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Re: Something weird happened while discussing a topic on FB.
« Reply #15 on: February 04, 2011, 03:21:10 PM »
Nowhere in my post did I quote you as doing any/accusing of any/referring to you doing any useless bitching. It was my point of view, I accused you nowhere of making it yours. I have always been, and remain open to sharing of topics weather I agree with them or not, and even intelligently discussing opinions that are vastly different from my own. A ''sick fuck'' would be unable to navigate the waters of intelligent responsible debate. I was making that statement in reference to what liarsexposed had to say, not Dethgurl :(

Should I choose to sit here all day and spew my bit about Bennison, Kruglick, Gottlieb or Sharon Terry,(sorry, I am not sure who Art is) that is my choice, as I do not tell you what to pontificate on. I am not known for knee-jerk reactions, bandwagoning or name calling, but I maybe can be accused of phrasing what it is I mean to say poorly, and for that, I will apologize now. It is never my intention to aimlessly offend anyone or do so without cause.

Be well

Jae :shamrock:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Re: Something weird happened while discussing a topic on FB.
« Reply #16 on: February 04, 2011, 03:25:03 PM »
And just to clarify ''band wagoning'' where it even pertains to Mr. Bennison, I stick to my OWN issues with him (all of which he has had a hand in creating), not climb on board with everyone else's...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline seamus

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Re: Something weird happened while discussing a topic on FB.
« Reply #17 on: February 05, 2011, 04:42:30 AM »
DONT BE HATIN ON THE FELICE.   I kind a miss her, at least she didnt sound like some Goddamn parrot. :nods:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
It\'d be sad if it wernt so funny,It\'d be funny if it wernt so sad

Offline Froderik

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Re: Something weird happened while discussing a topic on FB.
« Reply #18 on: February 05, 2011, 11:41:32 AM »
In a way I hate that these groups crop up on FB.. it makes it harder to keep track of what's going on because people are scattered all over these stupid fucking fb groups.. it used to be everything was RIGHT HERE... now you have things happening and if you don't keep up on all of the ghey fb groups, you miss a lot.. and what really gets me is a lot of people on these fb groups don't even know about this site... they think they've got their "social networking" covered..  ::)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Froderik

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Re: Something weird happened while discussing a topic on FB.
« Reply #19 on: February 05, 2011, 11:43:40 AM »
Quote from: "seamus"
DONT BE HATIN ON THE FELICE.   I kind a miss her, at least she didnt sound like some Goddamn parrot. :nods:

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Dethgurl

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Re: Something weird happened while discussing a topic on FB.
« Reply #20 on: February 05, 2011, 11:57:47 AM »
Quote from: "Froderik"
In a way I hate that these groups crop up on FB.. it makes it harder to keep track of what's going on because people are scattered all over these stupid fucking fb groups.. it used to be everything was RIGHT HERE... now you have things happening and if you don't keep up on all of the ghey fb groups, you miss a lot.. and what really gets me is a lot of people on these fb groups don't even know about this site... they think they've got their "social networking" covered..  ::)

I try to keep up on the Elan FB groups and post everything over in the Elan Forum....but ya it's a pain in the ass.
I understand in the case of the Elan Forum because it uh......has it's reputation ::deadhorse::
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"The people, when they have been unchecked, have been as unjust, tyrannical, brutal, barbarous and cruel as any king or senate possessed of uncontrollable power.
The majority has eternally, and without one exception, usurped over the rights of the minority." ~John Adams

Offline liarsexposed

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Re: Something weird happened while discussing a topic on FB.
« Reply #21 on: February 07, 2011, 07:16:39 AM »
Should I choose to sit here all day and spew my bit about Bennison, Kruglick, Gottlieb or Sharon Terry,(sorry, I am not sure who Art is) that is my choice, as I do not tell you what to pontificate on. I am not known for knee-jerk reactions, bandwagoning or name calling, but I maybe can be accused of phrasing what it is I mean to say poorly, and for that, I will apologize now. It is never my intention to aimlessly offend anyone or do so without cause.

Believe me when I tell you, I cannot be offended here. Just calling it as I see it. After reading and re-reading your posts(s). It occurs to me,that so few posts here @ the cesspool of mental illness,are made by new people,I find myself doubting you. According to your moniker,you signed up in November. Danny was just about gone by then. Maybe a month or 2 after.
Leads me to believe you have changed monikers and have been here all along. Just another troll seeking attention
So it seems anyway
I am not the Fornits police,and really couldnt care less what you post. Just stating my opinion, as it relates to your post.
Beating the same dead horse over and over,produces nothing positive. It drags the forum down.
but then fornits wouldnt be fornits unless people like yourself shit all over the intent,and the direction that this was meant to be taken... under the guise of "exposing people or Elan"
Already been done countless times,by numorous people. But if thats what makes you feel better
Whats one more post in this long line of bullshit that is fornits
As far as the "book" that another person is writing. Again,if that makes you feel better.. Do what you gotta do. I wont b reading it,or have any interest in it. I am sure its all true. Im sure its a horrific story,but again the same as anyone else's that was there during that timeframe. But I dont need to read it to know about what happened,how it was,or those responsible for our abuses(ers).
I just think,as I have stated many times,that nothing good will come out of it,beyond cleansing yourself of the bitterness that was ELAN. Not one of us left that place un-affected. I just choose to not be affected today any more. By not reading that story and the dozen others. I dont have to have nightmares or think about how horrible life was for me in 79-81.
Its over,and my life is good today. For me,thats what is important
Peace out
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Re: Something weird happened while discussing a topic on FB.
« Reply #22 on: February 07, 2011, 07:44:07 AM »
If you DARE insist that I am someone ELSE posting in a NEW name and having had one PRIOR to this OR other than this one, you are sorely mistaken. I have never had any other name here EVER besides the one I use now. You spoke once before about wanting to be spoken to with respect but you do anything BUT. I am so fucking sick of you being nasty to me when I have done you NO wrong.

I quote you here: "I just ask that you say something intelligent,and speak to others as you would wish to be spoken to."

Where the hell is YOUR respect when you have spoken on this thread? How do you figure you can dare say ''speak to others as you would wish to be spoken to'' when you have spewed nothing but nastiness and insults in your responses? I do not see where you think that I am trying to offend you, that has never been anything I have done, so that was pretty senseless. As is you constantly calling people ''sick fucks'' and stating that ''people like yourself shit all over the internet''. Get a fucking grip.

If you care so little about my posts, than stop trying to find ways to bash them and myself. It's kind of stupid to see you rail on and on about what bullshit fornits has become when you constantly talk shit yourself! Make up your mind... speak with respect and get it back, or keep on being an asshole, and be treated like one. But for Christ's sake, stop being a jerk than whining about jerks!

I am not the person writing this book, so you telling me to ''do what you gotta do'' made about as much sense as a waterproof sponge. I think you are just so keen to be nasty you aren't even bothering to pay attention to the POINTS and FACTS and just randomly shooting off bullshit. I suppose that's where the malcontent part comes in.

YOU may feel like people posting their stories/experiences is beating a dead horse, you are entitled to your opinion however nasty it may be. Yes, it CAN be very cleansing and helpful to people, and you are nobody to make shit worse for them by being such a nasty person while replying to posts you claim to care nothing about. If the cesspool of mental illness here helps people with their pain/anger/frustration, than it IS NOT bullshit. It in fact DOES produce positiveness, when people who are fundamentally positive are BEING positive, regardless if so much negativity abounds here. You are NOBODY to say what OTHER people find positive or negative.

Doubt me all you please, my carebox is empty on that. But to accuse or even hint at some of the ridiculous trash you've written here pisses me off immensely, which in all honesty, is the only thing I think you are after.

Where do you see me ''exposing the people of Elan''? I didn't even use any NAMES in my first post, genius. Somebody ELSE had already sussed it out before I spoke a single name. Or did you miss that too, along with the rest of the facts you are seemingly confused on? Talk about a troll seeking attention, Jesus WEPT. Seems that the attitude of your posting is what is helping ''drag the forum down'' since I have yet to see you contribute positively.

To re-iterate..

I have NEVER had any other username other than this one.
You are an asshole with all your double standards.
I took the bait like an idiot and have finally lost my temper, and that makes ME an asshole too.
I am sick to god damn death of your snyde bullshit.
If you don't care about what people have to say and want to say it's ''shitting all over the internet''...stop contributing to the shitfest.

Have a nice fucking day. :fuckoff:

Jae :shamrock:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline liarsexposed

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Re: Something weird happened while discussing a topic on FB.
« Reply #23 on: February 07, 2011, 09:17:19 AM »
I wasnt baiting anyone
My statement about you APPEARING to have been here long before November was ended with "So it seems"
I could be wrong. It happens sometimes. Sorry you lost your temper,but why would you. I am a nobody...remember ?
As far as I can tell.. You and I have never had an exchange here.. SO how could you be "sick to death"..
In fact I think you have merely given yourself away
But again.. I could be wrong
I have the attitude that I have as a result of being abused here by the asswipes of the fornits cesspool. Perhaps you havent read enough,but I used to contribute alot.. Untill... Marky and his little girl games became more than most wanted. Everyone that used to contribute left. Its a huge thrill for some to pretend to be others. Kinda like when we were children and mommy gave him a cookie to be a good boy.
My contribution this morning was to see who you are. But it doesnt matter now,as I am sure you've been around a while. And IF I am wrong,why would that make you so angry. I am just a nobody here... You have only just met me (sorta) today.  
The lengths that some will go to here is pretty scary. Its like a mental illness that encompasses all who play the game... that you APPEAR to be playing
I will just read your posts,and pray for you
Maybe one day Elan wont be "all consuming"
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Re: Something weird happened while discussing a topic on FB.
« Reply #24 on: February 07, 2011, 10:14:02 AM »
Given myself away? Man if I felt safe enough to, I'd scan my license since I seem to have to PROVE who I am to you. But then again, like I said, you are nobody to me. You are just nasty and rude and very mean spirited from what I have read, and I looked far enough back and can be pretty confident in that assessment.

And you are right, we have NEVER had an exchange of words here.. ever.. because this is the ONLY name/account I have ever had. Yet still I had to read about being a sick fuck and shitting all over the web... by you. Among other nasty things you've had to say. When I said I was sick to damn death of your shit, I meant just that. In the few replies you've made, you've been nasty enough to merit that reaction.

Your attitude is YOUR problem, so why do you feel the need to take it out on everyone else? I have never interacted with you before, so why am I lumped in with "the asswipes of the fornits cesspool"? I have been just as abused as you by Elan, yet I seek understanding and a sense of... of... I don't know, maybe validation and support that I am NOT being unfair in the way I feel, and what my life has been like since Elan. THAT is what I post about here. Ursus has read and replied to most of my threads before I deleted them BECAUSE of bullying from Mr. Bennison. To hear you try to accuse me/insinuate that I am anyone else besides ME makes it that much worse, that someone who I should be able to talk with and get help/support from wants to just be nasty, and now play the semantic game. It makes me so angry because those are the people that hurt me so bad, not Mr. Bennison himself, but other staff like him. It is a resounding slap in the damn face to be perfectly frank. Sorry you might be too jaded to see that. I resoundingly agree that the lengths some people go to here to manipulate/hurt/lie to etc is scary, I have been on the receiving end of some of it. That too is why what you are trying to say is so infuriating. Get it now?

Whatever GAME you seem to think I appear to be playing is one going on in your own head. I seek things vastly different than you seem to want to put me up to. That's pretty goddamn sad. Someone can not even come to a forum and talk because they get to be lumped in with OTHERS who have done some pretty unconscionable things. I am sure that even you can understand that is a pretty shitty thing, no?

My facebook is my MSN is [email protected] as well. Feel free to look me up. I am sure you will see alllll over my wall that I am who I say I am. Or don't. I don't give a shit either way. You think you know what you think you know, and nothing I say or do will change that. But if you are going to try and play super-sleuth, do at least have your facts right. I have NEVER had any other name than this, nor do I have multiple accounts. You can say elsewise all day long, but the truth is the truth. Insisting what you wish does not make it so. I am pretty sure by now with all your accusations and insinuations would have a moderator piping in about me LYING, but the silence speaks for itsself.

Elan is not ''all consuming''. I am a Mother to a damn good kid, was a Wife to a damn good Soldier (rest him), and for the most part, a pretty cheerful person. Elan is something I went through, and while I did learn some things, there was much more harm than good. In hindsight, I wish I hadn't allowed myself to be bullied into deleting my old posts (I think some remain but I know I was pretty through to shut people up who had nothing but nasty things to say) because then I might be able to rattle off my ''credentials'' for you.

Actually, I can do so now. I was in E-3 in the early through mid 90's. I was interviewed at Long Lane by Terri V and Marty K. My house director was Terri Volk, there was Geoff G, Bob Oldham, and a few other random weekend staff I can't recall the names of. Missy Esty taught me to play soccer and we even had a shutout season one year despite how good Bobbi-jo P was at it. E-7 kicked our butts most games, but I loved it anyhow. Mandy Remer was our best player, and I got to play goalie almost every game. When I first got to Elan, Eric Pondusa was the Sr Coordinator. We could still smoke then but about a year after I arrived, (maybe 8 months?) all smoking was banned and E-3 got a brand new paint job inside. I was there when there was an entire house wide M/F ban because of all the cardinal rule breaking that went on, and then when Marty and Terri decided to restructure the whole dichotomy. Some ppl got shot down, some were department shuffled, some promoted on the spot. Sandy G was the only person who managed to go through the entire program without ever being shot down or even demoted. Mike Lewendowski split with a tall blond haired kid, and caught days later. Dawn B :rose:  had split and the terrible thing that happened to her was when I was a brand new resident.

Have I dropped enough names for you? Is there anything else I can tell you to make you STOP trying to say I am not who I say? It's exhausting and useless actually. You will still think what you want, and swear by it. I will know the truth that I have never had another account, or any one other than this. I chat very frequently with Jeff W, and it is pretty clear that I am quite sane, and not the kind of person to play games or want to hurt anyone. Giving myself away as you put it? There, I just have.

Don't bother praying for me, since you don't even want to believe my intentions.

I did not say you were a nobody.. you are quite somebody to the people who love and care for you. I said you were nobody to ME.

Jae :shamrock:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline liarsexposed

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Re: Something weird happened while discussing a topic on FB.
« Reply #25 on: February 07, 2011, 11:11:45 AM »
As I mentioned earlier. We have a number of little people who are here for the sole purpose of being disruptive. For a long time this forum has been stalled by these little people pretending to be others. To the point where I had to file charges against one of them.
I was wrong about who you are and I apologize. I have this attitude due to 10 years of being abused by this individual known as Mark babitz,gary stadler,joe,elan reporter,and a host of other names that escape me right now.
Welcome.. I am glad you are here
Its refreshing to have someone new,and hopefully this is a good experience for you
Beware of the children and those who seek to derail anything positive,as a result of their individual lives being so bad
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Re: Something weird happened while discussing a topic on FB.
« Reply #26 on: February 07, 2011, 11:52:53 AM »
For many years, I tried hard to pretend what happened to me (and others) couldn't have... that maybe I was taking it too hard, that maybe it was sour grapes, or whatever. Anything else but blatant abuse. The nightmares never stopped though, and when I finally sought professional help, it was all too clear, and could not be denied any more. When I was married, I had told my husband Paul about it, and I won't ever forget the horrified look on his face when I explained rings, GM's and VR's. We didn't call them haircuts anymore, they were 'verbal reprimands'. A sad attempt to neaten up an ugly thing I suppose, or as Montigraph put it, spraypainting a turd?

I didn't have a facebook when I found fornits, so I had begun reading here. I read for several months before I plucked up the courage to introduce myself and such, and almost immediately, the crap began from certain people. I had chatted a few times with Ursus through threads, and felt like maybe I had found the right place to begin talking about my experiences. Like you said though, lots of truly nasty people would inbox me telling me things like suck it up, grow up, I was just being a little brat, I was a failure at Elan because I didn't try hard enough, and the like. At first, I ignored them, but than Paul and I decided the abuse was not worth it, and it was in fact just adding to the damage. When he deployed to Iraq, I posted only a couple more times but the same things were happening, only now I did not have my husband to cry to, so just deleted my posts and stopped coming. It was not worth it to me to post and than deal with the onslaught of bullshit. Seemed sort of like asking for grief by writing here.

When I made a Facebook, I started looking up other people I knew from Elan. I didn't find many, so I kind of stopped looking. After awhile, I looked again but found a couple of different groups about Elan. I spent a few weeks reading there and writing back and forth with other people even though they were not from my time there. Some were much older, some much younger and a few in between. Jeff W has been instrumental in me finding courage to come back here, but that is basically what the huge lapse in my posting here was about. Also, in between that time frame, my Husband was killed, and I was inconsolable for a long time.

Things these days are a little better, so I figured that I'd come back and hopefully begin or contribute to some discussions going on. I hope to be able to do so, either offer support, or find it which is what I wanted all along.

Going on what your last reply said, I can definitely understand now why you would be so incredibly wary. I will be more than sure to keep an eye out for those names and stay as far away from them as I can. I won't be bullied again into retracting anything I have to say, because I have learned that if my input is valuable to even one person, it is easy enough to just ignore the garbage.

I have seen some people face incredible adversity in trying to unload emotionally about Elan, I have had just a taste of it between fornits and facebook. Seems like you have had heaps, and it is incredibly unfair. I will never understand the mindsets some people have and why they choose to perpetuate the abuse, and in some ways, I am glad I don't. It is the definitive line between myself and them. There was a discussion on one of the facebook groups (I forget which one at the moment) and there was a woman there who turned out to be a staffer (can't recall off hand if she was former or current) who was being SUCH a bitch to anyone who posted anything remotely anti-Elan. It made my blood boil and if I coulda reached through the screen and slapped her, I'd have loved to. :blabla:

Sorry things got off to a rough start between us, but do let's move forward and work together. :peace:

Jae :shamrock:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline liarsexposed

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Re: Something weird happened while discussing a topic on FB.
« Reply #27 on: February 07, 2011, 12:08:45 PM »
Am terribly sorry for your loss
god bless you
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »