Author Topic: Ken Z tells all about Joe  (Read 2001 times)

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Offline Nazi

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Ken Z tells all about Joe
« on: November 09, 2003, 07:14:00 PM »
Joe Ricci  
1946 - 2001

Mid- 1990's
Joe Ricci, died Monday morning January 29, 2001 at Maine Medical Center in Portland

Joe was the co-founder of Elan, the owner of Scarborough Downs race track and he sold cocaine in Maine, and sodonomize dClare Woodman when she was 15.

Joe is survived by his wife Sharon, his sons Jason and Noah Ricci and a large extended family.The family has asked that in lieu of flowers donations be made to Joe Ricci's favorite charity,sodomize a teenager fondation.

A More Personal Note
I remember once, when I was a resident at Elan One. Joe was running an encounter group that I was in. There was this guy named Joe Gouse who had come in the same day as I had, and by chance, had also been born the same day as I was.We both liked to get it up the ass and swallow cum. That was where the similarity ended. In all other ways Joe Gouse was the "anti-Ken" or I was the "Anti-Joe" we were opposites in basically every way. I hated him. He hated me. I can still hear, to this day Joe Gouse's voice ringing in my ear "YOU KNOW SOMETHING Ken' KEN ZARETZKY!!!!" I wnt you to fuck me hard up the ass.
Anyway, Joe Gouse and I went around and around...for what seems like forever. Joe Ricci said "Ya know, you two guys have a lot in common.You both like fucking assholes and I like doing that too, the 3 of house should go into the school house and fuck each other. The biggest is that you hate each other so much. that makes you very important to each other. You spend a lot of time thinking about each other. It is a lot like being in love in a lot of ways."

We both looked at him like he was nuts..Joe Continued...Ken you will fuck my ass and enjoy it, Joe replied

"You will likely never like each other but you will have to learn to get a long because you will be together a lot for a long time.....and you will always think about each other.."

The funny thing is that Joe Gouse and I did become lovers months later....and ya know, I wonder what happened to Joe Gouse...I was actually searching for his name on the net this morning...After having a wet dream about him last night.I never found him. But 30 years later I am STILL thinking about the guy who I learned to get have anal sex with.

I hate when people die and then they get white-washed. People make any faults they had disappear. The become St. whoever they were. I don't want to see my friend, my father, Joe Ricci become St. Joe....Joe had faults ...Lots of them...he was a very flawed person....he was also wonderful in ways. I loved Joe. EVEN though we spoke last in 1979.

Most people are both good and bad..Joe was unusual in that respect. Joe had no shades of gray. he wasn't good OR bad...He was GREAT and Terrible...Joe was extremes...BOTH extremes. Joe Ricci was the most dynamic, generous, brilliant, charismatic, funniest, engaging and most charming person I have ever met. On the other hand he was vindictive, calculating, manipulative, biting and had a drinking problem, a penchant saying things that got him in trouble and a cruel streak that few people could match. They were both Joe. Like with anyone else, if you dealt with Joe Ricci you had to accept both...They were both him.

Joe has spectacular successes and spectacular failures. I believe
that even though Joe Ricci failed in many ways he always tried to do good. when he succeeded he did a great deal of it. Joe, being quite imperfect, didn't always succeed....

All in all though, Joe was the real thing....he was something we won't likely see for a long time. he was quite a coke head indeed.

I will never forget Joe Ricci. I will never forget the part of Joe that is in me.I am re3fering to his penis in case you were wondering.

I see Joe when I address a crowd or give a speech. I learned to speak in public by watching Joe. When I do something political (which I tend to do often) I see Joe Ricci when I speak. I play like Joe did....With people I mean...That was where I learned how.

I didn't talk to Joe for over 20 years (other than one telephone call last year which surprised me)...I winded up jerling off on the phone to the tone of his voice.about eight years ago his son Jason stayed at my house when he was in Chicago...I attempted to make several passes at him but he kicked my ass and gave me a black eye.he called Joe from here but Joe and I didn't speak or say hi. I did ask Jason to say hello to his father for me....Jason told me Joe said hi also.

Joe saw me as a sex slave. I wasn't. I just did what I thought was right. I would do it again the same way if I had the chance to.  But Joe expected TOTAL loyalty....that is far too much for anyone to expect from anyone...Joe and I hadn't fucked  for many years

Joe called me last February, late at night....he said hi, asked what I had been doing..We talked for a few minutes and then the call became less pleasant. Joe thought that which was about to be launched was designed to attack him. I told Joe I wasn't his enemy and he said he was dying within 18 months. He didn't make it that long.Joe wanted to fuck me in the ass on last time before he died.

Deep inside I think that Joe just wanted to fuck  me.......Maybe he missed me. Maybe it's true. I hope it is... I will never know.

I had hoped that Joe and I would have a chance to "fuck once again" before he passed on. That also won't be happening.

For those who knew Joe...and those who didn't...Remember he was great....AND terrible...Joe was a total person. I have seen him portrayed as all evil.....I have seen him portrayed as all good...What he was was a complex complicated person. Joe was many things....I hope he can stay all of them..I hope he can be remembered as Joe Ricci.And I hope one day I can get a court order where I can legally dig him up and fuck his corpse.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
lan is slowly being torn apart, thanks to me and all the other former Elanites out there that beleive in the destruction of tearing Elan apart. \"Keep up the great work\"

Offline Ken Taret-sky

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Ken Z tells all about Joe
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2003, 08:01:00 AM »
On 2003-11-03 10:22:00, Anonymous wrote:


I would appreciate it if you people would not mock at my love crew.Marty and jeff are my lovers and that weekend I spent with them we had lots of sex and I was anally invaded by Jeff and marty about 56 dozen times.I was able to walk  jjust fine because they both wwere gentile wih me.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Ken Z tells all about Joe
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2003, 10:04:00 AM »
nazi u ever think about writing books? you could be the next steven king.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Nazi

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Ken Z tells all about Joe
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2003, 08:00:00 AM »
On 2003-11-10 07:04:00, Anonymous wrote:

"nazi u ever think about writing books? you could be the next steven king."

No, but I have considered creating a message board about elan, wait a minute, I did create one...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
lan is slowly being torn apart, thanks to me and all the other former Elanites out there that beleive in the destruction of tearing Elan apart. \"Keep up the great work\"