Author Topic: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???  (Read 38879 times)

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Offline Misled

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #60 on: June 22, 2011, 10:00:03 AM »
I completely agree with HGrant and his assessment of Hyde Schools. I recently saw where they are advertising themselves as a "college prep school." Hyde does not prepare students for college. In fact it was very difficult to get our child back into a mainstream school after attending Hyde.

My educational consultant felt Hyde was a good placement for my child who needed motivation in school. He has since stopped sending any of his clients to Hyde and I obviously took my child out as soon as I discovered what type of place Hyde was. The majority of Hyde's students have drug and behavioral problems, although they are ill prepared to deal with either one of these issues. Most of the "teachers" at Hyde are either former students or parents of former students who themselves are dealing with major psychological issues. I strongly caution you about Hyde based on my family experience there. I saw many sickening things take place at Hyde and personally believe it damaged my child more than helped him. It was an experience that we try to forget. Hyde operates very much like a Cult and encourages the students and parents to solicit donations from outside sources in the community as well as bullying you into giving more dollars to the school. If you don't, then you are considered "not committed" and will be pressured from all those around you. What I saw at Hyde was very similar to brainwashing both the parents and kids. They prey on the weakest. Those  weakest swear by Hyde similar to members of a Cult. It's frightening to say the least.

Save your money, keep your child at home, and look for a good family psychologist. Most children work out their problems eventually. I was misled, but thankfully I did not have the same outcome as HGrant. I am very sorry for you and your loss. I can understand how Hyde can send someone over the edge.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Wh??ter

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #61 on: June 22, 2011, 10:28:02 AM »
Quote from: "molly"

This is my first post to Fornits.  Last week my son's therapist suggested that I send him away to one of the Hyde boarding schools beginning in September of this year because he has ADD and sometimes misbehaves.  I mentioned the therapist's  suggestion to a friend from Connecticut where one of the campuses is located and she seemed very concerned that I would even consider sending my child to Hyde.  According to my friend, the students are sometimes treated ruthlessly and the administration leaves a lot to be desired.  When I told my son's therapist what my friend had said, he responded that she must be out of her mind and that Hyde would be perfect for my son.  My friend is not out of her mind.  Still, I know no one who has sent their child to Hyde and I only have one friend (the one who lives in Connecticut) who has ever heard of the school.  I'm afraid that if I don't apply to Hyde now it will be to late but I absolutely do not want to send my son to a school that is as doctrinaire as my friend describes Hyde as being.  

Does anyone here know anything about Hyde?



Molly, Hyde is an excellent school with an excellent reputation for turning around at-risk youths and getting them on a good path.  You should definitely enroll your child, the sooner the better.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Misled

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #62 on: June 22, 2011, 11:04:30 AM »
Molly, I STRONGLY disagree with this last poster who recommends Hyde. Hydes education system has a lot to be desired. Although they advertise 98% college acceptance, it is misleading. First of all, Hyde holds many of it's students back and then getting your child back into mainstream school is a nightmare because some of the credits are not accepted. Anyone can get accepted into a local or community college. I would love to see the stats on graduates of Hyde a year after they leave school as many that I knew, dropped out of college, never went to college or dropped out of life!

Most former students and parents will tell you that Hyde is more of a Cult than a prep school. The honest ones will tell you tales of bulimia, sexual abuse of males and females, runaways, drug abuse, and more. My child did not fit in, but once you take your child out of mainstream education, it is difficult to go back. Its a catch 22 and I highly recommend you research other alternatives. Hyde will sell you a great story, at a very high cost, but I didn't see any success stories while there.

This poster is one of those few each year who drink the koolaid. Please be careful.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Shadyacres

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #63 on: June 22, 2011, 11:18:09 AM »
Whooter is an industry troll and his attitude is indicative of the kind of people you would be turning your son over to.  He was formally known as "TheWho", go back and look at some of his advice over the last six or seven years on this forum, it should shed some light on his motivation.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Wh??ter

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #64 on: June 22, 2011, 11:21:26 AM »
Quote from: "Shadyacres"
Whooter is an industry troll and his attitude is indicative of the kind of people you would be turning your son over to.  He was formally known as "TheWho", go back and look at some of his advice over the last six or seven years on this forum, it should shed some light on his motivation.

You have no Balls, Shadyacres. Why do you piss and moan about me but accept all the lies said about me personally? People say I profit from the industry, had kids who committed suicide a wife that left me etc. The list is extensive.

People make up stories all the time and lie. Why do you stand by and accept this if lying bothers you so much? Could it be a double standard?

How about if I started saying you deserved to be in a program because your parents didnt want to raise their own grandchild and that you had dropped out of school and were heading for your 3rd abortion and they were tired of paying to get you out of jail? Would that be okay? or is it only okay if the person being lied about is pro-program or holds a moderate view?

You only see what you chose to see Shady.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Wh??ter

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #65 on: June 22, 2011, 11:25:59 AM »
Quote from: "Misled"
Molly, I STRONGLY disagree with this last poster who recommends Hyde. Hydes education system has a lot to be desired. Although they advertise 98% college acceptance, it is misleading. First of all, Hyde holds many of it's students back and then getting your child back into mainstream school is a nightmare because some of the credits are not accepted. Anyone can get accepted into a local or community college. I would love to see the stats on graduates of Hyde a year after they leave school as many that I knew, dropped out of college, never went to college or dropped out of life!

Most former students and parents will tell you that Hyde is more of a Cult than a prep school. The honest ones will tell you tales of bulimia, sexual abuse of males and females, runaways, drug abuse, and more. My child did not fit in, but once you take your child out of mainstream education, it is difficult to go back. Its a catch 22 and I highly recommend you research other alternatives. Hyde will sell you a great story, at a very high cost, but I didn't see any success stories while there.

This poster is one of those few each year who drink the koolaid. Please be careful.

If you step out and look at the larger view you will see that there are 50,000 kids going thru the system every year and only a few are damaged by it. There are thousands of kids getting back on the right path without brainwashing or degrade to suicide or ptsd etc. The programs work and the proof is in the pudding, Molly. Prospective families talk to families who have had kids go thru the system. They hear the success stories first hand. The programs have reunions with kids attending from years past and recent grads come back to attend future graduations. These are not signs of cults or brainwashing. Many programs have no fences and if you want out then you could break a few rules and get your ass tossed back home or just walk out….. we just read about a girl who ran away from a program and is now home with her family…. cults don’t operate like this. The studies are now being performed by outside agencies with oversight from independent third parties.... its getting harder and harder for you to keep denying or ignoring the facts.

To keep your beliefs alive, Molly, you cherry pick articles and identify an abusive staff over here and a few abusive stories and wala you are able to sit back cozy with your world intact. But your stories are collecting dust without new ones to replace them….things are changing around you and if you step outside your world you will see that todays programs just aint the same as the façade you have built for yourself over the years.

Sometimes a little sunlight is the best disinfectant.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Shadyacres

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #66 on: June 22, 2011, 11:43:48 AM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Wh??ter

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #67 on: June 22, 2011, 11:59:00 AM »
Quote from: "Shadyacres"
Let there be light;

Not so fast, Shady.  Not everyone agrees with your narrow and bias view.  Here are a couple of links for you:

1)  This was a study conducted surveying 1,000 parents and graduates of a few programs.  The study was overseen by WIRB (The Western Institutional Review Board) and they also approved the study.  The results were presented at the Annual meeting of the APA American Psychological Association.


2)  There was a writer who spent 14 months (I thought it was 16 months) inside a program and then wrote a book about his findings


A Pulitzer Prize-winning writer untangles the mysteries of the
teenage mind as he witnesses troubled kids transformed by fourteen
months at a school that offers therapy for adolescents in
Millions of parents struggle to grasp what goes on in their kids' heads,
on their computers, and among their friends. As an education correspondent
for U.S. News & World Report, David L. Marcus
wrestled with similar
questions while reporting on the welter of pressures American teenagers
now face – a resurgent drug culture, proliferating temptations and threats
on-line, skyrocketing suicide rates (three times higher than in the

To find answers, Marcus gained unfettered access to students, staff,
and parents at the Academy at Swift River
in the hills of western
Massachusetts. The kids at Swift River had already ventured down a
number of perilous paths all parents fear their own children might
take – drug use, violence, theft, internet addictions, eating disorders,
promiscuity. Known for combining intensive academics, a wilderness
program and group therapy, the school helps troubled teenagers emotional

It seems the facts are on my side, Shady lol.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Shadyacres

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #68 on: June 22, 2011, 12:17:26 PM »
Quote from: "Wh??ter"
Quote from: "Shadyacres"
Let there be light;

Not so fast, Shady.  Not everyone agrees with your narrow and bias view.  Here are a couple of links for you:

1)  This was a study conducted surveying 1,000 parents and graduates of a few programs.  The study was overseen by WIRB (The Western Institutional Review Board) and they also approved the study.  The results were presented at the Annual meeting of the APA American Psychological Association.


2)  There was a writer who spent 14 months (I thought it was 16 months) inside a program and then wrote a book about his findings


A Pulitzer Prize-winning writer untangles the mysteries of the
teenage mind as he witnesses troubled kids transformed by fourteen
months at a school that offers therapy for adolescents in
Millions of parents struggle to grasp what goes on in their kids' heads,
on their computers, and among their friends. As an education correspondent
for U.S. News & World Report, David L. Marcus
wrestled with similar
questions while reporting on the welter of pressures American teenagers
now face – a resurgent drug culture, proliferating temptations and threats
on-line, skyrocketing suicide rates (three times higher than in the

To find answers, Marcus gained unfettered access to students, staff,
and parents at the Academy at Swift River
in the hills of western
Massachusetts. The kids at Swift River had already ventured down a
number of perilous paths all parents fear their own children might
take – drug use, violence, theft, internet addictions, eating disorders,
promiscuity. Known for combining intensive academics, a wilderness
program and group therapy, the school helps troubled teenagers emotional

It seems the facts are on my side, Shady lol.


Industry shill says what?  Here is some more light for ya Whootie.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Wh??ter

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #69 on: June 22, 2011, 12:20:51 PM »
Ha,Ha,Ha, Shady that is funny!  You are quoting the hippies at Heal, a known exremist anti-treatment group?  This only makes you look worse, Shady.

As you know, I have a lot of experience with ASR and it is a great school with a 100% graduation rate and 100% of kids go to the college of their choice.  Does this sound like a "brainwashing cult" to you? lol

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Shadyacres

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #70 on: June 22, 2011, 12:45:08 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Wh??ter

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #71 on: June 22, 2011, 12:48:54 PM »
Quote from: "Shadyacres"
It sounds like fiction to me. ... f=1&id=279

Sheesh, Shady.  The topic here is "Should I send my Son to Hyde?"  The answer is "yes".  But your nonsense is off topic.  You can start an attack thread like Bruce use to do and spend your days attacking me there, but I will have to alert a moderator that you're derailing this thread in the mean time.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Shadyacres

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #72 on: June 22, 2011, 12:52:39 PM »
Quote from: "Wh??ter"
Quote from: "Shadyacres"
It sounds like fiction to me. ... f=1&id=279

Sheesh, Shady.  The topic here is "Should I send my Son to Hyde?"  The answer is "yes".  But your nonsense is off topic.  You can start an attack thread like Bruce use to do and spend your days attacking me there, but I will have to alert a moderator that you're derailing this thread in the mean time.


Whooter, you are the one who brought up Swift River as a shining example of ethics and competence.  Get a life.  Hyde is still a torture mill.  What are you doing about it?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Wh??ter

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #73 on: June 22, 2011, 12:59:55 PM »
Quote from: "Shadyacres"
Quote from: "Wh??ter"
Quote from: "Shadyacres"
It sounds like fiction to me. ... f=1&id=279

Sheesh, Shady.  The topic here is "Should I send my Son to Hyde?"  The answer is "yes".  But your nonsense is off topic.  You can start an attack thread like Bruce use to do and spend your days attacking me there, but I will have to alert a moderator that you're derailing this thread in the mean time.


Whooter, you are the one who brought up Swift River as a shining example of ethics and competence.  Get a life.  Hyde is still a torture mill.  What are you doing about it?

We disagree here, Shady.  From what I have read Hyde is a great school that also builds character.  They have a strong track record of helping at-risk youths get back on track and become successful.  I even heard STICC is now referring to Hyde which is yet another mainstream professional stamp of approval.  What more do you want, Shady?  

All you have is a couple of stories from a few disgruntled kids who didn't do well at Hyde which is not very convincing.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline hgrant

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #74 on: June 22, 2011, 01:15:47 PM »
to the can see by this discussion that every once in a while you come across really extreme advocacy for Hyde. I urge you to be wary on this basis alone. This whooter or whoever he/she is, is a shill for the troubled teen industry and even if he/she isn't making money directly from placements etc./, if you investigated i can almost guarantee you will find that he/she/it is insinuated into the system somehow. There are many children who go through hyde and come out the other side but that isn't the issue...those cretins don't know one illness from another from a third and they simply put everyone through the same filter, discarding those who don't pass...if your child is among them, he will be destroyed by the hyde's hyde as in dr. jeckyl and mr. hyde. these people ( i use the term loosely - they are monsters in their own right) are self-appointed cultists, emotional terrorists and liars through and through...the fact that some less vulnerable children survive the experience and come back prosthelytizing for the cause means nothing...these people and many like them should be shut down and i believe that sooner or later the awful truth about what goes on at hyde will "out" and people like mr. wooster/rooster here will find some new excuse for it...don't send your son to hyde unless you are certain that he is strong enough to withstand the emotional battering he will receive there. they have made themselves very rich on the despair of others and employ their family and friends and other advocates as rewards - just like any cult...these people are dangerous, untrustworthy and eventually I believe they will be seen as criminal.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »