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Yet another boot camp in Texas
« on: April 16, 2011, 03:45:22 AM »
It will be on Fornits Wiki soon:

The target group is children aged between 4 and 17. (No not a typo. 4!)

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Press Coverage:

Juvenile justice: Boot camp for kids is alternative, By Celinda Emison, Reporter News, April 9, 2011

It's Saturday afternoon, it's hot and 30 kids are standing at attention in a field next to the Sunset Arbor Apartments.

Drill sergeant Paul Huntington walks up and down between the two groups of kids, ranging in age from 4 to 17.

"This is reality at it's best," Huntington shouts. "You kids are going to learn discipline, no ifs ands or buts."

He commands the attention of his would-be troops — when he shouts "Ears open, eye balls ..."

"Click sir, listening sir," comes the unified response from the kids.

Then it is down on the ground for push-ups.

"On your face!" Huntington and two other drill instructors order.

The kids obey.

"Get up!" is the next command.

And soon, the youths are red-faced and sweaty — some are crying.

It is all part of Reality Invasion, a boot camp for kids ages 4 to 17 that Huntington started more than a year ago. The free, 30-week program is designed to help kids who have gotten off track. Parents are encouraged to come and watch.

"The point is to teach kids discipline and character," he said. "If you are trying to help kids, you can't put a price on that."

Matt Balderas, 17, said he remembers doing 400 push-ups on his first day.

"I wanted to hit him in the face," Balderas said of Huntington. But sometime about the fifth week, he said he made a decision to change.

Before joining the program, Balderas said he was "getting into all kinds of trouble."

He served probation for burglary.

"He was on his way to prison," said his aunt, Rebecca Balderas.

Now more than six months later, he said he's done a 360-degree turnaround.

"I was tired of getting in trouble," he said.

Now, Balderas is at the "Marine" level in the boot camp program. His grades have improved, and he said he actually likes school.

Lance Voorhees, one of several chaplains at the Taylor County Juvenile Justice Center, said Balderas has made incredible improvements.

"Reality Invasion has given Matt the confidence that he could turn his life around and make a difference in other lives as well," said Voorhees, who has both counseled and tutored Balderas.

"Paul Huntington and his drill instructors are miracle workers," Voorhees said.

Other parents agreed.

"It has helped a lot with the kids," said Jane Scarborough, 73, who is raising five of her grandchildren. "All I have to do is say 'Do you want me to call Mr. Huntington?'"

After receiving an honorable discharge from the Air Force, Huntington said he prayed about what he was going to do next in his life.

"God wanted me to do a boot camp," Huntington said.

So he started the program and word-of-mouth spread quickly.

The boot camp is not affiliated with any Taylor County juvenile justice programs.

Huntington requires the kids to make A's and B's in school and to mind their parents. He has been known to make both school and house calls.

"Life is not sugarcoated," Huntington said.

Parents sign kids up for 30 weeks, and Huntington pays for uniforms. If the child leaves before the 30-week course is over, parents must pay $50.

Huntington said he is looking for a building so he can hold boot camp during bad weather days and in the winter.

He said he is hoping to expand the boot camp.

"My goal in life is to help mentor and change kids lives across the U.S., and Abilene is my first stop," he said.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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pics for "Juvenile justice: Boot camp for kids is alternativ
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2011, 01:38:28 PM »
Pics accompanying the above article, "Juvenile justice: Boot camp for kids is alternative" (by Celinda Emison; April 9, 2011; Abilene Reporter-News):

Michael Scarborough, 4 (right), and other children are ordered to do push-ups at a boot camp for kids at the Sunset Arbor Apartments on April 2.
Photo by Victor Cristales/Reporter-News

Children are made to run around a field at a boot camp for kids at the Sunset Arbor Apartments on April 2.
Photo by Victor Cristales/Reporter-News

Drill instructor Ericka Ewart talks to Zoe Lindsey, 4, at a boot camp for kids at the Sunset Arbor Apartments . Zoe's parents signed her up because she kept getting out of her car seat.
Photo by Victor Cristales/Reporter-News

Maria Cusick 11, (center) is brought to tears by drill instructors (from left) Ericka Ewart, Paul Huntington and Paul Manning.
Photo by Victor Cristales/Reporter-News

Drill sergeant Paul Huntington walks between rows of children at a boot camp for kids at the Sunset Arbor Apartments on April 2.
Photo by Victor Cristales/Reporter-News

© 2011 Abilene Reporter-News.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Ursus

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Comments: "JJ: Boot camp for kids is alternative" #s 1-20
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2011, 05:46:27 PM »
Comments left for the above article, "Juvenile justice: Boot camp for kids is alternative" (by Celinda Emison; April 9, 2011; Abilene Reporter-News), #s 1-20:

lance#213808 writes: April 10, 2011 1:40 a.m.
    This is a fantastic, Christian based program. You can get hold of Senior Instructor Paul Huntington at (720) 224-1457 or email him at:!/page ... 6750353626[/list]
SadButTrue writes: April 10, 2011 1:43 a.m.
    I thought this is what parents are supposed to do. I guess there to busy making more kids they cant afford.
bess writes: April 10, 2011 2:04 a.m.
    too cool. i wonder if i could volunteer.
russell writes: April 10, 2011 2:42 a.m.
    A four year old who won't stay in her car seat? Really? If that's the case, there's some folks who keep on coming to my door trying to save my soul. They just don't understand no either. Maybe the program would work on them.
hoss733 writes: April 10, 2011 8:17 a.m.
    If this is Rick Perry's idea, my personal thoughts on that subject. BEWARE OF WOLVES IN SHEEP CLOTHING. Who knows he could be the anti- Christ.
TGIRecovered writes: April 10, 2011 9:50 a.m.
    Four year old children do not belong in a program like this. I am disappointed to see that parents would turn their kids over to a man who could have any number of motives for wanting to be have such a controlling influence over other people's children. School visits, home visits, drill-type brainwashing until they obey this man without question; these tactics are similar to the grooming behaviors of an abuser.

    I don't know this man. He could be on a mission from God, or on a mission of a very different sort. The information given in this article indicates to me that there are no checks and balances in place to be sure that he understands children's mental, emotional and physical development and doesn't abuse his authority in any way.

    Children should never be subjected to a situation in which any person other than a parent has total control without any supervision. Even in prison, the guards are supervised. Ministers answer to Elders. Teachers, police officers, connselors and doctors all have professional ethics to uphold and supervisory boards who oversee their work and can suspend their license.

    It appears that this man is a self-appointed expert and works solo.

    I doubt that any professional in psychology or child development would endorse this program.

    People need to be careful with their children!
cottonball107 writes: April 10, 2011 10:06 a.m.
    Just the frontpage picture is enough to turn me off. Two big Drill Instructor's making a little kid cry.. What a joke...
dradjackson writes: April 10, 2011 11:11 a.m.
    It is important that kids learn discipline and chracter. Years back, these were taught by parents and churches. Times have changed, that's not as true today, and new and useful programs are welcome. To what extent a 4 year old would understand such things, I don't know and reserve further comment on that matter.
eaglerider writes: April 10, 2011 11:26 a.m.
    As a former U.S. Army Drill Sergeant, and as a parent, I find this very disturbing.

    I know first hand what the job of a Drill Instructor is, and also what that type of training is designed for. To apply it to a four year old borders on child abuse. The picture shown with three DI's screaming at a child is child abuse. Mental abuse of a child can be even more damaging to a child than physical abuse.

    Not only do I think parents who sign their kids up for this need to be evaluated by Child Protective Services, but law enforcement authorities need to investigate the program and Hunnington.

    Sure, youth detention facilities have these kind of programs in place, and they serve a purpose in a strictly controlled and regulated environment... but how many 4 year old children are in youth detention facilities for getting out of their car seats?
ponzi1 writes: April 10, 2011 1:36 p.m.
      in response to eaglerider:

      As a former U.S. Army Drill Sergeant, and as a parent, I find this very disturbing.

      I know first hand what the job of a Drill Instructor is, and also what that type of training is designed for. To apply it to a four year old borders on child abuse. The picture shown with three DI's screaming at a child is child abuse. Mental abuse of a child can be even more damaging to a child than physical abuse.

      Not only do I think parents who sign their kids up for this need to be evaluated by Child Protective Services, but law enforcement authorities need to investigate the program and Hunnington.

      Sure, youth detention facilities have these kind of programs in place, and they serve a purpose in a strictly controlled and regulated environment... but how many 4 year old children are in youth detention facilities for getting out of their car seats?[/list][/size]
      I agree with every point you make.[/list]
      Paula7737 writes: April 10, 2011 2:50 p.m.
        That picture with the little girl in tears as the large men hovered over her screaming at her was hands-down the most heartbreaking picture I have ever seen. Very disturbing.
      Steve7676 writes: April 10, 2011 3:43 p.m.
        Not your kids not your choice on how folks raise them..This is not illegal.
      gary_p_none writes: April 10, 2011 4:16 p.m.
        I, too, am appalled at this form of abuse targeting children under twelve years of age. The juvenile justice system is restricted from taking harsh action towards the younger kids who misbehave. If the child is twelve to thirteen years old, or above, the parents should have this option.

        Thirty weeks of this type of treatment towards a four-year-old can only be categorized as abuse - whether the parent consented is no defense!

        I have concerns about this Huntington character, no matter how sincere his motives, his tactics are far over the line for the younger kids. Quite frankly, I'm concerned about his methods contributing to suicidal urges in the older kids.

        This guy is way out of line and needs to be trained, couseled and monitored by professionals as a term of continuing his program. If I hollered at my kids in such a manner for thirty weeks on my property, I would expect the neighbors to alert CPS to pay me a visit - and it would be the proper thing for them to investigate the circumstances.

        I resisted as long as possible, but any pseudo counseling program involving my "good buddy" Lance only leads to conclusions of ill conceived motives and self promotion.
      hoss733 writes: April 10, 2011 4:20 p.m.
        Mean and cruelty is not the way to fix anything. Our Texas Lawmakers are incharge of a bunch of Sodma and Ghamara hoodlums. They believe that abuse is the way to fix anything. Its like waterboarding and when you idiots get your butts out of your heads, we might stop having fires. You are destroying this world with your idotic ideas. This world needs true undying love to cure sin. NOT TORTURE! This is worse than waterboarding, its Americans. This is the way Texans think, be cruel and brainwash.
      joycey04 writes: April 10, 2011 5:09 p.m.
        I applaud Paul Huntington for doing what needs to be done for children who are hostile to authority. None of you naysayers have ever had a child like that, I guess. I am a grandmother of such a child and I have been pulled to the ground by this child who was in a rage after she was told to just behave. She had been kicked out of 3 preschools, had counseling, been put on medication, and NOTHING HELPS. She is almost a teen now, and her mother and the rest of her family are at a loss. God Bless Paul Huntington. BTW, parents are invited to stay for the camp...
      Righty writes: April 10, 2011 5:46 p.m.
        I think there is probably more to his approach than what we are seeing here. I will research it more thoroughly online. Thanks, Lance, for the links.

        I will say this, though, I was disturbed by the photo of the 4 yr old but then I don't have a 4 yr old going into rages. Drill Instructor Huntington? Could I suggest a BootCamp for adults? If we had more parents with mental, emotional and physical toughtness, maybe there wouldn't be grandmothers raising 5 of their grandchildren.
      shadetree25 writes: April 10, 2011 5:54 p.m.
        Your treating kids like a bunch of criminals. OH, WAIT! You can't treat criminals like that!!!!!
      lonestarjhawk#275825 writes: April 10, 2011 8:13 p.m.
        Let's see, the kid is reported to have done a 360 degree turnaround. Doesn't that mean he is going the same direction as before? Pitiful writing.
      GM writes: April 10, 2011 9:30 p.m.
        This is just insane. I went to the Facebook page, there is seriously something wrong with this guy. I spent 20 years in the Air Force, believe me that discipline used in the military does not translate in to discipline you would use on youngsters. And he's doing it under a Christian front, nothing but a budding Hitler there.
      Rebel_Saint writes: April 10, 2011 9:48 p.m.
        I just love all the limp types who think discipline is "abuse". Folks like you probably call the police and CPS when someone you know spanks their children. Let me tell you...if there was more spanking, there would be less need for this sort of retroactive discipline.

      © 2011 Abilene Reporter-News.
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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      Offline Pile of Dead Kids

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      Re: Yet another boot camp in Texas
      « Reply #3 on: April 17, 2011, 09:27:53 PM »
      ...somebody put an end to this.

      Don't care how, don't care who.
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
      ...Sergey Blashchishen, James Shirey, Faith Finley, Katherine Rice, Ashlie Bunch, Brendan Blum, Caleb Jensen, Alex Cullinane, Rocco Magliozzi, Elisa Santry, Dillon Peak, Natalynndria Slim, Lenny Ortega, Angellika Arndt, Joey Aletriz, Martin Anderson, James White, Christening Garcia, Kasey Warner, Shirley Arciszewski, Linda Harris, Travis Parker, Omega Leach, Denis Maltez, Kevin Christie, Karlye Newman, Richard DeMaar, Alexis Richie, Shanice Nibbs, Levi Snyder, Natasha Newman, Gracie James, Michael Owens, Carlton Thomas, Taylor Mangham, Carnez Boone, Benjamin Lolley, Jessica Bradford's unnamed baby, Anthony Parker, Dysheka Streeter, Corey Foster, Joseph Winters, Bruce Staeger, Kenneth Barkley, Khalil Todd, Alec Lansing, Cristian Cuellar-Gonzales, Janaia Barnhart, a DRA victim who never even showed up in the news, and yet another unnamed girl at Summit School...

      Offline Froderik

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      Re: Yet another boot camp in Texas
      « Reply #4 on: April 17, 2011, 11:37:20 PM »
      Has anyone tried contacting CPS, or reporting the page to facebook?
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

      Offline EricasMom

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      Re: Yet another boot camp in Texas
      « Reply #5 on: April 18, 2011, 05:45:33 PM »
      Pretty sure Chuck Long, too, thought God was talking to him:

      almost certain they were both mistaken.
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

      Offline Froderik

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      Re: Yet another boot camp in Texas
      « Reply #6 on: April 18, 2011, 06:17:00 PM »
      Shit... almost? There's a special place in hell reserved for the likes of fuckheads like these.  :flame:
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

      Offline Ursus

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      Re: Yet another boot camp in Texas
      « Reply #7 on: April 18, 2011, 11:45:13 PM »
      Kinda makes ya wonder what cultural purpose this kind of phenomenon ultimately serves... in a country which has involved itself in international warfare of one sort or another for most of the last three-quarters of a century, if not longer.
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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      Offline Froderik

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      Re: Yet another boot camp in Texas
      « Reply #8 on: April 19, 2011, 12:58:27 AM »
      Quote from: "Ursus"
      Kinda makes ya wonder what cultural purpose this kind of phenomenon ultimately serves... in a country which has involved itself in international warfare of one sort or another for most of the last three-quarters of a century, if not longer.

      It serves to make money by emotionally abusing kids; a sick purpose.
      « Last Edit: April 20, 2011, 07:08:48 PM by Froderik »

      Offline Ursus

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      Comments: "JJ: Boot camp for kids is alternative" #s 21-37
      « Reply #9 on: April 19, 2011, 07:33:49 PM »
      Some more comments left for the above article, "Juvenile justice: Boot camp for kids is alternative" (by Celinda Emison; April 9, 2011; Abilene Reporter-News), #s 21-37:

      Casual_Observer writes: April 11, 2011 6:52 a.m
        Why start on them at 4 y/o?

        n Aggravated assault, 200 block of Sunset Drive, Saturday

        A 43-year-old man reported being stabbed in the chest by a 13-year-old male.
      june writes: April 11, 2011 7:12 a.m.
        If you can't make your 4 year child stay in their car seat, then you have some serious parenting issues.
      Paula7737 writes: April 11, 2011 8:57 a.m.
        (This comment was removed by the site staff.)[/list]
        justmythoughts writes: April 11, 2011 10:06 a.m.
          I think this is a really neat program, but I have a couple of concerns and both are age-related. First, some of these kids are too young for it. This needs to be for kids ages junior high and above in my opinion. Elementary-aged kids don't need to be in a program like this which goes into the second concern...where are the parents and what are they doing? I will give them the benefit of the doubt that they have tried, but have either not tried hard enough or just stopped trying. Being a parent is tough. You have to make a decision and stand your ground. If you're consistent with your discipline, the kids will learn real fast who's boss.

          Finally, sometimes these boot camps don't work. I know a young man who got into a lot of trouble as a teen so his parents placed him in one of these boot camps. Didn't work for two reasons. One is that he was fearless and had seen and participated in a lot of violence in his life. The drill sergeants just didn't phase this kid and they certainly didn't scare him. The other problem is that this kid was very physically fit. The push-ups and all the other physical activities didn't bother him at all. They only made him physically stronger and more defiant. He is in prison now and it's so sad because he's an intelligent young man who just made bad choices. I know the success rate of these programs are really good, but there are still those who fall through and just cannot be convinced to change their ways.
        Squeezer writes: April 11, 2011 11:12 a.m.
          The proof is in the pudding. Opinions are interesting but of little value beyond that. Mr. Huntington should be applauded for helping young people turn around their lives.
        nmdad writes: April 11, 2011 11:14 a.m.
            in response to june:

            If you can't make your 4 year child stay in their car seat, then you have some serious parenting issues.[/list][/size]
            My thoughts exactly! Maybe the parents are too big of wimps to jump into the kids behind when she acts up. Mom and dad - here is a parenting tip from a father of 5 and grandfather of 2 - GROW A PAIR. If you can't handle your daughter at 4 wait until she is 12. I guess it is easier to pay someone to yell at your kid than it is to do it yourself...what a shame! (BTW, 2 of my kids are fully functional adults, 2 are very well behaved, respectful, teens and my youngest is a great little boy. You can be your kids friend but when it's time to drop the hammer and draw lines that where being a pal ends.)[/list]
            joycey04 writes: April 11, 2011 2:47 p.m
              I understand everyone's comments. But the grandchild of mine who is defiant has always been that way...she is almost 13 now. My other granddaughter is almost 15...she has no problems like her sister....raised by the SAME MOTHER, I might add...
            kristibalderas13#326614 writes: April 11, 2011 3:50 p.m.
              I wanted to write personally because I have four children in the program and it has worked tremendously on all! Two of them are twins and they are four, one is five and volunteered herself and the other is my step-son Matt Balderas! My four and five year olds look forward to bootcamp on Saturday! One of the twins and my five year old daughter are pictured at the top of this report. I personally know Zoe and her parents and reffered the program to them. Zoe was not getting yelled at for not sitting in her car seat, the instructor which is ERICKA a female was explaining to Zoe would could happen if there where a wreck or something MOMMY and DADDY had no control over. I can personally say for my twin boys who are the same age as Zoe they cried the first two weeks but when they got the hang of things and connected with the instructors they loved it! Matt my 17 year old even cried his first two weeks. And can I mention this past weekend were moved up to being instructors for MR. Hunnington! Wow my four year old twins can do push ups off a chair and run as much as me YES that makes me proud! And as for my step-son MATT his parents aren't around his Aunt recently got custody of him because his parents gave up on him! We wanted a positive man role model in his life and find one PAUL HUNNINGTON! I can say for myself I wasn't an angel when I was younger and if there had been a boot camp for me I probably wouldn't have done the things I did at such a young age. My mom was a single mom and raised me, my brother, and my neices, and nephews. And I would without doubt do boot camp right along with them but I learned life the hard way and then changed. I want Mr. Hunnington to show my kids they need to go to school, make good grades, so they can achieve anything they set their mind too! Matt reads a verse out of the bible every night because that is his BOOTCAMP homework. If that kid was in the same place he was in when he first signed up he would be in adult jail at the age of 17 not something i want to happen! Thank you Mr. Hunnington for REALITY AT IT'S BEST AND ALL YOU DO!
            ironman writes: April 11, 2011 4:35 p.m.
              i too applaud mr. huntington for caring enough for the kids, and our community, to get off his butt and actually do something about it. it is much easier to sit behind a laptop and type your negative comments than it is to actually engage your brain, offer a solution to a problem and then actually put forth some effort to correct the problem. for those that have any questions or are concerned about the welfare of the children i am sure mr. huntington would welcome your presence at one of these boot camps so that you may get first hand knowledge of his tactics!
            Squawk_7500 writes: April 11, 2011 6:17 p.m.
              An excellent tactic is to show the kids a Justin Bieber poster, then threaten to tear it up in front of them if they don't stop misbehaving.
            kristibalderas13#326614 writes: April 11, 2011 9:16 p.m.
                in response to SadButTrue:

                I thought this is what parents are supposed to do. I guess there to busy making more kids they cant afford.[/list][/size]


                And shall we talk about 'Offical Immunity under Texas State Law'?[/list]
                rhambo68 writes: April 12, 2011 12:32 p.m.
                  It is better to "whip" them into shape now at the parent's expense then have to support them at the Texas Justice System at our expense!!!
                nmdad writes: April 12, 2011 1:38 p.m.
                    in response to kristibalderas13#326614:

                    [email protected]. This is the mother of the four year old, Zoe, that was on the front page of the Sunday paper. I would like to start off by saying that I have four kids, 2, 3, 4, and 5 years old. Two girls and two boys. My 5 year old daughter, Zoe's sister, is also participating in the bootcamp program. She enjoys it and it has made a positive impact on her overall. She looks up to Hunnington as she does mom and dad...and more positive, christian influences in my childrens all for it! I put my girls in the bootcamp program because I felt that it was my last resort. If I hadn't have put them in this wonderful program I would then be neglectful by not being a mom and doing something about the problems we had. It is more than just the car seat issue why I decided to sign my daughter up. It has made a positive difference in not only our whole family but more importantly it has made its own changes in my girls individually. I stay with my girls the entire time we are there...on and off the field with them. I thank Hunnington for all he has done for my girls and family overall. He is a kind caring person with good intensions at heart. All of my kids love him and anticipate going to Bootcamp every Saturday. Lastly, I want to say, do not judge a book by its cover because its not what the story is made out to be.[/list][/size]
                    Courtney, different strokes for different folks. I guess I am at a slight advantage over other parents having spent 21 years in the military and having made it through real boot camp. I can be my kids best friend but when I have to put on my DI hat and I say jump my kids ask "how high" on the way up. Good luck with your kids. Each one is different and each one will bring his/her own set of challenges (my daughter more challenging than all 4 of my sons combined) :-).[/list]
                    Casual_Observer writes: April 13, 2011 6:05 a.m.
                        in response to rhambo68:

                        It is better to "whip" them into shape now at the parent's expense then have to support them at the Texas Justice System at our expense!!![/list][/size]
                        You got it.[/list]
                        Rebel_Saint writes: April 13, 2011 2:30 p.m.
                            in response to rhambo68:

                            It is better to "whip" them into shape now at the parent's expense then have to support them at the Texas Justice System at our expense!!![/list][/size]
                            Where's the bloody "LIKE" button???[/list]
                            What_it_is writes: April 14, 2011 8:57 p.m.
                              The internet is a wealth of information, many can find drugs even, believe it or not. I haven't researched this program that well, but it looks like there will be more tattling children as a result, and that is a very good thing, they will tell on their parents, peers, people in society, what they find online, possibly as a result of attending this program even as a result of an association with this boot camp, and that could help society. I doubt they are insulting the children, it is most likely a bunch of mimicking between the "Drill Team" and the youth, encouraging communication on the the children's level. Which is good, and some parent's don't have the ability to communicate and mimic like that and do calisthenics, and it most likely has no place in the domicile anyway. Those children might have an ability out there to form a team, and use teamwork to understand their place in society better. The fact that Christianity is involved in that might be great for a lot of people but limits a lot as well. Parents can't help that they didn't have the ability to interact with their children in a manner that includes a child similar reaction from them. It doesn't have to be harsh and I doubt it is out there, it is probably fun and educational for the children. If they are able to intervene while mimicking is still worthwhile and isn't emotionally damaging, they might of done you a favor by helping and educated you a bit on how to parent. It isn't like they don't offer the possibility of being capable of administering the dsmv or hare tests, ask them and if they are qualified to do that and have a pediatrician, child psychologist and psychiatrist on site, it might be really worthwhile. However the religious aspect if going to be offered, needs to have a diverse selection, or some children who would like to go, won't because it won't suit them. If it became state funded, it might be a very interesting prospect for education for a whole lot of people, and could provide jobs. However I have limited information about it, and am only speculative about what if's and possibilities. Maybe, a lot of what a Drill team like that is going to do is show many ways to express ones self without directing negativity about someone else or to someone else. I would think, anyway.

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                            « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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                            Offline kobe08

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                            Re: Yet another boot camp in Texas
                            « Reply #10 on: October 30, 2011, 12:04:25 PM »
                            First, everything in Boot Camp has a reason. Usually, because it's happening to you at the moment, you don't have time to figure the reason out. I can't guarantee its success, but it worked for me. In Boot Camp I developed what I call selective voluntarism.

                            see more bootcamp
                            « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »