Author Topic: I am an exsafe counselor  (Read 63044 times)

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Offline ehm

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I am an exsafe counselor
« Reply #60 on: November 04, 2003, 04:44:00 PM »
Here's a link to one of his threads, exsafecounselor. ... m=8&Sort=D

[ This Message was edited by: morli on 2003-11-04 13:47 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline ehm

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« Reply #61 on: November 04, 2003, 04:48:00 PM »
On 2003-11-04 13:29:00, GregFL wrote:


Come the millennium,

month 12,

in the home of greatest power,

the village idiot will come forth to
be acclaimed the leader.


  ::cheers::  ::heart::  ::kiss::  Here, here!!!

The greater the ignorance the greater the dogmatism.

--William Osler

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline exsafecounselor

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« Reply #62 on: November 04, 2003, 04:54:00 PM »
Poor Bigfrank
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
here is not a truth existing which I fear or would wish unknown to the whole world.

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Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #63 on: November 04, 2003, 05:35:00 PM »
Well I have read the ex's posts. It sounds pretty much to me that it is not real. We have to remember what they are capable of. Son't stoop to their level.

Hey EX....I am sure we know each other if the dates you metnionted of being on staff are correct and you claim to be. Remember Jeff Henschel, oh you then must remember Weaver and his couragous mother. Well we barley got Jeff out alive. He was on so much Adderall. Did you know when we filed the lawsyuit aginst SAFewe talked with Walgreens across the street. Thye said that SAFE used so many amphetamines, they had to special order alll the time for SAFE children.

Then you must remember also the first protest against SAFE. Do you remeber the girl that became pregnant while in the host home? I hope this jars your memeory a bit. I will go on more and more later but to much to tell in one post.

Do you remeber the awful family weekend when all staff could not control the kids (they were uprising)so they called the parents in who had beeen TRAINED in such things. This included the parents of the child who was taken down. Do you know what it did to those parents yet alone that child? Or I am sure you did not see that.

You said to someone to be honest. How many of them that were pulled called to thank you for a job well done. SO many of those kids were running on pure fear an desperation. Remeber the JOHN A family, first their son was in and this lovely little 14 yr old daughter was in the sibling group. She was the sweetest little girl. And wham next week at opn meeting there she was on girl side.

SO much more EX but it just all makes me so sick and that you condon this behavior. I for one do no think your real your a present staffer, or parent or mole.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline exsafecounselor

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« Reply #64 on: November 04, 2003, 05:42:00 PM »
I was gone far before the whole Jeff and Weaver thing.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
here is not a truth existing which I fear or would wish unknown to the whole world.

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Offline Antigen

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« Reply #65 on: November 04, 2003, 08:28:00 PM »
Greg, man! You made me cry. Here's to Big Frank.  :cry:

A student burst into his office.  "Professor Stigler, I don't believe I deserve this F you've given me."  To which Stigler replied, "I agree, but unfortunately it is the lowest grade the University will allow me to award."
--Professor Stigler

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Antigen

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« Reply #66 on: November 04, 2003, 08:30:00 PM »
On 2003-11-04 14:42:00, exsafecounselor wrote:

"I was gone far before the whole Jeff and Weaver thing.  

Then you've been out for a lot longer than three years. Which is it?

When we are pleading with foreign governments to stop the flow of cocaine, it is the height of hypocrisy for the US to export tobacco.  Years from now, our nation will look back on this application of free trade policy and find it scandalous.

1989 testimony before the US Trade Representative,September 1989
--Surgeon General, Everett Koop

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline sammiegirl

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« Reply #67 on: November 04, 2003, 09:26:00 PM »
On 2003-11-04 12:46:00, exsafecounselor wrote:

"While I was at SAFE, kids did not restrain kids.  I was involved in the restraints and they were performed in line with how we were trained.  Again, I heard from group staff that had been in Straight, that kids used to restrain kids.  This did not happen at SAFE.  BULLSHIT!

Would I want my kids to go through what I saw if they needed to-you would not believe my answer if I told you the truth.  

I sleep very well at night.  I think that how SAFE implemented the treatment model, differed greatly from what others had experienced at Straight, Seed, etc.  THEN WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON THIS BOARD??

During the time that HRS put us on "probation" and we were being investigated, whether or not the kids could or should "motivate" never came up.  Loretta P.  got into a power struggle with HRS and they looked at every single thing we did.  Motivating was never an issue.  Regardless of your opinions of HRS, they were a 3rd party entity that could have tried to stop it if they thought it was a problem.  They never said a word. NICE TRY BUT STRAIGHT CLOSED DUE TO ABUSE ALLEGATIONS AND BECAME SAFE. NEW NAME, NEW INVESTIGATORS, SAME OLD BS AS STRAIGHT WITH THE SAME OWNERS

Why am I here?  I find this whole discussion fascinting.  I also feel very proud of what happened while I was at SAFE and am trying to understand where others are coming from.  

WHO HAS SOMETHING TO SAY TO THIS GUY??? (Hands wave franticaly).

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline kaydeejaded

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« Reply #68 on: November 04, 2003, 09:43:00 PM »

do NOT have a discrepancy in your story around one of us........ we cut our teeth on that bullshit in group. Don't you remember when you got out? when did you really get out?  

What's a matter aren't you honest???

The right of self-defense is the first law of nature; in most governments it has been the study of rulers to confine this right within the narrowest possible limits. ... and [when] the right of the people to keep and bear arms is, under any color or pretext whatsoever, prohibited, liberty, if not already annihilated, is on the brink of destruction.
-- St. George Tucker, Judge of the Virginia Supreme Court 1803

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
or those who understand, no explanation is necessary; for those who don\'t, none will do

Offline Aqua Fortis

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« Reply #69 on: November 05, 2003, 12:12:00 AM »
:eek: Hey Ex dude, why do the staffers that work at safe inc lock EACH of the 4 front doors EVERY time they go in and out of them. I counted 27 open and closings in one hour a couple months ago. Oh, and why are 3 of those 4 doors taped up with paper? Oh, and why are there ladies that carry trays of medicine bottles back and forth thru these doors, and why was there a guy carryin a thin foam pad with a ripped up sheet remnant on it through a papered up door? HUH? Those kids are imprisoned!

 I bet the locals think there's somethin fishy goin on over there. I don't think I ever seen any such behavior before or since at a place of business.  :???:  

Aqua Fortis
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Don Smith

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« Reply #70 on: November 05, 2003, 04:56:00 AM »
At this point, I'd like to hear from some other ex-staff on this subject. Don? Clay? Anyone?


Where do I start?  It seems to me that someone several months ago posted a message saying they had gone to an Open Meeting and things were much different.  Now I don?t recall which program spin off it was they were referring to but that?s not the point.

I understand were EX is coming from.  In his mind things were better than what he?s been reading about on this and other sites.  But before you go thinking I?m backing him, hold on, I?m not through.

Okay, MAYBE kids are no longer restraining other kids.  It?s possible I suppose but there are a lot of things that I?m almost positive that they still have to endure that I disagree with.  Hey EX if I?m wrong let me know.

Newcomers in these spin off programs are still not allowed to read, listen to the radio, watch TV, make or receive phone calls and write or receive letters. Newcomers are still never ever left alone.  They are locked in their rooms at night.  To a point I understand some of these restrictions. But others I don?t.

If it were up to me,
·   A Newcomer would have the ability to call their parents after all other responsibilities are done.  
·   The Parents should be able to call their children during the day at set times.
·   The Newcomer should be able to write a letter or a card to their family.
·   The Newcomer should be able to receive letters and cards from their family. I can?t tell you what a difference this would have made in my program.  When I was 943 miles away from home a card from my parents would?ve helped tremendously.  
·   The Parents should be able to see their children during regular business hours. In emergency situations such as a death in the family they should be able to leave the facility even if it is with an Oldcomer.  (I know in Straight a lot of people had grandparents die and were not allowed to go to the funeral.  That?s just wrong)
·   An Adult client should be able to leave the facility at anytime and for any reason.  
·   The parents of a minor child should be able to pull their child without fear of being confronted by Senior or Executive Staff.  
·   All clients of a program should have access to contact with local agencies that can act upon reports of abuse in these facilities and should be able to do so without fear of retaliation.  
·   Professional and licensed staff should have to at least monitor ALL raps sessions led by Junior and Senior Staff.  This keeps them from becoming abusive toward the clients.  

I'm sure others here can come up with some other restrictions that can be lifted or at least modified but these are some of the basic one's I can think of off hand.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
t\'s not for me to question How God will provide for my needs. I only have to Know that He will.

Offline exsafecounselor

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« Reply #71 on: November 05, 2003, 10:36:00 AM »
I would like to commend Don on being able to disagree and not be abusive.  Don asked some very specific questions and here are the answers as they relate to the time I worked there.

You are 100% correct about newcomers, except for one thing.  They are not locked in their room at night.  Not only is this against the law, it is a safety hazzard.  However, as I am sure you recall, an oldcomer sleeps in front of the door.  I also understand why people have a problem with how newcomers are treated. It is very drastic.  However, it is done so that they will focus on themselves and have no other distractions.  It is not meant to seperate them from them family, but rather have them imporve themselves so they can be a better family member.  A family is like a chain.  If one link breaks, the entire chain falls apart.  In addition, parents need time away from their child so they can reflect on how their parenting style enabled their child to continue their behavior.  

I am not saying that this is the only way to help kids.  I am saying that it is one way to do it and it is not damaging or harmful when it is applied correctly.

Clients over 18 can leave at their leisure.  They are adults and have different rights than minors do.  If a parent wants to pull a minor child, what kind of health care professionals would we be if we did not hold the parent accountable for doing something which is not in their best interest.  Again at Safe, every client past 30 days, has been diagnosed with some kind of drug problem.  Removing a child prematurely is not in their best interest.  If you went to your doctor with a fever and he prescribed you an anitbiotic and you told him that you were not going to take it, what would you want your doctor to do?  We felt an obligation to acting in the best interest of the parents and child to try and get them to do the correct thing-which was stay.

During my time at SAFE, there was always an exec. staff member behind group.  There was never an exception.  

If a client wanted to report abuse, they simply took it up the chain of command and within about 30 mintues they call 180096abuse (If I remember correctly).

Feel free to ask other questions or challenge the program about things.  I think that at a minimum we will better understand each other and have a little more peace of mind about some issues.   :smile:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
here is not a truth existing which I fear or would wish unknown to the whole world.

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Offline exsafecounselor

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« Reply #72 on: November 05, 2003, 10:38:00 AM »
It seems there is some confusion about when i worked there.  I worked at SAFE from 8/92-6/95.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
here is not a truth existing which I fear or would wish unknown to the whole world.

--- Thomas Jefferson

Offline Carmel

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« Reply #73 on: November 05, 2003, 11:36:00 AM »
It just seems logical to me that a treatment modality that has been known for, and CONFIRMED as, abusive since its inception......would not be subject to "grace periods" of proper functionality.

I mean, hey, it didnt matter if we had done one single drug before we got put into the Program, after 30 days....WE all had been diagnosed as well, the alternative was terrifying.  I was a hard core crack and PCP user 30 days into Straight, you betcha! Makes me wish I had actually tried those drugs....maybe it would have made admitting it worth it.

And one point I would like to touch on that has been avoided here Ex, is that what exactly prompted a restraint?  A kid running for the door?  A kid punching out the phaser in the next chair?  Or was it also, things like putting your hands on your knees, or sitting up straight, or refusing to look forward?  I saw kids bleed because they wouldnt do these things.  How exactly were they putting themselves in danger by not doing something like this?

I was in the Dallas program, just around the same time you worked at SAFE ( or when it changed)....this was a heavy time for them as both Yorba Linda and Dallas were shut down, for ABUSE in 90-92.  I have a little knowledge in getting to witness the kids from a program that got tanked for abuse come into our group (which was itself on its way to getting tanked for abuse) and it wasnt pretty.

Many clients from our group were sent to Atlanta and Orlando after we were shut down, and I know for a fact that those centers were practicing the same methods and using the same bullshit restraint techniques....I have spoken to clients I knew that were there when you were.  And they graduated.

So, what you are presenting Ex, is SIMPLY not true.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
...hands went up and people hit the floor, he wasted two kids that ran for the door....."
-Beastie Boys, Paul Revere

Offline exsafecounselor

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« Reply #74 on: November 05, 2003, 12:03:00 PM »
Carmel, it seems that you and I are at an impasse.  During my time there, no one was restrained using mechanical equipment of any kind.  It was simply one or two staff members using approved intervention techniques of taking a client to the floor using our own force and the techniques provided.  

If you are simply taking my statements as incorrect because I was an exec. staff member, which many people have done here, then there is nothing I can say to change anyone's mind or get them to look at things differently.

I am sorry for your experiences at Straight.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
here is not a truth existing which I fear or would wish unknown to the whole world.

--- Thomas Jefferson