012, 09:12:36 PM »
      Quote from: "bounty_hunter"
      Comments left for the above article, "In Zinn Park Saturday, second protest calls on Sheriff Amerson to resign" (by Laura Johnson; Apr 17, 2011; The Anniston Star):

      OperationCleanSlate wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 05:39 PM

        What constitutes police brutality? You are throwing around the words like they mean nothing. ANY law enforcement officer has the legal right to defend himself or herself against an assault,whether the person is handcuffed, shackled or whatever. And according to Alabama state law, spitting on someone IS an assault. People go to jail for it all the time. You are just a bandwagon riding hypocritical liar. Let someone spit in your face and I guarantee you would be screaming for police to throw that person in jail. I think that the sheriff exercised amazing restraint by not beating that punk senseless.
      scarllett5 wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 07:49 PM
        OperationCleanSlate The video speaks for itself. Where do you get the information that the boy spit in his face? It appears that the boy was trying to move away from him. At what point, in the video do you see this? I'm sure Amerson wouldn't voluntarily step-down even if found guilty but there should be an organization in the county such as the county commission who could do this for him. It's people like you that give the state a bad name nation wide with these red neck ideas.
      OperationCleanSlate wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 09:32 PM
        scarlet, perhaps if you did not rely solely on the star to form your opinion you would know that the boy did what he did. you can see it clearly if you look at the video objectively, but you and so many like you are not capable of that. you are on a witch hunt and likely will tarnish the good name of Amerson. He has been and will continue to be a great example of what a sheriff should be, and has likely turned down many other jobs in much higher paying places to stay with calhoun county. I respect the man and know that he is innocent of any wrong doing. You live in your little bubble of safety and have no idea what it takes to do what law enforcement officers do daily. Amerson was trying to correct mistakes that were obviously made by the boys family, and sometimes that takes more than what some people want to admit. The fact is, you can monday morning quarterback some blurry video all you want, but you and i were not there. Don't we live in such a grand country where people have the freedom to bash officials without cause or merit? The family of this boy doesn't truly care what happened, all they see are dollar signs, and that is perpetuated by corrupt people like ben little and the rest of you that jumped on the bandwagon. I just ask that you research and get all the facts that you can before you make outrageous statements in public forum and embarrass yourself.
      scarllett5 wrote on Sunday, Apr 17 at 10:20 PM
        OperationCleanSlate I'm not embarrassed it should be Sheriff Amerson and his supporters of this outrageous behavior that should be embarrassed. The last time I checked there still is a constitution that provides for civil rights and the right not to be beaten unjustly by law enforcement officials.
      @OperationCleanSlate. just a heads up there operationcleanslate. the boy DID NOT spit on the sheriff. look at the court documents and the incident report

      . nowhere is there any mention of the boy spitting on the sheriff. not in the complaint OR BY sheriff amerson himself. in the video i can see at no point did the boy spit. he did his very best to look away from sheriff amerson. so the spitting fact only exists in your mind and your mind alone!
      I would tend to agree with you here, bounty_hunter, although... I certainly was not an actual witness. What is your connection to this case?

      Such portions of the video which were/are available online do not show any spitting or, for that matter, any other aggressive acts whatsoever on the part of the boy, "J.B."

      Rather, and I concur with you here also, bounty_hunter, the video shows the boy turning away and leaning away further from the sheriff. At least as much as he was able to, given that the 14-year-old (who had committed no crime) was in handcuffs and shackled at the time...
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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      Offline bounty_hunter

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      Re: Unknown program in Calhoun County
      « Reply #82 on: January 20, 2012, 11:01:44 PM »
      at this time i am not at liberty to say what my connection to this case is. but i will say this,,,due to my present situation i have had to do my research on it and dig deep into it. still have more work to do as my research is far from completion at this time. as for the young man in question here, the boy had some issues at school. and in my own opinion,,i dont care what the reason,,the young man committed no crime and was facing no charges. this was a case of scared straight gone wrong and too big a price to pay for being a bad student at school.
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

      Offline bounty_hunter

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      Re: Unknown program in Calhoun County
      « Reply #83 on: February 03, 2012, 09:59:31 AM »
      @HowWordHues,,,you so right,,,the boy had committed no crime. there were no charges filed against the young lad and yet he had to endure that kind of abuse from the sheriff! 'ever heard of "innocent till proven guilty?" is right!!! as for the sheriff,,everyone who lives in his county all know what he's like. i know of a case where the bail enforcement agents tried to arrest a bad guy. the bad guy made it to his car. he ran a bail enforcement agent over with his car and dragged him down the road with it. the sheriff impounded the vehicle that the bail enforcement agents owned and took away their weapons. funny part is that the sheriff is good friends with the parents of the fugitive who was being chased by the bounty hunters. the fugitive should of been charged with attempted murder for that. instead the fugitive only went to jail for what he originally jumped bail over. this sort of thing happens all the time in that particular county.
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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      Re: Unknown program in Calhoun County
      « Reply #84 on: February 03, 2012, 11:19:42 AM »
      Quote from: "bounty_hunter"
      at this time i am not at liberty to say what my connection to this case is. but i will say this,,,due to my present situation i have had to do my research on it and dig deep into it. still have more work to do as my research is far from completion at this time.
      Any input you'd care to lend vis a vis your research would be most appreciated!

      Quote from: "bounty_hunter"
      as for the young man in question here, the boy had some issues at school. and in my own opinion,,i dont care what the reason,,the young man committed no crime and was facing no charges. this was a case of scared straight gone wrong and too big a price to pay for being a bad student at school.
      How many "scared straight" programs, do ya think... "go wrong" a certain percentage of the time?

      Perhaps there's something wrong with the program model, eh?
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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      Re: Unknown program in Calhoun County
      « Reply #85 on: February 03, 2012, 11:30:45 AM »
      Quote from: "bounty_hunter"
      @HowWordHues,,,you so right,,,the boy had committed no crime. there were no charges filed against the young lad and yet he had to endure that kind of abuse from the sheriff! 'ever heard of "innocent till proven guilty?" is right!!! as for the sheriff,,everyone who lives in his county all know what he's like. i know of a case where the bail enforcement agents tried to arrest a bad guy. the bad guy made it to his car. he ran a bail enforcement agent over with his car and dragged him down the road with it. the sheriff impounded the vehicle that the bail enforcement agents owned and took away their weapons. funny part is that the sheriff is good friends with the parents of the fugitive who was being chased by the bounty hunters. the fugitive should of been charged with attempted murder for that. instead the fugitive only went to jail for what he originally jumped bail over. this sort of thing happens all the time in that particular county.
      Well... hate to say it, but... part of that seems to be Alabama. Circumventing the spirit of the law via "creatively interpreting" the letter of it... I could be wrong.
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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      Re: Unknown program in Calhoun County
      « Reply #86 on: February 03, 2012, 11:50:20 AM »
      @scarllett5,,i watched the video and if you notice at about 10 to 15 seconds into the video the sheriff turns his head towards the deputies and says something to them. at that point they ALL start to leave the room at the exact moment. they DID not make the choice to leave,,they were ORDERED to leave the room. so that proves that the sheriffs actions were premeditated! he KNEW that what he was about to do was WRONG! there are also signed statements to that effect, that they were ordered to leave the room as well.. as for "lcwesson",,so what you are saying is that we need to take 10 steps backwards as a society and go back to the dark days like in old chicago and just brutalize anyone who we THINK MIGHT be a problem in the future? sounds like marshall law to me. in fact thats exactly what the nazi's used to do in their prison camps. just brutalize anyone they THOUGHT might be a future problem. when a man is elected to put on that badge, hes excepting the roll of a LAW ENFORCEMENT official. laws for all intentional purposes are just a code of ethics. a code that we as human beings are expected to live by. and when a man excepts the position of law enforcement official he too still has to live by that code of ethics as well. no man is above the law. these laws were made to protect the rights of criminals(and this young lad WAS NOT a criminal) as well as citizens. so when a law enforcement official thinks he does not have to live by those laws, or that code of ethics then he becomes a rogue who is dangerous and at that point he no longer represents "the people". he represents only himself. a bully with a badge who thinks he doesnt have to live by our laws.sometimes these same officials see so much for so long that they go sour and forget the primary focus of their position.  now in my profession i too spend time in these bad neighborhoods and your so very right,,,if people had to spend time in these bad neighborhoods on a ride along with the law enforcement officials,,they WOULD see the world differently. BUT, by the same token,,,if you were to ever be on the receiving end of a bad ass bully with a badge,,you too might see the world differently as well!
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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      Re: Unknown program in Calhoun County
      « Reply #87 on: February 03, 2012, 11:50:24 AM »
      @scarllett5,,i watched the video and if you notice at about 10 to 15 seconds into the video the sheriff turns his head towards the deputies and says something to them. at that point they ALL start to leave the room at the exact moment. they DID not make the choice to leave,,they were ORDERED to leave the room. so that proves that the sheriffs actions were premeditated! he KNEW that what he was about to do was WRONG! there are also signed statements to that effect, that they were ordered to leave the room as well.. as for "lcwesson",,so what you are saying is that we need to take 10 steps backwards as a society and go back to the dark days like in old chicago and just brutalize anyone who we THINK MIGHT be a problem in the future? sounds like marshall law to me. in fact thats exactly what the nazi's used to do in their prison camps. just brutalize anyone they THOUGHT might be a future problem. when a man is elected to put on that badge, hes excepting the roll of a LAW ENFORCEMENT official. laws for all intentional purposes are just a code of ethics. a code that we as human beings are expected to live by. and when a man excepts the position of law enforcement official he too still has to live by that code of ethics as well. no man is above the law. these laws were made to protect the rights of criminals(and this young lad WAS NOT a criminal) as well as citizens. so when a law enforcement official thinks he does not have to live by those laws, or that code of ethics then he becomes a rogue who is dangerous and at that point he no longer represents "the people". he represents only himself. a bully with a badge who thinks he doesnt have to live by our laws.sometimes these same officials see so much for so long that they go sour and forget the primary focus of their position.  now in my profession i too spend time in these bad neighborhoods and your so very right,,,if people had to spend time in these bad neighborhoods on a ride along with the law enforcement officials,,they WOULD see the world differently. BUT, by the same token,,,if you were to ever be on the receiving end of a bad ass bully with a badge,,you too might see the world differently as well!
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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      Re: Unknown program in Calhoun County
      « Reply #88 on: February 03, 2012, 12:01:53 PM »
      one other point,,,DONT GIVE ME THIS CRAP that the sheriff didnt know that they started this program. the sheriff has to sign off on this just to implement these programs. lets assume for one second that he DIDNT know about the program,,,does the sheriff then just go in and start brutalizing people without any knowledge of why they are there in the first place then?,,NO! it is the JOB of the sheriff to know everything that goes on in his domain and on his watch as "SHERIFF". AND IF HE ISNT DOING HIS JOB and doing it properly,,,then he just needs to be gone and the job given to someone who CAN do the job properly!
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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      Re: Unknown program in Calhoun County
      « Reply #89 on: February 03, 2012, 12:16:54 PM »
      and for those who think that whoever gave up that tape should be fired,,remember this,,, the sheriff is still their superior! they are in NO position to say anything without fear of losing their career. so whoever did give up that tape obviously DOES know the difference between right and wrong, and are tired of covering for a bad bad man with a badge! and when its all said and done,,should anything ever go horribly wrong and someone does get hurt bad or even dies,,,they too are going to be held accountable as accessories to the fact as well as the sheriff. they too stand to lose their career and possibly their freedom just because of the wrong doings of one man,,,THE SHERIFF!
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »